package; import static; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeManager; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NeoStoreXaDataSource; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.LockManager; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.TxModule; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.XaDataSourceManager; public class Neo4jMBean extends StandardMBean { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( Neo4jMBean.class.getName() ); public static Runnable initMBeans( Creator creator ) { Factory jmx = new Factory( getPlatformMBeanServer(), creator ); creator.create( jmx ); jmx.createKernelMBean( creator.kernelVersion ); return new JmxShutdown( jmx.beans ); } public static <T> T getBean( int instanceId, Class<T> beanType ) { if ( beanType.isInterface() && ( beanType.getPackage().getName().equals( "" ) || beanType == DynamicMBean.class ) ) { if ( PROXY_MAKER == null ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Creating Management Bean proxies requires Java 1.6" ); } else { ObjectName name = getObjectName( instanceId, beanType, Configuration.class ); return PROXY_MAKER.makeProxy( name, beanType ); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not a Neo4j management bean: " + beanType ); } public static abstract class Creator { private final int id; private final String kernelVersion; private final NeoStoreXaDataSource datasource; protected Creator( int instanceId, String kernelVersion, NeoStoreXaDataSource datasource ) { if ( kernelVersion == null || datasource == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "null valued argument" ); } = instanceId; this.kernelVersion = kernelVersion; this.datasource = datasource; } protected abstract void create( Neo4jMBean.Factory jmx ); } public static final class Factory { private final MBeanServer mbs; private final Creator instance; private final List<Neo4jMBean> beans = new ArrayList<Neo4jMBean>(); private Factory( MBeanServer mbs, Creator creator ) { this.mbs = mbs; this.instance = creator; } private void createKernelMBean( final String kernelVersion ) { if ( !register( new Callable<KernelBean>() { public KernelBean call() throws Exception { return new KernelBean(, kernelVersion, instance.datasource, getObjectName(, null, null ) ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "KernelBean" ); } public void createPrimitiveMBean( final NodeManager nodeManager ) { if ( !register( new Callable<PrimitivesBean>() { public PrimitivesBean call() throws NotCompliantMBeanException { return new PrimitivesBean(, nodeManager ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "PrimitiveMBean" ); } public void createCacheMBean( final NodeManager nodeManager ) { if ( !register( new Callable<CacheBean>() { public CacheBean call() throws NotCompliantMBeanException { return new CacheBean(, nodeManager ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "CacheMBean" ); } public void createDynamicConfigurationMBean( final Map<Object, Object> params ) { if ( !register( new Callable<Neo4jMBean>() { public Neo4jMBean call() throws NotCompliantMBeanException { return new Configuration(, params ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "ConfigurationMBean" ); } public void createMemoryMappingMBean( XaDataSourceManager datasourceMananger ) { final NeoStoreXaDataSource datasource = (NeoStoreXaDataSource) datasourceMananger.getXaDataSource( "nioneodb" ); if ( !register( new Callable<Neo4jMBean>() { public Neo4jMBean call() { return MemoryMappingBean.create(, datasource ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "MemoryMappingMBean" ); } public void createXaManagerMBean( final XaDataSourceManager datasourceMananger ) { if ( !register( new Callable<Neo4jMBean>() { public Neo4jMBean call() { return XaManagerBean.create(, datasourceMananger ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "XaManagerMBean" ); } public void createTransactionManagerMBean( final TxModule txModule ) { if ( !register( new Callable<TransactionManagerBean>() { public TransactionManagerBean call() throws NotCompliantMBeanException { return new TransactionManagerBean(, txModule ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "TransactionManagerMBean" ); } public void createLockManagerMBean( final LockManager lockManager ) { if ( !register( new Callable<LockManagerBean>() { public LockManagerBean call() throws NotCompliantMBeanException { return new LockManagerBean(, lockManager ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "LockManagerMBean" ); } public void createStoreFileMBean() { File path; try { path = new File( instance.datasource.getStoreDir() ).getCanonicalFile().getAbsoluteFile(); } catch ( IOException e ) { path = new File( instance.datasource.getStoreDir() ).getAbsoluteFile(); } final File storePath = path; if ( !register( new Callable<StoreFileBean>() { public StoreFileBean call() throws NotCompliantMBeanException { return new StoreFileBean(, storePath ); } } ) ) failedToRegister( "StoreFileMBean" ); } private boolean register( Callable<? extends Neo4jMBean> beanFactory ) { Neo4jMBean bean; try { bean =; } catch ( Exception e ) { return false; } bean = registerBean( mbs, bean ); if ( bean != null ) { beans.add( bean ); return true; } return false; } } private static Neo4jMBean registerBean( MBeanServer mbs, Neo4jMBean bean ) { try { mbs.registerMBean( bean, bean.objectName ); return bean; } catch ( Exception e ) { return null; } } private static void failedToRegister( String mBean ) { "Failed to register " + mBean ); } private static final class JmxShutdown implements Runnable { private final Neo4jMBean[] beans; public JmxShutdown( List<Neo4jMBean> beans ) { this.beans = beans.toArray( new Neo4jMBean[beans.size()] ); } public void run() { MBeanServer mbs = getPlatformMBeanServer(); for ( Neo4jMBean bean : beans ) { unregisterBean( mbs, bean ); } } } private static void unregisterBean( MBeanServer mbs, Neo4jMBean bean ) { try { mbs.unregisterMBean( bean.objectName ); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.warning( "Failed to unregister JMX Bean " + bean ); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static final ProxyMaker PROXY_MAKER; private static class ProxyMaker { private final Method isMXBeanInterface; private final Method newMBeanProxy; private final Method newMXBeanProxy; ProxyMaker() throws Exception { Class<?> JMX = Class.forName( "" ); this.isMXBeanInterface = JMX.getMethod( "isMXBeanInterface", Class.class ); this.newMBeanProxy = JMX.getMethod( "newMBeanProxy", MBeanServerConnection.class, ObjectName.class, Class.class ); this.newMXBeanProxy = JMX.getMethod( "newMXBeanProxy", MBeanServerConnection.class, ObjectName.class, Class.class ); } <T> T makeProxy( ObjectName name, Class<T> beanType ) { try { final Method factoryMethod; if ( isMXBeanInterface( beanType ) ) { factoryMethod = newMXBeanProxy; } else { factoryMethod = newMBeanProxy; } return beanType.cast( factoryMethod.invoke( null, getPlatformMBeanServer(), name, beanType ) ); } catch ( InvocationTargetException exception ) { throw launderRuntimeException( exception.getTargetException() ); } catch ( Exception exception ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Creating Management Bean proxies requires Java 1.6", exception ); } } private boolean isMXBeanInterface( Class<?> interfaceClass ) throws Exception { return (Boolean) isMXBeanInterface.invoke( null, interfaceClass ); } static RuntimeException launderRuntimeException( Throwable exception ) { if ( exception instanceof RuntimeException ) { return (RuntimeException) exception; } else if ( exception instanceof Error ) { throw (Error) exception; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected Exception!", exception ); } } } private static final boolean SUPPORT_MX_BEAN; static { ProxyMaker proxyMaker; try { proxyMaker = new ProxyMaker(); } catch ( Throwable t ) { proxyMaker = null; } PROXY_MAKER = proxyMaker; SUPPORT_MX_BEAN = proxyMaker != null; } static abstract class MXFactory<T extends Neo4jMBean> { abstract T createStandardMBean() throws NotCompliantMBeanException; abstract T createMXBean(); final T createMBean() { try { return createStandardMBean(); } catch ( NotCompliantMBeanException cause ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( cause ); } } } static <T extends Neo4jMBean> T createMX( MXFactory<T> factory ) { if ( SUPPORT_MX_BEAN ) { return factory.createMXBean(); } else { return factory.createMBean(); } } private final ObjectName objectName; Neo4jMBean( int instanceId, Class<?> mbeanIface, boolean isMXBean ) { super( mbeanIface, isMXBean ); objectName = getObjectName( instanceId, mbeanIface, getClass() ); if ( objectName == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "" ); } } Neo4jMBean( int instanceId, Class<?> mbeanIface ) throws NotCompliantMBeanException { super( mbeanIface ); objectName = getObjectName( instanceId, mbeanIface, getClass() ); if ( objectName == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "" ); } } Neo4jMBean( int instanceId ) throws NotCompliantMBeanException { super( DynamicMBean.class ); objectName = getObjectName( instanceId, DynamicMBean.class, getClass() ); } private static ObjectName getObjectName( int instanceId, Class<?> iface, Class<?> clazz ) { final String name; if ( iface == null ) { name = "*"; } else if ( iface == DynamicMBean.class ) { name = clazz.getSimpleName(); } else { try { name = (String) iface.getField( "NAME" ).get( null ); } catch ( Exception e ) { return null; } } StringBuilder identifier = new StringBuilder( "org.neo4j:" ); identifier.append( "instance=kernel#" ); identifier.append( instanceId ); identifier.append( ",name=" ); identifier.append( name ); try { return new ObjectName( identifier.toString() ); } catch ( MalformedObjectNameException e ) { return null; } } @Override protected String getDescription( MBeanInfo info ) { Description description = getClass().getAnnotation( Description.class ); if ( description != null ) return description.value(); return super.getDescription( info ); } @Override protected String getDescription( MBeanAttributeInfo info ) { Description description = describeMethod( info, "get", "is" ); if ( description != null ) return description.value(); return super.getDescription( info ); } @Override protected String getDescription( MBeanOperationInfo info ) { Description description = describeMethod( info ); if ( description != null ) return description.value(); return super.getDescription( info ); } @Override protected int getImpact( MBeanOperationInfo info ) { Description description = describeMethod( info ); if ( description != null ) return description.impact(); return super.getImpact( info ); } private Description describeMethod( MBeanFeatureInfo info, String... prefixes ) { if ( prefixes == null || prefixes.length == 0 ) { try { return getClass().getMethod( info.getName() ).getAnnotation( Description.class ); } catch ( Exception e ) { return null; } } else { for ( String prefix : prefixes ) { try { return getClass().getMethod( prefix + info.getName() ).getAnnotation( Description.class ); } catch ( Exception e ) { } } return null; } } }