package org.neo4j.rdf.sparql; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.Variable; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.model.GroupConstraint; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternMatch; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternMatcher; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternNode; import; public abstract class AbstractNeo4jQueryLogic { private List<Neo4jVariable> variableList = new LinkedList<Neo4jVariable>(); private MetaModelProxy metaModel; private RepresentationStrategy representationStrategy; AbstractNeo4jQueryLogic( RepresentationStrategy representationStrategy, MetaModelProxy metaModel ) { this.metaModel = metaModel; this.representationStrategy = representationStrategy; } protected List<Neo4jVariable> getNeo4jVariables() { return this.variableList; } private Map<String, PatternNode> getObjectVariables() { Map<String, PatternNode> map = new HashMap<String, PatternNode>(); for ( Neo4jVariable variable : this.variableList ) { map.put( variable.getName(), variable.getNode() ); } return map; } protected boolean variableExists( Collection<Variable> variables, String variableName ) { for ( Variable variable : variables ) { if ( variableName.equals( variable.getName() ) ) { return true; } } return false; } protected Iterable<PatternMatch> performMatches( QueryGraph graph ) { ArrayList<Iterable<PatternMatch>> results = new ArrayList<Iterable<PatternMatch>>(); PatternNodeAndNodePair startNode = graph.getStartNode(); PatternNode patternNode = startNode.getPatternNode(); // For (not-very-optimized) inferencing // String[] types = // this.metaModel.getSubTypes( patternNode.getLabel(), true ); // for ( String type : types ) // { // results.add( PatternMatcher.getMatcher().match( patternNode, // startNode.getNode(), getObjectVariables(), // graph.getOptionalGraphs() ) ); // } results.add( PatternMatcher.getMatcher().match( patternNode, startNode.getNode(), getObjectVariables(), graph.getOptionalGraphs() ) ); return new PatternMatchesWrapper( results ); } // private Iterable<PatternNode> getStartNodes( // PatternNode startNode ) // { // ArrayList<PatternNode> startNodes = new ArrayList<PatternNode>(); // startNodes.add( startNode ); // return startNodes; // } protected QueryGraph buildGraph( GroupConstraint groupConstraint ) { QueryGraph graph = new QueryGraph( this.representationStrategy, this.metaModel, this.variableList ); groupConstraint ); // graph.assertGraph(); return graph; } private class PatternMatchesWrapper implements Iterable<PatternMatch>, Iterator<PatternMatch> { private Iterator<Iterable<PatternMatch>> matches; private Iterator<PatternMatch> current; PatternMatchesWrapper( Iterable<Iterable<PatternMatch>> matches ) { this.matches = matches.iterator(); if ( this.matches.hasNext() ) { this.current =; } } public Iterator<PatternMatch> iterator() { return this; } public boolean hasNext() { if ( this.current == null ) { return false; } else if ( this.current.hasNext() ) { return true; } else if ( this.matches.hasNext() ) { this.current =; // recursive call so we don't stop if there's an empty iterator // in the middle of this.matches. return this.hasNext(); } return false; } public PatternMatch next() { if ( this.current != null && this.current.hasNext() ) { return; } else if ( this.matches.hasNext() ) { this.current =; // recursive call so we don't return null if there's an empty // iterator in the middle of this.matches. return; } else { return null; } } public void remove() { throw new RuntimeException( "Remove is not supported" ); } } }