package examples; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; import org.neo4j.index.IndexService; import org.neo4j.index.lucene.LuceneIndexService; import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase; import org.neo4j.meta.model.ClassRange; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModel; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModelClass; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModelImpl; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModelNamespace; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModelProperty; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModelRelationship; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModelRelationshipRestriction; public class SiteExamples { private EmbeddedGraphDatabase neo4j; @Before public void setupNeo() { neo4j = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase( "target/var/neo4j" ); } @After public void shutdownNeo() { neo4j.shutdown(); } /** * A simple test to exercise the meta-model api. */ @Test // START SNIPPET: create-simple-metamodel public void createSimpleMetaModel() { IndexService index = new LuceneIndexService( neo4j ); MetaModel meta = new MetaModelImpl( neo4j, index ); Transaction tx = neo4j.beginTx(); try { MetaModelNamespace namespace = meta.getGlobalNamespace(); // Create a class, use ", true" for "create it if it doesn't exist". MetaModelClass personClass = namespace.getMetaClass( "", true ); // Create a property in a similar way. MetaModelProperty nameProperty = namespace.getMetaProperty( "", true ); // Tell the meta model that persons can have name properties. personClass.getDirectProperties().add( nameProperty ); tx.success(); } catch ( Exception e ) { tx.failure(); } finally { tx.finish(); } } // END SNIPPET: create-simple-metamodel @Test // START SNIPPET: hierarchy public void hierarchy() { IndexService index = new LuceneIndexService( neo4j ); MetaModel meta = new MetaModelImpl( neo4j, index ); Transaction tx = neo4j.beginTx(); try { MetaModelNamespace namespace = meta.getGlobalNamespace(); MetaModelClass thing = namespace.getMetaClass( "thing", true ); MetaModelClass person = namespace.getMetaClass( "person", true ); thing.getDirectSubs().add( person ); MetaModelProperty name = namespace.getMetaProperty( "name", true ); MetaModelProperty nickName = namespace.getMetaProperty( "nickName", true ); name.getDirectSubs().add( nickName ); tx.success(); } catch ( Exception e ) { tx.failure(); } finally { tx.finish(); } } // END SNIPPET: hierarchy @Test // START SNIPPET: restrictions public void restrictions() { IndexService index = new LuceneIndexService( neo4j ); MetaModel meta = new MetaModelImpl( neo4j, index ); Transaction tx = neo4j.beginTx(); try { MetaModelNamespace namespace = meta.getGlobalNamespace(); MetaModelClass artist = namespace.getMetaClass( "artist", true ); MetaModelRelationship plays = namespace.getMetaRelationship( "plays", true ); MetaModelClass drummer = namespace.getMetaClass( "drummer", true ); MetaModelClass instrument = namespace.getMetaClass( "instrument", true ); MetaModelClass drums = namespace.getMetaClass( "drums", true ); drummer.getDirectSupers().add( artist ); drums.getDirectSupers().add( instrument ); // Set generic range, so that a subject 'plays' an 'instrument' plays.setRange( new ClassRange( instrument ) ); // Set specific range for drummer, so that a 'drummer' plays 'drums' MetaModelRelationshipRestriction drummerPlaysRestriction = drummer.getRestriction( plays, true ); drummerPlaysRestriction.setRange( new ClassRange( drums ) ); drummerPlaysRestriction.setCardinality( 1 ); tx.success(); } catch ( Exception e ) { tx.failure(); } finally { tx.finish(); } } // END SNIPPET: restrictions }