package org.neo4j.onlinebackup; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; //import org.neo4j.index.IndexService; //import org.neo4j.index.lucene.LuceneIndexService; import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NeoStoreXaDataSource; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.XaDataSourceManager; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework.XaDataSource; /** * Try to backup Neo4j and a Lucene data source to another * running Neo4j+Lucene. */ public class MultiRunningTest { private static enum MyRels implements RelationshipType { TEST } private static final String FILE_SEP = System .getProperty( "file.separator" ); private static final String TARGET_DIR = "target"; private static final String VAR = TARGET_DIR + FILE_SEP + "var"; private static final String STORE_LOCATION_DIR = VAR + FILE_SEP + "neo-db"; private static final String BACKUP_LOCATION_DIR = VAR + FILE_SEP + "neo-backup"; @Before public void setup() { Util.deleteDir( new File( VAR ) ); System.out .println( "setting up database and backup-copy including Lucene" ); EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb = Util.startGraphDbInstance( STORE_LOCATION_DIR ); XaDataSource neoStoreXaDataSource = graphDb.getConfig() .getPersistenceModule().getPersistenceManager() .getPersistenceSource().getXaDataSource(); neoStoreXaDataSource.keepLogicalLogs( true ); // IndexService indexService = new LuceneIndexService( graphDb ); XaDataSourceManager xaDsm = graphDb.getConfig().getTxModule() .getXaDataSourceManager(); XaDataSource ds = xaDsm.getXaDataSource( "lucene" ); // ((LuceneDataSource) ds).keepLogicalLogs( true ); Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { // indexService.index( addNode( graphDb ), "number", 1 ); tx.success(); } finally { tx.finish(); } Util.stopGraphDb( graphDb ); // , indexService ); Util.copyDir( STORE_LOCATION_DIR, BACKUP_LOCATION_DIR ); } @Test public void backup() throws IOException { System.out.println( "starting tests" ); EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb = Util.startGraphDbInstance( STORE_LOCATION_DIR ); ((NeoStoreXaDataSource) graphDb.getConfig().getPersistenceModule() .getPersistenceManager().getPersistenceSource() .getXaDataSource()).keepLogicalLogs( true ); // IndexService indexService = new LuceneIndexService( graphDb ); XaDataSourceManager xaDsm = graphDb.getConfig().getTxModule() .getXaDataSourceManager(); // XaDataSource ds = xaDsm.getXaDataSource( "lucene" ); // ((LuceneDataSource) ds).keepLogicalLogs( true ); System.out.println( "backing up original db without any changes" ); tryBackup( graphDb, BACKUP_LOCATION_DIR, 0 ); Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { addNode( graphDb ); // indexService.index( addNode( graphDb ), "number", 2 ); tx.success(); } finally { tx.finish(); } System.out.println( "one node added" ); tryBackup( graphDb, BACKUP_LOCATION_DIR, 1 ); tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { addNode( graphDb ); // indexService.index( addNode( graphDb ), "number", 3 ); tx.success(); } finally { tx.finish(); } System.out.println( "one node added" ); tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { // indexService.index( addNode( graphDb ), "number", 4 ); addNode( graphDb ); System.out.println( "one node added, not commited" ); tryBackup( graphDb, BACKUP_LOCATION_DIR, 2 ); tx.success(); } finally { tx.finish(); } System.out.println( "previous add commited" ); tryBackup( graphDb, BACKUP_LOCATION_DIR, 3 ); Util.stopGraphDb( graphDb ); // , indexService ); } protected void tryBackup( EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb, String location, int relCount ) throws IOException { setupBackup( graphDb, location ); EmbeddedGraphDatabase bDb = Util.startGraphDbInstance( location ); // IndexService bIndexService = new LuceneIndexService( bDb ); Transaction bTx = bDb.beginTx(); try { List<Relationship> rels = new ArrayList<Relationship>(); for ( Relationship rel : bDb.getReferenceNode().getRelationships() ) { rels.add( rel ); } assertEquals( relCount, rels.size() ); // Node node = bIndexService.getSingleNode( "number", relCount ); // assertEquals( true, node != null ); // assertEquals( node.getId(), (long) (Long) node.getProperty( // "theId", -1L ) ); bTx.success(); } finally { bTx.finish(); } Util.stopGraphDb( bDb ); // , bIndexService ); } @SuppressWarnings( "serial" ) protected void setupBackup( EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb, String location ) throws IOException { EmbeddedGraphDatabase bDb = Util.startGraphDbInstance( location ); // IndexService bIndexService = new LuceneIndexService( bDb ); Backup backupComp = new Neo4jBackup( graphDb, bDb, new ArrayList<String>() { { add( "nioneodb" ); // add( "lucene" ); } } ); backupComp.enableFileLogger(); backupComp.doBackup(); Util.stopGraphDb( bDb ); //, bIndexService ); } private Node addNode( EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb ) { Node referenceNode = graphDb.getReferenceNode(); Node node = graphDb.createNode(); node.setProperty( "theId", node.getId() ); referenceNode.createRelationshipTo( node, MyRels.TEST ); return node; } }