package org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Persistent queue of fundamental values (boolean, byte, int, char, short, * long, float, double) * * Each entry is: * byte: ENTRY_STATE (completed, not_completed) * int: ENTRY_SIZE * ...: USER_DATA * * Only one reader is allowed, but many writers to this queue */ public class PersistentQueue implements Iterator<PersistentQueue.Entry> { // byte:STATE, int:ENTRY_SIZE private static final int HEADER_SIZE = 1 + Integer.SIZE / 8; private static final byte NOT_COMPLETED = 0; private static final byte COMPLETED = 1; private File file; private ByteBuffer internalBuffer; private int bufferSize; private FileChannel channel; private Entry previousEntry; private Entry nextEntry; private boolean autoCompleteEntries = true; private AtomicInteger numberOfEntriesReadButNotYetCompleted = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger totalQueueIndex = new AtomicInteger(); private boolean recoveryWasNeeded; public PersistentQueue( File file ) { this.file = file; getBuffer( 500 ); try { openOrCreate(); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } } public void setAutoCompleteEntries( boolean autoComplete ) { this.autoCompleteEntries = autoComplete; } private ByteBuffer getBuffer( int atLeastOfSize ) { if ( atLeastOfSize > 1000000 ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Requested a very big buffer " + atLeastOfSize + ", can't be right" ); } if ( atLeastOfSize > bufferSize ) { bufferSize = atLeastOfSize * 2; internalBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( bufferSize ); } return internalBuffer; } private int getFundamentalValueSize( Object object ) { return FundamentalTypeNioUtil.getInstance( object.getClass() ).size( object ); } private void openOrCreate() throws IOException { checkConsistency(); openChannel(); } private void openChannel() throws IOException { channel = new RandomAccessFile( file, "rw" ).getChannel(); } private void closeChannel() { if ( channel != null ) { try { channel.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { // It's ok System.out.println( "Couldn't close channel" ); } } } private void checkConsistency() throws IOException { openChannel(); try { if ( channel.size() == 0 ) { return; } long position = 0; while ( true ) { try { Entry entry = tryToFindNext(); if ( entry == null ) { // Alright, no problems break; } } catch ( IOException e ) { // Somethings' wrong with the file, truncate here closeChannel(); openChannel(); channel.truncate( position ); recoveryWasNeeded = true; break; } position = channel.position(); } } finally { closeChannel(); } } public boolean recoveryWasNeeded() { return recoveryWasNeeded; } public synchronized void add( Object... entryData ) { try { long position = channel.position(); try { channel.position( channel.size() ); channel.write( fillBuffer( entryData ) ); // channel.force( true ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } finally { channel.position( position ); } } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } } private int calculateDataSize( Object[] entryData ) { int size = 0; for ( Object object : entryData ) { // one byte for which type it is (boolean, byte, short...) size += ( 1 + getFundamentalValueSize( object ) ); } return size; } private ByteBuffer fillBuffer( Object[] entryData ) { int entrySize = calculateDataSize( entryData ); int totalSize = HEADER_SIZE + entrySize; ByteBuffer buffer = getBuffer( totalSize ); buffer.clear(); buffer.limit( totalSize ); buffer.put( NOT_COMPLETED ); buffer.putInt( entrySize ); for ( Object data : entryData ) { Class<? extends Object> cls = data.getClass(); FundamentalTypeNioUtil typeUtil = FundamentalTypeNioUtil.getInstance( cls ); buffer.put( typeUtil.byteKey() ); typeUtil.putIntoByteBuffer( buffer, data ); } buffer.flip(); return buffer; } public synchronized void markAsCompleted( Entry... entries ) { try { long position = channel.position(); try { for ( Entry entry : entries ) { channel.position( entry.position() ); if ( readNextEntryHeader( true ).state == COMPLETED ) { continue; } ByteBuffer buffer = getBuffer( HEADER_SIZE ); buffer.clear(); buffer.limit( 1 ); buffer.put( COMPLETED ); buffer.flip(); channel.write( buffer ); numberOfEntriesReadButNotYetCompleted.decrementAndGet(); } // channel.force( false ); } finally { channel.position( position ); } } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } } public boolean hasNext() { if ( nextEntry != null ) { return true; } if ( previousEntry != null ) { if ( autoCompleteEntries ) { markAsCompleted( previousEntry ); } previousEntry = null; } try { nextEntry = tryToFindNext(); if ( nextEntry != null ) { numberOfEntriesReadButNotYetCompleted.incrementAndGet(); } } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } return nextEntry != null; } private synchronized EntryHeader readNextEntryHeader( boolean restorePositionAfterRead ) throws IOException { long positionBeforeRead = channel.position(); try { ByteBuffer buffer = getBuffer( HEADER_SIZE ); buffer.clear(); buffer.limit( HEADER_SIZE ); long bytesRead = buffer ); if ( bytesRead < HEADER_SIZE ) { throw new IOException( "Invalid header:" + bytesRead + " bytes" ); } buffer.flip(); byte state = buffer.get(); int entrySize = buffer.getInt(); return new EntryHeader( state, entrySize ); } finally { if ( restorePositionAfterRead ) { channel.position( positionBeforeRead ); } } } private synchronized Entry tryToFindNext() throws IOException { Entry result = null; while ( result == null && channel.position() < channel.size() ) { long positionBeforeRead = channel.position(); EntryHeader header = readNextEntryHeader( false ); totalQueueIndex.incrementAndGet(); if ( header.state == NOT_COMPLETED ) { ByteBuffer buffer = getBuffer( header.entrySize ); buffer.clear(); buffer.limit( header.entrySize ); buffer ); buffer.flip(); Object[] data = readBuffer( buffer ); long entryPosition = positionBeforeRead; result = new Entry( data, entryPosition ); } else if ( header.state == COMPLETED ) { channel.position( channel.position() + header.entrySize ); continue; } else { throw new IOException( "Invalid entry state " + header.state ); } } return result; } private Object[] readBuffer( ByteBuffer buffer ) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); while ( buffer.position() < buffer.limit() ) { FundamentalTypeNioUtil typeUtil = FundamentalTypeNioUtil.getInstance( buffer.get() ); Object object = typeUtil.readFromByteBuffer( buffer ); list.add( object ); } return list.toArray(); } public Entry next() { if ( !hasNext() ) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } Entry result = nextEntry; previousEntry = nextEntry; nextEntry = null; return result; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public int getTotalQueuePosition() { return this.totalQueueIndex.get(); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the queue has no more incompleted entries * and the backing file was deleted. */ public boolean close() { boolean hasNext = hasNext(); boolean hasIncompletedEntries = numberOfEntriesReadButNotYetCompleted.get() > 0; boolean keepFile = hasNext || hasIncompletedEntries; closeChannel(); if ( !keepFile ) { deleteBackingFile(); } return !keepFile; } protected void deleteBackingFile() { // We delete the backing file if all the entries in it are completed if ( !file.delete() ) { file.deleteOnExit(); } } public static class Entry { private Object[] data; private long position; private Entry( Object[] data, long position ) { = data; this.position = position; } public Object[] data() { return; } private long position() { return this.position; } } private static class EntryHeader { private byte state; private int entrySize; private EntryHeader( byte state, int entrySize ) { this.state = state; this.entrySize = entrySize; } } }