package org.neo4j.rdf.sail.rmi; import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration; import; import; import; import java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException; import java.rmi.Naming; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; import java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory; import java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import org.neo4j.rdf.sail.GraphDatabaseSailConnection; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.sail.Sail; import org.openrdf.sail.SailChangedEvent; import org.openrdf.sail.SailChangedListener; import org.openrdf.sail.SailConnection; import org.openrdf.sail.SailConnectionListener; import org.openrdf.sail.SailException; /** * Here you can register {@link Sail} instances so that other JVM instances * can connect to them via RMI using {@link RmiSailClient}. */ public class RmiSailServer extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RmiSail { interface RmiSailConnectionFactory { RmiSailConnectionImpl connect( SailConnection connection ) throws RemoteException; <E, X extends Exception> IterationBufferer<E, X> buffer( CloseableIteration<E, X> iter ) throws RemoteException; } private final Sail sail; private final RmiSailConnectionFactory factory; private RmiSailServer( Sail sail ) throws RemoteException { super(); this.sail = sail; this.factory = new RmiSailConnectionFactory() { public RmiSailConnectionImpl connect( SailConnection connection ) throws RemoteException { return new RmiSailConnectionImpl( connection, this ); } public <E, X extends Exception> IterationBufferer<E, X> buffer( CloseableIteration<E, X> iter ) throws RemoteException { return new IterationBufferer<E, X>( iter ); } }; } private RmiSailServer( Sail sail, final int port ) throws RemoteException { super( port ); this.sail = sail; this.factory = new RmiSailConnectionFactory() { public RmiSailConnectionImpl connect( SailConnection connection ) throws RemoteException { return new RmiSailConnectionImpl( connection, this, port ); } public <E, X extends Exception> IterationBufferer<E, X> buffer( CloseableIteration<E, X> iter ) throws RemoteException { return new IterationBufferer<E, X>( iter, port ); } }; } private RmiSailServer( Sail sail, final int port, final RMIClientSocketFactory csf, final RMIServerSocketFactory ssf ) throws RemoteException { super( port, csf, ssf ); this.sail = sail; this.factory = new RmiSailConnectionFactory() { public RmiSailConnectionImpl connect( SailConnection connection ) throws RemoteException { return new RmiSailConnectionImpl( connection, this, port, csf, ssf ); } public <E, X extends Exception> IterationBufferer<E, X> buffer( CloseableIteration<E, X> iter ) throws RemoteException { return new IterationBufferer<E, X>( iter, port, csf, ssf ); } }; } /** * Registers {@code sail} at the URI given by {@code resourceUri}. * The URI must have the "rmi" protocol. The registry for the supplied port * (the port in the URI) must be created before calling this method. * F.ex. with {@link LocateRegistry#createRegistry(int)}. * * @param sail the {@link Sail} to register at the URI. * @param resourceUri the URI to register the sail at. * @throws MalformedURLException if the URI is malformed. * @throws RemoteException if an RMI problem occurs. * @throws AlreadyBoundException if the given URI is already bound. */ public static void register( Sail sail, URI resourceUri ) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException { Naming.rebind( resourceUri.toString(), new RmiSailServer( sail ) ); } /** * Registers {@code sail} at the URI given by {@code resourceUri}. * The URI must have the "rmi" protocol. The registry for the supplied port * (the port in the URI) must be created before calling this method. * F.ex. with {@link LocateRegistry#createRegistry(int)}. * * @param sail the {@link Sail} to register at the URI. * @param resourceUri the URI to register the sail at. * @param port the port where the method invocation communication will * occur. see {@link UnicastRemoteObject} for more details. * @throws MalformedURLException if the URI is malformed. * @throws RemoteException if an RMI problem occurs. * @throws AlreadyBoundException if the given URI is already bound. */ public static void register( Sail sail, URI resourceUri, int port ) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException { Naming.rebind( resourceUri.toString(), new RmiSailServer( sail, port ) ); } /** * Registers {@code sail} at the URI given by {@code resourceUri}. * The URI must have the "rmi" protocol. The registry for the supplied port * (the port in the URI) must be created before calling this method. * F.ex. with {@link LocateRegistry#createRegistry(int)}. * * @param sail the {@link Sail} to register at the URI. * @param resourceUri the URI to register the sail at. * @param port the port where the method invocation communication will * occur. see {@link UnicastRemoteObject} for more details. * @param csf the {@link RMIClientSocketFactory} to use. * See {@link UnicastRemoteObject} for more details. * @param ssf the {@link RMIServerSocketFactory} to use. * See {@link UnicastRemoteObject} for more details. * @throws MalformedURLException if the URI is malformed. * @throws RemoteException if an RMI problem occurs. * @throws AlreadyBoundException if the given URI is already bound. */ public static void register( Sail sail, URI resourceUri, int port, RMIClientSocketFactory csf, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf ) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException { Naming.rebind( resourceUri.toString(), new RmiSailServer( sail, port, csf, ssf ) ); } /** * Used by the client to get a connection to the sail. * * @param callback acts as {@link SailConnectionListener} over RMI. * @throws RemoteException if an RMI problem occurs. * @throws SailException if a connection couldn't be retrieved. * @return an RMI version of a {@link GraphDatabaseSailConnection}. */ public RmiSailConnection connect( final RmiSailConnectionListenerCallback callback ) throws RemoteException, SailException { final SailConnection connection = sail.getConnection(); final RmiSailConnectionImpl remote = factory.connect(connection); connection.addConnectionListener( new SailConnectionListener() { public void statementAdded( Statement statement ) { try { callback.statementAdded( statement ); } catch ( RemoteException e ) { connection.removeConnectionListener( this ); remote.callbackConnectionLost(); } } public void statementRemoved( Statement statement ) { try { callback.statementRemoved( statement ); } catch ( RemoteException e ) { connection.removeConnectionListener( this ); remote.callbackConnectionLost(); } } } ); return remote; } /** * @return the underlying sail's {@link Sail#getDataDir()}. */ public File getDataDir() { return sail.getDataDir(); } /** * Calls the underlying sail's {@link Sail#initialize()}. */ public void initialize() throws SailException { sail.initialize(); } /** * @return the underlying sail's {@link Sail#isWritable()}. */ public boolean isWritable() throws SailException { return sail.isWritable(); } /** * Calls the underlying sail's {@link Sail#setDataDir(File)}. * @param file the data directory. */ public void setDataDir( File file ) { sail.setDataDir( file ); } /** * Calls the underlying sail's * {@link Sail#addSailChangedListener(SailChangedListener)}. TODO. * * @param callback the listener which receives "change" events. */ public void addCallback( final RmiSailChangedListenerCallback callback ) { sail.addSailChangedListener( new SailChangedListener() { public void sailChanged( SailChangedEvent event ) { boolean alive = true; try { alive = callback.sailChanged( event.statementsAdded(), event.statementsRemoved() ); } catch ( RemoteException ex ) { alive = false; } if ( !alive ) { sail.removeSailChangedListener( this ); } } } ); } }