package org.neo4j.util.matching; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import org.neo4j.api.core.Node; import org.neo4j.api.core.Relationship; public class PatternMatcher { private static PatternMatcher matcher = new PatternMatcher(); private PatternMatcher() { } public static PatternMatcher getMatcher() { return matcher; } public Iterable<PatternMatch> match( PatternNode start, Node startNode ) { return new PatternFinder( start, startNode ); } public Iterable<PatternMatch> match( PatternNode start, Node startNode, Collection<PatternNode> optional ) { if ( optional == null || optional.size() < 1 ) { return new PatternFinder( start, startNode ); } else { return new PatternFinder( start, startNode, false, optional ); } } public Iterable<PatternMatch> match( PatternNode start, Node startNode, PatternNode... optional ) { return match( start, startNode, Arrays.asList( optional ) ); } private static class OptionalPatternFinder { private List<PatternFinder> optionalFinders; private List<PatternMatch> currentMatches; private Collection<PatternNode> optionalNodes; private PatternMatch baseMatch; private int position = -1; OptionalPatternFinder( PatternMatch baseMatch, Collection<PatternNode> optionalNodes ) { this.baseMatch = baseMatch; this.optionalNodes = optionalNodes; initialize(); } private boolean first = true; PatternMatch findNextOptionalPatterns() { if ( position < 0 ) { return null; } if ( first && anyMatchFound() ) { first = false; return PatternMatch.merge( currentMatches ); } boolean found = false; for ( ; position >= 0; position-- ) { if ( optionalFinders.get( position ).hasNext() ) { currentMatches.set( position, optionalFinders.get( position ).next() ); if ( position < currentMatches.size() - 1 ) { position++; reset( position ); } found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { return null; } return PatternMatch.merge( currentMatches ); } boolean anyMatchFound() { return !currentMatches.isEmpty(); } private void initialize() { optionalFinders = new ArrayList<PatternFinder>(); currentMatches = new ArrayList<PatternMatch>(); for ( PatternNode node : optionalNodes ) { PatternFinder finder = new PatternFinder( node, this.getNodeFor( node ), true ); if ( finder.hasNext() ) { optionalFinders.add( finder ); currentMatches.add( ); position++; } } } private Node getNodeFor( PatternNode node ) { for ( PatternElement element : baseMatch.getElements() ) { if ( node.getLabel().equals( element.getPatternNode().getLabel() ) ) { return element.getNode(); } } throw new RuntimeException( "Optional graph isn't connected to the main graph." ); } private void reset( int fromIndex ) { for ( int i = fromIndex; i < optionalFinders.size(); i++ ) { PatternFinder finder = optionalFinders.get( i ); PatternFinder newFinder = new PatternFinder( finder.getStartPatternNode(), finder.getStartNode(), true ); optionalFinders.set( i, newFinder ); // Only patterns with matches were added in the first place, // so newFinder must have at least one match. currentMatches.set( i, ); position = i; } } } private static class PatternFinder implements Iterable<PatternMatch>, Iterator<PatternMatch> { private Set<Relationship> visitedRels = new HashSet<Relationship>(); private PatternPosition currentPosition; private OptionalPatternFinder optionalFinder; private PatternNode startPatternNode; private Node startNode; private Collection<PatternNode> optionalNodes; private boolean optional; PatternFinder( PatternNode start, Node startNode ) { this( start, startNode, false ); } PatternFinder( PatternNode start, Node startNode, boolean optional ) { this.startPatternNode = start; this.startNode = startNode; currentPosition = new PatternPosition( startNode, start, optional ); this.optional = optional; } PatternFinder( PatternNode start, Node startNode, boolean optional, PatternNode... optionalNodes ) { this( start, startNode, optional, Arrays.asList( optionalNodes ) ); } PatternFinder( PatternNode start, Node startNode, boolean optional, Collection<PatternNode> optionalNodes ) { this( start, startNode, optional ); this.optionalNodes = optionalNodes; } PatternNode getStartPatternNode() { return startPatternNode; } Node getStartNode() { return startNode; } private static class CallPosition { private PatternPosition patternPosition; private Iterator<Relationship> relItr; private Relationship lastRel; private PatternRelationship currentPRel; private boolean popUncompleted; CallPosition( PatternPosition patternPosition, Relationship lastRel, Iterator<Relationship> relItr, PatternRelationship currentPRel, boolean popUncompleted ) { this.patternPosition = patternPosition; this.relItr = relItr; this.lastRel = lastRel; this.currentPRel = currentPRel; this.popUncompleted = popUncompleted; } public void setLastVisitedRelationship( Relationship rel ) { this.lastRel = rel; } public Relationship getLastVisitedRelationship() { return lastRel; } public boolean shouldPopUncompleted() { return popUncompleted; } public PatternPosition getPatternPosition() { return patternPosition; } public PatternRelationship getPatternRelationship() { return currentPRel; } public Iterator<Relationship> getRelationshipIterator() { return relItr; } } private Stack<CallPosition> callStack = new Stack<CallPosition>(); private Stack<PatternPosition> uncompletedPositions = new Stack<PatternPosition>(); private Stack<PatternElement> foundElements = new Stack<PatternElement>(); private PatternMatch findNextMatch() { if ( callStack.isEmpty() && currentPosition != null ) { // try find first match if ( traverse( currentPosition, true ) ) { // found first match, return it currentPosition = null; HashMap<PatternNode,PatternElement> filteredElements = new HashMap<PatternNode, PatternElement>(); HashMap<PatternRelationship,Relationship> relElements = new HashMap<PatternRelationship,Relationship>(); for ( PatternElement element : foundElements ) { filteredElements.put( element.getPatternNode(), element ); relElements.put( element.getFromPatternRelationship(), element.getFromRelationship() ); } PatternMatch patternMatch = new PatternMatch( filteredElements, relElements ); foundElements.pop(); return patternMatch; } currentPosition = null; } else if ( !callStack.isEmpty() ) { // try find other match from last found match boolean matchFound = false; do { CallPosition callStackInformation = callStack.peek(); matchFound = traverse( callStackInformation ); } while ( !callStack.isEmpty() && !matchFound ); if ( matchFound ) { // found another match, returning it HashMap<PatternNode,PatternElement> filteredElements = new HashMap<PatternNode, PatternElement>(); HashMap<PatternRelationship,Relationship> relElements = new HashMap<PatternRelationship,Relationship>(); for ( PatternElement element : foundElements ) { filteredElements.put( element.getPatternNode(), element ); relElements.put( element.getFromPatternRelationship(), element.getFromRelationship() ); } PatternMatch patternMatch = new PatternMatch( filteredElements, relElements ); foundElements.pop(); return patternMatch; } } return null; } private boolean traverse( CallPosition callPos ) { // make everything like it was before we returned previous match PatternPosition currentPos = callPos.getPatternPosition(); PatternRelationship pRel = callPos.getPatternRelationship(); pRel.mark(); visitedRels.remove( callPos.getLastVisitedRelationship() ); Node currentNode = currentPos.getCurrentNode(); Iterator<Relationship> relItr = callPos.getRelationshipIterator(); while ( relItr.hasNext() ) { Relationship rel =; if ( visitedRels.contains( rel ) ) { continue; } if ( !checkProperties( pRel, rel ) ) { continue; } Node otherNode = rel.getOtherNode( currentNode ); PatternNode otherPosition = pRel.getOtherNode( currentPos.getPatternNode() ); pRel.mark(); visitedRels.add( rel ); if ( traverse( new PatternPosition( otherNode, otherPosition, pRel, rel, optional ), true ) ) { callPos.setLastVisitedRelationship( rel ); return true; } visitedRels.remove( rel ); pRel.unMark(); } pRel.unMark(); if ( callPos.shouldPopUncompleted() ) { uncompletedPositions.pop(); } callStack.pop(); foundElements.pop(); return false; } private boolean traverse( PatternPosition currentPos, boolean pushElement ) { PatternNode pNode = currentPos.getPatternNode(); Node currentNode = currentPos.getCurrentNode(); if ( !checkProperties( pNode, currentNode ) ) { return false; } if ( pushElement ) { foundElements.push( new PatternElement( currentPos.getPatternNode(), currentPos.fromPatternRel(), currentPos.getCurrentNode(), currentPos.fromRelationship() ) ); } if ( currentPos.hasNext() ) { boolean popUncompleted = false; PatternRelationship pRel =; if ( currentPos.hasNext() ) { uncompletedPositions.push( currentPos ); popUncompleted = true; } assert !pRel.isMarked(); Iterator<Relationship> relItr = getRelationshipIterator( currentPos.getPatternNode(), currentNode, pRel ); pRel.mark(); while ( relItr.hasNext() ) { Relationship rel =; if ( visitedRels.contains( rel ) ) { continue; } if ( !checkProperties( pRel, rel ) ) { continue; } Node otherNode = rel.getOtherNode( currentNode ); PatternNode otherPosition = pRel.getOtherNode( currentPos.getPatternNode() ); visitedRels.add( rel ); CallPosition callPos = new CallPosition( currentPos, rel, relItr, pRel, popUncompleted ); callStack.push( callPos ); if ( traverse( new PatternPosition( otherNode, otherPosition, pRel, rel, optional ), true ) ) { return true; } callStack.pop(); visitedRels.remove( rel ); } pRel.unMark(); if ( popUncompleted ) { uncompletedPositions.pop(); } foundElements.pop(); return false; } boolean matchFound = true; if ( !uncompletedPositions.isEmpty() ) { PatternPosition digPos = uncompletedPositions.pop(); digPos.reset(); matchFound = traverse( digPos, false ); uncompletedPositions.push( digPos ); return matchFound; } return true; } private Iterator<Relationship> getRelationshipIterator( PatternNode fromNode, Node currentNode, PatternRelationship pRel ) { Iterator<Relationship> relItr = null; if ( pRel.anyRelType() ) { relItr = currentNode.getRelationships( pRel.getDirectionFrom( fromNode ) ).iterator(); } else { relItr = currentNode.getRelationships( pRel.getType(), pRel.getDirectionFrom( fromNode ) ).iterator(); } return relItr; } private boolean checkProperties( PatternNode patternNode, Node neoNode ) { for ( String propertyName : patternNode.getPropertiesExist() ) { if ( !neoNode.hasProperty( propertyName ) ) { return false; } } for ( String propertyName : patternNode.getPropertiesEqual() ) { if ( !neoPropertyHasValue( neoNode, patternNode, propertyName ) ) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean checkProperties( PatternRelationship patternRel, Relationship neoRel ) { for ( String propertyName : patternRel.getPropertiesExist() ) { if ( !neoRel.hasProperty( propertyName ) ) { return false; } } for ( String propertyName : patternRel.getPropertiesEqual() ) { if ( !neoPropertyHasValue( neoRel, patternRel, propertyName ) ) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean neoPropertyHasValue( Node neoNode, PatternNode patternNode, String propertyName ) { if ( !neoNode.hasProperty( propertyName ) ) { return false; } Object[] patternValues = patternNode.getPropertyValue( propertyName ); Object neoValue = neoNode.getProperty( propertyName ); Collection<Object> neoValues = NeoArrayPropertyUtil.neoValueToCollection( neoValue ); neoValues.retainAll( Arrays.asList( patternValues ) ); return !neoValues.isEmpty(); } private boolean neoPropertyHasValue( Relationship neoRel, PatternRelationship patternRel, String propertyName ) { if ( !neoRel.hasProperty( propertyName ) ) { return false; } Object[] patternValues = patternRel.getPropertyValue( propertyName ); Object neoValue = neoRel.getProperty( propertyName ); Collection<Object> neoValues = NeoArrayPropertyUtil.neoValueToCollection( neoValue ); neoValues.retainAll( Arrays.asList( patternValues ) ); return !neoValues.isEmpty(); } public Iterator<PatternMatch> iterator() { return this; } private PatternMatch match = null; private PatternMatch optionalMatch = null; public boolean hasNext() { if ( match == null ) { match = findNextMatch(); optionalFinder = null; } else if ( optionalNodes != null ) { if ( optionalFinder == null ) { optionalFinder = new OptionalPatternFinder( match, optionalNodes ); } if ( optionalMatch == null ) { optionalMatch = optionalFinder.findNextOptionalPatterns(); } if ( optionalMatch == null && optionalFinder.anyMatchFound() ) { match = null; return hasNext(); } } return match != null; } public PatternMatch next() { if ( match == null ) { match = findNextMatch(); optionalFinder = null; } PatternMatch matchToReturn = match; PatternMatch optionalMatchToReturn = null; if ( match != null && optionalNodes != null ) { if ( optionalFinder == null ) { optionalFinder = new OptionalPatternFinder( match, optionalNodes ); } if ( optionalMatch == null ) { optionalMatch = optionalFinder.findNextOptionalPatterns(); } optionalMatchToReturn = optionalMatch; optionalMatch = null; if ( optionalMatchToReturn == null ) { match = null; if ( optionalFinder.anyMatchFound() ) { return next(); } } } else { match = null; } if ( matchToReturn == null ) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return optionalMatchToReturn != null ? PatternMatch.merge( matchToReturn, optionalMatchToReturn ) : matchToReturn; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }