package; import java.util.Map; public class StartClient extends AbstractStarter { public static void main( String[] args ) { printUsage(); Map<String, String> argMap = parseArgs( args ); String path = argMap.get( StartLocalClient.ARG_PATH ); String port = argMap.get( StartRemoteClient.ARG_PORT ); String name = argMap.get( StartRemoteClient.ARG_NAME ); if ( path != null && ( port != null || name != null ) ) { System.err.println( "You have supplied both " + StartLocalClient.ARG_PATH + " as well as " + StartRemoteClient.ARG_PORT + "/" + StartRemoteClient.ARG_NAME + ". " + "You should either supply only " + StartLocalClient.ARG_PATH + " or " + StartRemoteClient.ARG_PORT + "/" + StartRemoteClient.ARG_NAME + " so that either a local or " + "remote shell client can be started" ); return; } // Local else if ( path != null ) { StartLocalClient.main( args ); } // Remote else { StartRemoteClient.main( args ); } } private static void printUsage() { int port = AbstractServer.DEFAULT_PORT; String name = AbstractServer.DEFAULT_NAME; String pathArg = StartLocalClient.ARG_PATH; String portArg = StartRemoteClient.ARG_PORT; String nameArg = StartRemoteClient.ARG_NAME; System.out.println( "Example arguments for remote:\n" + "\t-" + portArg + " " + port + "\n" + "\t-" + portArg + " " + port + " -" + nameArg + " " + name + "\n" + "\t...or no arguments\n" + "Example arguments for local:\n" + "\t-" + pathArg + " /path/to/neo" + "\n" + "\t-" + pathArg + " /path/to/neo -readonly" ); } }