package org.neo4j.rdf.sparql; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.QueryException; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.model.FilterConstraint; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.model.GroupConstraint; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.model.OptionalConstraint; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.model.TripleConstraint; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.model.logic.ExpressionLogic; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTAndNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTEqualsNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTGreaterThanEqualsNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTGreaterThanNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTLessThanEqualsNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTLessThanNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTLiteral; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTOrNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTRegexFuncNode; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.ASTVar; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.parser.model.BinaryExpressionNode; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternGroup; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternMatcher; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternNode; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternRelationship; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.filter.CompareExpression; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.filter.FilterBinaryNode; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.filter.FilterExpression; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.filter.RegexPattern; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Literal; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Statement; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Uri; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Value; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Wildcard; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.WildcardStatement; import org.neo4j.rdf.sparql.Neo4jVariable.VariableType; import; import; import; import; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.datatypes.XMLDatatypeUtil; /** * Builds a pattern consisting of {@link PatternNode}s and * {@link PatternRelationship}s based on a SPARQL query. It uses a * {@link AbstractRepresentation} (retrieved from the supplied * {@link RepresentationStrategy}) to figure out how to structure the pattern. * * The resulting pattern can be used to find matches using a * {@link PatternMatcher}. */ public class QueryGraph { private AtomicInteger blankLabelCounter = new AtomicInteger(); private List<Neo4jVariable> variableList; private Map<String, ASTVar> astVariables = new HashMap<String, ASTVar>(); private Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> graph = new HashMap<AbstractNode, PatternNode>(); private List<Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode>> optionalGraphs = new LinkedList<Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode>>(); private MetaModelProxy metaModelProxy; private RepresentationStrategy representationStrategy; private PatternGraphBuilder graphBuilder; private Set<AbstractNode> possibleStartNodes = new HashSet<AbstractNode>(); QueryGraph( RepresentationStrategy representationStrategy, MetaModelProxy metaModel, List<Neo4jVariable> variableList, AtomicInteger blankLabelCounter ) { this( representationStrategy, metaModel, variableList ); this.blankLabelCounter = blankLabelCounter; } QueryGraph( RepresentationStrategy representationStrategy, MetaModelProxy metaModel, List<Neo4jVariable> variableList ) { this.variableList = variableList; this.metaModelProxy = metaModel; this.representationStrategy = representationStrategy; this.graphBuilder = new PatternGraphBuilder(); } PatternNodeAndNodePair getStartNode() { int lowestCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE; PatternNode startNode = null; Node node = null; for ( AbstractNode abstractNode : this.possibleStartNodes ) { int count = this.metaModelProxy.getCount( abstractNode ); if ( count < lowestCount ) { lowestCount = count; startNode = this.graph.get( abstractNode ); node = this.representationStrategy.getExecutor().lookupNode( abstractNode ); } } return new PatternNodeAndNodePair( startNode, node ); } Collection<PatternNode> getOptionalGraphs() { Collection<PatternNode> optionalStartNodes = new ArrayList<PatternNode>(); for ( Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> optionalGraph : this.optionalGraphs ) { optionalStartNodes.add( this.getOverLappingNode( this.graph, optionalGraph ) ); } return optionalStartNodes; } /** * @param firstGraph the first graph. * @param secondGraph the second graph. * @return the node which is the "link" between two graphs, f.ex. * the regular graph and and optional graph. */ private PatternNode getOverLappingNode( Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> firstGraph, Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> secondGraph ) { for ( PatternNode node : firstGraph.values() ) { for ( PatternNode mainNode : secondGraph.values() ) { if ( node.getLabel().equals( mainNode.getLabel() ) ) { return mainNode; } } } throw new QueryException( "Optional graphs must be connected to the main statements" ); } void build( GroupConstraint groupConstraint ) { groupConstraint, false ); } void build( GroupConstraint groupConstraint, boolean optional ) { PatternGroup group = new PatternGroup(); ArrayList<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>(); Collection<FilterConstraint> filters = new ArrayList<FilterConstraint>(); for ( Object constraint : groupConstraint.getConstraints() ) { if ( constraint instanceof TripleConstraint ) { Statement statement = this.constructStatement( ( TripleConstraint ) constraint ); statements.add( statement ); } else if ( constraint instanceof OptionalConstraint ) { QueryGraph optionalGraph = new QueryGraph( this.representationStrategy, this.metaModelProxy, this.variableList, this.blankLabelCounter ); ( ( OptionalConstraint ) constraint ).getConstraint(), true ); this.optionalGraphs.add( optionalGraph.getGraph() ); } else if ( constraint instanceof FilterConstraint ) { filters.add( ( FilterConstraint ) constraint ); } else { throw new QueryException( "Operation not supported." ); } } AbstractRepresentation representation = new AbstractRepresentation(); for ( Statement statement : statements ) { representation = this.representationStrategy. getAbstractRepresentation( statement, representation ); } this.graph = this.graphBuilder.buildPatternGraph( representation, group, this.variableList, optional ); // Apply filters for ( FilterConstraint filter : filters ) { addFilter( filter, group, optional ); } } private void addFilter( FilterConstraint constraint, PatternGroup group, boolean optional ) { group.addFilter( toFilterExpression( constraint.getExpression() ) ); } private FilterExpression toFilterExpression( ExpressionLogic expression ) { FilterExpression result = null; if ( expression instanceof ASTAndNode || expression instanceof ASTOrNode ) { BinaryExpressionNode binaryNode = ( BinaryExpressionNode ) expression; boolean operatorAnd = expression instanceof ASTAndNode; result = new FilterBinaryNode( toFilterExpression( binaryNode.getLeftExpression() ), operatorAnd, toFilterExpression( binaryNode.getRightExpression() ) ); } else { if ( expression instanceof ASTGreaterThanEqualsNode || expression instanceof ASTEqualsNode || expression instanceof ASTGreaterThanNode || expression instanceof ASTLessThanEqualsNode || expression instanceof ASTLessThanNode ) { result = formCompareExpression( expression ); } else if ( expression instanceof ASTRegexFuncNode ) { result = formRegexPattern( expression ); } else { throw new RuntimeException( expression + " not supported" ); } } return result; } private FilterExpression formCompareExpression( ExpressionLogic expressionLogic ) { BinaryExpressionNode binaryNode = ( BinaryExpressionNode ) expressionLogic; String operator = binaryNode.getOperator(); ASTVar var = ( ASTVar ) binaryNode.getLeftExpression(); ASTLiteral value = ( ASTLiteral ) binaryNode.getRightExpression(); URI datatype = value.getDatatype(); Object realValue = null; String stringValue = value.toString(); if ( XMLDatatypeUtil.isDecimalDatatype( datatype ) || XMLDatatypeUtil.isFloatingPointDatatype( datatype ) ) { realValue = new Double( stringValue ); } else if ( XMLDatatypeUtil.isIntegerDatatype( datatype ) ) { realValue = new Integer( stringValue ); } else { realValue = value.getLabel(); } Neo4jVariable variable = getVariable( var ); return new CompareExpression( var.getName(), variable.getProperty(), operator, realValue ); } private FilterExpression formRegexPattern( ExpressionLogic expressionLogic ) { ASTRegexFuncNode regexNode = ( ASTRegexFuncNode ) expressionLogic; List<?> arguments = regexNode.getArguments(); ASTVar variable = ( ASTVar ) arguments.get( 0 ); ASTLiteral regexValue = ( ASTLiteral ) arguments.get( 1 ); ASTLiteral regexOptions = arguments.size() > 2 ? ( ASTLiteral ) arguments.get( 2 ) : null; Neo4jVariable neo4jVariable = getVariable( variable ); return new RegexPattern( variable.getName(), neo4jVariable.getProperty(), regexValue.getLabel(), regexOptions == null ? "" : regexOptions.getLabel() ); } private Neo4jVariable getVariableOrNull( ASTVar var ) { for ( Neo4jVariable variable : this.variableList ) { if ( var.getName().equals( variable.getName() ) ) { return variable; } } return null; } private Neo4jVariable getVariable( ASTVar var ) { Neo4jVariable variable = getVariableOrNull( var ); if ( variable == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Undefined variable for " + var ); } return variable; } private Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> getGraph() { return this.graph; } private Statement constructStatement( TripleConstraint triple ) { this.collectVariables( triple.getSubjectExpression(), triple.getObjectExpression() ); Value subject = this.createUriOrWildcard( triple.getSubjectExpression() ); Value predicate = new Uri( triple.getPredicateExpression().toString() ); Value object = null; if ( triple.getObjectExpression() instanceof ASTLiteral ) { object = new Literal( triple.getObjectExpression().toString() ); } else { object = this.createUriOrWildcard( triple.getObjectExpression() ); } return new WildcardStatement( subject, predicate, object, new Wildcard( "context" ) ); } private Value createUriOrWildcard( ExpressionLogic expression ) { Value value = null; if ( expression instanceof ASTVar ) { value = new Wildcard( ( ( ASTVar ) expression ).getName() ); } else { value = new Uri( expression.toString() ); } return value; } private void collectVariables( ExpressionLogic... expressions ) { for ( ExpressionLogic expression : expressions ) { if ( expression instanceof ASTVar ) { this.astVariables.put( expression.toString(), ( ASTVar ) expression ); } } } private class PatternGraphBuilder { public Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> buildPatternGraph( AbstractRepresentation representation, PatternGroup group, List<Neo4jVariable> variableMapping ) { return buildPatternGraph( representation, group, variableMapping, false ); } public Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> buildPatternGraph( AbstractRepresentation representation, PatternGroup group, List<Neo4jVariable> variableMapping, boolean optional ) { for ( AbstractNode node : representation.nodes() ) { PatternNode patternNode = this.createPatternNode( node, group ); graph.put( node, patternNode ); if ( node.getUriOrNull() != null ) { possibleStartNodes.add( node ); } } for ( AbstractRelationship relationship : representation.relationships() ) { AbstractNode startNode = relationship.getStartNode(); AbstractNode endNode = relationship.getEndNode(); final String name = relationship.getRelationshipTypeName(); RelationshipType relType = new RelationshipType() { public String name() { return name; } }; graph.get( startNode ).createRelationshipTo( graph.get( endNode ), relType, optional ); } return graph; } private PatternNode createPatternNode( AbstractNode node, PatternGroup group ) { PatternNode patternNode = null; if ( node.isWildcard() ) { Wildcard wildcard = node.getWildcardOrNull(); patternNode = new PatternNode( group, wildcard.getVariableName() ); this.addVariable( wildcard.getVariableName(), VariableType.URI, patternNode, representationStrategy.getExecutor(). getNodeUriPropertyKey( node ) ); } else { Uri uri = node.getUriOrNull(); patternNode = new PatternNode( group, uri == null ? ( "_blank_" + blankLabelCounter.incrementAndGet() ) : uri.getUriAsString() ); if ( uri != null ) { patternNode.addPropertyEqualConstraint( representationStrategy.getExecutor(). getNodeUriPropertyKey( node ), uri.getUriAsString() ); } } for ( Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : ) { for ( Object value : entry.getValue() ) { if ( value instanceof Wildcard ) { this.addVariable( ( ( Wildcard ) value ). getVariableName(), VariableType.LITERAL, patternNode, entry.getKey() ); } else { patternNode.addPropertyEqualConstraint( entry.getKey(), value ); } } } return patternNode; } private void addVariable( String variableName, VariableType type, PatternNode patternNode, String property ) { for ( Neo4jVariable variable : variableList ) { if ( variableName.equals( variable.getName() ) ) { return; } } variableList.add( new Neo4jVariable( variableName, type, patternNode, property ) ); } } }