package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Man extends AbstractApp { public String execute( CommandParser parser, Session session, Output out ) throws ShellException { if ( parser.arguments().size() == 0 ) { throw new ShellException( "Need to supply an app: man <app>" ); } App app = this.getApp( parser ); try { out.println( "" ); out.println( this.fixDesciption( app.getDescription() ) ); println( out, "" ); for ( String option : app.getAvailableOptions() ) { String description = this.fixDesciption( app.getDescription( option ) ); OptionValueType type = app.getOptionValueType( option ); println( out, "-" + option + "\t" + description + " " + ( type == OptionValueType.NONE ? "(no value)" : "" ) + ( type == OptionValueType.MAY ? "(may have value)" : "" ) + ( type == OptionValueType.MUST ? "(must have value)" : "" ) ); } println( out, "" ); } catch ( RemoteException e ) { throw new ShellException( e ); } return null; } private String fixDesciption( String description ) { if ( description != null && !description.endsWith( "." ) ) { description = description + "."; } return description; } private void println( Output out, String string ) throws RemoteException { out.println( "\t" + string ); } private App getApp( CommandParser parser ) throws ShellException { String appName = parser.arguments().get( 0 ); try { App app = this.getServer().findApp( appName ); if ( app == null ) { throw new ShellException( "No manual entry for '" + appName + "'" ); } return app; } catch ( RemoteException e ) { throw new ShellException( e ); } } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Display a manual. Usage: man <app>"; } }