import java.util.Map; import testlib.util.*; // Test case for Issue 134: // // Handling of generics from different enclosing classes. class GenericTest4 { public interface Foo {} class Outer<O> { O getOuter() { return null; } class Inner<I> { O getInner() { return null; } I setter1(O p) { return null; } O setter2(I p) { return null; } Map<O, I> wow(Map<O, I> p) { return null; } } } class OuterImpl extends Outer<Foo> { void test() { Foo foo = getOuter(); } class InnerImpl extends Inner<@Odd String> { void test() { Foo foo = getInner(); String s = setter1(foo); foo = setter2(s); } void testWow(Map<Foo, @Odd String> p) { p = wow(p); } void testWow2(Map<Foo, String> p) { //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) :: error: (argument.type.incompatible) p = wow(p); } } } // Add uses from outside of both classes. }