package org.checkerframework.checker.lock; /*>>> import org.checkerframework.checker.compilermsgs.qual.CompilerMessageKey; */ import static org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils.getReceiverTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotatedTypeTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayAccessTree; import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree; import com.sun.source.tree.SynchronizedTree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind; import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.LockAnnotatedTypeFactory.SideEffectAnnotation; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.EnsuresLockHeld; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.EnsuresLockHeldIf; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedBy; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedByBottom; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedByUnknown; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.Holding; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.LockHeld; import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeChecker; import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.Receiver; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.FieldAccessNode; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.ImplicitThisLiteralNode; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Deterministic; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure; import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAbstractValue; import org.checkerframework.framework.source.Result; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.QualifierHierarchy; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotatedTypes; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FlowExpressionParseUtil; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionContext; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionParseException; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.dependenttypes.DependentTypesError; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ElementUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.InternalUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Pair; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypesUtils; /** * The LockVisitor enforces the special type-checking rules described in the Lock Checker manual * chapter. * * @checker_framework.manual #lock-checker Lock Checker */ public class LockVisitor extends BaseTypeVisitor<LockAnnotatedTypeFactory> { private final Class<? extends Annotation> checkerGuardedByClass = GuardedBy.class; private final Class<? extends Annotation> checkerGuardSatisfiedClass = GuardSatisfied.class; protected static final Pattern selfReceiverPattern = Pattern.compile("^<self>(\\.(.*))?$"); public LockVisitor(BaseTypeChecker checker) { super(checker); checkForAnnotatedJdk(); } @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) { // visit a variable declaration // A user may not annotate a primitive type, a boxed primitive type or a String // with any qualifier from the @GuardedBy hierarchy. // They are immutable, so there is no need to guard them. TypeMirror tm = InternalUtils.typeOf(node); if (TypesUtils.isBoxedPrimitive(tm) || TypesUtils.isPrimitive(tm) || TypesUtils.isString(tm)) { AnnotatedTypeMirror atm = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); if (atm.hasExplicitAnnotationRelaxed(atypeFactory.GUARDSATISFIED) || atm.hasExplicitAnnotationRelaxed(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBY) || atm.hasExplicitAnnotation(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN) || atm.hasExplicitAnnotation(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYBOTTOM)) {"immutable.type.guardedby"), node); } } issueErrorIfMoreThanOneGuardedByAnnotationPresent(node); return super.visitVariable(node, p); } /** * Issues an error if two or more of the following annotations are present on a variable * declaration:<br> * {@code @org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedBy}<br> * {@code @net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy}<br> * {@code @javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy} * * @param variableTree the VariableTree for the variable declaration used to determine if * multiple @GuardedBy annotations are present and to report the error via */ private void issueErrorIfMoreThanOneGuardedByAnnotationPresent(VariableTree variableTree) { int guardedByAnnotationCount = 0; List<AnnotationMirror> annos = InternalUtils.annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees( variableTree.getModifiers().getAnnotations()); for (AnnotationMirror anno : annos) { if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(anno, GuardedBy.class) || AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(anno, net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy.class) || AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass( anno, javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy.class)) { guardedByAnnotationCount++; if (guardedByAnnotationCount > 1) {"multiple.guardedby.annotations"), variableTree); return; } } } } @Override public LockAnnotatedTypeFactory createTypeFactory() { return new LockAnnotatedTypeFactory(checker); } /** * Issues an error if a method (explicitly or implicitly) annotated with @MayReleaseLocks has a * formal parameter or receiver (explicitly or implicitly) annotated with @GuardSatisfied. Also * issues an error if a synchronized method has a @LockingFree, @SideEffectFree or @Pure * annotation. * * @param node the MethodTree of the method definition to visit */ @Override public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) { ExecutableElement methodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(node); issueErrorIfMoreThanOneLockPreconditionMethodAnnotationPresent(methodElement, node); SideEffectAnnotation sea = atypeFactory.methodSideEffectAnnotation(methodElement, true); if (sea == SideEffectAnnotation.MAYRELEASELOCKS) { boolean issueGSwithMRLWarning = false; VariableTree receiver = node.getReceiverParameter(); if (receiver != null) { if (atypeFactory .getAnnotatedType(receiver) .hasAnnotation(checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { issueGSwithMRLWarning = true; } } if (!issueGSwithMRLWarning) { // Skip this loop if we have already decided to issue the warning. for (VariableTree vt : node.getParameters()) { if (atypeFactory .getAnnotatedType(vt) .hasAnnotation(checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { issueGSwithMRLWarning = true; break; } } } if (issueGSwithMRLWarning) {"guardsatisfied.with.mayreleaselocks"), node); } } // Issue an error if a non-constructor method definition has a return type of @GuardSatisfied without an index. if (methodElement != null && methodElement.getKind() != ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) { AnnotatedTypeMirror returnTypeATM = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node).getReturnType(); if (returnTypeATM != null && returnTypeATM.hasAnnotation(GuardSatisfied.class)) { int returnGuardSatisfiedIndex = atypeFactory.getGuardSatisfiedIndex(returnTypeATM); if (returnGuardSatisfiedIndex == -1) {"guardsatisfied.return.must.have.index"), node); } } } if (!sea.isWeakerThan(SideEffectAnnotation.LOCKINGFREE) && methodElement.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED)) {"lockingfree.synchronized.method", sea), node); } return super.visitMethod(node, p); } /** * Issues an error if two or more of the following annotations are present on a method:<br> * {@code @Holding}<br> * {@code @net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy}<br> * {@code @javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy} * * @param methodElement the ExecutableElement for the method call referred to by {@code node} * @param treeForErrorReporting the MethodTree used to report the error via */ private void issueErrorIfMoreThanOneLockPreconditionMethodAnnotationPresent( ExecutableElement methodElement, MethodTree treeForErrorReporting) { int lockPreconditionAnnotationCount = 0; if (atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation(methodElement, Holding.class) != null) { lockPreconditionAnnotationCount++; } if (atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation(methodElement, net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy.class) != null) { lockPreconditionAnnotationCount++; } if (lockPreconditionAnnotationCount < 2 && atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation( methodElement, javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy.class) != null) { lockPreconditionAnnotationCount++; } if (lockPreconditionAnnotationCount > 1) { Result.failure("multiple.lock.precondition.annotations"), treeForErrorReporting); } } /** * When visiting a method call, if the receiver formal parameter has type @GuardSatisfied and * the receiver actual parameter has type @GuardedBy(...), this method verifies that the guard * is satisfied, and it returns true, indicating that the receiver subtype check should be * skipped. If the receiver actual parameter has type @GuardSatisfied, this method simply * returns true without performing any other actions. The method returns false otherwise. * * @param methodInvocationTree the MethodInvocationTree of the method being called * @param methodDefinitionReceiver the ATM of the formal receiver parameter of the method being * called * @param methodCallReceiver the ATM of the receiver argument of the method call * @return whether the caller can skip the receiver subtype check */ @Override protected boolean skipReceiverSubtypeCheck( MethodInvocationTree methodInvocationTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror methodDefinitionReceiver, AnnotatedTypeMirror methodCallReceiver) { AnnotationMirror primaryGb = methodCallReceiver.getAnnotationInHierarchy(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN); AnnotationMirror effectiveGb = methodCallReceiver.getEffectiveAnnotationInHierarchy(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN); // If the receiver actual parameter has type @GuardSatisfied, skip the subtype check. // Consider only a @GuardSatisfied primary annotation - hence use primaryGb instead of effectiveGb. if (primaryGb != null && AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(primaryGb, checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { AnnotationMirror primaryGbOnMethodDefinition = methodDefinitionReceiver.getAnnotationInHierarchy( atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN); if (primaryGbOnMethodDefinition != null && AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass( primaryGbOnMethodDefinition, checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { return true; } } if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(effectiveGb, checkerGuardedByClass)) { Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = methodDefinitionReceiver.getAnnotations(); AnnotationMirror guardSatisfied = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotationByClass(annos, checkerGuardSatisfiedClass); if (guardSatisfied != null) { Tree receiverTree = TreeUtils.getReceiverTree(methodInvocationTree); if (receiverTree == null) { checkLockOfImplicitThis(methodInvocationTree, effectiveGb); } else { checkLock(receiverTree, effectiveGb); } return true; } } return false; } @Override protected Set<? extends AnnotationMirror> getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations() { Set<? extends AnnotationMirror> tops = atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().getTopAnnotations(); Set<AnnotationMirror> annotationSet = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet(); for (AnnotationMirror anno : tops) { if (AnnotationUtils.areSame(anno, atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN)) { annotationSet.add(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBY); } else { annotationSet.add(anno); } } return annotationSet; } @Override protected void commonAssignmentCheck( AnnotatedTypeMirror varType, AnnotatedTypeMirror valueType, Tree valueTree, /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String errorKey) { Kind valueTreeKind = valueTree.getKind(); switch (valueTreeKind) { case NEW_CLASS: case NEW_ARRAY: // Avoid issuing warnings for: @GuardedBy(<something>) Object o = new Object(); // Do NOT do this if the LHS is @GuardedByBottom. if (!varType.hasAnnotation(GuardedByBottom.class)) { return; } break; case INT_LITERAL: case LONG_LITERAL: case FLOAT_LITERAL: case DOUBLE_LITERAL: case BOOLEAN_LITERAL: case CHAR_LITERAL: case STRING_LITERAL: // Avoid issuing warnings for: @GuardedBy(<something>) Object o; o = <some literal>; // Do NOT do this if the LHS is @GuardedByBottom. if (!varType.hasAnnotation(GuardedByBottom.class)) { return; } break; default: } // In cases where assigning a value with a @GuardedBy annotation to a variable with a // @GuardSatisfied annotation is legal, this is our last chance to check that the // appropriate locks are held before the information in the @GuardedBy annotation is // lost in the assignment to the variable annotated with @GuardSatisfied. See the // discussion of @GuardSatisfied in the "Type-checking rules" section of the // Lock Checker manual chapter for more details. if (varType.hasAnnotation(GuardSatisfied.class)) { if (valueType.hasAnnotation(GuardedBy.class)) { checkLock(valueTree, valueType.getAnnotation(GuardedBy.class)); return; } else if (valueType.hasAnnotation(GuardSatisfied.class)) { // TODO: Find a cleaner, non-abstraction-breaking way to know whether method actual parameters are being assigned to formal parameters. if (!errorKey.equals("argument.type.incompatible")) { // If both @GuardSatisfied have no index, the assignment is not allowed because the LHS and RHS expressions // may be guarded by different lock expressions. The assignment is allowed when matching a formal // parameter to an actual parameter (see the if block above). int varTypeGuardSatisfiedIndex = atypeFactory.getGuardSatisfiedIndex(varType); int valueTypeGuardSatisfiedIndex = atypeFactory.getGuardSatisfiedIndex(valueType); if (varTypeGuardSatisfiedIndex == -1 && valueTypeGuardSatisfiedIndex == -1) { Result.failure( "guardsatisfied.assignment.disallowed", varType, valueType), valueTree); } } else { // The RHS can be @GuardSatisfied with a different index when matching method formal parameters to actual parameters. // The actual matching is done in LockVisitor.visitMethodInvocation and a guardsatisfied.parameters.must.match error // is issued if the parameters do not match exactly. // Do nothing here, since there is no precondition to be checked on a @GuardSatisfied parameter. // Note: this matching of a @GS(index) to a @GS(differentIndex) is *only* allowed when matching method formal parameters to actual parameters. return; } } else if (!atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(valueType, varType)) { // Special case: replace the @GuardSatisfied primary annotation on the LHS with @GuardedBy({}) and see if it type checks. AnnotatedTypeMirror varType2 = varType.deepCopy(); // TODO: Would shallowCopy be sufficient? varType2.replaceAnnotation(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBY); if (atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(valueType, varType2)) { return; } } } super.commonAssignmentCheck(varType, valueType, valueTree, errorKey); } @Override public Void visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree tree, Void p) { if (atypeFactory.getNodeForTree(tree) instanceof FieldAccessNode) { AnnotatedTypeMirror atmOfReceiver = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(tree.getExpression()); AnnotationMirror gb = atmOfReceiver.getEffectiveAnnotationInHierarchy(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN); checkLock(tree.getExpression(), gb); } return super.visitMemberSelect(tree, p); } private void reportFailure( /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String messageKey, MethodTree overriderTree, AnnotatedDeclaredType enclosingType, AnnotatedExecutableType overridden, AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType, List<String> overriderLocks, List<String> overriddenLocks) { // Get the type of the overriding method. AnnotatedExecutableType overrider = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(overriderTree); if (overrider.getTypeVariables().isEmpty() && !overridden.getTypeVariables().isEmpty()) { overridden = overridden.getErased(); } String overriderMeth = overrider.toString(); String overriderTyp = enclosingType.getUnderlyingType().asElement().toString(); String overriddenMeth = overridden.toString(); String overriddenTyp = overriddenType.getUnderlyingType().asElement().toString(); if (overriderLocks == null || overriddenLocks == null) { Result.failure( messageKey, overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp), overriderTree); } else { Result.failure( messageKey, overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, overriderLocks, overriddenLocks), overriderTree); } } /** * Ensures that subclass methods are annotated with a stronger or equally strong side effect * annotation than the parent class method. */ @Override protected boolean checkOverride( MethodTree overriderTree, AnnotatedDeclaredType enclosingType, AnnotatedExecutableType overridden, AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType, Void p) { boolean isValid = true; SideEffectAnnotation seaOfOverriderMethod = atypeFactory.methodSideEffectAnnotation( TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(overriderTree), false); SideEffectAnnotation seaOfOverridenMethod = atypeFactory.methodSideEffectAnnotation(overridden.getElement(), false); if (seaOfOverriderMethod.isWeakerThan(seaOfOverridenMethod)) { isValid = false; reportFailure( "override.sideeffect.invalid", overriderTree, enclosingType, overridden, overriddenType, null, null); } return super.checkOverride(overriderTree, enclosingType, overridden, overriddenType, p) && isValid; } @Override public Void visitArrayAccess(ArrayAccessTree tree, Void p) { AnnotatedTypeMirror atmOfReceiver = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(tree.getExpression()); AnnotationMirror gb = atmOfReceiver.getEffectiveAnnotationInHierarchy(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN); checkLock(tree.getExpression(), gb); return super.visitArrayAccess(tree, p); } /** * Skips the call to super and returns true. * * <p>{@code GuardedBy({})} is the default type on class declarations, which is a subtype of the * top annotation {@code @GuardedByUnknown}. However, it is valid to declare an instance of a * class with any annotation from the {@code @GuardedBy} hierarchy. Hence, this method returns * true for annotations in the {@code @GuardedBy} hierarchy. * * <p>Also returns true for annotations in the {@code @LockPossiblyHeld} hierarchy since the * default for that hierarchy is the top type and annotations from that hierarchy cannot be * explicitly written in code. */ @Override public boolean isValidUse( AnnotatedDeclaredType declarationType, AnnotatedDeclaredType useType, Tree tree) { return true; } /** * When visiting a method invocation, issue an error if the side effect annotation on the called * method causes the side effect guarantee of the enclosing method to be violated. For example, * a method annotated with @ReleasesNoLocks may not call a method annotated * with @MayReleaseLocks. Also check that matching @GuardSatisfied(index) on a method's formal * receiver/parameters matches those in corresponding locations on the method call site. * * @param node the MethodInvocationTree of the method call being visited */ @Override public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Void p) { ExecutableElement methodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(node); SideEffectAnnotation seaOfInvokedMethod = atypeFactory.methodSideEffectAnnotation(methodElement, false); MethodTree enclosingMethod = TreeUtils.enclosingMethod(atypeFactory.getPath(node)); ExecutableElement enclosingMethodElement = null; if (enclosingMethod != null) { enclosingMethodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(enclosingMethod); } if (enclosingMethodElement != null) { SideEffectAnnotation seaOfContainingMethod = atypeFactory.methodSideEffectAnnotation(enclosingMethodElement, false); if (seaOfInvokedMethod.isWeakerThan(seaOfContainingMethod)) { Result.failure( "method.guarantee.violated", seaOfContainingMethod.getNameOfSideEffectAnnotation(), enclosingMethodElement.toString(), methodElement.toString(), seaOfInvokedMethod.getNameOfSideEffectAnnotation()), node); } } if (methodElement != null) { // Handle releasing of explicit locks. Verify that the lock expression is effectively final. ExpressionTree recvTree = getReceiverTree(node); ensureReceiverOfExplicitUnlockCallIsEffectivelyFinal(node, methodElement, recvTree); // Handle acquiring of explicit locks. Verify that the lock expression is effectively final. // If the method causes expression "this" or "#1" to be locked, verify that those expressions are effectively final. // TODO: generalize to any expression. This is currently designed only to support methods in ReentrantLock // and ReentrantReadWriteLock (which use the "this" expression), as well as Thread.holdsLock (which uses // the "#1" expression). AnnotationMirror ensuresLockHeldAnno = atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation(methodElement, EnsuresLockHeld.class); List<String> expressions = new ArrayList<String>(); if (ensuresLockHeldAnno != null) { expressions.addAll( AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray( ensuresLockHeldAnno, "value", String.class, false)); } AnnotationMirror ensuresLockHeldIfAnno = atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation(methodElement, EnsuresLockHeldIf.class); if (ensuresLockHeldIfAnno != null) { expressions.addAll( AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray( ensuresLockHeldIfAnno, "expression", String.class, false)); } for (String expr : expressions) { if (expr.equals("this")) { // recvTree will be null for implicit this, or class name receivers. But they are also final. So nothing to be checked for them. if (recvTree != null) { ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal(recvTree); } } else if (expr.equals("#1")) { ExpressionTree firstParameter = node.getArguments().get(0); if (firstParameter != null) { ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal(firstParameter); } } } } // Check that matching @GuardSatisfied(index) on a method's formal receiver/parameters matches // those in corresponding locations on the method call site. Pair<AnnotatedExecutableType, List<AnnotatedTypeMirror>> mfuPair = atypeFactory.methodFromUse(node); AnnotatedExecutableType invokedMethod = mfuPair.first; List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> requiredArgs = AnnotatedTypes.expandVarArgs(atypeFactory, invokedMethod, node.getArguments()); // Index on @GuardSatisfied at each location. -1 when no @GuardSatisfied annotation was present. // Note that @GuardSatisfied with no index is normally represented as having index -1. // We would like to ignore a @GuardSatisfied with no index for these purposes, so if it is encountered we leave its index as -1. // The first element of the array is reserved for the receiver. int guardSatisfiedIndex[] = new int[requiredArgs.size() + 1]; // + 1 for the receiver parameter type // Retrieve receiver types from method definition and method call guardSatisfiedIndex[0] = -1; AnnotatedTypeMirror methodDefinitionReceiver = null; AnnotatedTypeMirror methodCallReceiver = null; ExecutableElement invokedMethodElement = invokedMethod.getElement(); if (!ElementUtils.isStatic(invokedMethodElement) && invokedMethod.getElement().getKind() != ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) { methodDefinitionReceiver = invokedMethod.getReceiverType(); if (methodDefinitionReceiver != null && methodDefinitionReceiver.hasAnnotation(checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { guardSatisfiedIndex[0] = atypeFactory.getGuardSatisfiedIndex(methodDefinitionReceiver); methodCallReceiver = atypeFactory.getReceiverType(node); } } // Retrieve formal parameter types from the method definition for (int i = 0; i < requiredArgs.size(); i++) { guardSatisfiedIndex[i + 1] = -1; AnnotatedTypeMirror arg = requiredArgs.get(i); if (arg.hasAnnotation(checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { guardSatisfiedIndex[i + 1] = atypeFactory.getGuardSatisfiedIndex(arg); } } // Combine all of the actual parameters into one list of AnnotationMirrors ArrayList<AnnotationMirror> passedArgAnnotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationMirror>(guardSatisfiedIndex.length); passedArgAnnotations.add( methodCallReceiver == null ? null : methodCallReceiver.getAnnotationInHierarchy( atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN)); for (ExpressionTree tree : node.getArguments()) { passedArgAnnotations.add( atypeFactory .getAnnotatedType(tree) .getAnnotationInHierarchy(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN)); } // Perform the validity check and issue an error if not valid. for (int i = 0; i < guardSatisfiedIndex.length; i++) { if (guardSatisfiedIndex[i] != -1) { for (int j = i + 1; j < guardSatisfiedIndex.length; j++) { if (guardSatisfiedIndex[i] == guardSatisfiedIndex[j]) { // The @GuardedBy/@GuardSatisfied/@GuardedByUnknown/@GuardedByBottom annotations // must be identical on the corresponding actual parameters. AnnotationMirror arg1Anno = passedArgAnnotations.get(i); AnnotationMirror arg2Anno = passedArgAnnotations.get(j); if (arg1Anno != null && arg2Anno != null) { boolean bothAreGSwithNoIndex = false; if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(arg1Anno, checkerGuardSatisfiedClass) && AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass( arg2Anno, checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { if (atypeFactory.getGuardSatisfiedIndex(arg1Anno) == -1 && atypeFactory.getGuardSatisfiedIndex(arg2Anno) == -1) { // Generally speaking, two @GuardSatisfied annotations with no index are incomparable. // TODO: If they come from the same variable, they are comparable. Fix and add a test case. bothAreGSwithNoIndex = true; } } if (bothAreGSwithNoIndex || !(atypeFactory .getQualifierHierarchy() .isSubtype(arg1Anno, arg2Anno) || atypeFactory .getQualifierHierarchy() .isSubtype(arg2Anno, arg1Anno))) { // TODO: allow these strings to be localized String formalParam1 = null; if (i == 0) { formalParam1 = "The receiver type"; } else { formalParam1 = "Parameter #" + i; // i, not i-1, so the index is 1-based } String formalParam2 = "parameter #" + j; // j, not j-1, so the index is 1-based Result.failure( "guardsatisfied.parameters.must.match", formalParam1, formalParam2, invokedMethod.toString(), guardSatisfiedIndex[i], arg1Anno, arg2Anno), node); } } } } } } return super.visitMethodInvocation(node, p); } /** * Issues an error if the receiver of an unlock() call is not effectively final. * * @param node the MethodInvocationTree for any method call * @param methodElement the ExecutableElement for the method call referred to by {@code node} * @param lockExpression the receiver tree of {@code node}. Can be null. */ private void ensureReceiverOfExplicitUnlockCallIsEffectivelyFinal( MethodInvocationTree node, ExecutableElement methodElement, ExpressionTree lockExpression) { if (lockExpression == null) { // Implicit this, or class name receivers, are null. But they are also final. So nothing to be checked for them. return; } if (!methodElement.getSimpleName().contentEquals("unlock")) { return; } TypeMirror lockExpressionType = InternalUtils.typeOf(lockExpression); ProcessingEnvironment processingEnvironment = checker.getProcessingEnvironment(); javax.lang.model.util.Types types = processingEnvironment.getTypeUtils(); // TODO: make a type declaration annotation for this rather than looking for the Lock.unlock() method explicitly. TypeMirror lockInterfaceTypeMirror = TypesUtils.typeFromClass( types, processingEnvironment.getElementUtils(), Lock.class); if (types.isSubtype(types.erasure(lockExpressionType), lockInterfaceTypeMirror)) { ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal(lockExpression); } } /** * When visiting a synchronized block, issue an error if the expression has a type that * implements the java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock interface. This prevents explicit locks from * being accidentally used as built-in (monitor) locks. This is important because the Lock * Checker does not have a mechanism to separately keep track of the explicit lock and the * monitor lock of an expression that implements the Lock interface (i.e. there is a @LockHeld * annotation used in dataflow, but there are not distinct @MonitorLockHeld * and @ExplicitLockHeld annotations). It is assumed that both kinds of locks will never be held * for any expression that implements Lock. * * <p>Additionally, a synchronized block may not be present in a method that has a @LockingFree * guarantee or stronger. An error is issued in this case. * * @param node the SynchronizedTree for the synchronized block being visited */ @Override public Void visitSynchronized(SynchronizedTree node, Void p) { ProcessingEnvironment processingEnvironment = checker.getProcessingEnvironment(); javax.lang.model.util.Types types = processingEnvironment.getTypeUtils(); // TODO: make a type declaration annotation for this rather than looking for Lock.class explicitly. TypeMirror lockInterfaceTypeMirror = TypesUtils.typeFromClass( types, processingEnvironment.getElementUtils(), Lock.class); ExpressionTree synchronizedExpression = node.getExpression(); ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal(synchronizedExpression); TypeMirror expressionType = types.erasure( atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(synchronizedExpression).getUnderlyingType()); if (types.isSubtype(expressionType, lockInterfaceTypeMirror)) {"explicit.lock.synchronized"), node); } MethodTree enclosingMethod = TreeUtils.enclosingMethod(atypeFactory.getPath(node)); ExecutableElement methodElement = null; if (enclosingMethod != null) { methodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(enclosingMethod); SideEffectAnnotation seaOfContainingMethod = atypeFactory.methodSideEffectAnnotation(methodElement, false); if (!seaOfContainingMethod.isWeakerThan(SideEffectAnnotation.LOCKINGFREE)) { Result.failure( "", seaOfContainingMethod), node); } } return super.visitSynchronized(node, p); } /** * Ensures that each variable accessed in an expression is final or effectively final and that * each called method in the expression is @Deterministic. Issues an error otherwise. * Recursively performs this check on method arguments. Only intended to be used on the * expression of a synchronized block. * * <p>Example: given the expression var1.field1.method1(var2.method2()).field2, var1, var2, * field1 and field2 are enforced to be final or effectively final, and method1 and method2 are * enforced to be @Deterministic. * * @param lockExpressionTree the expression tree of a synchronized block */ private void ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal(final ExpressionTree lockExpressionTree) { // This functionality could be implemented using a visitor instead, // however with this design, it is easier to be certain that an error // will always be issued if a tree kind is not recognized. // Only the most common tree kinds for synchronized expressions are supported. // Traverse the expression using 'tree', as 'lockExpressionTree' is used for error reporting. ExpressionTree tree = lockExpressionTree; while (true) { tree = TreeUtils.skipParens(tree); switch (tree.getKind()) { case MEMBER_SELECT: if (!isTreeSymbolEffectivelyFinalOrUnmodifiable(tree)) { Result.failure("", lockExpressionTree), tree); return; } tree = ((MemberSelectTree) tree).getExpression(); break; case IDENTIFIER: if (!isTreeSymbolEffectivelyFinalOrUnmodifiable(tree)) { Result.failure("", lockExpressionTree), tree); } return; case METHOD_INVOCATION: Element elem = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(tree); if (atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotationNoAliases(elem, Deterministic.class) == null && atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotationNoAliases(elem, Pure.class) == null) { Result.failure("", lockExpressionTree), tree); return; } MethodInvocationTree methodInvocationTree = (MethodInvocationTree) tree; for (ExpressionTree argTree : methodInvocationTree.getArguments()) { ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal(argTree); } tree = methodInvocationTree.getMethodSelect(); break; default: Result.failure( "", lockExpressionTree), tree); return; } } } private void ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal( final Receiver lockExpr, String expressionForErrorReporting, Tree treeForErrorReporting) { if (!atypeFactory.isExpressionEffectivelyFinal(lockExpr)) { Result.failure("", expressionForErrorReporting), treeForErrorReporting); } } @Override public Void visitAnnotation(AnnotationTree tree, Void p) { ArrayList<AnnotationTree> annotationTreeList = new ArrayList<AnnotationTree>(1); annotationTreeList.add(tree); List<AnnotationMirror> amList = InternalUtils.annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(annotationTreeList); if (amList != null) { for (AnnotationMirror annotationMirror : amList) { if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(annotationMirror, checkerGuardSatisfiedClass)) { issueErrorIfGuardSatisfiedAnnotationInUnsupportedLocation(tree); } } } return super.visitAnnotation(tree, p); } /** * Issues an error if a GuardSatisfied annotation is found in a location other than a method * return type or parameter (including the receiver). * * @param annotationTree AnnotationTree used for error reporting and to help determine that an * array parameter has no GuardSatisfied annotations except on the array type */ // TODO: Remove this method once @TargetLocations are enforced (i.e. once // issue is closed). private void issueErrorIfGuardSatisfiedAnnotationInUnsupportedLocation( AnnotationTree annotationTree) { TreePath currentPath = getCurrentPath(); TreePath path = getPathForLocalVariableRetrieval(currentPath); if (path != null) { Tree tree = path.getLeaf(); Tree.Kind kind = tree.getKind(); if (kind == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { // The @GuardSatisfied annotation is on the return type. return; } else if (kind == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) { VariableTree varTree = (VariableTree) tree; Tree varTypeTree = varTree.getType(); if (varTypeTree != null) { TreePath parentPath = path.getParentPath(); if (parentPath != null && parentPath.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { Tree.Kind varTypeTreeKind = varTypeTree.getKind(); if (varTypeTreeKind == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) { AnnotatedTypeTree annotatedTypeTree = (AnnotatedTypeTree) varTypeTree; if (annotatedTypeTree.getUnderlyingType().getKind() != Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE || annotatedTypeTree .getAnnotations() .contains(annotationTree)) { // Method parameter return; } } else if (varTypeTreeKind != Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) { // Method parameter or receiver return; } } } } }"guardsatisfied.location.disallowed"), annotationTree); } /** * The flow expression parser requires a path for retrieving the scope that will be used to * resolve local variables. One would expect that simply providing the path to an AnnotationTree * would work, since the compiler (as called by the org.checkerframework.javacutil.Resolver * class) could walk up the path from the AnnotationTree to determine the scope. Unfortunately * this is not how the compiler works. One must provide the path at the right level (not so deep * that it results in a symbol not being found, but not so high up that it is out of the scope * at hand). This is a problem when trying to retrieve local variables, since one could silently * miss a local variable in scope and accidentally retrieve a field with the same name. This * method returns the correct path for this purpose, given a path to an AnnotationTree. * * <p>Note: this is definitely necessary for local variable retrieval. It has not been tested * whether this is strictly necessary for fields or other identifiers. * * <p>Only call this method from visitAnnotation. * * @param path the TreePath whose leaf is an AnnotationTree * @return a TreePath that can be passed to methods in the Resolver class to locate local * variables */ private TreePath getPathForLocalVariableRetrieval(TreePath path) { assert path.getLeaf() instanceof AnnotationTree; // TODO: handle annotations in trees of kind NEW_CLASS (and add test coverage for this scenario). // Currently an annotation in such a tree, such as "new @GuardedBy("foo") Object()", // results in a constructor.invocation.invalid error. This must be fixed first. path = path.getParentPath(); if (path == null) { return null; } // A MODIFIERS tree for a VARIABLE or METHOD parent tree would be available at this level, // but it is not directly handled. Instead, its parent tree (one level higher) is handled. // Other tree kinds are also handled one level higher. path = path.getParentPath(); if (path == null) { return null; } Tree tree = path.getLeaf(); Tree.Kind kind = tree.getKind(); switch (kind) { case ARRAY_TYPE: case VARIABLE: case TYPE_CAST: case INSTANCE_OF: case METHOD: case NEW_ARRAY: case TYPE_PARAMETER: // TODO: visitAnnotation does not currently visit annotations on wildcard bounds. // Address this for the Lock Checker somehow and enable these, as well as the corresponding test cases in // case EXTENDS_WILDCARD: // case SUPER_WILDCARD: return path; default: return null; } } /** * Returns true if the symbol for the given tree is final or effectively final. Package, class * and method symbols are unmodifiable and therefore considered final. */ private boolean isTreeSymbolEffectivelyFinalOrUnmodifiable(Tree tree) { Element elem = InternalUtils.symbol(tree); ElementKind ek = elem.getKind(); return ek == ElementKind.PACKAGE || ek == ElementKind.CLASS || ek == ElementKind.METHOD || ElementUtils.isEffectivelyFinal(elem); } @Override public Void visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree tree, Void p) { Node node = atypeFactory.getNodeForTree(tree); if (node instanceof FieldAccessNode) { Node receiverNode = ((FieldAccessNode) node).getReceiver(); if (receiverNode instanceof ImplicitThisLiteralNode) { // All other field access are handle via visitMemberSelect AnnotationMirror guardedBy = atypeFactory .getSelfType(tree) .getAnnotationInHierarchy(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBY); checkLockOfImplicitThis(tree, guardedBy); } } return super.visitIdentifier(tree, p); } /** * Disallows annotations from the @GuardedBy hierarchy on class declarations (other * than @GuardedBy({}). */ @Override public void processClassTree(ClassTree node) { List<AnnotationMirror> annos = InternalUtils.annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees( node.getModifiers().getAnnotations()); for (AnnotationMirror anno : annos) { if (!AnnotationUtils.areSame(anno, atypeFactory.GUARDEDBY) && (AnnotationUtils.areSameIgnoringValues(anno, atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYUNKNOWN) || AnnotationUtils.areSameIgnoringValues(anno, atypeFactory.GUARDEDBY) || AnnotationUtils.areSameIgnoringValues( anno, atypeFactory.GUARDSATISFIED) || AnnotationUtils.areSameIgnoringValues( anno, atypeFactory.GUARDEDBYBOTTOM))) { Result.failure("class.declaration.guardedby.annotation.invalid"), node); } } super.processClassTree(node); } @Override public Void visitBinary(BinaryTree binaryTree, Void p) { if (TreeUtils.isStringConcatenation(binaryTree)) { Tree leftTree = binaryTree.getLeftOperand(); Tree rightTree = binaryTree.getRightOperand(); boolean lhsIsString = TypesUtils.isString(InternalUtils.typeOf(leftTree)); boolean rhsIsString = TypesUtils.isString(InternalUtils.typeOf(rightTree)); if (!lhsIsString) { checkPreconditionsForImplicitToStringCall(leftTree); } else if (!rhsIsString) { checkPreconditionsForImplicitToStringCall(rightTree); } } return super.visitBinary(binaryTree, p); } @Override public Void visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree node, Void p) { if (TreeUtils.isStringCompoundConcatenation(node)) { ExpressionTree rightTree = node.getExpression(); if (!TypesUtils.isString(InternalUtils.typeOf(rightTree))) { checkPreconditionsForImplicitToStringCall(rightTree); } } return super.visitCompoundAssignment(node, p); } /** * Checks precondition for {@code tree} that is known to be the receiver of an implicit * toString() call. The receiver of toString() is defined in the annotated JDK to * be @GuardSatisfied. Therefore if the expression is guarded by a set of locks, the locks must * be held prior to this implicit call to toString(). * * <p>Only call this method from visitBinary and visitCompoundAssignment. * * @param tree the Tree corresponding to the expression that is known to be the receiver of an * implicit toString() call */ // TODO: If and when the de-sugared .toString() tree is accessible from BaseTypeVisitor, // the toString() method call should be visited instead of doing this. This would result // in contracts.precondition.not.satisfied errors being issued instead of // contracts.precondition.not.satisfied.field, so it would be clear that // the error refers to an implicit method call, not a dereference (field access). private void checkPreconditionsForImplicitToStringCall(Tree tree) { AnnotationMirror gbAnno = atypeFactory .getAnnotatedType(tree) .getEffectiveAnnotationInHierarchy(atypeFactory.GUARDEDBY); checkLock(tree, gbAnno); } private void checkLockOfImplicitThis(Tree tree, AnnotationMirror gbAnno) { checkLockOfThisOrTree(tree, true, gbAnno); } private void checkLock(Tree tree, AnnotationMirror gbAnno) { checkLockOfThisOrTree(tree, false, gbAnno); } private void checkLockOfThisOrTree(Tree tree, boolean implicitThis, AnnotationMirror gbAnno) { if (gbAnno == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("LockVisitor.checkLock: gbAnno cannot be null"); } if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(gbAnno, GuardedByUnknown.class) || AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(gbAnno, GuardedByBottom.class)) {"lock.not.held", "unknown lock"), tree); return; } else if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(gbAnno, GuardSatisfied.class)) { return; } Node node = atypeFactory.getNodeForTree(tree); List<LockExpression> expressions = getLockExpressions(implicitThis, gbAnno, node); if (expressions.isEmpty()) { return; } LockStore store = atypeFactory.getStoreBefore(node); for (LockExpression expression : expressions) { if (expression.error != null) { Result.failure( "expression.unparsable.type.invalid", expression.error.toString()), tree); } else if (expression.lockExpression == null) { Result.failure( "expression.unparsable.type.invalid", expression.expressionString), tree); } else if (!isLockHeld(expression.lockExpression, store)) { Result.failure("lock.not.held", expression.lockExpression.toString()), tree); } if (expression.error != null && expression.lockExpression != null) { ensureExpressionIsEffectivelyFinal( expression.lockExpression, expression.expressionString, tree); } } } private boolean isLockHeld(Receiver lock, LockStore store) { if (store == null) { return false; } CFAbstractValue<?> value = store.getValue(lock); if (value == null) { return false; } Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = value.getAnnotations(); QualifierHierarchy hierarchy = atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(); AnnotationMirror lockAnno = hierarchy.findAnnotationInSameHierarchy(annos, atypeFactory.LOCKHELD); return lockAnno != null && AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(lockAnno, LockHeld.class); } private List<LockExpression> getLockExpressions( boolean implicitThis, AnnotationMirror gbAnno, Node node) { List<String> expressions = AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(gbAnno, "value", String.class, true); if (expressions.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } TreePath currentPath = getCurrentPath(); List<Receiver> params = FlowExpressions.getParametersOfEnclosingMethod(atypeFactory, currentPath); TypeMirror enclosingType = InternalUtils.typeOf(TreeUtils.enclosingClass(currentPath)); Receiver pseudoReceiver = FlowExpressions.internalRepOfPseudoReceiver(currentPath, enclosingType); FlowExpressionContext exprContext = new FlowExpressionContext(pseudoReceiver, params, atypeFactory.getContext()); Receiver self = implicitThis ? pseudoReceiver : FlowExpressions.internalReprOf(atypeFactory, node); List<LockExpression> lockExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); for (String expression : expressions) { lockExpressions.add(parseExpressionString(expression, exprContext, currentPath, self)); } return lockExpressions; } private LockExpression parseExpressionString( String expression, FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext, TreePath path, Receiver itself) { LockExpression lockExpression = new LockExpression(expression); if (DependentTypesError.isExpressionError(expression)) { lockExpression.error = new DependentTypesError(expression); return lockExpression; } Matcher selfReceiverMatcher = selfReceiverPattern.matcher(expression); try { if (selfReceiverMatcher.matches()) { String remainingExpression =; if (remainingExpression == null || remainingExpression.isEmpty()) { lockExpression.lockExpression = itself; if (!atypeFactory.isExpressionEffectivelyFinal(lockExpression.lockExpression)) { Result.failure( "", lockExpression.lockExpression), path.getLeaf()); } return lockExpression; } else { // TODO: The proper way to do this is to call flowExprContext.copyChangeToParsingMemberOfReceiver to set the // receiver to the <self> expression, and then call FlowExpressionParseUtil.parse on the // remaining expression string with the new flow expression context. However, this currently // results in a FlowExpressions.Receiver that has a different hash code than if // the following flow expression is parsed directly, which results in our inability // to check that a lock expression is held as it does not match anything in the store // due to the hash code mismatch. // For now, convert the "<self>" portion to the node's string representation, and parse // the entire string: lockExpression.lockExpression = FlowExpressionParseUtil.parse( itself.toString() + "." + remainingExpression, flowExprContext, path, true); if (!atypeFactory.isExpressionEffectivelyFinal(lockExpression.lockExpression)) { Result.failure( "", lockExpression.lockExpression), path.getLeaf()); } return lockExpression; } } else { lockExpression.lockExpression = FlowExpressionParseUtil.parse(expression, flowExprContext, path, true); return lockExpression; } } catch (FlowExpressionParseException ex) { lockExpression.error = new DependentTypesError(expression, ex); return lockExpression; } } private static class LockExpression { final String expressionString; Receiver lockExpression = null; DependentTypesError error = null; LockExpression(String expression) { this.expressionString = expression; } } }