package org.checkerframework.framework.util.element; import static org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.addAnnotationsFromElement; import static org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.annotateViaTypeAnnoPosition; import static org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.contains; import static org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.getTypeAtLocation; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedIntersectionType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.ElementAnnotationApplier; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; /** Apply annotations to the use of a type parameter declaration */ public class TypeVarUseApplier { public static void apply( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type, final Element element, final AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory) { new TypeVarUseApplier(type, element, typeFactory).extractAndApply(); } private static ElementKind[] acceptedKinds = { ElementKind.PARAMETER, ElementKind.FIELD, ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE, ElementKind.RESOURCE_VARIABLE, ElementKind.METHOD }; /** * @return true if type is an AnnotatedTypeVariable, or an AnnotatedArrayType with a type * variable component, and the element is not a TYPE_PARAMETER */ public static boolean accepts(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, Element element) { return (type instanceof AnnotatedTypeVariable || isGenericArrayType(type)) && contains(element.getKind(), acceptedKinds); } private static boolean isGenericArrayType(AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { return type instanceof AnnotatedArrayType && getNestedComponentType(type) instanceof AnnotatedTypeVariable; } private static AnnotatedTypeMirror getNestedComponentType(AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { AnnotatedTypeMirror componentType = type; while (componentType instanceof AnnotatedArrayType) { componentType = ((AnnotatedArrayType) componentType).getComponentType(); } return componentType; } // In order to avoid sprinkling code for type parameter uses all over the various locations // uses can show up we also handle generic array types. T [] myTArr; private final AnnotatedArrayType arrayType; private final AnnotatedTypeVariable typeVariable; private final TypeParameterElement declarationElem; private final Element useElem; private AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory; TypeVarUseApplier( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type, final Element element, final AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory) { if (!accepts(type, element)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "TypeParamUseApplier does not accept type/element combination (" + " type ( " + type + " ) element ( " + element + " ) "); } if (isGenericArrayType(type)) { this.arrayType = (AnnotatedArrayType) type; this.typeVariable = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) getNestedComponentType(type); this.declarationElem = (TypeParameterElement) typeVariable.getUnderlyingType().asElement(); this.useElem = element; this.typeFactory = typeFactory; } else { this.arrayType = null; this.typeVariable = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) type; this.declarationElem = (TypeParameterElement) typeVariable.getUnderlyingType().asElement(); this.useElem = element; this.typeFactory = typeFactory; } } /** * Applies the bound annotations from the declaration of the type parameter and then applies the * explicit annotations written on the type variable */ public void extractAndApply() { addAnnotationsFromElement(typeVariable, useElem.getAnnotationMirrors()); // apply declaration annotations ElementAnnotationApplier.apply(typeVariable, declarationElem, typeFactory); final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations = getAnnotations(useElem, declarationElem); final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> typeVarAnnotations; if (arrayType != null) { // if the outer-most type is an array type then we want to ensure the outer annotations // are not applied as the type variables primary annotation typeVarAnnotations = removeComponentAnnotations(arrayType, annotations); annotateViaTypeAnnoPosition(arrayType, annotations); } else { typeVarAnnotations = annotations; } for (final Attribute.TypeCompound annotation : typeVarAnnotations) { typeVariable.removeAnnotationInHierarchy(annotation); typeVariable.addAnnotation(annotation); final List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> upperBounds; if (typeVariable.getUpperBound() instanceof AnnotatedIntersectionType) { upperBounds = typeVariable.getUpperBound().directSuperTypes(); } else { upperBounds = Arrays.asList(typeVariable.getUpperBound()); } //TODO: Should we just make primary annotations on annotated intersection types apply to all of //TODO: them? Que dealio? What should we do? for (final AnnotatedTypeMirror bound : upperBounds) { bound.removeAnnotationInHierarchy(annotation); bound.addAnnotation(annotation); } } } private List<Attribute.TypeCompound> removeComponentAnnotations( final AnnotatedArrayType arrayType, final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations) { final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> componentAnnotations = new ArrayList<Attribute.TypeCompound>(); if (arrayType != null) { for (int i = 0; i < annotations.size(); ) { final Attribute.TypeCompound anno = annotations.get(i); if (isBaseComponent(arrayType, anno)) { componentAnnotations.add(anno); annotations.remove(anno); } else { i++; } } } return componentAnnotations; } private boolean isBaseComponent( final AnnotatedArrayType arrayType, final Attribute.TypeCompound anno) { return getTypeAtLocation(arrayType, anno.getPosition().location) .getClass() .equals(AnnotatedTypeVariable.class); } /** * Depending on what element type the annotations are stored on, the relevant annotations might * be stored with different annotation positions. getAnnotations finds the correct annotations * by annotation position and element kind and returns them */ private static List<Attribute.TypeCompound> getAnnotations( final Element useElem, final Element declarationElem) { final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations; switch (useElem.getKind()) { case METHOD: annotations = getReturnAnnos(useElem); break; case PARAMETER: annotations = getParameterAnnos(useElem); break; case FIELD: case LOCAL_VARIABLE: case RESOURCE_VARIABLE: annotations = getVariableAnnos(useElem); break; default: ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "TypeVarUseApplier::extractAndApply : " + "Unhandled element kind " + useElem.getKind() + "useElem ( " + useElem + " ) " + "declarationElem ( " + declarationElem + " ) "); annotations = null; // dead code } return annotations; } /** @return annotations on an element that apply to variable declarations */ private static List<Attribute.TypeCompound> getVariableAnnos(final Element variableElem) { final VarSymbol varSymbol = (VarSymbol) variableElem; final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations = new ArrayList<Attribute.TypeCompound>(); for (Attribute.TypeCompound anno : varSymbol.getRawTypeAttributes()) { TypeAnnotationPosition pos = anno.position; switch (pos.type) { case FIELD: case LOCAL_VARIABLE: case RESOURCE_VARIABLE: case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER: annotations.add(anno); break; default: } } return annotations; } /** * Currently, the metadata for storing annotations (i.e. the Attribute.TypeCompounds) is null * for binary-only parameters and type parameters. However, it is present on the method. So in * order to ensure that we correctly retrieve the annotations we need to index from the method * and retrieve the annotations from its metadata. * * @return a list of annotations that were found on METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETERS that match the * parameter index of the input element in the parent methods formal parameter list */ private static List<Attribute.TypeCompound> getParameterAnnos(final Element paramElem) { final Element enclosingElement = paramElem.getEnclosingElement(); if (!(enclosingElement instanceof ExecutableElement)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Bad element passed to TypeFromElement.getTypeParameterAnnotationAttributes: " + "element: " + paramElem + " not found in enclosing executable: " + enclosingElement); } final MethodSymbol enclosingMethod = (MethodSymbol) paramElem.getEnclosingElement(); final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations = enclosingMethod.getRawTypeAttributes(); final int paramIndex = enclosingMethod.getParameters().indexOf(paramElem); final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> result = new ArrayList<Attribute.TypeCompound>(); for (final Attribute.TypeCompound typeAnno : annotations) { if (typeAnno.position.type == TargetType.METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER) { if (typeAnno.position.parameter_index == paramIndex) { result.add(typeAnno); } } } return result; } /** @return the annotations on the return type of the input ExecutableElement */ private static List<Attribute.TypeCompound> getReturnAnnos(final Element methodElem) { if (!(methodElem instanceof ExecutableElement)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Bad element passed to TypeVarUseApplier.getReturnAnnos:" + methodElem); } final MethodSymbol enclosingMethod = (MethodSymbol) methodElem; final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations = enclosingMethod.getRawTypeAttributes(); final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> result = new ArrayList<Attribute.TypeCompound>(); for (final Attribute.TypeCompound typeAnno : annotations) { if (typeAnno.position.type == TargetType.METHOD_RETURN) { result.add(typeAnno); } } return result; } }