package org.checkerframework.framework.util.element; import static org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.annotateViaTypeAnnoPosition; import static org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.getBoundIndexOffset; import static org.checkerframework.framework.util.element.ElementAnnotationUtil.isOnComponentType; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; /** * Applies Element annotations to a single AnnotatedTypeVariable representing a type parameter. * Note, the index of IndexedElementAnnotationApplier refers to the type parameter's index in the * list that encloses it. */ abstract class TypeParamElementAnnotationApplier extends IndexedElementAnnotationApplier { /** @return true if element is a TYPE_PARAMETER */ public static boolean accepts(AnnotatedTypeMirror typeMirror, Element element) { return element.getKind() == ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER; } protected final AnnotatedTypeVariable typeParam; protected final AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory; /** @return target type that represents the location of the lower bound of element */ protected abstract TargetType lowerBoundTarget(); /** @return target type that represents the location of the upper bound of element */ protected abstract TargetType upperBoundTarget(); TypeParamElementAnnotationApplier( final AnnotatedTypeVariable type, final Element element, final AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory) { super(type, element); this.typeParam = type; this.typeFactory = typeFactory; } /** @return the lower bound and upper bound targets */ @Override protected TargetType[] annotatedTargets() { return new TargetType[] {lowerBoundTarget(), upperBoundTarget()}; } /** * @return the parameter_index of anno's TypeAnnotationPosition which will actually point to the * type parameter's index in its enclosing type parameter list */ @Override public int getTypeCompoundIndex(final TypeCompound anno) { return anno.getPosition().parameter_index; } /** * @param targeted the list of annotations that were on the lower/upper bounds of the type * parameter * <p>Note: When handling type parameters we NEVER add primary annotations to the type * parameter. Primary annotations are reserved for the use of a type parameter * (e.g. @Nullable T t; ) * <p>If an annotation is present on the type parameter itself, it represents the * lower-bound annotation of that type parameter. Any annotation on the extends bound of a * type parameter is placed on that bound. */ @Override protected void handleTargeted(final List<TypeCompound> targeted) { final int paramIndex = getElementIndex(); final List<TypeCompound> upperBoundAnnos = new ArrayList<>(); final List<TypeCompound> lowerBoundAnnos = new ArrayList<>(); for (final TypeCompound anno : targeted) { final AnnotationMirror aliasedAnno = typeFactory.aliasedAnnotation(anno); final AnnotationMirror canonicalAnno = (aliasedAnno != null) ? aliasedAnno : anno; if (anno.position.parameter_index != paramIndex || !typeFactory.isSupportedQualifier(canonicalAnno)) { continue; } if (isOnComponentType(anno)) { applyComponentAnnotation(anno); } else if (anno.position.type == upperBoundTarget()) { upperBoundAnnos.add(anno); } else { lowerBoundAnnos.add(anno); } } applyLowerBounds(lowerBoundAnnos); applyUpperBounds(upperBoundAnnos); } /** * Applies a list of annotations to the upperBound of the type parameter. If the type of the * upper bound is an intersection we must first find the correct location for each annotation. */ private void applyUpperBounds(final List<TypeCompound> upperBounds) { if (!upperBounds.isEmpty()) { final AnnotatedTypeMirror upperBoundType = typeParam.getUpperBound(); if (upperBoundType.getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) { final List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> intersectionTypes = upperBoundType.directSuperTypes(); final int boundIndexOffset = getBoundIndexOffset(intersectionTypes); for (final TypeCompound anno : upperBounds) { final int boundIndex = anno.position.bound_index + boundIndexOffset; if (boundIndex < 0 || boundIndex > intersectionTypes.size()) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Invalid bound index on element annotation ( " + anno + " ) " + "for type ( " + typeParam + " ) with " + "upper bound ( " + typeParam.getUpperBound() + " ) " + "and boundIndex( " + boundIndex + " ) "); } intersectionTypes.get(boundIndex).replaceAnnotation(anno); //TODO: WHY NOT ADD? } } else { upperBoundType.addAnnotations(upperBounds); } } } /** * In the event of multiple annotations on an AnnotatedNullType lower bound we want to preserve * the multiple annotations so that an type.invalid exception is raised later. */ private void applyLowerBounds(final List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annos) { if (!annos.isEmpty()) { final AnnotatedTypeMirror lowerBound = typeParam.getLowerBound(); for (AnnotationMirror anno : annos) { lowerBound.addAnnotation(anno); } } } private void addAnnotationToMap( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type, final TypeCompound anno, final Map<AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<TypeCompound>> typeToAnnos) { List<TypeCompound> annoList = typeToAnnos.get(type); if (annoList == null) { annoList = new ArrayList<>(); typeToAnnos.put(type, annoList); } annoList.add(anno); } private void applyComponentAnnotation(final TypeCompound anno) { final AnnotatedTypeMirror upperBoundType = typeParam.getUpperBound(); Map<AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<TypeCompound>> typeToAnnotations = new HashMap<>(); if (anno.position.type == upperBoundTarget()) { if (upperBoundType.getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) { final List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> intersectionTypes = upperBoundType.directSuperTypes(); final int boundIndex = anno.position.bound_index + getBoundIndexOffset(intersectionTypes); if (boundIndex < 0 || boundIndex > intersectionTypes.size()) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Invalid bound index on element annotation ( " + anno + " ) " + "for type ( " + typeParam + " ) with upper bound ( " + typeParam.getUpperBound() + " )"); } addAnnotationToMap(intersectionTypes.get(boundIndex), anno, typeToAnnotations); } else { addAnnotationToMap(upperBoundType, anno, typeToAnnotations); } } else { addAnnotationToMap(typeParam.getLowerBound(), anno, typeToAnnotations); } for (Entry<AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<TypeCompound>> typeToAnno : typeToAnnotations.entrySet()) { annotateViaTypeAnnoPosition(typeToAnno.getKey(), typeToAnno.getValue()); } } }