import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.*; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.*; class ItselfExpressionCases { final Object somelock = new Object(); private final @GuardedBy({"<self>"}) MyClass m = new MyClass(); @Pure private @GuardedBy({"<self>"}) MyClass getm() { return m; } @Pure private @GuardedBy({"<self>"}) MyClass getm2(@GuardedBy("<self>") ItselfExpressionCases this) { // The following error is due to the precondition of the this.m field dereference not being satisfied. //:: error: (lock.not.held) return m; } @Pure private Object getmfield() { //:: error: (lock.not.held) return getm().field; } public void arrayTest(final Object @GuardedBy("<self>") [] a1) { //:: error: (lock.not.held) Object a = a1[0]; synchronized (a1) { a = a1[0]; } } Object @GuardedBy("<self>") [] a2; @Pure public Object @GuardedBy("<self>") [] geta2() { return a2; } public void arrayTest() { //:: error: (lock.not.held) Object a = geta2()[0]; synchronized (geta2()) { a = geta2()[0]; } } public void testCheckPreconditions( final @GuardedBy("<self>") MyClass o, @GuardSatisfied Object gs, @GuardSatisfied MyClass gsMyClass) { //:: error: (lock.not.held) getm().field = new Object(); synchronized (getm()) { getm().field = new Object(); } //:: error: (lock.not.held) m.field = new Object(); synchronized (m) { m.field = new Object(); } //:: error: (lock.not.held) gs = m.field; synchronized (m) { gs = m.field; } //:: error: (lock.not.held) gs = getm().field; synchronized (getm()) { gs = getm().field; } //:: error: (lock.not.held) gsMyClass = getm(); synchronized (getm()) { gsMyClass = getm(); } //:: error: (lock.not.held) :: error: (contracts.precondition.not.satisfied); synchronized (o) { //:: error: (contracts.precondition.not.satisfied); synchronized (somelock) {; } } //:: error: (lock.not.held) o.foo2(); synchronized (o) { o.foo2(); } } class MyClass { Object field = new Object(); @Holding("somelock") void foo(@GuardSatisfied MyClass this) {} void foo2(@GuardSatisfied MyClass this) {} void method(@GuardedBy("<self>") MyClass this) { //:: error: (lock.not.held) :: error: (contracts.precondition.not.satisfied); //:: error: (lock.not.held):: error: (contracts.precondition.not.satisfied) foo(); //:: error: (lock.not.held) synchronized (somelock) { //:: error: (lock.not.held); //:: error: (lock.not.held) foo(); synchronized (this) {; foo(); } } //:: error: (lock.not.held) this.foo2(); //:: error: (lock.not.held) foo2(); synchronized (this) { this.foo2(); foo2(); } } } }