package chapter; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardSatisfied; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedBy; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedByBottom; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.GuardedByUnknown; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.LockingFree; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.MayReleaseLocks; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.ReleasesNoLocks; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree; public class LockEffectAnnotations { class MyClass { Object field = new Object(); } private @GuardedBy({}) MyClass myField; private final ReentrantLock myLock2 = new ReentrantLock(); private @GuardedBy("myLock2") MyClass x3; // This method does not use locks or synchronization but cannot // be annotated as @SideEffectFree since it alters myField. @LockingFree void myMethod5() { myField = new MyClass(); } @SideEffectFree int mySideEffectFreeMethod() { return 0; } @MayReleaseLocks void myUnlockingMethod() { myLock2.unlock(); } @MayReleaseLocks void myReleaseLocksEmptyMethod() {} @MayReleaseLocks //:: error: (guardsatisfied.with.mayreleaselocks) void methodGuardSatisfiedReceiver(@GuardSatisfied LockEffectAnnotations this) {} @MayReleaseLocks //:: error: (guardsatisfied.with.mayreleaselocks) void methodGuardSatisfiedParameter(@GuardSatisfied Object o) {} @MayReleaseLocks void myOtherMethod() { if (myLock2.tryLock()) { x3.field = new Object(); // OK: the lock is held myMethod5(); x3.field = new Object(); // OK: the lock is still held since myMethod is locking-free mySideEffectFreeMethod(); x3.field = new Object(); // OK: the lock is still held since mySideEffectFreeMethod is side-effect-free myUnlockingMethod(); //:: error: (lock.not.held) x3.field = new Object(); // ILLEGAL: myLockingMethod is not locking-free } if (myLock2.tryLock()) { x3.field = new Object(); // OK: the lock is held myReleaseLocksEmptyMethod(); //:: error: (lock.not.held) x3.field = new Object(); // ILLEGAL: even though myUnannotatedEmptyMethod is empty, since // myReleaseLocksEmptyMethod() is annotated with @MayReleaseLocks and the Lock Checker no longer knows // the state of the lock. if (myLock2.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { x3.field = new Object(); // OK: the lock is known to be held } } } @ReleasesNoLocks void innerClassTest() { class InnerClass { @MayReleaseLocks void innerClassMethod() {} } InnerClass ic = new InnerClass(); //:: error: (method.guarantee.violated) ic.innerClassMethod(); } @MayReleaseLocks synchronized void mayReleaseLocksSynchronizedMethod() {} @ReleasesNoLocks synchronized void releasesNoLocksSynchronizedMethod() {} @LockingFree //:: error: (lockingfree.synchronized.method) synchronized void lockingFreeSynchronizedMethod() {} @SideEffectFree //:: error: (lockingfree.synchronized.method) synchronized void sideEffectFreeSynchronizedMethod() {} @Pure //:: error: (lockingfree.synchronized.method) synchronized void pureSynchronizedMethod() {} @MayReleaseLocks void mayReleaseLocksMethodWithSynchronizedBlock() { synchronized (this) { } } @ReleasesNoLocks void releasesNoLocksMethodWithSynchronizedBlock() { synchronized (this) { } } @LockingFree void lockingFreeMethodWithSynchronizedBlock() { //:: error: ( synchronized (this) { } } @SideEffectFree void sideEffectFreeMethodWithSynchronizedBlock() { //:: error: ( synchronized (this) { } } @Pure void pureMethodWithSynchronizedBlock() { //:: error: ( synchronized (this) { } } //:: error: (class.declaration.guardedby.annotation.invalid) @GuardedByUnknown class MyClass2 {} //:: error: (class.declaration.guardedby.annotation.invalid) @GuardedBy("lock") class MyClass3 {} @GuardedBy({}) class MyClass4 {} //:: error: (class.declaration.guardedby.annotation.invalid) :: error: (guardsatisfied.location.disallowed) @GuardSatisfied class MyClass5 {} //:: error: (class.declaration.guardedby.annotation.invalid) @GuardedByBottom class MyClass6 {} }