package org.checkerframework.framework.qual; /*>>> import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable; */ import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; /** * A meta-annotation that specifies the trees and types for which the framework should automatically * add that qualifier. These types and trees can be specified via any combination of six attributes. * * <p>For example, the {@code Nullable} annotation is annotated with * * <pre> * @ImplicitFor(literals = LiteralKind.NULL) * </pre> * * to denote that the literal {@code null} always has the type qualifier {@code @Nullable}. */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE) public @interface ImplicitFor { /** * @return {@link LiteralKind}s for which an annotation should be implicitly added. For example, * if {@code @MyAnno} is meta-annotated with * {@code @ImplicitFor(literals={LiteralKind.STRING})}, then a literal {@code String} * constant such as {@code "hello world"} has type {@code @MyAnno String}, but other * occurrences of {@code String} in the source code are not affected. For String literals, * also see the {@link #stringPatterns} annotation field. */ LiteralKind[] literals() default {}; /** @return {@link TypeKind}s of types for which an annotation should be implicitly added */ TypeKind[] types() default {}; /** * @return {@link Class}es (in the actual program) for which an annotation should be implicitly * added. For example, if {@code @MyAnno} is meta-annotated with * {@code @ImplicitFor(typeNames=String.class)}, then every occurrence of {@code String} is * actually {@code @MyAnno String}. This has the same effect as writing the annotation on * the class definition (possibly in an annotated library): * <pre> * class @MyAnno String {...} * </pre> * As another example, {code java.lang.Void.class} should receive the same annotation as the * {@code null} literal. */ Class<?>[] typeNames() default {}; /** * @return regular expressions of string literals, the types of which an annotation should be * implicitly added. If multiple patterns match, then the string literal is given the * greatest lower bound of all the matches. */ String[] stringPatterns() default {}; // TODO: do we need an option to provide implicits for locations // specified by a TypeUseLocation (which should then be renamed)? }