package org.checkerframework.framework.test; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.PluginUtil; /** * Used to create an instance of TestConfiguration, TestConfigurationBuilder follows the standard * builder pattern. That is, it returns itself after every call so you can string together * configuration methods as follows: * * <p>{@code new TestConfigurationBuilder() .addOption("-Awarns") .addSourceFile("") * .addDiagnosticFile("src1.out") } * * @see TestConfiguration */ public class TestConfigurationBuilder { // Presented first are static helper methods that reduce configuration building to a method call // However, if you need more complex configuration or custom configuration, use the // constructors provided below /** * This creates a builder for the default configuration used by Checker Framework JUnit tests. * * @param testSourcePath the path to the Checker test file sources, usually this is the * directory of Checker's tests * @param outputClassDirectory the directory to place classes compiled for testing * @param classPath the classpath to use for compilation * @param testSourceFiles the Java files that compose the test * @param processors the checkers or other annotation processors to run over the testSourceFiles * @param options the options to the compiler/processors * @param shouldEmitDebugInfo whether or not debug information should be emitted * @return the builder that will create an immutable test configuration */ public static TestConfigurationBuilder getDefaultConfigurationBuilder( String testSourcePath, File outputClassDirectory, String classPath, Iterable<File> testSourceFiles, Iterable<String> processors, List<String> options, boolean shouldEmitDebugInfo) { TestConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = new TestConfigurationBuilder() .setShouldEmitDebugInfo(shouldEmitDebugInfo) .addProcessors(processors) .addOption("-Xmaxerrs", "9999") .addOption("-g") .addOption("-Xlint:unchecked") .addOption("-XDrawDiagnostics") // use short javac diagnostics .addOption("-AprintErrorStack") .addSourceFiles(testSourceFiles); if (outputClassDirectory != null) { configBuilder.addOption("-d", outputClassDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } // Use the annotated jdk for the compile bootclasspath // This is set by build.xml String jdkJarPath = getJdkJarPathFromProperty(); if (notNullOrEmpty(jdkJarPath)) { configBuilder.addOption("-Xbootclasspath/p:" + jdkJarPath); } configBuilder .addOptionIfValueNonEmpty("-sourcepath", testSourcePath) .addOption("-implicit:class") .addOption("-classpath", classPath); configBuilder.addOptions(options); return configBuilder; } /** * This is the default configuration used by Checker Framework JUnit tests. * * @param testSourcePath the path to the Checker test file sources, usually this is the * directory of Checker's tests * @param testSourceFiles the Java files that compose the test * @param processors the checkers or other annotation processors to run over the testSourceFiles * @param options the options to the compiler/processors * @param shouldEmitDebugInfo whether or not debug information should be emitted * @return a TestConfiguration with input parameters added plus the normal default options, * compiler, and file manager used by Checker Framework tests */ public static TestConfiguration buildDefaultConfiguration( String testSourcePath, Iterable<File> testSourceFiles, Iterable<String> processors, List<String> options, boolean shouldEmitDebugInfo) { String classPath = getDefaultClassPath(); File outputDir = getOutputDirFromProperty(); TestConfigurationBuilder builder = getDefaultConfigurationBuilder( testSourcePath, outputDir, classPath, testSourceFiles, processors, options, shouldEmitDebugInfo); return builder.validateThenBuild(true); } private static boolean notNullOrEmpty(String str) { return str != null && !str.isEmpty(); } /** * This is the default configuration used by Checker Framework JUnit tests. * * @param testSourcePath the path to the Checker test file sources, usually this is the * directory of Checker's tests * @param testFile a single test java file to compile * @param checkerName a single Checker to include in the processors field * @param options the options to the compiler/processors * @param shouldEmitDebugInfo whether or not debug information should be emitted * @return a TestConfiguration with input parameters added plus the normal default options, * compiler, and file manager used by Checker Framework tests */ public static TestConfiguration buildDefaultConfiguration( String testSourcePath, File testFile, String checkerName, List<String> options, boolean shouldEmitDebugInfo) { List<File> javaFiles = Arrays.asList(testFile); List<String> processors = Arrays.asList(checkerName); return buildDefaultConfiguration( testSourcePath, javaFiles, processors, options, shouldEmitDebugInfo); } /** The list of files that contain Java diagnostics to compare against */ private List<File> diagnosticFiles; /** The set of Java files to test against */ private List<File> testSourceFiles; /** The set of Checker Framework processors to test with */ private Set<String> processors; /** The set of options to the Javac command line used to run the test */ private SimpleOptionMap options; /** Should the Javac options be output before running the test */ private boolean shouldEmitDebugInfo; /** * Note: There are static helper methods named buildConfiguration and buildConfigurationBuilder * that can be used to create the most common types of configurations */ public TestConfigurationBuilder() { diagnosticFiles = new ArrayList<>(); testSourceFiles = new ArrayList<>(); processors = new LinkedHashSet<>(); options = new SimpleOptionMap(); shouldEmitDebugInfo = false; } /** Create a builder that has all of the optoins in initialConfig */ public TestConfigurationBuilder(TestConfiguration initialConfig) { this.diagnosticFiles = new ArrayList<>(initialConfig.getDiagnosticFiles()); this.testSourceFiles = new ArrayList<>(initialConfig.getTestSourceFiles()); this.processors = new LinkedHashSet<>(initialConfig.getProcessors()); this.options = new SimpleOptionMap(); this.addOptions(initialConfig.getOptions()); this.shouldEmitDebugInfo = initialConfig.shouldEmitDebugInfo(); } /** * Ensures that the minimum requirements for running a test are met. These requirements are: * * <ul> * <li>There is at least one source file * <li>There is at least one processor (if requireProcessors has been set to true) * <li>There is an output directory specified for class files * <li>There is no {@code -processor} option in the optionMap (it should be added by * addProcessor instead) * </ul> * * @param requireProcessors whether or not to require that there is at least one processor * @return a list of errors found while validating this configuration */ public List<String> validate(boolean requireProcessors) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); if (testSourceFiles == null || !testSourceFiles.iterator().hasNext()) { errors.add("No source files specified!"); } if (requireProcessors && !processors.iterator().hasNext()) { errors.add("No processors were specified!"); } final Map<String, String> optionMap = options.getOptions(); if (!optionMap.containsKey("-d") || optionMap.get("-d") == null) { errors.add("No output directory was specified."); } if (optionMap.containsKey("-processor")) { errors.add("Processors should not be added to the options list"); } return errors; } public TestConfigurationBuilder adddToPathOption(String key, String toAppend) { options.addToPathOption(key, toAppend); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addDiagnosticFile(File diagnostics) { this.diagnosticFiles.add(diagnostics); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addDiagnosticFiles(Iterable<File> diagnostics) { this.diagnosticFiles = catListAndIterable(diagnosticFiles, diagnostics); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder setDiagnosticFiles(List<File> diagnosticFiles) { this.diagnosticFiles = new ArrayList<>(diagnosticFiles); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addSourceFile(File sourceFile) { testSourceFiles.add(sourceFile); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addSourceFiles(Iterable<File> sourceFiles) { testSourceFiles = catListAndIterable(testSourceFiles, sourceFiles); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder setSourceFiles(List<File> sourceFiles) { this.testSourceFiles = new ArrayList<>(sourceFiles); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder setOptions(Map<String, String> options) { this.options.setOptions(options); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addOption(String option) { this.options.addOption(option); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addOption(String option, String value) { this.options.addOption(option, value); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addOptionIfValueNonEmpty(String option, String value) { if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { return addOption(option, value); } return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addOptions(Map<String, String> options) { this.options.addOptions(options); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addOptions(Iterable<String> newOptions) { this.options.addOptions(newOptions); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder setProcessors(Iterable<String> processors) { this.processors.clear(); for (String proc : processors) { this.processors.add(proc); } return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addProcessor(String processor) { this.processors.add(processor); return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder addProcessors(Iterable<String> processors) { for (String processor : processors) { this.processors.add(processor); } return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder emitDebugInfo() { this.shouldEmitDebugInfo = true; return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder dontEmitDebugInfo() { this.shouldEmitDebugInfo = false; return this; } public TestConfigurationBuilder setShouldEmitDebugInfo(boolean shouldEmitDebugInfo) { this.shouldEmitDebugInfo = shouldEmitDebugInfo; return this; } /** * Creates a TestConfiguration using the settings in this builder. The settings are NOT * validated first */ public TestConfiguration build() { return new ImmutableTestConfiguration( diagnosticFiles, testSourceFiles, new ArrayList<>(processors), options.getOptions(), shouldEmitDebugInfo); } /** * Creates a TestConfiguration using the settings in this builder. The settings are first * validated and a runtime exception is thrown if any errors are found * * @param requireProcessors whether or not there should be at least 1 processor specified, see * method validate */ public TestConfiguration validateThenBuild(boolean requireProcessors) { List<String> errors = validate(requireProcessors); if (errors.isEmpty()) { return build(); } throw new RuntimeException( "Attempted to build invalid test configuration:\n" + "Errors:\n" + PluginUtil.join("\n", errors) + "\n" + this.toString() + "\n"); } /** @return the set of Javac options as a flat list */ public List<String> flatOptions() { return options.getOptionsAsList(); } @Override public String toString() { return "TestConfigurationBuilder:\n" + "testSourceFiles=" + (testSourceFiles == null ? "null" : PluginUtil.join(" ", testSourceFiles)) + "\n" + "processors=" + (processors == null ? "null" : PluginUtil.join(", ", processors)) + "\n" + "options=" + (options == null ? "null" : PluginUtil.join(", ", options.getOptionsAsList())) + "\n" + "shouldEmitDebugInfo=" + shouldEmitDebugInfo; } /** @return a list that first has the items from parameter list then the items from iterable */ private static <T> List<T> catListAndIterable( final List<T> list, final Iterable<? extends T> iterable) { final List<T> newList = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T listObject : list) { newList.add(listObject); } for (T iterObject : iterable) { newList.add(iterObject); } return newList; } public static final String TESTS_OUTPUTDIR = "tests.outputDir"; public static File getOutputDirFromProperty() { return new File( System.getProperty( "tests.outputDir", "tests" + File.separator + "build" + File.separator + "testclasses")); } public static String getDefaultClassPath() { String classpath = System.getProperty("tests.classpath", "tests" + File.separator + "build"); String globalclasspath = System.getProperty("java.class.path", ""); return "build" + File.pathSeparator + "junit-4.12.jar" + File.pathSeparator + "hamcrest-core-1.3.jar" + File.pathSeparator + classpath + File.pathSeparator + globalclasspath; } /** Uses the system property "JDK_JAR" to find the annotated JDK */ public static String getJdkJarPathFromProperty() { return System.getProperty("JDK_JAR"); } }