import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.checkerframework.checker.regex.RegexUtil; import org.checkerframework.checker.regex.qual.Regex; /* * Note that this test case will fail in Eclipse, because the annotations * in comments used by RegexUtil are ignored. */ //@non-308-skip-test public class GroupCounts { void testGroupCount() { @Regex(0) String s1 = "abc"; @Regex(1) String s2 = "(abc)"; @Regex(2) String s3 = "()(abc)"; @Regex(3) String s4 = "(abc())()"; @Regex(4) String s5 = "((((abc))))"; @Regex(0) String s7 = "(abc)"; @Regex String s9 = "()()(())"; @Regex(2) String s10 = "()()(())"; @Regex(3) String s11 = "()()(())"; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(2) String s6 = "nonregex("; // error //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(1) String s8 = "abc"; // error //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(3) String s12 = "()()"; // error //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(4) String s13 = "(())()"; // error } void testPatternCompileGroupCount(@Regex String r, @Regex(3) String r3, @Regex(5) String r5) { @Regex(5) Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile(r5); @Regex Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(r5); @Regex Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile(r); //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(6) Pattern p4 = Pattern.compile(r5); // error //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(6) Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile(r3); // error // Make sure Pattern.compile still works when passed an @Unqualified String // that's actually a regex, with the warning suppressed. @SuppressWarnings("regex:argument.type.incompatible") Pattern p6 = Pattern.compile("(" + r + ")"); } void testConcatenationGroupCount(@Regex String r, @Regex(3) String r3, @Regex(5) String r5) { @Regex(0) String s1 = r + r; @Regex(3) String s2 = r + r3; @Regex(8) String s3 = r3 + r5; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(1) String s4 = r + r; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(4) String s5 = r + r3; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(9) String s6 = r3 + r5; } void testCompoundConcatenationWithGroups( @Regex String s0, @Regex(1) String s1, @Regex(3) String s3) { s0 += s0; @Regex String test0 = s0; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(1) String test01 = s0; s0 += s1; @Regex(1) String test1 = s0; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(2) String test12 = s0; s1 += s3; @Regex(4) String test4 = s1; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(5) String test45 = s1; } void testAsRegexGroupCounts(String s) { @Regex String test1 = RegexUtil.asRegex(s); //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(1) String test2 = RegexUtil.asRegex(s); @Regex(3) String test3 = RegexUtil.asRegex(s, 3); //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @Regex(4) String test4 = RegexUtil.asRegex(s, 3); } void testMatcherGroupCounts( @Regex Matcher m0, @Regex(1) Matcher m1, @Regex(4) Matcher m4, int n) { m0.end(0);; m0.start(0); //:: error: (group.count.invalid) m0.end(1); //:: error: (group.count.invalid); //:: error: (group.count.invalid) m0.start(1); m1.start(0); m1.start(1); //:: error: (group.count.invalid) m1.start(2); m4.start(0); m4.start(2); m4.start(4); //:: error: (group.count.invalid) m4.start(5); //:: warning: (group.count.unknown) m0.start(n); } }