import org.checkerframework.checker.units.*; import org.checkerframework.checker.units.qual.*; public class Division { void d() { // Basic division of same units, no units constraint on x @m int am = 6 * UnitsTools.m, bm = 3 * UnitsTools.m; int x = am / bm; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) @m int bad = am / bm; // Division removes the unit. // As unqualified would be a supertype, we add another multiplication // to make sure the result of the division is unqualified. @s int div = (am / UnitsTools.m) * UnitsTools.s; // units setup @m int m = 2 * UnitsTools.m; @mm int mm = 8 *; @km int km = 4 *; @s int s = 3 * UnitsTools.s; @h int h = 5 * UnitsTools.h; @m2 int m2 = 25 * UnitsTools.m2; @km2 int km2 = 9 * UnitsTools.km2; @mm2 int mm2 = 16 * UnitsTools.mm2; @mPERs int mPERs = 20 * UnitsTools.mPERs; @kmPERh int kmPERh = 2 * UnitsTools.kmPERh; @mPERs2 int mPERs2 = 30 * UnitsTools.mPERs2; // m / s = mPERs @mPERs int velocitym = m / s; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) velocitym = m / h; // km / h = kmPERh @kmPERh int velocitykm = km / h; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) velocitykm = km / s; // m2 / m = m @m int distancem = m2 / m; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) distancem = m2 / km; // km2 / km = km @km int distancekm = km2 / km; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) distancekm = km2 / m; // mm2 / mm = mm @mm int distancemm = mm2 / mm; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) distancemm = km2 / mm; // m / mPERs = s @s int times = m / mPERs; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) times = km / mPERs; // km / kmPERh = h @h int timeh = km / kmPERh; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) timeh = m / kmPERh; // mPERs / s = mPERs2 @mPERs2 int accel1 = mPERs / s; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) accel1 = kmPERh / s; // mPERs / mPERs2 = s @s int times2 = mPERs / mPERs2; //:: error: (assignment.type.incompatible) times2 = kmPERh / mPERs2; } void SpeedOfSoundTests() { @mPERs double speedOfSound = (340.29 * UnitsTools.m) / (UnitsTools.s); @s double tenSeconds = 10.0 * UnitsTools.s; @m double soundIn10Seconds = speedOfSound * tenSeconds; @m double length = 100.0 * UnitsTools.m; @s double soundNeedTimeForLength = length / speedOfSound; } }