import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*; // See issue 241: // Cover all 8 combinations of: // -(Non)static class // -(Non)static field // -(Non)static method // Also test: // -(Non)static field initialization public class JavaExprContext { // Classes to perform tests on // The methods return booleans instead of void simply so they can // be tested as field initializers. public static class staticGraphClass { private Map<String, Integer> adjList = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public boolean addEdge(@KeyFor("adjList") String source) { return true; } public static boolean addEdge2( @KeyFor("#2.adjList") String source, staticGraphClass theGraph) { return true; } public boolean addEdge3(@KeyFor("this.adjList") String source) { return true; } } public class nonstaticGraphClass { private Map<String, Integer> adjList = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public boolean addEdge(@KeyFor("adjList") String source) { return true; } public boolean addEdge2(@KeyFor("this.adjList") String source) { return true; } } // Non-static field initialization staticGraphClass graphField1 = new staticGraphClass(); nonstaticGraphClass graphField2 = new nonstaticGraphClass(); @SuppressWarnings("assignment.type.incompatible") @KeyFor("graphField1.adjList") String key1 = ""; @SuppressWarnings("assignment.type.incompatible") @KeyFor("graphField2.adjList") String key2 = ""; boolean b1 = staticGraphClass.addEdge2(key1, graphField1); boolean b2 = graphField1.addEdge(key1); boolean b3 = graphField1.addEdge2(key1, graphField1); boolean b4 = graphField1.addEdge3(key1); boolean b5 = graphField2.addEdge(key2); boolean b6 = graphField2.addEdge2(key2); // Classes that perform tests public class nonstaticTestClass { staticGraphClass graphField1 = new staticGraphClass(); nonstaticGraphClass graphField2 = new nonstaticGraphClass(); public void buildGraph1(@KeyFor("graphField1.adjList") String hero) { staticGraphClass.addEdge2(hero, graphField1); graphField1.addEdge(hero); graphField1.addEdge2( hero, graphField1); // Calling a static method from an instance object. Ensuring this doesn't confuse the FlowExpression parsing. graphField1.addEdge3(hero); } public void buildGraph2(@KeyFor("graphField2.adjList") String hero) { graphField2.addEdge(hero); graphField2.addEdge2(hero); } public void buildGraph3(staticGraphClass myGraph, @KeyFor("#1.adjList") String hero) { staticGraphClass.addEdge2(hero, myGraph); myGraph.addEdge(hero); myGraph.addEdge2( hero, myGraph); // Calling a static method from an instance object. Ensuring this doesn't confuse the FlowExpression parsing. myGraph.addEdge3(hero); } public void buildGraph4(nonstaticGraphClass myGraph, @KeyFor("#1.adjList") String hero) { myGraph.addEdge(hero); myGraph.addEdge2(hero); } } public static class staticTestClass { staticGraphClass graphField1 = new staticGraphClass(); static staticGraphClass graphField2 = new staticGraphClass(); public void buildGraph1(@KeyFor("graphField1.adjList") String hero) { staticGraphClass.addEdge2(hero, graphField1); graphField1.addEdge(hero); graphField1.addEdge2( hero, graphField1); // Calling a static method from an instance object. Ensuring this doesn't confuse the FlowExpression parsing. graphField1.addEdge3(hero); } public void buildGraph3(@KeyFor("graphField2.adjList") String hero) { staticGraphClass.addEdge2(hero, graphField2); graphField2.addEdge(hero); graphField2.addEdge2( hero, graphField2); // Calling a static method from an instance object. Ensuring this doesn't confuse the FlowExpression parsing. graphField2.addEdge3(hero); } public void buildGraph5(staticGraphClass myGraph, @KeyFor("#1.adjList") String hero) { staticGraphClass.addEdge2(hero, myGraph); myGraph.addEdge(hero); myGraph.addEdge2( hero, myGraph); // Calling a static method from an instance object. Ensuring this doesn't confuse the FlowExpression parsing. myGraph.addEdge3(hero); } public void buildGraph6(nonstaticGraphClass myGraph, @KeyFor("#1.adjList") String hero) { myGraph.addEdge(hero); myGraph.addEdge2(hero); } public static void buildGraph7(@KeyFor("graphField2.adjList") String hero) { staticGraphClass.addEdge2(hero, graphField2); graphField2.addEdge(hero); graphField2.addEdge2( hero, graphField2); // Calling a static method from an instance object. Ensuring this doesn't confuse the FlowExpression parsing. graphField2.addEdge3(hero); } public static void buildGraph9( staticGraphClass myGraph, @KeyFor("#1.adjList") String hero) { staticGraphClass.addEdge2(hero, myGraph); myGraph.addEdge(hero); myGraph.addEdge2( hero, myGraph); // Calling a static method from an instance object. Ensuring this doesn't confuse the FlowExpression parsing. myGraph.addEdge3(hero); } public static void buildGraph10( nonstaticGraphClass myGraph, @KeyFor("#1.adjList") String hero) { myGraph.addEdge(hero); myGraph.addEdge2(hero); } } }