package org.checkerframework.framework.util.element; import; import; import; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; /** * Applies the annotations present for a class type parameter onto an AnnotatedTypeVariable. See * {@link TypeParamElementAnnotationApplier} for details. */ public class ClassTypeParamApplier extends TypeParamElementAnnotationApplier { public static void apply( AnnotatedTypeVariable type, Element element, AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory) { new ClassTypeParamApplier(type, element, typeFactory).extractAndApply(); } /** @return true if element represents a type parameter for a class */ public static boolean accepts(final AnnotatedTypeMirror type, final Element element) { return element.getKind() == ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER && element.getEnclosingElement() instanceof Symbol.ClassSymbol; } /** The class that holds the type parameter element */ private final Symbol.ClassSymbol enclosingClass; ClassTypeParamApplier( AnnotatedTypeVariable type, Element element, AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory) { super(type, element, typeFactory); if (!(element.getEnclosingElement() instanceof Symbol.ClassSymbol)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "TypeParameter not enclosed by class? Type( " + type + " ) " + "Element ( " + element + " ) "); } enclosingClass = (Symbol.ClassSymbol) element.getEnclosingElement(); } /** @return TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER */ @Override protected TargetType lowerBoundTarget() { return TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER; } /** @return TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND */ @Override protected TargetType upperBoundTarget() { return TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND; } /** @return the index of element in the type parameter list of its enclosing class */ @Override public int getElementIndex() { return enclosingClass.getTypeParameters().indexOf(element); } @Override protected TargetType[] validTargets() { return new TargetType[] {TargetType.CLASS_EXTENDS}; } /** @return the raw type attributes of the enclosing class */ @Override protected Iterable<Attribute.TypeCompound> getRawTypeAttributes() { return enclosingClass.getRawTypeAttributes(); } @Override protected boolean isAccepted() { return accepts(type, element); } }