package org.checkerframework.framework.type; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.util.Types; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedIntersectionType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.visitor.AbstractAtmComboVisitor; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.visitor.VisitHistory; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotatedTypes; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AtmCombo; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.PluginUtil; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.InternalUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypesUtils; /** * A visitor used to compare two type mirrors for "structural" equality. Structural equality implies * that, for two objects, all fields are also structurally equal and for primitives their values are * equal. One reason this class is necessary is that at the moment we compare wildcards and type * variables for "equality". This occurs because we do not employ capture conversion. * * <p>See also DefaultTypeHierarchy, and VisitHistory */ public class StructuralEqualityComparer extends AbstractAtmComboVisitor<Boolean, VisitHistory> { //TODO: REMOVE THIS OVERRIDE WHEN inferTypeArgs NO LONGER GENERATES INCOMPARABLE TYPES //TODO: THE PROBLEM IS THIS CLASS SHOULD FAIL WHEN INCOMPARABLE TYPES ARE COMPARED BUT //TODO: TO CURRENTLY SUPPORT THE BUGGY inferTypeArgs WE FALL BACK TO the RawnessComparer //TODO: WHICH IS CLOSE TO THE OLD TypeHierarchy behavior private final DefaultRawnessComparer fallback; // explain this one private AnnotationMirror currentTop = null; public StructuralEqualityComparer() { this(null); } public StructuralEqualityComparer(final DefaultRawnessComparer fallback) { this.fallback = fallback; } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction( AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, AnnotatedTypeMirror type2, VisitHistory visitHistory) { //TODO: REMOVE THIS OVERRIDE WHEN inferTypeArgs NO LONGER GENERATES INCOMPARABLE TYPES //TODO: THe rawness comparer is close to the old implementation of TypeHierarchy if (fallback != null) { return fallback.isValidInHierarchy(type1, type2, currentTop, visitHistory); } return super.defaultAction(type1, type2, visitHistory); } /** * Returns true if type1 and type2 are structurally equivalent. With one exception, * type1.getClass().equals(type2.getClass()) must be true. However, because the Checker * Framework sometimes "infers" Typevars to be Wildcards, we allow the combination * Wildcard,Typevar. In this case, the two types are "equal" if their bounds are. * * @return true if type1 and type2 are equal */ public boolean areEqual(final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2) { return AtmCombo.accept(type1, type2, new VisitHistory(), this); } /** * The same as areEqual(type1, type2) except now a visited is passed along in order to avoid * infinite recursion on recursive bounds. This method is only used internally to * EqualityComparer. */ public boolean areEqual( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (type1 == null) { return type2 == null; } if (type2 == null) { return false; } return AtmCombo.accept(type1, type2, visited, this); } public boolean areEqualInHierarchy( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2, final AnnotationMirror top) { boolean areEqual; AnnotationMirror prevTop = currentTop; currentTop = top; try { areEqual = areEqual(type1, type2); } finally { currentTop = prevTop; } return areEqual; } /** Return true if type1 and type2 have the same set of annotations. */ protected boolean arePrimeAnnosEqual( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2) { if (currentTop != null) { return AnnotationUtils.areSame( type1.getAnnotationInHierarchy(currentTop), type2.getAnnotationInHierarchy(currentTop)); } // else return AnnotationUtils.areSame(type1.getAnnotations(), type2.getAnnotations()); } /** * Compare each type in types1 and types2 pairwise and return true if they are all equal. This * method throws an exceptions if types1.size() != types2.size() * * @param visited a store of what types have already been visited * @return true if for each pair (t1 = types1.get(i); t2 = types2.get(i)), areEqual(t1,t2) */ protected boolean areAllEqual( final Collection<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> types1, final Collection<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> types2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (types1.size() != types2.size()) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Mismatching collection sizes:\n" + PluginUtil.join(",", types1) + "\n" + PluginUtil.join(",", types2)); } final Iterator<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> types1Iter = types1.iterator(); final Iterator<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> types2Iter = types2.iterator(); while (types1Iter.hasNext()) { final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1 =; final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2 =; if (!checkOrAreEqual(type1, type2, visited)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * First check visited to see if type1 and type2 have been compared once already. If so return * true; otherwise compare them and add them to visited */ protected boolean checkOrAreEqual( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (visited.contains(type1, type2)) { return true; } final Boolean result = areEqual(type1, type2, visited); visited.add(type1, type2); return result; } /** * Called for every combination in which !type1.getClass().equals(type2.getClass()) except for * Wildcard_Typevar. * * @return error message explaining the two types' classes are not the same */ @Override protected String defaultErrorMessage( AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, AnnotatedTypeMirror type2, VisitHistory visited) { return "AnnotatedTypeMirror classes aren't equal.\n" + "type1 = " + type1.getClass().getSimpleName() + "( " + type1 + " )\n" + "type2 = " + type2.getClass().getSimpleName() + "( " + type2 + " )\n" + "visitHistory = " + visited; } /** * Two arrays are equal if: * * <ol> * <li>Their sets of primary annotations are equal, and * <li>Their component types are equal * </ol> */ @Override public Boolean visitArray_Array( final AnnotatedArrayType type1, final AnnotatedArrayType type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (!arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2)) { return false; } return areEqual(type1.getComponentType(), type2.getComponentType(), visited); } /** * Two declared types are equal if: * * <ol> * <li>The types are of the same class/interfaces * <li>Their sets of primary annotations are equal * <li>Their sets of type arguments are equal or one type is raw * </ol> */ @Override public Boolean visitDeclared_Declared( final AnnotatedDeclaredType type1, final AnnotatedDeclaredType type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (visited.contains(type1, type2)) { return true; } if (!arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2)) { return false; } visited.add(type1, type2); return visitTypeArgs(type1, type2, visited); } /** * A helper class for visitDeclared_Declared. There are subtypes of DefaultTypeHierarchy that * need to customize the handling of type arguments. This method provides a convenient extension * point. */ protected Boolean visitTypeArgs( final AnnotatedDeclaredType type1, final AnnotatedDeclaredType type2, final VisitHistory visited) { //TODO: ANYTHING WITH RAW TYPES? SHOULD WE HANDLE THEM LIKE DefaultTypeHierarchy, i.e. use ignoreRawTypes final List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> type1Args = type1.getTypeArguments(); final List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> type2Args = type2.getTypeArguments(); //TODO: IN THE ORIGINAL TYPE_HIERARCHY WE ALWAYS RETURN TRUE IF ONE OF THE LISTS IS EMPTY //TODO: WE SHOULD NEVER GET HERE UNLESS type's declared class and type2's declared class are equal //TODO: but potentially this would return true if say we compared (Object, List<String>) if (type1Args.isEmpty() || type2Args.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (type1Args.size() > 0) { if (!areAllEqual(type1Args, type2Args, visited)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * //TODO: SHOULD PRIMARY ANNOTATIONS OVERRIDE INDIVIDUAL BOUND ANNOTATIONS? //TODO: IF SO THEN * WE SHOULD REMOVE THE arePrimeAnnosEqual AND FIX AnnotatedIntersectionType Two intersection * types are equal if: * * <ul> * <li>Their sets of primary annotations are equal * <li>Their sets of bounds (the types being intersected) are equal * </ul> */ @Override public Boolean visitIntersection_Intersection( final AnnotatedIntersectionType type1, final AnnotatedIntersectionType type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (!arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2)) { return false; } visited.add(type1, type2); return areAllEqual(type1.directSuperTypes(), type2.directSuperTypes(), visited); } /** * Two null types are equal if: * * <ul> * <li>Their sets of primary annotations are equal * </ul> */ @Override public Boolean visitNull_Null( final AnnotatedNullType type1, final AnnotatedNullType type2, final VisitHistory visited) { return arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2); } /** * Two primitive types are equal if: * * <ul> * <li>Their sets of primary annotations are equal * </ul> */ @Override public Boolean visitPrimitive_Primitive( final AnnotatedPrimitiveType type1, final AnnotatedPrimitiveType type2, final VisitHistory visited) { return arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2); } /** * Two type variables are equal if: * * <ul> * <li>Their bounds are equal * </ul> * * Note: Primary annotations will be taken into account when the bounds are retrieved */ @Override public Boolean visitTypevar_Typevar( final AnnotatedTypeVariable type1, final AnnotatedTypeVariable type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (visited.contains(type1, type2)) { return true; } visited.add(type1, type2); //TODO: Remove this code when capture conversion is implemented if (InternalUtils.isCaptured(type1.getUnderlyingType()) || InternalUtils.isCaptured(type2.getUnderlyingType())) { if (!boundsMatch(type1, type2)) { return subtypeAndCompare(type1.getUpperBound(), type2.getUpperBound(), visited) && subtypeAndCompare(type1.getLowerBound(), type2.getLowerBound(), visited); } } visited.add(type1, type2); return areEqual(type1.getUpperBound(), type2.getUpperBound(), visited) && areEqual(type1.getLowerBound(), type2.getLowerBound(), visited); } /** * A temporary solution until we handle CaptureConversion, subtypeAndCompare handles cases in * which we encounter a captured type being compared against a non-captured type. The captured * type may have type arguments that are subtypes of the other type it is being compared to. In * these cases, we will convert the bounds via this method to the other type and then continue * on with the equality comparison. If neither of the type args can be converted to the other * than we just compare the effective annotations on the two types for equality. */ boolean subtypeAndCompare( final AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, final AnnotatedTypeMirror type2, final VisitHistory visited) { final Types types = type1.atypeFactory.types; final AnnotatedTypeMirror t1; final AnnotatedTypeMirror t2; if (type1.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL && type2.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) { return areEqual(type1, type2); } if (type1.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL || type2.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) { t1 = type1; t2 = type2; } else if (types.isSubtype(type2.getUnderlyingType(), type1.getUnderlyingType())) { t1 = type1; t2 = AnnotatedTypes.asSuper(type1.atypeFactory, type2, type1); } else if (types.isSubtype(type1.getUnderlyingType(), type2.getUnderlyingType())) { t1 = AnnotatedTypes.asSuper(type1.atypeFactory, type1, type2); t2 = type2; } else { t1 = null; t2 = null; } if (t1 == null || t2 == null) { final QualifierHierarchy qualifierHierarchy = type1.atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(); if (currentTop == null) { return AnnotationUtils.areSame( AnnotatedTypes.findEffectiveAnnotations(qualifierHierarchy, type1), AnnotatedTypes.findEffectiveAnnotations(qualifierHierarchy, type2)); } else { return AnnotationUtils.areSame( AnnotatedTypes.findEffectiveAnnotationInHierarchy( qualifierHierarchy, type1, currentTop), AnnotatedTypes.findEffectiveAnnotationInHierarchy( qualifierHierarchy, type2, currentTop)); } } return areEqual(t1, t2, visited); } /** @return true if the underlying types of the bounds for type1 and type2 are equal */ public boolean boundsMatch( final AnnotatedTypeVariable type1, final AnnotatedTypeVariable type2) { return type1.getUpperBound() .getUnderlyingType() .equals(type2.getUpperBound().getUnderlyingType()) && type1.getLowerBound() .getUnderlyingType() .equals(type2.getLowerBound().getUnderlyingType()); } /** * Two wildcards are equal if: * * <ul> * <li>Their bounds are equal * </ul> * * Note: Primary annotations will be taken into account when the bounds are retrieved * * <p>TODO: IDENTIFY TESTS THAT LEAD TO RECURSIVE BOUNDED WILDCARDS, PERHAPS THE RIGHT THING IS * TO MOVE THE CODE THAT IDENTIFIES REFERENCES TO THE SAME WILDCARD TYPE HERE. WOULD WE EVER * WANT TO HAVE A REFERENCE TO THE SAME WILDCARD WITH DIFFERENT ANNOTATIONS? */ @Override public Boolean visitWildcard_Wildcard( final AnnotatedWildcardType type1, final AnnotatedWildcardType type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (visited.contains(type1, type2)) { return true; } visited.add(type1, type2); return areEqual(type1.getExtendsBound(), type2.getExtendsBound(), visited) && areEqual(type1.getSuperBound(), type2.getSuperBound(), visited); } // since we don't do a boxing conversion between primitive and declared types in some cases // we must compare primitives with their boxed counterparts @Override public Boolean visitDeclared_Primitive( AnnotatedDeclaredType type1, AnnotatedPrimitiveType type2, VisitHistory visitHistory) { if (!TypesUtils.isBoxOf(type1.getUnderlyingType(), type2.getUnderlyingType())) { defaultErrorMessage(type1, type2, visitHistory); } return arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2); } @Override public Boolean visitPrimitive_Declared( AnnotatedPrimitiveType type1, AnnotatedDeclaredType type2, VisitHistory visitHistory) { if (!TypesUtils.isBoxOf(type2.getUnderlyingType(), type1.getUnderlyingType())) { defaultErrorMessage(type1, type2, visitHistory); } return arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2); } // The following methods are because we use WILDCARDS instead of TYPEVARS for capture converted wildcards //TODO: REMOVE THE METHOD BELOW WHEN CAPTURE CONVERSION IS IMPLEMENTED /** * Since the Checker Framework doesn't engage in capture conversion, and since sometimes type * variables are "inferred" to be wildcards, this method allows the comparison of a wildcard to * a type variable even though they should never truly be equal. * * <p>A wildcard is equal tyo a type variable if: * * <ul> * <li>The wildcard's bounds are equal to the type variable's bounds * </ul> */ @Override public Boolean visitWildcard_Typevar( final AnnotatedWildcardType type1, final AnnotatedTypeVariable type2, final VisitHistory visited) { if (visited.contains(type1, type2)) { return true; } visited.add(type1, type2); return areEqual(type1.getExtendsBound(), type2.getUpperBound(), visited) && areEqual(type1.getSuperBound(), type2.getLowerBound(), visited); } }