package org.checkerframework.framework.stub; import annotations.Annotation; import annotations.Annotations; import annotations.el.ABlock; import annotations.el.AClass; import annotations.el.ADeclaration; import annotations.el.AElement; import annotations.el.AExpression; import annotations.el.AField; import annotations.el.AMethod; import annotations.el.AScene; import annotations.el.ATypeElement; import annotations.el.ATypeElementWithType; import annotations.el.AnnotationDef; import annotations.el.DefException; import annotations.el.ElementVisitor; import annotations.field.AnnotationFieldType; import annotations.field.ArrayAFT; import annotations.field.BasicAFT; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Utility that generates {@code @AnnotatedFor} class annotations. The {@link #main} method acts as * a filter: it reads a JAIF from standard input and writes an augmented JAIF to standard output. * * @author dbro */ public class AddAnnotatedFor { /** Definition of {@code @AnnotatedFor} annotation. */ private static AnnotationDef adAnnotatedFor; static { Class<?> annotatedFor = org.checkerframework.framework.qual.AnnotatedFor.class; Set<Annotation> annotatedForMetaAnnotations = new HashSet<Annotation>(); annotatedForMetaAnnotations.add(Annotations.aRetentionSource); annotatedForMetaAnnotations.add( Annotations.createValueAnnotation( Annotations.adTarget, Arrays.<String>asList("TYPE", "METHOD", "CONSTRUCTOR", "PACKAGE"))); adAnnotatedFor = new AnnotationDef( annotatedFor.getCanonicalName(), annotatedForMetaAnnotations, Collections.<String, AnnotationFieldType>singletonMap( "value", new ArrayAFT(BasicAFT.forType(String.class)))); } /** * Reads JAIF from the file indicated by the first element, or standard input if the argument * array is empty; inserts any appropriate {@code @AnnotatedFor} annotations, based on the * annotations defined in the input JAIF; and writes the augmented JAIF to standard output. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, DefException, ParseException { AScene scene = new AScene(); Reader r = args.length > 0 ? new FileReader(args[0]) : new InputStreamReader(; IndexFileParser.parse(new LineNumberReader(r), scene); scene.prune(); addAnnotatedFor(scene); IndexFileWriter.write(scene, new PrintWriter(System.out, true)); } public static void addAnnotatedFor(AScene scene) { for (AClass clazz : new HashSet<AClass>(scene.classes.values())) { Set<String> annotatedFor = new HashSet<String>(); clazz.accept(annotatedForVisitor, annotatedFor); if (!annotatedFor.isEmpty()) { // Set eliminates duplicates, but it must be converted to List; // for whatever reason, IndexFileWriter recognizes array // arguments only in List form. List<String> annotatedForList = new ArrayList<String>(annotatedFor); clazz.tlAnnotationsHere.add( new Annotation( adAnnotatedFor, Annotations.valueFieldOnly(annotatedForList))); } } } private static ElementVisitor<Void, Set<String>> annotatedForVisitor = new ElementVisitor<Void, Set<String>>() { @Override public Void visitAnnotationDef(AnnotationDef el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { return null; } @Override public Void visitBlock(ABlock el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { for (AField e : el.locals.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return visitExpression(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitClass(AClass el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { for (ATypeElement e : el.bounds.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElement e : el.extendsImplements.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (AExpression e : el.fieldInits.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (AField e : el.fields.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ABlock e : el.instanceInits.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (AMethod e : el.methods.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ABlock e : el.staticInits.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return visitDeclaration(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitDeclaration(ADeclaration el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { for (ATypeElement e : el.insertAnnotations.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElementWithType e : el.insertTypecasts.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return visitElement(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitExpression(AExpression el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { for (ATypeElement e : el.calls.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (AMethod e : el.funs.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElement e : el.instanceofs.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElement e : { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElement e : el.refs.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElement e : el.typecasts.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return visitElement(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitField(AField el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { if (el.init != null) { el.init.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return visitDeclaration(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitMethod(AMethod el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { if (el.body != null) { el.body.accept(this, annotatedFor); } if (el.receiver != null) { el.receiver.accept(this, annotatedFor); } if (el.returnType != null) { el.returnType.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElement e : el.bounds.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (AField e : el.parameters.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } for (ATypeElement e : el.throwsException.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return visitDeclaration(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitTypeElement(ATypeElement el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { for (ATypeElement e : el.innerTypes.values()) { e.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return visitElement(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitTypeElementWithType( ATypeElementWithType el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { return visitTypeElement(el, annotatedFor); } @Override public Void visitElement(AElement el, final Set<String> annotatedFor) { for (Annotation a : el.tlAnnotationsHere) { String s = a.def().name; int j = s.indexOf(".qual."); if (j > 0) { int i = s.lastIndexOf('.', j - 1); if (i > 0 && j - i > 1) { annotatedFor.add(s.substring(i + 1, j)); } } } if (el.type != null) { el.type.accept(this, annotatedFor); } return null; } }; }