package java.util; import org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.*; import; // Subclasses of this interface/class may opt to prohibit null elements public interface Collection<E extends Object> extends Iterable<E> { int size(@GuardSatisfied Collection<E> this); boolean isEmpty(@GuardSatisfied Collection<E> this); // not true, because map could contain nulls: AssertParametersNonNull("get(#1)") boolean contains(@GuardSatisfied Collection<E> this, @GuardSatisfied Object a1); @Override Iterator<E> iterator(); // The Nullness Checker does NOT use these signatures for either version // of toArray; rather, the checker has hard-coded rules for those two // methods, because the most useful type for toArray is not expressible // in the surface syntax that the nullness annotations support. Object [] toArray(); <T extends Object> T [] toArray(T [] a1); boolean add(E a1); boolean remove(Object a1); public abstract boolean containsAll(@GuardSatisfied Collection<E> this, @GuardSatisfied Collection<?> a1); boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> a1); boolean removeAll(Collection<?> a1); boolean retainAll(Collection<?> a1); void clear(); @Override public abstract boolean equals(@GuardSatisfied Collection<E> this, @GuardSatisfied Object a1); @Override public abstract int hashCode(@GuardSatisfied Collection<E> this); default Stream<E> stream() { throw new RuntimeException("skeleton method"); } }