package org.checkerframework.common.basetype; /*>>> import org.checkerframework.checker.compilermsgs.qual.CompilerMessageKey; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable; */ import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayAccessTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CatchTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ConditionalExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.EnhancedForLoopTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree; import com.sun.source.tree.InstanceOfTree; import com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MemberReferenceTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree; import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree; import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ParameterizedTypeTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ReturnTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ThrowTree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree; import com.sun.source.tree.TypeCastTree; import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree; import com.sun.source.tree.UnaryTree; import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree; import com.sun.source.util.SourcePositions; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; import com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable; import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter; import; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.FlowExpressions.Receiver; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferResult; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.BooleanLiteralNode; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.MethodInvocationNode; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.ReturnNode; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.util.PurityChecker; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.util.PurityChecker.PurityResult; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.util.PurityUtils; import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAbstractStore; import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAbstractValue; import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.DefaultQualifier; import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.Unused; import org.checkerframework.framework.source.Result; import org.checkerframework.framework.source.SourceVisitor; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedUnionType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.QualifierHierarchy; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.TypeHierarchy; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.VisitorState; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.visitor.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotatedTypes; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.ContractsUtils; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.ContractsUtils.ConditionalPostcondition; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.ContractsUtils.Contract; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.ContractsUtils.Postcondition; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.ContractsUtils.Precondition; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FieldInvariants; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FlowExpressionParseUtil; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionContext; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionParseException; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.PluginUtil; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.QualifierPolymorphism; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ElementUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.InternalUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Pair; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypesUtils; /** * A {@link SourceVisitor} that performs assignment and pseudo-assignment checking, method * invocation checking, and assignability checking. * * <p>This implementation uses the {@link AnnotatedTypeFactory} implementation provided by an * associated {@link BaseTypeChecker}; its visitor methods will invoke this factory on parts of the * AST to determine the "annotated type" of an expression. Then, the visitor methods will check the * types in assignments and pseudo-assignments using {@link #commonAssignmentCheck}, which * ultimately calls the {@link TypeHierarchy#isSubtype} method and reports errors that violate * Java's rules of assignment. * * <p>Note that since this implementation only performs assignment and pseudo-assignment checking, * other rules for custom type systems must be added in subclasses (e.g., dereference checking in * the {@link org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker} is implemented in the {@link * org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker}'s {@link TreeScanner#visitMemberSelect} * method). * * <p>This implementation does the following checks: * * <ol> * <li><b>Assignment and Pseudo-Assignment Check</b>: It verifies that any assignment type-checks, * using {@code TypeHierarchy.isSubtype} method. This includes method invocation and method * overriding checks. * <li><b>Type Validity Check</b>: It verifies that any user-supplied type is a valid type, using * {@code isValidUse} method. * <li><b>(Re-)Assignability Check</b>: It verifies that any assignment is valid, using {@code * Checker.isAssignable} method. * </ol> * * @see "JLS $4" * @see TypeHierarchy#isSubtype(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror) * @see AnnotatedTypeFactory */ /* * Note how the handling of VisitorState is duplicated in AbstractFlow. In * particular, the handling of the assignment context has to be done correctly * in both classes. This is a pain and we should see how to handle this in the * DFF version. * * TODO: missing assignment context: array initializer * expressions should have the component type as context */ public class BaseTypeVisitor<Factory extends GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory<?, ?, ?, ?>> extends SourceVisitor<Void, Void> { /** The {@link BaseTypeChecker} for error reporting. */ protected final BaseTypeChecker checker; /** The factory to use for obtaining "parsed" version of annotations. */ protected final Factory atypeFactory; /** For obtaining line numbers in -Ashowchecks debugging output. */ protected final SourcePositions positions; /** For storing visitor state. */ protected final VisitorState visitorState; /** An instance of the {@link ContractsUtils} helper class. */ protected final ContractsUtils contractsUtils; /** * @param checker the type-checker associated with this visitor (for callbacks to {@link * TypeHierarchy#isSubtype}) */ public BaseTypeVisitor(BaseTypeChecker checker) { super(checker); this.checker = checker; this.atypeFactory = createTypeFactory(); this.contractsUtils = ContractsUtils.getInstance(atypeFactory); this.positions = trees.getSourcePositions(); this.visitorState = atypeFactory.getVisitorState(); this.typeValidator = createTypeValidator(); this.vectorType = atypeFactory.fromElement(elements.getTypeElement("java.util.Vector")); } protected BaseTypeVisitor(BaseTypeChecker checker, Factory typeFactory) { super(checker); this.checker = checker; this.atypeFactory = typeFactory; this.contractsUtils = ContractsUtils.getInstance(atypeFactory); this.positions = trees.getSourcePositions(); this.visitorState = atypeFactory.getVisitorState(); this.typeValidator = createTypeValidator(); this.vectorType = atypeFactory.fromElement(elements.getTypeElement("java.util.Vector")); } /** * Constructs an instance of the appropriate type factory for the implemented type system. * * <p>The default implementation uses the checker naming convention to create the appropriate * type factory. If no factory is found, it returns {@link BaseAnnotatedTypeFactory}. It * reflectively invokes the constructor that accepts this checker and compilation unit tree (in * that order) as arguments. * * <p>Subclasses have to override this method to create the appropriate visitor if they do not * follow the checker naming convention. * * @return the appropriate type factory */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast to type variable protected Factory createTypeFactory() { // Try to reflectively load the type factory. Class<?> checkerClass = checker.getClass(); while (checkerClass != BaseTypeChecker.class) { final String classToLoad = checkerClass .getName() .replace("Checker", "AnnotatedTypeFactory") .replace("Subchecker", "AnnotatedTypeFactory"); AnnotatedTypeFactory result = BaseTypeChecker.invokeConstructorFor( classToLoad, new Class<?>[] {BaseTypeChecker.class}, new Object[] {checker}); if (result != null) { return (Factory) result; } checkerClass = checkerClass.getSuperclass(); } return (Factory) new BaseAnnotatedTypeFactory(checker); } public final Factory getTypeFactory() { return atypeFactory; } // ********************************************************************** // Responsible for updating the factory for the location (for performance) // ********************************************************************** @Override public void setRoot(CompilationUnitTree root) { atypeFactory.setRoot(root); super.setRoot(root); } @Override public Void scan(Tree tree, Void p) { if (tree != null && getCurrentPath() != null) { this.visitorState.setPath(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), tree)); } return super.scan(tree, p); } /** * Type-check classTree and skips classes specified by the skipDef option. Subclasses should * override {@link #processClassTree(ClassTree)} instead of this method. * * @param classTree class to check * @param p null * @return null */ @Override public final Void visitClass(ClassTree classTree, Void p) { if (checker.shouldSkipDefs(classTree)) { // Not "return super.visitClass(classTree, p);" because that would // recursively call visitors on subtrees; we want to skip the // class entirely. return null; } atypeFactory.preProcessClassTree(classTree); AnnotatedDeclaredType preACT = visitorState.getClassType(); ClassTree preCT = visitorState.getClassTree(); AnnotatedDeclaredType preAMT = visitorState.getMethodReceiver(); MethodTree preMT = visitorState.getMethodTree(); Pair<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror> preAssCtxt = visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); visitorState.setClassType(atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(classTree)); visitorState.setClassTree(classTree); visitorState.setMethodReceiver(null); visitorState.setMethodTree(null); visitorState.setAssignmentContext(null); try { processClassTree(classTree); atypeFactory.postProcessClassTree(classTree); } finally { this.visitorState.setClassType(preACT); this.visitorState.setClassTree(preCT); this.visitorState.setMethodReceiver(preAMT); this.visitorState.setMethodTree(preMT); this.visitorState.setAssignmentContext(preAssCtxt); } return null; } /** * Type-check classTree. Subclasses should override this method instead of {@link * #visitClass(ClassTree, Void)}. * * @param classTree class to check */ public void processClassTree(ClassTree classTree) { checkFieldInvariantDeclarations(classTree); if (!TreeUtils.hasExplicitConstructor(classTree)) { checkDefaultConstructor(classTree); } /* Visit the extends and implements clauses. * The superclass also visits them, but only calls visitParameterizedType, which * loses a main modifier. */ Tree ext = classTree.getExtendsClause(); if (ext != null) { validateTypeOf(ext); } List<? extends Tree> impls = classTree.getImplementsClause(); if (impls != null) { for (Tree im : impls) { validateTypeOf(im); } } super.visitClass(classTree, null); } /** * Check that the field invariant declaration annotations meet the following requirements: * * <ol> * <!-- The item numbering is referred to in the body of the method.--> * <li value="1">If the superclass of {@code classTree} has a field invariant, then the field * invariant for {@code classTree} must include all the fields in the superclass invariant * and those fields' annotations must be a subtype (or equal) to the annotations for those * fields in the superclass. * <li value="2">The fields in the invariant must be a.) final and b.) declared in a * superclass of {@code classTree}. * <li value="3">The qualifier for each field must be a subtype of the annotation on the * declaration of that field. * <li value="4">The field invariant has an equal number of fields and qualifiers, or it has * one qualifier and at least one field. * </ol> * * @param classTree class that might have a field invariant * @checker_framework.manual #field-invariants Field invariants */ protected void checkFieldInvariantDeclarations(ClassTree classTree) { TypeElement elt = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(classTree); FieldInvariants invariants = atypeFactory.getFieldInvariants(elt); if (invariants == null) { // No invariants to check return; } // Where to issue an error, if any. Tree errorTree = atypeFactory.getFieldInvariantAnnotationTree( classTree.getModifiers().getAnnotations()); if (errorTree == null) { // If the annotation was inherited, then there is no annotation tree, so issue the // error on the class. errorTree = classTree; } // Checks #4 (see method Javadoc) if (!invariants.isWellFormed()) {"field.invariant.not.wellformed"), errorTree); return; } TypeMirror superClass = elt.getSuperclass(); List<String> fieldsNotFound = new ArrayList<>(invariants.getFields()); Set<VariableElement> fieldElts = ElementUtils.findFieldsInTypeOrSuperType(superClass, fieldsNotFound); // Checks that fields are declared in super class. (#2b) if (!fieldsNotFound.isEmpty()) { String notFoundString = PluginUtil.join(", ", fieldsNotFound);"field.invariant.not.found", notFoundString), errorTree); } FieldInvariants superInvar = atypeFactory.getFieldInvariants(InternalUtils.getTypeElement(superClass)); if (superInvar != null) { // Checks #3 (see method Javadoc) Result superError = invariants.isSuperInvariant(superInvar, atypeFactory); if (superError != null) {, errorTree); } } List<String> notFinal = new ArrayList<>(); for (VariableElement field : fieldElts) { String fieldName = field.getSimpleName().toString(); if (!ElementUtils.isFinal(field)) { notFinal.add(fieldName); } AnnotatedTypeMirror type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(field); List<AnnotationMirror> annos = invariants.getQualifiersFor(field.getSimpleName()); for (AnnotationMirror invariantAnno : annos) { AnnotationMirror declaredAnno = type.getEffectiveAnnotationInHierarchy(invariantAnno); if (declaredAnno == null) { // invariant anno isn't in this hierarchy continue; } if (!atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().isSubtype(invariantAnno, declaredAnno)) { // Checks #3 Result.failure( "field.invariant.not.subtype", fieldName, invariantAnno, declaredAnno), errorTree); } } } // Checks #2a if (!notFinal.isEmpty()) { String notFinalString = PluginUtil.join(", ", notFinal);"", notFinalString), errorTree); } } protected void checkDefaultConstructor(ClassTree node) {} /** * Performs pseudo-assignment check: checks that the method obeys override and subtype rules to * all overridden methods. * * <p>The override rule specifies that a method, m1, may override a method m2 only if: * * <ul> * <li>m1 return type is a subtype of m2 * <li>m1 receiver type is a supertype of m2 * <li>m1 parameters are supertypes of corresponding m2 parameters * </ul> * * Also, it issues a "missing.this" error for static method annotated receivers. */ @Override public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) { // We copy the result from getAnnotatedType to ensure that // circular types (e.g. K extends Comparable<K>) are represented // by circular AnnotatedTypeMirrors, which avoids problems with // later checks. // TODO: Find a cleaner way to ensure circular AnnotatedTypeMirrors. AnnotatedExecutableType methodType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node).deepCopy(); AnnotatedDeclaredType preMRT = visitorState.getMethodReceiver(); MethodTree preMT = visitorState.getMethodTree(); visitorState.setMethodReceiver(methodType.getReceiverType()); visitorState.setMethodTree(node); ExecutableElement methodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(node); try { if (InternalUtils.isAnonymousConstructor(node)) { // We shouldn't dig deeper return null; } // check method purity if needed { boolean anyPurityAnnotation = PurityUtils.hasPurityAnnotation(atypeFactory, node); boolean checkPurityAlways = checker.hasOption("suggestPureMethods"); boolean checkPurityAnnotations = checker.hasOption("checkPurityAnnotations"); if (checkPurityAnnotations && (anyPurityAnnotation || checkPurityAlways)) { // check "no" purity List<Pure.Kind> kinds = PurityUtils.getPurityKinds(atypeFactory, node); // @Deterministic makes no sense for a void method or constructor boolean isDeterministic = kinds.contains(Pure.Kind.DETERMINISTIC); if (isDeterministic) { if (TreeUtils.isConstructor(node)) { Result.warning("purity.deterministic.constructor"), node); } else if (InternalUtils.typeOf(node.getReturnType()).getKind() == TypeKind.VOID) { Result.warning("purity.deterministic.void.method"), node); } } // Report errors if necessary. PurityResult r = PurityChecker.checkPurity( node.getBody(), atypeFactory, checker.hasOption("assumeSideEffectFree")); if (!r.isPure(kinds)) { reportPurityErrors(r, node, kinds); } // Issue a warning if the method is pure, but not annotated // as such (if the feature is activated). if (checkPurityAlways) { Collection<Pure.Kind> additionalKinds = new HashSet<>(r.getTypes()); additionalKinds.removeAll(kinds); if (TreeUtils.isConstructor(node)) { additionalKinds.remove(Pure.Kind.DETERMINISTIC); } if (!additionalKinds.isEmpty()) { if (additionalKinds.size() == 2) { Result.warning("purity.more.pure", node.getName()), node); } else if (additionalKinds.contains(Pure.Kind.SIDE_EFFECT_FREE)) { Result.warning( "purity.more.sideeffectfree", node.getName()), node); } else if (additionalKinds.contains(Pure.Kind.DETERMINISTIC)) { Result.warning("purity.more.deterministic", node.getName()), node); } else { assert false : "BaseTypeVisitor reached undesirable state"; } } } } } // Passing the whole method/constructor validates the return type validateTypeOf(node); // Validate types in throws clauses for (ExpressionTree thr : node.getThrows()) { validateTypeOf(thr); } if (atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper() != null) { atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper().checkMethod(node, methodType); } AnnotatedDeclaredType enclosingType = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(methodElement.getEnclosingElement()); // Find which method this overrides! Map<AnnotatedDeclaredType, ExecutableElement> overriddenMethods = AnnotatedTypes.overriddenMethods(elements, atypeFactory, methodElement); for (Map.Entry<AnnotatedDeclaredType, ExecutableElement> pair : overriddenMethods.entrySet()) { AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType = pair.getKey(); AnnotatedExecutableType overriddenMethod = AnnotatedTypes.asMemberOf( types, atypeFactory, overriddenType, pair.getValue()); if (!checkOverride(node, enclosingType, overriddenMethod, overriddenType, p)) { // Stop at the first mismatch; this makes a difference only if // -Awarns is passed, in which case multiple warnings might be raised on // the same method, not adding any value. See Issue 373. break; } } return super.visitMethod(node, p); } finally { boolean abstractMethod = methodElement.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT) || methodElement.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.NATIVE); // check well-formedness of pre/postcondition List<String> formalParamNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (VariableTree param : node.getParameters()) { formalParamNames.add(param.getName().toString()); } checkContractsAtMethodDeclaration( node, methodElement, formalParamNames, abstractMethod); visitorState.setMethodReceiver(preMRT); visitorState.setMethodTree(preMT); } } /** Reports errors found during purity checking. */ protected void reportPurityErrors( PurityResult result, MethodTree node, Collection<Pure.Kind> expectedTypes) { assert !result.isPure(expectedTypes); Collection<Pure.Kind> t = EnumSet.copyOf(expectedTypes); t.removeAll(result.getTypes()); if (t.contains(Pure.Kind.DETERMINISTIC) || t.contains(Pure.Kind.SIDE_EFFECT_FREE)) { String msgPrefix = "purity.not.deterministic.not.sideeffectfree."; if (!t.contains(Pure.Kind.SIDE_EFFECT_FREE)) { msgPrefix = "purity.not.deterministic."; } else if (!t.contains(Pure.Kind.DETERMINISTIC)) { msgPrefix = "purity.not.sideeffectfree."; } for (Pair<Tree, String> r : result.getNotBothReasons()) { @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String msg = msgPrefix + r.second;, r.first); } if (t.contains(Pure.Kind.SIDE_EFFECT_FREE)) { for (Pair<Tree, String> r : result.getNotSeFreeReasons()) { @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String msg = "purity.not.sideeffectfree." + r.second;, r.first); } } if (t.contains(Pure.Kind.DETERMINISTIC)) { for (Pair<Tree, String> r : result.getNotDetReasons()) { @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String msg = "purity.not.deterministic." + r.second;, r.first); } } } } private void checkContractsAtMethodDeclaration( MethodTree node, ExecutableElement methodElement, List<String> formalParamNames, boolean abstractMethod) { FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext = null; List<Contract> contracts = contractsUtils.getContracts(methodElement); for (Contract contract : contracts) { String expression = contract.expression; AnnotationMirror annotation = contract.annotation; if (flowExprContext == null) { flowExprContext = FlowExpressionContext.buildContextForMethodDeclaration( node, getCurrentPath(), checker.getContext()); } FlowExpressions.Receiver expr = null; try { expr = FlowExpressionParseUtil.parse( expression, flowExprContext, getCurrentPath(), false); } catch (FlowExpressionParseException e) {, node); } if (expr != null && !abstractMethod) { switch (contract.kind) { case POSTCONDTION: checkPostcondition(node, annotation, expr); break; case CONDITIONALPOSTCONDTION: checkConditionalPostcondition( node, annotation, expr, ((ConditionalPostcondition) contract).annoResult); break; case PRECONDITION: // Preconditions are checked at method invocations, not declarations break; } } if (formalParamNames != null && formalParamNames.contains(expression)) { @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String key = "contracts." + contract.kind.errorKey + ""; Result.warning( key, node.getName().toString(), expression, formalParamNames.indexOf(expression) + 1, expression), node); } checkParametersAreEffectivelyFinal(node, methodElement, expression); } } /** * Check that the parameters used in {@code stringExpr} are effectively final for method {@code * method}. */ private void checkParametersAreEffectivelyFinal( MethodTree node, ExecutableElement method, String stringExpr) { // check that all parameters used in the expression are // effectively final, so that they cannot be modified List<Integer> parameterIndices = FlowExpressionParseUtil.parameterIndices(stringExpr); for (Integer idx : parameterIndices) { if (idx > method.getParameters().size()) { // If the index is too big, a parse error was issued in checkContractsAtMethodDeclaration continue; } VariableElement parameter = method.getParameters().get(idx - 1); if (!ElementUtils.isEffectivelyFinal(parameter)) { Result.failure("", "#" + idx, stringExpr), node); } } } /** * Check that the expression's type is annotated with {@code annotation} at the regular exit * store. * * @param methodTree declaration of the method * @param annotation expression's type must have this annotation * @param expression the expression that the postcondition concerns */ protected void checkPostcondition( MethodTree methodTree, AnnotationMirror annotation, Receiver expression) { CFAbstractStore<?, ?> exitStore = atypeFactory.getRegularExitStore(methodTree); if (exitStore == null) { // if there is no regular exitStore, then the method // cannot reach the regular exit and there is no need to // check anything } else { CFAbstractValue<?> value = exitStore.getValue(expression); AnnotationMirror inferredAnno = null; if (value != null) { QualifierHierarchy hierarchy = atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(); Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = value.getAnnotations(); inferredAnno = hierarchy.findAnnotationInSameHierarchy(annos, annotation); } if (!checkContract(expression, annotation, inferredAnno, exitStore)) { Result.failure( "contracts.postcondition.not.satisfied", expression.toString()), methodTree); } } } /** * Check that the expression's type is annotated with {@code annotation} at every regular exit * that returns {@code result} * * @param node tree of method with the postcondition * @param annotation expression's type must have this annotation * @param expression the expression that the postcondition concerns * @param result result for which the postcondition is valid */ protected void checkConditionalPostcondition( MethodTree node, AnnotationMirror annotation, Receiver expression, boolean result) { boolean booleanReturnType = TypesUtils.isBooleanType(InternalUtils.typeOf(node.getReturnType())); if (!booleanReturnType) { Result.failure("contracts.conditional.postcondition.invalid.returntype"), node); // No reason to go ahead with further checking. The // annotation is invalid. return; } for (Pair<ReturnNode, ?> pair : atypeFactory.getReturnStatementStores(node)) { ReturnNode returnStmt = pair.first; Node retValNode = returnStmt.getResult(); Boolean retVal = retValNode instanceof BooleanLiteralNode ? ((BooleanLiteralNode) retValNode).getValue() : null; TransferResult<?, ?> transferResult = (TransferResult<?, ?>) pair.second; if (transferResult == null) { // Unreachable return statements have no stores, but there is no need to check them. continue; } CFAbstractStore<?, ?> exitStore = (CFAbstractStore<?, ?>) (result ? transferResult.getThenStore() : transferResult.getElseStore()); CFAbstractValue<?> value = exitStore.getValue(expression); // don't check if return statement certainly does not match 'result'. at the moment, // this means the result is a boolean literal if (!(retVal == null || retVal == result)) { continue; } AnnotationMirror inferredAnno = null; if (value != null) { QualifierHierarchy hierarchy = atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(); Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = value.getAnnotations(); inferredAnno = hierarchy.findAnnotationInSameHierarchy(annos, annotation); } if (!checkContract(expression, annotation, inferredAnno, exitStore)) { Result.failure( "contracts.conditional.postcondition.not.satisfied", expression.toString()), returnStmt.getTree()); } } } @Override public Void visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterTree node, Void p) { validateTypeOf(node); // Check the bounds here and not with every TypeParameterTree. // For the latter, we only need to check annotations on the type variable itself. // Why isn't this covered by the super call? for (Tree tpb : node.getBounds()) { validateTypeOf(tpb); } return super.visitTypeParameter(node, p); } // ********************************************************************** // Assignment checkers and pseudo-assignments // ********************************************************************** @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) { Pair<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror> preAssCtxt = visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); visitorState.setAssignmentContext( Pair.of((Tree) node, atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node))); try { if (atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper() != null) { atypeFactory .getDependentTypesHelper() .checkType(visitorState.getAssignmentContext().second, node); } // If there's no assignment in this variable declaration, skip it. if (node.getInitializer() != null) { commonAssignmentCheck(node, node.getInitializer(), "assignment.type.incompatible"); } else { // commonAssignmentCheck validates the type of node, // so only validate if commonAssignmentCheck wasn't called validateTypeOf(node); } return super.visitVariable(node, p); } finally { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(preAssCtxt); } } /** * Performs two checks: subtyping and assignability checks, using {@link * #commonAssignmentCheck(Tree, ExpressionTree, String)}. * * <p>If the subtype check fails, it issues a "assignment.type.incompatible" error. */ @Override public Void visitAssignment(AssignmentTree node, Void p) { Pair<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror> preAssCtxt = visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); visitorState.setAssignmentContext( Pair.of( (Tree) node.getVariable(), atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getVariable()))); try { commonAssignmentCheck( node.getVariable(), node.getExpression(), "assignment.type.incompatible"); return super.visitAssignment(node, p); } finally { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(preAssCtxt); } } /** * Performs a subtype check, to test whether the node expression iterable type is a subtype of * the variable type in the enhanced for loop. * * <p>If the subtype check fails, it issues a "enhancedfor.type.incompatible" error. */ @Override public Void visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree node, Void p) { AnnotatedTypeMirror var = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getVariable()); AnnotatedTypeMirror iterableType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getExpression()); AnnotatedTypeMirror iteratedType = AnnotatedTypes.getIteratedType( checker.getProcessingEnvironment(), atypeFactory, iterableType); boolean valid = validateTypeOf(node.getVariable()); if (valid) { commonAssignmentCheck( var, iteratedType, node.getExpression(), "enhancedfor.type.incompatible"); } return super.visitEnhancedForLoop(node, p); } /** * Performs a method invocation check. * * <p>An invocation of a method, m, on the receiver, r is valid only if: * * <ul> * <li>passed arguments are subtypes of corresponding m parameters * <li>r is a subtype of m receiver type * <li>if m is generic, passed type arguments are subtypes of m type variables * </ul> */ @Override public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Void p) { // Skip calls to the Enum constructor (they're generated by javac and // hard to check), also see CFGBuilder.visitMethodInvocation. if (TreeUtils.elementFromUse(node) == null || TreeUtils.isEnumSuper(node)) { return super.visitMethodInvocation(node, p); } if (shouldSkipUses(node)) { return super.visitMethodInvocation(node, p); } Pair<AnnotatedExecutableType, List<AnnotatedTypeMirror>> mfuPair = atypeFactory.methodFromUse(node); AnnotatedExecutableType invokedMethod = mfuPair.first; List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> typeargs = mfuPair.second; List<AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds> paramBounds = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotatedTypeVariable param : invokedMethod.getTypeVariables()) { paramBounds.add(param.getBounds()); } checkTypeArguments(node, paramBounds, typeargs, node.getTypeArguments()); List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> params = AnnotatedTypes.expandVarArgs(atypeFactory, invokedMethod, node.getArguments()); checkArguments(params, node.getArguments()); if (isVectorCopyInto(invokedMethod)) { typeCheckVectorCopyIntoArgument(node, params); } ExecutableElement invokedMethodElement = invokedMethod.getElement(); if (!ElementUtils.isStatic(invokedMethodElement) && !TreeUtils.isSuperCall(node)) { checkMethodInvocability(invokedMethod, node); } // check precondition annotations checkPreconditions(node, contractsUtils.getPreconditions(invokedMethodElement)); // Do not call super, as that would observe the arguments without // a set assignment context. scan(node.getMethodSelect(), p); return null; // super.visitMethodInvocation(node, p); } /** * Checks that all the given {@code preconditions} hold true immediately prior to the method * invocation or variable access at {@code tree}. * * @param tree the Tree immediately prior to which the preconditions must hold true * @param preconditions the preconditions to be checked */ protected void checkPreconditions(MethodInvocationTree tree, Set<Precondition> preconditions) { // This check is needed for the GUI effects and Units Checkers tests to pass. // TODO: Remove this check and investigate the root cause. if (preconditions.isEmpty()) { return; } Node node = atypeFactory.getNodeForTree(tree); FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext = FlowExpressionContext.buildContextForMethodUse( (MethodInvocationNode) node, checker.getContext()); if (flowExprContext == null) {"flowexpr.parse.context.not.determined", node), tree); return; } for (Precondition p : preconditions) { String expression = p.expression; AnnotationMirror anno = p.annotation; try { FlowExpressions.Receiver expr = FlowExpressionParseUtil.parse( expression, flowExprContext, getCurrentPath(), false); CFAbstractStore<?, ?> store = atypeFactory.getStoreBefore(node); CFAbstractValue<?> value = store.getValue(expr); AnnotationMirror inferredAnno = null; if (value != null) { QualifierHierarchy hierarchy = atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(); Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = value.getAnnotations(); inferredAnno = hierarchy.findAnnotationInSameHierarchy(annos, anno); } if (!checkContract(expr, anno, inferredAnno, store)) { Result.failure( "contracts.precondition.not.satisfied", tree.toString(), expr == null ? expression : expr.toString()), tree); } } catch (FlowExpressionParseException e) { // report errors here, tree); } } } /** * Returns true if and only if {@code inferredAnnotation} is valid for a given expression to * match the {@code necessaryAnnotation}. * * <p>By default, {@code inferredAnnotation} must be a subtype of {@code necessaryAnnotation}, * but subclasses might override this behavior. */ protected boolean checkContract( Receiver expr, AnnotationMirror necessaryAnnotation, AnnotationMirror inferredAnnotation, CFAbstractStore<?, ?> store) { return inferredAnnotation != null && atypeFactory .getQualifierHierarchy() .isSubtype(inferredAnnotation, necessaryAnnotation); } // Handle case Vector.copyInto() private final AnnotatedDeclaredType vectorType; /** Returns true if the method symbol represents {@code Vector.copyInto} */ protected boolean isVectorCopyInto(AnnotatedExecutableType method) { ExecutableElement elt = method.getElement(); if (elt.getSimpleName().contentEquals("copyInto") && elt.getParameters().size() == 1) return true; return false; } /** * Type checks the method arguments of {@code Vector.copyInto()}. * * <p>The Checker Framework special-cases the method invocation, as it is type safety cannot be * expressed by Java's type system. * * <p>For a Vector {@code v} of type {@code Vectory<E>}, the method invocation {@code * v.copyInto(arr)} is type-safe iff {@code arr} is a array of type {@code T[]}, where {@code T} * is a subtype of {@code E}. * * <p>In other words, this method checks that the type argument of the receiver method is a * subtype of the component type of the passed array argument. * * @param node a method invocation of {@code Vector.copyInto()} * @param params the types of the parameters of {@code Vectory.copyInto()} */ protected void typeCheckVectorCopyIntoArgument( MethodInvocationTree node, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> params) { assert params.size() == 1 : "invalid no. of parameters " + params + " found for method invocation " + node; assert node.getArguments().size() == 1 : "invalid no. of arguments in method invocation " + node; AnnotatedTypeMirror passed = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getArguments().get(0)); AnnotatedArrayType passedAsArray = (AnnotatedArrayType) passed; AnnotatedTypeMirror receiver = atypeFactory.getReceiverType(node); AnnotatedDeclaredType receiverAsVector = AnnotatedTypes.asSuper(atypeFactory, receiver, vectorType); if (receiverAsVector.getTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { return; } commonAssignmentCheck( passedAsArray.getComponentType(), receiverAsVector.getTypeArguments().get(0), node.getArguments().get(0), "vector.copyinto.type.incompatible"); } /** * Performs a new class invocation check. * * <p>An invocation of a constructor, c, is valid only if: * * <ul> * <li>passed arguments are subtypes of corresponding c parameters * <li>if c is generic, passed type arguments are subtypes of c type variables * </ul> */ @Override public Void visitNewClass(NewClassTree node, Void p) { if (checker.shouldSkipUses(InternalUtils.constructor(node))) { return super.visitNewClass(node, p); } Pair<AnnotatedExecutableType, List<AnnotatedTypeMirror>> fromUse = atypeFactory.constructorFromUse(node); AnnotatedExecutableType constructor = fromUse.first; List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> typeargs = fromUse.second; List<? extends ExpressionTree> passedArguments = node.getArguments(); List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> params = AnnotatedTypes.expandVarArgs(atypeFactory, constructor, passedArguments); checkArguments(params, passedArguments); List<AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds> paramBounds = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotatedTypeVariable param : constructor.getTypeVariables()) { paramBounds.add(param.getBounds()); } checkTypeArguments(node, paramBounds, typeargs, node.getTypeArguments()); boolean valid = validateTypeOf(node); if (valid) { AnnotatedDeclaredType dt = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); if (atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper() != null) { atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper().checkType(dt, node); } checkConstructorInvocation(dt, constructor, node); } return super.visitNewClass(node, p); } @Override public Void visitLambdaExpression(LambdaExpressionTree node, Void p) { Pair<AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedExecutableType> result = atypeFactory.getFnInterfaceFromTree(node); AnnotatedExecutableType overridden = result.second; if (node.getBody().getKind() != Tree.Kind.BLOCK) { // Check return type for single statement returns here AnnotatedTypeMirror ret = overridden.getReturnType(); if (ret.getKind() != TypeKind.VOID) { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(Pair.of((Tree) node, ret)); commonAssignmentCheck( ret, (ExpressionTree) node.getBody(), "return.type.incompatible"); } } // Check parameters for (int i = 0; i < overridden.getParameterTypes().size(); ++i) { AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingParm = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getParameters().get(i)); commonAssignmentCheck( overridingParm, overridden.getParameterTypes().get(i), node.getParameters().get(i), "lambda.param.type.incompatible"); } // TODO: Post conditions? return super.visitLambdaExpression(node, p); } @Override public Void visitMemberReference(MemberReferenceTree node, Void p) { this.checkMethodReferenceAsOverride(node, p); return super.visitMemberReference(node, p); } /** * Checks that the type of the return expression is a subtype of the enclosing method required * return type. If not, it issues a "return.type.incompatible" error. */ @Override public Void visitReturn(ReturnTree node, Void p) { // Don't try to check return expressions for void methods. if (node.getExpression() == null) { return super.visitReturn(node, p); } Pair<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror> preAssCtxt = visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); try { Tree enclosing = TreeUtils.enclosingOfKind( getCurrentPath(), new HashSet<Tree.Kind>( Arrays.asList(Tree.Kind.METHOD, Tree.Kind.LAMBDA_EXPRESSION))); AnnotatedTypeMirror ret = null; if (enclosing.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) { MethodTree enclosingMethod = TreeUtils.enclosingMethod(getCurrentPath()); boolean valid = validateTypeOf(enclosing); if (valid) { ret = atypeFactory.getMethodReturnType(enclosingMethod, node); } } else { Pair<AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedExecutableType> result = atypeFactory.getFnInterfaceFromTree((LambdaExpressionTree) enclosing); ret = result.second.getReturnType(); } if (ret != null) { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(Pair.of((Tree) node, ret)); commonAssignmentCheck(ret, node.getExpression(), "return.type.incompatible"); } return super.visitReturn(node, p); } finally { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(preAssCtxt); } } /* TODO: something similar to visitReturn should be done. * public Void visitThrow(ThrowTree node, Void p) { * return super.visitThrow(node, p); * } */ /** * Ensure that the annotation arguments comply to their declarations. This needs some special * casing, as annotation arguments form special trees. */ @Override public Void visitAnnotation(AnnotationTree node, Void p) { List<? extends ExpressionTree> args = node.getArguments(); if (args.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to do if there are no annotation arguments. return null; } Element anno = TreeInfo.symbol((JCTree) node.getAnnotationType()); if (anno.toString().equals(DefaultQualifier.class.getName()) || anno.toString().equals(SuppressWarnings.class.getName())) { // Skip these two annotations, as we don't care about the // arguments to them. return null; } // Mapping from argument simple name to its annotated type. Map<String, AnnotatedTypeMirror> annoTypes = new HashMap<String, AnnotatedTypeMirror>(); for (Element encl : ElementFilter.methodsIn(anno.getEnclosedElements())) { AnnotatedExecutableType exeatm = (AnnotatedExecutableType) atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(encl); AnnotatedTypeMirror retty = exeatm.getReturnType(); annoTypes.put(encl.getSimpleName().toString(), retty); } for (ExpressionTree arg : args) { if (!(arg instanceof AssignmentTree)) { // TODO: when can this happen? continue; } AssignmentTree at = (AssignmentTree) arg; // Ensure that we never ask for the annotated type of an annotation, because // we don't have a type for annotations. if (at.getExpression().getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATION) { visitAnnotation((AnnotationTree) at.getExpression(), p); continue; } if (at.getExpression().getKind() == Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY) { NewArrayTree nat = (NewArrayTree) at.getExpression(); boolean isAnno = false; for (ExpressionTree init : nat.getInitializers()) { if (init.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATION) { visitAnnotation((AnnotationTree) init, p); isAnno = true; } } if (isAnno) { continue; } } AnnotatedTypeMirror expected = annoTypes.get(at.getVariable().toString()); Pair<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror> preAssCtxt = visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); { // Determine and set the new assignment context. ExpressionTree var = at.getVariable(); assert var instanceof IdentifierTree : "Expected IdentifierTree as context. Found: " + var; AnnotatedTypeMirror meth = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(var); assert meth instanceof AnnotatedExecutableType : "Expected AnnotatedExecutableType as context. Found: " + meth; AnnotatedTypeMirror newctx = ((AnnotatedExecutableType) meth).getReturnType(); visitorState.setAssignmentContext( Pair.<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror>of((Tree) null, newctx)); } try { AnnotatedTypeMirror actual = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(at.getExpression()); if (expected.getKind() != TypeKind.ARRAY) { // Expected is not an array -> direct comparison. commonAssignmentCheck( expected, actual, at.getExpression(), "annotation.type.incompatible"); } else { if (actual.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { // Both actual and expected are arrays. commonAssignmentCheck( expected, actual, at.getExpression(), "annotation.type.incompatible"); } else { // The declaration is an array type, but just a single // element is given. commonAssignmentCheck( ((AnnotatedArrayType) expected).getComponentType(), actual, at.getExpression(), "annotation.type.incompatible"); } } } finally { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(preAssCtxt); } } return null; } /** * If the computation of the type of the ConditionalExpressionTree in * org.checkerframework.framework.type.TypeFromTree.TypeFromExpression.visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree, * AnnotatedTypeFactory) is correct, the following checks are redundant. However, let's add * another failsafe guard and do the checks. */ @Override public Void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree node, Void p) { AnnotatedTypeMirror cond = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); this.commonAssignmentCheck(cond, node.getTrueExpression(), "conditional.type.incompatible"); this.commonAssignmentCheck( cond, node.getFalseExpression(), "conditional.type.incompatible"); return super.visitConditionalExpression(node, p); } // ********************************************************************** // Check for illegal re-assignment // ********************************************************************** /** * Performs assignability check using {@link #checkAssignability(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree)}. */ @Override public Void visitUnary(UnaryTree node, Void p) { if ((node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.PREFIX_DECREMENT) || (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.PREFIX_INCREMENT) || (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.POSTFIX_DECREMENT) || (node.getKind() == Tree.Kind.POSTFIX_INCREMENT)) { AnnotatedTypeMirror varType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeLhs(node.getExpression()); // For postfix increments/decrements, the value type is incorrect due to the workaround // in GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory.addComputedTypeAnnotations(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror, boolean) // for the following bug: // See Issue 867: // This means could result in a false warning (false positive) in some cases and a lack // of a warning in other cases (false negative). AnnotatedTypeMirror valueType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); commonAssignmentCheck( varType, valueType, node, "compound.assignment.type.incompatible"); } return super.visitUnary(node, p); } /** * Performs assignability check using {@link #checkAssignability(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree)}. */ @Override public Void visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree node, Void p) { // If node is the tree represnting the compounds assignment s += expr, // Then this method should check whether s + expr can be assigned to s, // but the "s + expr" tree does not exist. So instead, check that // s += expr can be assigned to s. commonAssignmentCheck(node.getVariable(), node, "compound.assignment.type.incompatible"); return super.visitCompoundAssignment(node, p); } // ********************************************************************** // Check for invalid types inserted by the user // ********************************************************************** @Override public Void visitNewArray(NewArrayTree node, Void p) { boolean valid = validateTypeOf(node); if (valid && node.getType() != null) { AnnotatedArrayType arrayType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); if (atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper() != null) { atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper().checkType(arrayType, node); } if (node.getInitializers() != null) { checkArrayInitialization(arrayType.getComponentType(), node.getInitializers()); } } return super.visitNewArray(node, p); } /** * Do not override this method! Previously, this method contained some logic, but the main * modifier of types was missing. It has been merged with the TypeValidator below. This method * doesn't need to do anything, as the type is already validated. */ @Override public final Void visitParameterizedType(ParameterizedTypeTree node, Void p) { return null; // super.visitParameterizedType(node, p); } protected void checkTypecastRedundancy(TypeCastTree node, Void p) { if (!checker.getLintOption("cast:redundant", false)) { return; } AnnotatedTypeMirror castType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); AnnotatedTypeMirror exprType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getExpression()); if (AnnotatedTypes.areSame(castType, exprType)) {"cast.redundant", castType), node); } } protected void checkTypecastSafety(TypeCastTree node, Void p) { if (!checker.getLintOption("cast:unsafe", true)) { return; } boolean isSubtype = false; // We cannot do a simple test of casting, as isSubtypeOf requires // the input types to be subtypes according to Java AnnotatedTypeMirror castType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); if (castType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { // eliminate false positives, where the annotations are // implicitly added by the declared type declaration AnnotatedDeclaredType castDeclared = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) castType; AnnotatedDeclaredType elementType = atypeFactory.fromElement( (TypeElement) castDeclared.getUnderlyingType().asElement()); if (AnnotationUtils.areSame( castDeclared.getAnnotations(), elementType.getAnnotations())) { isSubtype = true; } } AnnotatedTypeMirror exprType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getExpression()); if (!isSubtype) { if (checker.hasOption("checkCastElementType")) { AnnotatedTypeMirror newCastType; if (castType.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) { newCastType = ((AnnotatedTypeVariable) castType).getUpperBound(); } else { newCastType = castType; } AnnotatedTypeMirror newExprType; if (exprType.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) { newExprType = ((AnnotatedTypeVariable) exprType).getUpperBound(); } else { newExprType = exprType; } isSubtype = atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(newExprType, newCastType); if (isSubtype) { if (newCastType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY && newExprType.getKind() != TypeKind.ARRAY) { // Always warn if the cast contains an array, but the expression // doesn't, as in "(Object[]) o" where o is of type Object isSubtype = false; } else if (newCastType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED && newExprType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { int castSize = ((AnnotatedDeclaredType) newCastType).getTypeArguments().size(); int exprSize = ((AnnotatedDeclaredType) newExprType).getTypeArguments().size(); if (castSize != exprSize) { // Always warn if the cast and expression contain a different number of // type arguments, e.g. to catch a cast from "Object" to "List<@NonNull Object>". // TODO: the same number of arguments actually doesn't guarantee anything. isSubtype = false; } } } } else { // Only check the main qualifiers, ignoring array components and // type arguments. isSubtype = atypeFactory .getQualifierHierarchy() .isSubtype( exprType.getEffectiveAnnotations(), castType.getEffectiveAnnotations()); } } if (!isSubtype) {"cast.unsafe", exprType, castType), node); } } @Override public Void visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree node, Void p) { // validate "node" instead of "node.getType()" to prevent duplicate errors. boolean valid = validateTypeOf(node) && validateTypeOf(node.getExpression()); if (valid) { checkTypecastSafety(node, p); checkTypecastRedundancy(node, p); } if (atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper() != null) { AnnotatedTypeMirror type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node); atypeFactory.getDependentTypesHelper().checkType(type, node.getType()); } return super.visitTypeCast(node, p); // return scan(node.getExpression(), p); } @Override public Void visitInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree node, Void p) { validateTypeOf(node.getType()); return super.visitInstanceOf(node, p); } @Override public Void visitArrayAccess(ArrayAccessTree node, Void p) { Pair<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror> preAssCtxt = visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); try { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(null); scan(node.getExpression(), p); scan(node.getIndex(), p); } finally { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(preAssCtxt); } return null; } /** * Checks the type of the exception parameter Subclasses should override * checkExceptionParameter(CatchTree node) rather than this method to change the behavior of * this check. */ @Override public Void visitCatch(CatchTree node, Void p) { checkExceptionParameter(node); return super.visitCatch(node, p); } /** * Checks the type of a thrown exception. Subclasses should override * checkThrownExpression(ThrowTree node) rather than this method to change the behavior of this * check. */ @Override public Void visitThrow(ThrowTree node, Void p) { checkThrownExpression(node); return super.visitThrow(node, p); } // ********************************************************************** // Helper methods to provide a single overriding point // ********************************************************************** /** * Issue error if the exception parameter is not a supertype of the annotation specified by * {@link #getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations()}, which is top by default. * * <p>Subclasses may override this method to change the behavior of this check. Subclasses * wishing to enforce that exception parameter be annotated with other annotations can just * override {@link #getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations()}. * * @param node CatchTree to check */ protected void checkExceptionParameter(CatchTree node) { Set<? extends AnnotationMirror> requiredAnnotations = getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations(); AnnotatedTypeMirror exPar = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getParameter()); for (AnnotationMirror required : requiredAnnotations) { AnnotationMirror found = exPar.getAnnotationInHierarchy(required); assert found != null; if (!atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().isSubtype(required, found)) { Result.failure("exception.parameter.invalid", found, required), node.getParameter()); } if (exPar.getKind() == TypeKind.UNION) { AnnotatedUnionType aut = (AnnotatedUnionType) exPar; for (AnnotatedTypeMirror alterntive : aut.getAlternatives()) { AnnotationMirror foundAltern = alterntive.getAnnotationInHierarchy(required); if (!atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().isSubtype(required, foundAltern)) { Result.failure( "exception.parameter.invalid", foundAltern, required), node.getParameter()); } } } } } /** * Returns a set of AnnotationMirrors that is a lower bound for exception parameters. * * <p>Note: by default this method is called by getThrowUpperBoundAnnotations(), so that this * annotation is enforced. * * <p>(Default is top) * * @return set of annotation mirrors, one per hierarchy, that from a lower bound of annotations * that can be written on an exception parameter */ protected Set<? extends AnnotationMirror> getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations() { return atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().getTopAnnotations(); } /** * Checks the type of the thrown expression. * * <p>By default, this method checks that the thrown expression is a subtype of top. * * <p>Issue error if the thrown expression is not a sub type of the annotation given by {@link * #getThrowUpperBoundAnnotations()}, the same as {@link * #getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations()} by default. * * <p>Subclasses may override this method to change the behavior of this check. Subclasses * wishing to enforce that the thrown expression be a subtype of a type besides {@link * #getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations}, should override {@link * #getThrowUpperBoundAnnotations()}. * * @param node ThrowTree to check */ protected void checkThrownExpression(ThrowTree node) { AnnotatedTypeMirror throwType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(node.getExpression()); Set<? extends AnnotationMirror> required = getThrowUpperBoundAnnotations(); switch (throwType.getKind()) { case NULL: case DECLARED: Set<AnnotationMirror> found = throwType.getAnnotations(); if (!atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().isSubtype(found, required)) { Result.failure("throw.type.invalid", found, required), node.getExpression()); } break; case TYPEVAR: case WILDCARD: //TODO: this code might change after the type var changes. Set<AnnotationMirror> foundEffective = throwType.getEffectiveAnnotations(); if (!atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().isSubtype(foundEffective, required)) { Result.failure("throw.type.invalid", foundEffective, required), node.getExpression()); } break; case UNION: AnnotatedUnionType unionType = (AnnotatedUnionType) throwType; Set<AnnotationMirror> foundPrimary = unionType.getAnnotations(); if (!atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().isSubtype(foundPrimary, required)) { Result.failure("throw.type.invalid", foundPrimary, required), node.getExpression()); } for (AnnotatedTypeMirror altern : unionType.getAlternatives()) { if (!atypeFactory .getQualifierHierarchy() .isSubtype(altern.getAnnotations(), required)) { Result.failure( "throw.type.invalid", altern.getAnnotations(), required), node.getExpression()); } } break; default: ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "Unexpected throw expression type: " + throwType.getKind()); break; } } /** * Returns a set of AnnotationMirrors that is a upper bound for thrown exceptions. * * <p>Note: by default this method is returns by getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations(), * so that this annotation is enforced. * * <p>(Default is top) * * @return set of annotation mirrors, one per hierarchy, that form an upper bound of thrown * expressions */ protected Set<? extends AnnotationMirror> getThrowUpperBoundAnnotations() { return getExceptionParameterLowerBoundAnnotations(); } /** * Checks the validity of an assignment (or pseudo-assignment) from a value to a variable and * emits an error message (through the compiler's messaging interface) if it is not valid. * * @param varTree the AST node for the lvalue (usually a variable) * @param valueExp the AST node for the rvalue (the new value) * @param errorKey the error message to use if the check fails (must be a compiler message key, * see {@link org.checkerframework.checker.compilermsgs.qual.CompilerMessageKey}) */ protected void commonAssignmentCheck( Tree varTree, ExpressionTree valueExp, /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String errorKey) { AnnotatedTypeMirror var = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeLhs(varTree); assert var != null : "no variable found for tree: " + varTree; if (!validateType(varTree, var)) { return; } checkAssignability(var, varTree); commonAssignmentCheck(var, valueExp, errorKey); } /** * Checks the validity of an assignment (or pseudo-assignment) from a value to a variable and * emits an error message (through the compiler's messaging interface) if it is not valid. * * @param varType the annotated type of the lvalue (usually a variable) * @param valueExp the AST node for the rvalue (the new value) * @param errorKey the error message to use if the check fails (must be a compiler message key, * see {@link org.checkerframework.checker.compilermsgs.qual.CompilerMessageKey}) */ protected void commonAssignmentCheck( AnnotatedTypeMirror varType, ExpressionTree valueExp, /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String errorKey) { if (shouldSkipUses(valueExp)) { return; } if (varType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY && valueExp instanceof NewArrayTree && ((NewArrayTree) valueExp).getType() == null) { AnnotatedTypeMirror compType = ((AnnotatedArrayType) varType).getComponentType(); NewArrayTree arrayTree = (NewArrayTree) valueExp; assert arrayTree.getInitializers() != null : "array initializers are not expected to be null in: " + valueExp; checkArrayInitialization(compType, arrayTree.getInitializers()); } if (!validateTypeOf(valueExp)) { return; } AnnotatedTypeMirror valueType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(valueExp); assert valueType != null : "null type for expression: " + valueExp; commonAssignmentCheck(varType, valueType, valueExp, errorKey); } /** * Checks the validity of an assignment (or pseudo-assignment) from a value to a variable and * emits an error message (through the compiler's messaging interface) if it is not valid. * * @param varType the annotated type of the variable * @param valueType the annotated type of the value * @param valueTree the location to use when reporting the error message * @param errorKey the error message to use if the check fails (must be a compiler message key, * see {@link org.checkerframework.checker.compilermsgs.qual.CompilerMessageKey}) */ protected void commonAssignmentCheck( AnnotatedTypeMirror varType, AnnotatedTypeMirror valueType, Tree valueTree, /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String errorKey) { if (checker.hasOption("showchecks")) { long valuePos = positions.getStartPosition(root, valueTree); System.out.printf( " %s (line %3d): %s %s%n actual: %s %s%n expected: %s %s%n", "About to test whether actual is a subtype of expected", (root.getLineMap() != null ? root.getLineMap().getLineNumber(valuePos) : -1), valueTree.getKind(), valueTree, valueType.getKind(), valueType.toString(), varType.getKind(), varType.toString()); } boolean success = atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(valueType, varType); // TODO: integrate with subtype test. if (success) { for (Class<? extends Annotation> mono : atypeFactory.getSupportedMonotonicTypeQualifiers()) { if (valueType.hasAnnotation(mono) && varType.hasAnnotation(mono)) { Result.failure( "monotonic.type.incompatible", mono.getCanonicalName(), mono.getCanonicalName(), valueType.toString()), valueTree); return; } } } if (checker.hasOption("showchecks")) { long valuePos = positions.getStartPosition(root, valueTree); System.out.printf( " %s (line %3d): %s %s%n actual: %s %s%n expected: %s %s%n", (success ? "success: actual is subtype of expected" : "FAILURE: actual is not subtype of expected"), (root.getLineMap() != null ? root.getLineMap().getLineNumber(valuePos) : -1), valueTree.getKind(), valueTree, valueType.getKind(), valueType.toString(), varType.getKind(), varType.toString()); } // Use an error key only if it's overridden by a checker. if (!success) { String valueTypeString; String varTypeString; if (shouldPrintVerbose(varType, valueType)) { valueTypeString = valueType.toString(true); varTypeString = varType.toString(true); } else { valueTypeString = valueType.toString(); varTypeString = varType.toString(); }, valueTypeString, varTypeString), valueTree); } } /** * Return whether or not the verbose toString should be used when printing the two annotated * types. * * @param atm1 the first AnnotatedTypeMirror * @param atm2 the second AnnotatedTypeMirror * @return true iff there are two annotated types (in either ATM) such that their toStrings are * the same but their verbose toStrings differ */ private boolean shouldPrintVerbose(AnnotatedTypeMirror atm1, AnnotatedTypeMirror atm2) { String atm1ToString = atm1.toString(); String atm2ToString = atm2.toString(); // If both types as strings are the same, use verbose toString. if (atm2ToString.equals(atm1ToString) // or if neither string contains an annotation || (!atm2ToString.contains("@") && !atm1ToString.contains("@"))) { return true; } SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner<Boolean, Void> checkForMismatchedToStrings = new SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner<Boolean, Void>() { /** Maps from a type's toString to its verbose toString */ Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); @Override protected Boolean reduce(Boolean r1, Boolean r2) { r1 = r1 == null ? false : r1; r2 = r2 == null ? false : r2; return r1 || r2; } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, Void avoid) { if (type == null) { return false; } String simple = type.toString(); String verbose = map.get(simple); if (verbose == null) { map.put(simple, type.toString(true)); return false; } else { return !verbose.equals(type.toString(true)); } } }; Boolean r1 = checkForMismatchedToStrings.visit(atm1); if (r1 != null && r1) { return true; } // Call reset to clear the visitor history, but not the map from Strings to types. checkForMismatchedToStrings.reset(); Boolean r2 = checkForMismatchedToStrings.visit(atm2); // SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner#scan returns null if it encounters a null AnnotatedTypeMirror. // This shouldn't happen if the atm1 and atm2 are well-formed. return r2 == null ? false : r2; } protected void checkArrayInitialization( AnnotatedTypeMirror type, List<? extends ExpressionTree> initializers) { // TODO: set assignment context like for method arguments? // Also in AbstractFlow. for (ExpressionTree init : initializers) { commonAssignmentCheck(type, init, "array.initializer.type.incompatible"); } } /** * Checks that the annotations on the type arguments supplied to a type or a method invocation * are within the bounds of the type variables as declared, and issues the * "type.argument.type.incompatible" error if they are not. * * @param toptree the tree for error reporting, only used for inferred type arguments * @param paramBounds the bounds of the type parameters from a class or method declaration * @param typeargs the type arguments from the type or method invocation * @param typeargTrees the type arguments as trees, used for error reporting */ // TODO: see updated version below that performs more well-formedness checks. protected void checkTypeArguments( Tree toptree, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds> paramBounds, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> typeargs, List<? extends Tree> typeargTrees) { // System.out.printf("BaseTypeVisitor.checkTypeArguments: %s, TVs: %s, TAs: %s, TATs: %s\n", // toptree, paramBounds, typeargs, typeargTrees); // If there are no type variables, do nothing. if (paramBounds.isEmpty()) { return; } assert paramBounds.size() == typeargs.size() : "BaseTypeVisitor.checkTypeArguments: mismatch between type arguments: " + typeargs + " and type parameter bounds" + paramBounds; Iterator<? extends AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds> boundsIter = paramBounds.iterator(); Iterator<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> argIter = typeargs.iterator(); while (boundsIter.hasNext()) { AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds bounds =; AnnotatedTypeMirror typeArg =; if (shouldBeCaptureConverted(typeArg, bounds)) { continue; } AnnotatedTypeMirror paramUpperBound = bounds.getUpperBound(); if (typeArg.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) { paramUpperBound = atypeFactory.widenToUpperBound( paramUpperBound, (AnnotatedWildcardType) typeArg); } if (typeargTrees == null || typeargTrees.isEmpty()) { // The type arguments were inferred and we mark the whole method. // The inference fails if we provide invalid arguments, // therefore issue an error for the arguments. // I hope this is less confusing for users. commonAssignmentCheck( paramUpperBound, typeArg, toptree, "type.argument.type.incompatible"); } else { commonAssignmentCheck( paramUpperBound, typeArg, typeargTrees.get(typeargs.indexOf(typeArg)), "type.argument.type.incompatible"); } if (!atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(bounds.getLowerBound(), typeArg)) { if (typeargTrees == null || typeargTrees.isEmpty()) { // The type arguments were inferred and we mark the whole method. Result.failure("type.argument.type.incompatible", typeArg, bounds), toptree); } else { Result.failure("type.argument.type.incompatible", typeArg, bounds), typeargTrees.get(typeargs.indexOf(typeArg))); } } } } //TODO: REMOVE WHEN CAPTURE CONVERSION IS IMPLEMENTED //TODO: This may not occur only in places where capture conversion occurs but in those cases //TODO: The containment check provided by this method should be enough /** * Identifies cases that would not happen if capture conversion were implemented. These special * cases should be removed when capture conversion is implemented. */ private boolean shouldBeCaptureConverted( final AnnotatedTypeMirror typeArg, final AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds bounds) { return typeArg.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD && bounds.getUpperBound().getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD; } /* Updated version that performs more well-formedness checks. protected void checkTypeArguments(Tree toptree, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeVariable> typevars, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> typeargs, List<? extends Tree> typeargTrees) { // System.out.printf("BaseTypeVisitor.checkTypeArguments: %s, TVs: %s, TAs: %s, TATs: %s\n", // toptree, typevars, typeargs, typeargTrees); // If there are no type variables, do nothing. if (typevars.isEmpty()) { return; } assert typevars.size() == typeargs.size() : "BaseTypeVisitor.checkTypeArguments: mismatch between type arguments: " + typeargs + " and type variables " + typevars; assert typeargTrees.isEmpty() || typeargTrees.size() == typeargs.size() : "BaseTypeVisitor.checkTypeArguments: mismatch between type arguments: " + typeargs + " and their trees " + typeargTrees; Iterator<? extends AnnotatedTypeVariable> varIter = typevars.iterator(); Iterator<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> argIter = typeargs.iterator(); Iterator<? extends Tree> argTreeIter = typeargTrees.iterator(); while (varIter.hasNext()) { AnnotatedTypeVariable typeVar =; AnnotatedTypeMirror typearg =; Tree typeArgTree = null; if (argTreeIter.hasNext()) { typeArgTree =; } if (typeArgTree != null) { boolean valid = validateType(typeArgTree, typearg); if (!valid) { // validateType already issued an error; check the next argument. continue; } } else { if (!AnnotatedTypes.isValidType(atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(), typearg)) { continue; } typeArgTree = toptree; } if (typeVar.getUpperBound() != null) { if (!AnnotatedTypes.isValidType(atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(), typeVar.getUpperBound())) { continue; } commonAssignmentCheck(typeVar.getUpperBound(), typearg, typeArgTree, "type.argument.type.incompatible", false); } // Should we compare lower bounds instead of the annotations on the // type variables? if (!typeVar.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) { if (!typearg.getEffectiveAnnotations().equals(typeVar.getEffectiveAnnotations())) {"type.argument.type.incompatible", typearg, typeVar), typeArgTree); } } } } */ /** * Indicates whether to skip subtype checks on the receiver when checking method invocability. A * visitor may, for example, allow a method to be invoked even if the receivers are siblings in * a hierarchy, provided that some other condition (implemented by the visitor) is satisfied. * * @param node the method invocation node * @param methodDefinitionReceiver the ATM of the receiver of the method definition * @param methodCallReceiver the ATM of the receiver of the method call * @return whether to skip subtype checks on the receiver */ protected boolean skipReceiverSubtypeCheck( MethodInvocationTree node, AnnotatedTypeMirror methodDefinitionReceiver, AnnotatedTypeMirror methodCallReceiver) { return false; } /** * Tests whether the method can be invoked using the receiver of the 'node' method invocation, * and issues a "method.invocation.invalid" if the invocation is invalid. * * <p>This implementation tests whether the receiver in the method invocation is a subtype of * the method receiver type. This behavior can be specialized by overriding * skipReceiverSubtypeCheck. * * @param method the type of the invoked method * @param node the method invocation node */ protected void checkMethodInvocability( AnnotatedExecutableType method, MethodInvocationTree node) { if (method.getReceiverType() == null) { // Static methods don't have a receiver. return; } if (method.getElement().getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) { // TODO: Explicit "this()" calls of constructors have an implicit passed // from the enclosing constructor. We must not use the self type, but // instead should find a way to determine the receiver of the enclosing constructor. // rcv = ((AnnotatedExecutableType)atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(atypeFactory.getEnclosingMethod(node))).getReceiverType(); return; } AnnotatedTypeMirror methodReceiver = method.getReceiverType().getErased(); AnnotatedTypeMirror treeReceiver = methodReceiver.shallowCopy(false); AnnotatedTypeMirror rcv = atypeFactory.getReceiverType(node); treeReceiver.addAnnotations(rcv.getEffectiveAnnotations()); if (!skipReceiverSubtypeCheck(node, methodReceiver, rcv) && !atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(treeReceiver, methodReceiver)) { Result.failure( "method.invocation.invalid", TreeUtils.elementFromUse(node), treeReceiver.toString(), methodReceiver.toString()), node); } } protected boolean checkConstructorInvocation( AnnotatedDeclaredType invocation, AnnotatedExecutableType constructor, NewClassTree newClassTree) { AnnotatedDeclaredType returnType = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) constructor.getReturnType(); // When an interface is used as the identifier in an anonymous class (e.g. new Comparable() {}) // the constructor method will be Object.init() {} which has an Object return type // When TypeHierarchy attempts to convert it to the supertype (e.g. Comparable) it will return // null from asSuper and return false for the check. Instead, copy the primary annotations // to the declared type and then do a subtyping check if (invocation.getUnderlyingType().asElement().getKind().isInterface() && TypesUtils.isObject(returnType.getUnderlyingType())) { final AnnotatedDeclaredType retAsDt = invocation.deepCopy(); retAsDt.replaceAnnotations(returnType.getAnnotations()); returnType = retAsDt; } else if (newClassTree.getClassBody() != null) { // An anonymous class invokes the constructor of its super class, so the underlying // types of invocation and returnType are not the same. Call asSuper so they are the // same and the is subtype tests below work correctly invocation = AnnotatedTypes.asSuper(atypeFactory, invocation, returnType); } // The return type of the constructor (returnType) must be comparable to the type of the // constructor invocation (invocation). if (!(atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(invocation, returnType) || atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(returnType, invocation))) { Result.failure( "constructor.invocation.invalid", constructor.toString(), invocation, returnType), newClassTree); return false; } return true; // TODO: what properties should hold for constructor receivers for // inner type instantiations? } /** * A helper method to check that each passed argument is a subtype of the corresponding required * argument, and issues "argument.invalid" error for each passed argument that not a subtype of * the required one. * * <p>Note this method requires the lists to have the same length, as it does not handle cases * like var args. * * @param requiredArgs the required types * @param passedArgs the expressions passed to the corresponding types */ protected void checkArguments( List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> requiredArgs, List<? extends ExpressionTree> passedArgs) { assert requiredArgs.size() == passedArgs.size() : "mismatch between required args (" + requiredArgs + ") and passed args (" + passedArgs + ")"; Pair<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror> preAssCtxt = visitorState.getAssignmentContext(); try { for (int i = 0; i < requiredArgs.size(); ++i) { visitorState.setAssignmentContext( Pair.<Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror>of( (Tree) null, (AnnotatedTypeMirror) requiredArgs.get(i))); commonAssignmentCheck( requiredArgs.get(i), passedArgs.get(i), "argument.type.incompatible"); // Also descend into the argument within the correct assignment // context. scan(passedArgs.get(i), null); } } finally { visitorState.setAssignmentContext(preAssCtxt); } } /** * @return true if both types are type variables and outer contains inner Outer contains inner * implies: {@literal inner.upperBound <: outer.upperBound outer.lowerBound <: * inner.lowerBound } */ protected boolean testTypevarContainment( final AnnotatedTypeMirror inner, final AnnotatedTypeMirror outer) { if (inner.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR && outer.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) { final AnnotatedTypeVariable innerAtv = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) inner; final AnnotatedTypeVariable outerAtv = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) outer; if (AnnotatedTypes.areCorrespondingTypeVariables(elements, innerAtv, outerAtv)) { final TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy = atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy(); return typeHierarchy.isSubtype(innerAtv.getUpperBound(), outerAtv.getUpperBound()) && typeHierarchy.isSubtype( outerAtv.getLowerBound(), innerAtv.getLowerBound()); } } return false; } /** * Type checks that a method may override another method. Uses the OverrideChecker class. * * @param overriderTree declaration tree of overriding method * @param overridingType type of overriding class * @param overridden type of overridden method * @param overriddenType type of overridden class * @return true if the override is allowed */ protected boolean checkOverride( MethodTree overriderTree, AnnotatedDeclaredType overridingType, AnnotatedExecutableType overridden, AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType, Void p) { // Get the type of the overriding method. AnnotatedExecutableType overrider = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(overriderTree); // This needs to be done before overrider.getReturnType() and overridden.getReturnType() if (overrider.getTypeVariables().isEmpty() && !overridden.getTypeVariables().isEmpty()) { overridden = overridden.getErased(); } OverrideChecker overrideChecker = new OverrideChecker( overriderTree, overrider, overridingType, overrider.getReturnType(), overridden, overriddenType, overridden.getReturnType()); return overrideChecker.checkOverride(); } // Only issue the methodref.inference.unimplemented message once private static boolean typeArgumentInferenceCheck = false; /** * Check that a method reference is allowed. Using the OverrideChecker class. * * @param memberReferenceTree the tree for the method reference * @return true if the method reference is allowed */ protected boolean checkMethodReferenceAsOverride( MemberReferenceTree memberReferenceTree, Void p) { Pair<AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedExecutableType> result = atypeFactory.getFnInterfaceFromTree(memberReferenceTree); AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType = result.first; AnnotatedExecutableType overriddenMethodType = result.second; // ========= Overriding Type ========= // Get declared type from <expression>::method or <type use>::method // This doesn't get the correct type for a "MyOuter.super" based on the receiver of the enclosing method. // That is handled separately in method receiver check. // TODO: Class type argument inference AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingType = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(memberReferenceTree.getQualifierExpression()); // ========= Overriding Executable ========= // The ::method element ExecutableElement overridingElement = (ExecutableElement) InternalUtils.symbol(memberReferenceTree); AnnotatedExecutableType overridingMethodType = atypeFactory.methodFromUse(memberReferenceTree, overridingElement, overridingType) .first; if (checkMethodReferenceInference( memberReferenceTree, overridingMethodType, overriddenMethodType, overridingType)) { // Type argument inference is required, skip check. // #checkMethodReferenceInference issued a warning. return true; } // This needs to be done before overridingMethodType.getReturnType() and overriddenMethodType.getReturnType() if (overridingMethodType.getTypeVariables().isEmpty() && !overriddenMethodType.getTypeVariables().isEmpty()) { overriddenMethodType = overriddenMethodType.getErased(); } // Use the functional interface's parameters to resolve poly quals. QualifierPolymorphism poly = new QualifierPolymorphism(atypeFactory.getProcessingEnv(), atypeFactory); poly.annotate(overriddenMethodType, overridingMethodType); AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingReturnType; if (overridingElement.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) { if (overridingType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { // Special casing for the return of array constructor overridingReturnType = overridingType; } else { overridingReturnType = atypeFactory.getResultingTypeOfConstructorMemberReference( memberReferenceTree, overridingMethodType); } } else { overridingReturnType = overridingMethodType.getReturnType(); } AnnotatedTypeMirror overriddenReturnType = overriddenMethodType.getReturnType(); if (overriddenReturnType.getKind() == TypeKind.VOID) { // If the functional interface return type is void, the overriding return // type doesn't matter. overriddenReturnType = overridingReturnType; } OverrideChecker overrideChecker = new OverrideChecker( memberReferenceTree, overridingMethodType, overridingType, overridingReturnType, overriddenMethodType, overriddenType, overriddenReturnType); return overrideChecker.checkOverride(); } /** Check if method reference type argument inference is required. Issue an error if it is. */ private boolean checkMethodReferenceInference( MemberReferenceTree memberReferenceTree, AnnotatedExecutableType memberReferenceType, AnnotatedExecutableType overridden, AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingType) { // TODO: Issue #802 // TODO: // TODO: Method type argument inference // TODO: Enable checks for method reference with inferred type arguments. // For now, error on mismatch of class or method type arguments. if (overridden.getTypeVariables().size() == 0) { boolean requiresInference = false; // The functional interface does not have any method type parameters if (memberReferenceType.getTypeVariables().size() > 0 && (memberReferenceTree.getTypeArguments() == null || memberReferenceTree.getTypeArguments().size() == 0)) { // Method type args requiresInference = true; } else if (overridingType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED && ((AnnotatedDeclaredType) overridingType).getTypeArguments().size() > 0) { // Class type args if (memberReferenceTree.getQualifierExpression().getKind() != Tree.Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE) { requiresInference = true; } else if (((AnnotatedDeclaredType) overridingType).getTypeArguments().size() != ((ParameterizedTypeTree) memberReferenceTree.getQualifierExpression()) .getTypeArguments() .size()) { requiresInference = true; } } if (requiresInference) { if (!typeArgumentInferenceCheck) { Result.warning("methodref.inference.unimplemented"), memberReferenceTree); typeArgumentInferenceCheck = true; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Class to perform method override and method reference checks. * * <p>Method references are checked similarly to method overrides, with the method reference * viewed as overriding the functional interface's method. * * <p>Checks that an overriding method's return type, parameter types, and receiver type are * correct with respect to the annotations on the overridden method's return type, parameter * types, and receiver type. * * <p>Furthermore, any contracts on the method must satisfy behavioral subtyping, that is, * postconditions must be at least as strong as the postcondition on the superclass, and * preconditions must be at most as strong as the condition on the superclass. * * <p>This method returns the result of the check, but also emits error messages as a side * effect. */ private class OverrideChecker { // Strings for printing private final String overriderMeth; private final String overriderTyp; private final String overriddenMeth; private final String overriddenTyp; private final Tree overriderTree; private final Boolean methodReference; private final AnnotatedExecutableType overrider; private final AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingType; private final AnnotatedExecutableType overridden; private final AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType; private final AnnotatedTypeMirror overriddenReturnType; private final AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingReturnType; /** * Create an OverrideChecker. * * <p>Notice that the return types are passed in separately. This is to support some types * of method references where the overrider's return type is not the appropriate type to * check. * * @param overriderTree the AST node of the overriding method or method reference * @param overrider the type of the overriding method * @param overridingType the type enclosing the overrider method, usually an * AnnotatedDeclaredType; for Method References may be something else * @param overridingReturnType the return type of the overriding method * @param overridden the type of the overridden method * @param overriddenType the declared type enclosing the overridden method * @param overriddenReturnType the return type of the overridden method */ OverrideChecker( Tree overriderTree, AnnotatedExecutableType overrider, AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingType, AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingReturnType, AnnotatedExecutableType overridden, AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType, AnnotatedTypeMirror overriddenReturnType) { this.overriderTree = overriderTree; this.overrider = overrider; this.overridingType = overridingType; this.overridden = overridden; this.overriddenType = overriddenType; this.overriddenReturnType = overriddenReturnType; this.overridingReturnType = overridingReturnType; overriderMeth = overrider.toString(); if (overridingType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { DeclaredType overriderTypeMirror = ((AnnotatedDeclaredType) overridingType).getUnderlyingType(); overriderTyp = overriderTypeMirror.asElement().toString(); } else { overriderTyp = overridingType.toString(); } overriddenMeth = overridden.toString(); overriddenTyp = overriddenType.getUnderlyingType().asElement().toString(); this.methodReference = overriderTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_REFERENCE; } /** * Perform the check * * @return true if the override is allowed */ public boolean checkOverride() { if (checker.shouldSkipUses(overriddenType.getUnderlyingType().asElement())) { return true; } boolean result = checkReturn(); result &= checkParameters(); if (methodReference) { result &= checkMemberReferenceReceivers(); } else { result &= checkReceiverOverride(); } checkPreAndPostConditions(); checkPurity(); return result; } private void checkPurity() { String msgKey = methodReference ? "purity.invalid.methodref" : "purity.invalid.overriding"; // check purity annotations Set<Pure.Kind> superPurity = new HashSet<Pure.Kind>( PurityUtils.getPurityKinds(atypeFactory, overridden.getElement())); Set<Pure.Kind> subPurity = new HashSet<Pure.Kind>( PurityUtils.getPurityKinds(atypeFactory, overrider.getElement())); if (!subPurity.containsAll(superPurity)) { Result.failure( msgKey, overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, subPurity, superPurity), overriderTree); } } private void checkPreAndPostConditions() { String msgKey = methodReference ? "methodref" : "override"; if (methodReference) { // TODO: Support post conditions and method references. // The parse context always expects instance methods, but method references can be static. return; } // Check postconditions ContractsUtils contracts = ContractsUtils.getInstance(atypeFactory); Set<Postcondition> superPost = contracts.getPostconditions(overridden.getElement()); Set<Postcondition> subPost = contracts.getPostconditions(overrider.getElement()); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> superPost2 = resolveContracts(superPost, overridden); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> subPost2 = resolveContracts(subPost, overrider); @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String postmsg = "contracts.postcondition." + msgKey + ".invalid"; checkContractsSubset( overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, superPost2, subPost2, postmsg); // Check preconditions Set<Precondition> superPre = contracts.getPreconditions(overridden.getElement()); Set<Precondition> subPre = contracts.getPreconditions(overrider.getElement()); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> superPre2 = resolveContracts(superPre, overridden); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> subPre2 = resolveContracts(subPre, overrider); @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String premsg = "contracts.precondition." + msgKey + ".invalid"; checkContractsSubset( overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, subPre2, superPre2, premsg); // Check conditional postconditions Set<ConditionalPostcondition> superCPost = contracts.getConditionalPostconditions(overridden.getElement()); Set<ConditionalPostcondition> subCPost = contracts.getConditionalPostconditions(overrider.getElement()); // consider only 'true' postconditions Set<Postcondition> superCPostTrue = filterConditionalPostconditions(superCPost, true); Set<Postcondition> subCPostTrue = filterConditionalPostconditions(subCPost, true); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> superCPostTrue2 = resolveContracts(superCPostTrue, overridden); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> subCPostTrue2 = resolveContracts(subCPostTrue, overrider); @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String posttruemsg = "contracts.conditional.postcondition.true." + msgKey + ".invalid"; checkContractsSubset( overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, superCPostTrue2, subCPostTrue2, posttruemsg); // consider only 'false' postconditions Set<Postcondition> superCPostFalse = filterConditionalPostconditions(superCPost, false); Set<Postcondition> subCPostFalse = filterConditionalPostconditions(subCPost, false); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> superCPostFalse2 = resolveContracts(superCPostFalse, overridden); Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> subCPostFalse2 = resolveContracts(subCPostFalse, overrider); @SuppressWarnings("CompilerMessages") /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String postfalsemsg = "contracts.conditional.postcondition.false." + msgKey + ".invalid"; checkContractsSubset( overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, superCPostFalse2, subCPostFalse2, postfalsemsg); } private boolean checkMemberReferenceReceivers() { JCTree.JCMemberReference memberTree = (JCTree.JCMemberReference) overriderTree; if (overridingType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { // Assume the receiver for all method on arrays are @Top // This simplifies some logic because an AnnotatedExecutableType for an array method // (ie String[]::clone) has a receiver of "Array." The UNBOUND check would then // have to compare "Array" to "String[]". return true; } // These act like a traditional override if (memberTree.kind == JCTree.JCMemberReference.ReferenceKind.UNBOUND) { AnnotatedTypeMirror overriderReceiver = overrider.getReceiverType(); AnnotatedTypeMirror overriddenReceiver = overridden.getParameterTypes().get(0); boolean success = atypeFactory .getTypeHierarchy() .isSubtype(overriddenReceiver, overriderReceiver); if (!success) { Result.failure( "methodref.receiver.invalid", overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, overriderReceiver, overriddenReceiver), overriderTree); } return success; } // The rest act like method invocations AnnotatedTypeMirror receiverDecl; AnnotatedTypeMirror receiverArg; switch (memberTree.kind) { case UNBOUND: ErrorReporter.errorAbort("Case UNBOUND should already be handled."); return true; // Dead code case SUPER: receiverDecl = overrider.getReceiverType(); receiverArg = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(memberTree.getQualifierExpression()); final AnnotatedTypeMirror selfType = atypeFactory.getSelfType(memberTree); receiverArg.replaceAnnotations(selfType.getAnnotations()); break; case BOUND: receiverDecl = overrider.getReceiverType(); receiverArg = overridingType; break; case IMPLICIT_INNER: receiverDecl = overrider.getReceiverType(); receiverArg = atypeFactory.getSelfType(memberTree); break; case TOPLEVEL: case STATIC: case ARRAY_CTOR: default: // Intentional fallthrough // These don't have receivers return true; } boolean success = atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy().isSubtype(receiverArg, receiverDecl); if (!success) { Result.failure( "methodref.receiver.bound.invalid", receiverArg, overriderMeth, overriderTyp, receiverArg, receiverDecl), overriderTree); } return success; } private boolean checkReceiverOverride() { // Check the receiver type. // isSubtype() requires its arguments to be actual subtypes with // respect to JLS, but overrider receiver is not a subtype of the // overridden receiver. Hence copying the annotations. // TODO: this will need to be improved for generic receivers. AnnotatedTypeMirror overriddenReceiver = overrider.getReceiverType().getErased().shallowCopy(false); overriddenReceiver.addAnnotations(overridden.getReceiverType().getAnnotations()); if (!atypeFactory .getTypeHierarchy() .isSubtype(overriddenReceiver, overrider.getReceiverType().getErased())) { Result.failure( "override.receiver.invalid", overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, overrider.getReceiverType(), overridden.getReceiverType()), overriderTree); return false; } return true; } private boolean checkParameters() { List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> overriderParams = overrider.getParameterTypes(); List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> overriddenParams = overridden.getParameterTypes(); // Fix up method reference parameters. // See if (methodReference) { // The functional interface of an unbound member reference has an extra parameter (the receiver). if (((JCTree.JCMemberReference) overriderTree) .hasKind(JCTree.JCMemberReference.ReferenceKind.UNBOUND)) { overriddenParams = new ArrayList<>(overriddenParams); overriddenParams.remove(0); } // Deal with varargs if (overrider.isVarArgs() && !overridden.isVarArgs()) { overriderParams = AnnotatedTypes.expandVarArgsFromTypes(overrider, overriddenParams); } } boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; i < overriderParams.size(); ++i) { boolean success = atypeFactory .getTypeHierarchy() .isSubtype(overriddenParams.get(i), overriderParams.get(i)); if (!success) { success = testTypevarContainment(overriddenParams.get(i), overriderParams.get(i)); } checkParametersMsg(success, i, overriderParams, overriddenParams); result &= success; } return result; } private void checkParametersMsg( boolean success, int index, List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> overriderParams, List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> overriddenParams) { String msgKey = methodReference ? "methodref.param.invalid" : "override.param.invalid"; long valuePos = overriderTree instanceof MethodTree ? positions.getStartPosition( root, ((MethodTree) overriderTree).getParameters().get(index)) : positions.getStartPosition(root, overriderTree); Tree posTree = overriderTree instanceof MethodTree ? ((MethodTree) overriderTree).getParameters().get(index) : overriderTree; if (checker.hasOption("showchecks")) { System.out.printf( " %s (line %3d):%n overrider: %s %s (parameter %d type %s)%n overridden: %s %s (parameter %d type %s)%n", (success ? "success: overridden parameter type is subtype of overriding" : "FAILURE: overridden parameter type is not subtype of overriding"), (root.getLineMap() != null ? root.getLineMap().getLineNumber(valuePos) : -1), overriderMeth, overriderTyp, index, overriderParams.get(index).toString(), overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, index, overriddenParams.get(index).toString()); } if (!success) { Result.failure( msgKey, overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, overriderParams.get(index).toString(), overriddenParams.get(index).toString()), posTree); } } private boolean checkReturn() { boolean success = true; // Check the return value. if ((overridingReturnType.getKind() != TypeKind.VOID)) { final TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy = atypeFactory.getTypeHierarchy(); success = typeHierarchy.isSubtype(overridingReturnType, overriddenReturnType); // If both the overridden method have type variables as return types and both types were // defined in their respective methods then, they can be covariant or invariant // use super/subtypes for the overrides locations if (!success) { success = testTypevarContainment(overridingReturnType, overriddenReturnType); // sometimes when using a Java 8 compiler (not JSR308) the overridden return type of a method reference // becomes a captured type. This leads to defaulting that often makes the overriding return type // invalid. We ignore these. This happens in Issue403/Issue404 when running without JSR308 Langtools if (!success && methodReference) { boolean isCaptureConverted = (overriddenReturnType.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) && InternalUtils.isCaptured( (TypeVariable) overriddenReturnType.getUnderlyingType()); if (methodReference && isCaptureConverted) { ExecutableElement overridenMethod = overridden.getElement(); boolean isFunctionApply = overridenMethod.getSimpleName().toString().equals("apply") && overridenMethod .getEnclosingElement() .toString() .equals("java.util.function.Function"); if (isFunctionApply) { AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingUpperBound = ((AnnotatedTypeVariable) overriddenReturnType) .getUpperBound(); success = typeHierarchy.isSubtype( overridingReturnType, overridingUpperBound); } } } } checkReturnMsg(success); } return success; } private void checkReturnMsg(boolean success) { String msgKey = methodReference ? "methodref.return.invalid" : "override.return.invalid"; long valuePos = overriderTree instanceof MethodTree ? positions.getStartPosition( root, ((MethodTree) overriderTree).getReturnType()) : positions.getStartPosition(root, overriderTree); Tree posTree = overriderTree instanceof MethodTree ? ((MethodTree) overriderTree).getReturnType() : overriderTree; // The return type of a MethodTree is null for a constructor. if (posTree == null) { posTree = overriderTree; } if (checker.hasOption("showchecks")) { System.out.printf( " %s (line %3d):%n overrider: %s %s (return type %s)%n overridden: %s %s (return type %s)%n", (success ? "success: overriding return type is subtype of overridden" : "FAILURE: overriding return type is not subtype of overridden"), (root.getLineMap() != null ? root.getLineMap().getLineNumber(valuePos) : -1), overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overrider.getReturnType().toString(), overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, overridden.getReturnType().toString()); } if (!success) { Result.failure( msgKey, overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, overridingReturnType, overriddenReturnType), posTree); } } } /** * Filters the set of conditional postconditions to return only those whose annotation result * value matches the value of the given boolean {@code b}. For example, if {@code b == true}, * then the following {@code @EnsuresNonNullIf} conditional postcondition would match:<br> * {@code @EnsuresNonNullIf(expression="#1", result=true)}<br> * {@code boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)} */ private Set<Postcondition> filterConditionalPostconditions( Set<ConditionalPostcondition> conditionalPostconditions, boolean b) { Set<Postcondition> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (ConditionalPostcondition p : conditionalPostconditions) { if (p.annoResult == b) { result.add(new Postcondition(p.expression, p.annotation)); } } return result; } /** * Checks that {@code mustSubset} is a subset of {@code set} in the following sense: For every * expression in {@code mustSubset} there must be the same expression in {@code set}, with the * same (or a stronger) annotation. */ private void checkContractsSubset( String overriderMeth, String overriderTyp, String overriddenMeth, String overriddenTyp, Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> mustSubset, Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> set, /*@CompilerMessageKey*/ String messageKey) { for (Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror> a : mustSubset) { boolean found = false; for (Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror> b : set) { // are we looking at a contract of the same receiver? if (a.first.equals(b.first)) { // check subtyping relationship of annotations QualifierHierarchy qualifierHierarchy = atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(); if (qualifierHierarchy.isSubtype(a.second, b.second)) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { MethodTree method = visitorState.getMethodTree(); Result.failure( messageKey, overriderMeth, overriderTyp, overriddenMeth, overriddenTyp, a.second, a.first), method); } } } /** * Takes a set of contracts identified by their expression and annotation strings and resolves * them to the correct {@link Receiver} and {@link AnnotationMirror}. */ private Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> resolveContracts( Set<? extends Contract> contractSet, AnnotatedExecutableType method) { Set<Pair<Receiver, AnnotationMirror>> result = new HashSet<>(); MethodTree methodTree = visitorState.getMethodTree(); TreePath path = atypeFactory.getPath(methodTree); FlowExpressionContext flowExprContext = null; for (Contract p : contractSet) { String expression = p.expression; AnnotationMirror annotation = p.annotation; if (flowExprContext == null) { flowExprContext = FlowExpressionContext.buildContextForMethodDeclaration( methodTree, method.getReceiverType().getUnderlyingType(), checker.getContext()); } try { // TODO: currently, these expressions are parsed many times. // this could // be optimized to store the result the first time. // (same for other annotations) FlowExpressions.Receiver expr = FlowExpressionParseUtil.parse(expression, flowExprContext, path, false); result.add(Pair.of(expr, annotation)); } catch (FlowExpressionParseException e) { // report errors here, methodTree); } } return result; } /** * Tests, for a re-assignment, whether the variable is assignable or not. If not, it emits an * assignability.invalid error. * * @param varType the type of the variable being re-assigned * @param varTree the tree used to access the variable in the assignment */ protected void checkAssignability(AnnotatedTypeMirror varType, Tree varTree) { if (TreeUtils.isExpressionTree(varTree)) { AnnotatedTypeMirror rcvType = atypeFactory.getReceiverType((ExpressionTree) varTree); if (!isAssignable(varType, rcvType, varTree)) { Result.failure( "assignability.invalid", InternalUtils.symbol(varTree), rcvType), varTree); } } } /** * Tests whether the variable accessed is an assignable variable or not, given the current scope * * <p>TODO: document which parameters are nullable; e.g. receiverType is null in many cases, * e.g. local variables. * * @param varType the annotated variable type * @param variable tree used to access the variable * @return true iff variable is assignable in the current scope */ protected boolean isAssignable( AnnotatedTypeMirror varType, AnnotatedTypeMirror receiverType, Tree variable) { return true; } protected MemberSelectTree enclosingMemberSelect() { TreePath path = this.getCurrentPath(); assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER : "expected identifier, found: " + path.getLeaf(); if (path.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT) { return (MemberSelectTree) path.getParentPath().getLeaf(); } else { return null; } } protected Tree enclosingStatement(Tree tree) { TreePath path = this.getCurrentPath(); while (path != null && path.getLeaf() != tree) { path = path.getParentPath(); } if (path != null) { return path.getParentPath().getLeaf(); } else { return null; } } @Override public Void visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, Void p) { checkAccess(node, p); return super.visitIdentifier(node, p); } protected void checkAccess(IdentifierTree node, Void p) { MemberSelectTree memberSel = enclosingMemberSelect(); ExpressionTree tree; Element elem; if (memberSel == null) { tree = node; elem = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(node); } else { tree = memberSel; elem = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(memberSel); } if (elem == null || !elem.getKind().isField()) { return; } AnnotatedTypeMirror receiver = atypeFactory.getReceiverType(tree); if (!isAccessAllowed(elem, receiver, tree)) {"unallowed.access", elem, receiver), node); } } protected boolean isAccessAllowed( Element field, AnnotatedTypeMirror receiver, ExpressionTree accessTree) { AnnotationMirror unused = atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation(field, Unused.class); if (unused == null) { return true; } Name when = AnnotationUtils.getElementValueClassName(unused, "when", false); if (receiver.getAnnotation(when) == null) { return true; } Tree tree = this.enclosingStatement(accessTree); // assigning unused to null is OK return (tree != null && tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ASSIGNMENT && ((AssignmentTree) tree).getVariable() == accessTree && ((AssignmentTree) tree).getExpression().getKind() == Tree.Kind.NULL_LITERAL); } /** * Tests that the qualifiers present on the useType are valid qualifiers, given the qualifiers * on the declaration of the type, declarationType. * * <p>The check is shallow, as it does not descend into generic or array types (i.e. only * performing the validity check on the raw type or outermost array dimension). {@link * BaseTypeVisitor#validateTypeOf(Tree)} would call this for each type argument or array * dimension separately. * * <p>In most cases, {@code useType} simply needs to be a subtype of {@code declarationType}, * but there are exceptions. * * @param declarationType the type of the class (TypeElement) * @param useType the use of the class (instance type) * @param tree the tree where the type is used * @return true if the useType is a valid use of elemType */ public boolean isValidUse( AnnotatedDeclaredType declarationType, AnnotatedDeclaredType useType, Tree tree) { return atypeFactory .getTypeHierarchy() .isSubtype(useType.getErased(), declarationType.getErased()); } /** * Tests that the qualifiers present on the primitive type are valid. * * <p>The default implementation always returns true. Subclasses should override this method to * limit what annotations are allowed on primitive types. * * @param type the use of the primitive type * @param tree the tree where the type is used * @return true if the type is a valid use of the primitive type */ public boolean isValidUse(AnnotatedPrimitiveType type, Tree tree) { return true; } /** * Tests that the qualifiers present on the array type are valid. This method will be invoked * for each array level independently, i.e. this method only needs to check the top-level * qualifiers of an array. * * <p>The default implementation always returns true. Subclasses should override this method to * limit what annotations are allowed on array types. * * @param type the array type use * @param tree the tree where the type is used * @return true if the type is a valid array type */ public boolean isValidUse(AnnotatedArrayType type, Tree tree) { return true; } /** * Tests whether the tree expressed by the passed type tree is a valid type, and emits an error * if that is not the case (e.g. '@Mutable String'). If the tree is a method or constructor, * check the return type. * * @param tree the AST type supplied by the user */ public boolean validateTypeOf(Tree tree) { AnnotatedTypeMirror type; // It's quite annoying that there is no TypeTree. switch (tree.getKind()) { case PRIMITIVE_TYPE: case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: case TYPE_PARAMETER: case ARRAY_TYPE: case UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD: case EXTENDS_WILDCARD: case SUPER_WILDCARD: case ANNOTATED_TYPE: type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(tree); break; case METHOD: type = atypeFactory.getMethodReturnType((MethodTree) tree); if (type == null || type.getKind() == TypeKind.VOID) { // Nothing to do for void methods. // Note that for a constructor the AnnotatedExecutableType does // not use void as return type. return true; } break; default: type = atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(tree); } return validateType(tree, type); } /** * Tests whether the type and corresponding type tree is a valid type, and emits an error if * that is not the case (e.g. '@Mutable String'). If the tree is a method or constructor, check * the return type. * * @param tree the type tree supplied by the user * @param type the type corresponding to tree */ public boolean validateType(Tree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { // basic consistency checks if (!AnnotatedTypes.isValidType(atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy(), type)) { Result.failure("type.invalid", type.getAnnotations(), type.toString()), tree); return false; } // more checks (also specific to checker, potentially) return typeValidator.isValid(type, tree); } // This is a test to ensure that all types are valid protected final TypeValidator typeValidator; protected TypeValidator createTypeValidator() { return new BaseTypeValidator(checker, this, atypeFactory); } // ********************************************************************** // Random helper methods // ********************************************************************** /** * Tests whether the expression should not be checked because of the tree referring to * unannotated classes, as specified in the {@code checker.skipUses} property. * * <p>It returns true if exprTree is a method invocation or a field access to a class whose * qualified name matches @{link checker.skipUses} expression. * * @param exprTree any expression tree * @return true if checker should not test exprTree */ protected final boolean shouldSkipUses(ExpressionTree exprTree) { // System.out.printf("shouldSkipUses: %s: %s%n", exprTree.getClass(), exprTree); // This special case for ConditionalExpressionTree seems wrong, so // I commented it out. It will skip expressions that should be // checked, just because they are lexically near expressions that // should be skipped. Presumably it's because conditionals do some // type inference, but if so, this is the wrong way to fix the // problem. -MDE // if (exprTree instanceof ConditionalExpressionTree) { // ConditionalExpressionTree condTree = // (ConditionalExpressionTree)exprTree; // return (shouldSkipUses(condTree.getTrueExpression()) || // shouldSkipUses(condTree.getFalseExpression())); // } // Don't use commonAssignmentCheck for lambdas or method references. if (exprTree instanceof MemberReferenceTree || exprTree instanceof LambdaExpressionTree) { return true; } Element elm = InternalUtils.symbol(exprTree); return checker.shouldSkipUses(elm); } // ********************************************************************** // Overriding to avoid visit part of the tree // ********************************************************************** /** Override Compilation Unit so we won't visit package names or imports */ @Override public Void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree node, Void p) { Void r = scan(node.getPackageAnnotations(), p); // r = reduce(scan(node.getPackageName(), p), r); // r = reduce(scan(node.getImports(), p), r); r = reduce(scan(node.getTypeDecls(), p), r); return r; } // ********************************************************************** // Check that the annotated JDK is being used. // ********************************************************************** private static boolean checkedJDK = false; // Not all subclasses call this -- only those that have an annotated JDK. /** Warn if the annotated JDK is not being used. */ protected void checkForAnnotatedJdk() { if (checkedJDK) { return; } checkedJDK = true; if (checker.hasOption("nocheckjdk")) { return; } TypeElement objectTE = elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object"); List<? extends Element> members = elements.getAllMembers(objectTE); for (Element member : members) { if (member.toString().equals("equals(java.lang.Object)")) { ExecutableElement m = (ExecutableElement) member; // The Nullness JDK serves as a proxy for all annotated // JDKs. // Note that we cannot use the AnnotatedTypeMirrors from the // Checker Framework, because those only return the annotations // that are used by the current checker. // That is, if this code is executed by something other than the // Nullness Checker, we would not find the annotations. // Therefore, we go to the Element and get all annotations on // the parameter. // TODO: doing types.typeAnnotationOf(m.getParameters().get(0).asType(), Nullable.class) // or types.typeAnnotationsOf(m.asType()) // does not work any more. It should. boolean foundNN = false; for ( tc : (( m).getRawTypeAttributes()) { if (tc.position.type == && tc.position.parameter_index == 0 && // TODO: using .class would be nicer, but adds a circular dependency on // the "checker" project // tc.type.toString().equals(org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable.class.getName()) ) { tc.type .toString() .equals( "org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable")) { foundNN = true; } } if (!foundNN) { String jdkJarName = PluginUtil.getJdkJarName(); checker.message( Kind.WARNING, "You do not seem to be using the distributed annotated JDK. To fix the" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + "problem, supply this argument (first, fill in the \"...\") when you run javac:" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + " -Xbootclasspath/p:.../checker/dist/" + jdkJarName); } } } } }