package org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.ImplicitFor; import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.SubtypeOf; /** * The syntax for binary names that appears in a class file, as defined in the <a * href="">JVM Specification, * section 4.2</a>. A {@linkplain BinaryName binary name} is conceptually the name for the class or * interface in a compiled binary, but the actual representation of that name in its class file is * slightly different. * * <p>Internal form is the same as the binary name, but with periods ({@code .}) replaced by forward * slashes ({@code /}). * * <p>Programmers more often use the binary name, leaving the internal form as a JVM implementation * detail. * * @see BinaryName * @checker_framework.manual #signature-checker Signature Checker */ @SubtypeOf(SignatureUnknown.class) @ImplicitFor( stringPatterns = "^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*(/[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)*(\\$[A-Za-z_0-9]+)*(\\[\\])*$" ) @Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE, ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER}) public @interface InternalForm {}