package org.checkerframework.framework.stub; /*>>> import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*; */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.FromStubFile; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType; import org.checkerframework.framework.type.visitor.AnnotatedTypeMerger; import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotationBuilder; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ElementUtils; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ErrorReporter; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.Pair; import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypesUtils; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.JavaParser; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.CompilationUnit; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.ImportDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.IndexUnit; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.PackageDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.TypeParameter; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.BodyDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.ConstructorDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.FieldDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.Parameter; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.TypeDeclaration; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.body.VariableDeclarator; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.AnnotationExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.ArrayInitializerExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.BooleanLiteralExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.Expression; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.FieldAccessExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.IntegerLiteralExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.MarkerAnnotationExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.MemberValuePair; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.NameExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.NormalAnnotationExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.SingleMemberAnnotationExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.expr.StringLiteralExpr; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.type.ClassOrInterfaceType; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.type.ReferenceType; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.type.Type; import org.checkerframework.stubparser.ast.type.WildcardType; /** Main entry point is: {@link StubParser#parse(Map, Map)} */ // Full entry point signature: // parse(Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror>, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>>)} public class StubParser { /** * Whether to print warnings about types/members that were not found. The warning is about * whether a class/field in the stub file is not found on the user's real classpath. Since the * stub file may contain packages that are not on the classpath, this can be OK, so default to * false. */ private final boolean warnIfNotFound; /** Whether to print warnings about stub files that overwrite annotations from bytecode. */ private final boolean warnIfStubOverwritesBytecode; private final boolean debugStubParser; /** The file being parsed (makes error messages more informative). */ private final String filename; private final IndexUnit index; private final ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv; private final AnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory; private final Elements elements; /** * The supported annotations. Keys are simple (unqualified) names. (This may be a problem in the * unlikely occurrence that a type-checker supports two annotations with the same simple name.) */ private final Map<String, AnnotationMirror> supportedAnnotations; /** A list of imports that are not annotation types. Used for importing enums. */ private final List<String> imports; /** * Mapping of a field access expression that has already been encountered to the resolved * variable element. */ private final Map<FieldAccessExpr, VariableElement> faexprcache; /** * Mapping of a name access expression that has already been encountered to the resolved * variable element. */ private final Map<NameExpr, VariableElement> nexprcache; /** Annotation to added to every method and constructor in the stub file. */ private final AnnotationMirror fromStubFile; /** * List of AnnotatedTypeMirrors for class or method type parameters that are in scope of the * elements currently parsed. */ private final List<AnnotatedTypeVariable> typeParameters = new ArrayList<>(); /** * @param filename name of stub file * @param inputStream of stub file to parse * @param factory AnnotatedtypeFactory to use * @param env ProcessingEnviroment to use */ public StubParser( String filename, InputStream inputStream, AnnotatedTypeFactory factory, ProcessingEnvironment env) { this.filename = filename; this.atypeFactory = factory; this.processingEnv = env; this.elements = env.getElementUtils(); imports = new ArrayList<String>(); // getSupportedAnnotations uses these for warnings Map<String, String> options = env.getOptions(); this.warnIfNotFound = options.containsKey("stubWarnIfNotFound"); this.warnIfStubOverwritesBytecode = options.containsKey("stubWarnIfOverwritesBytecode"); this.debugStubParser = options.containsKey("stubDebug"); if (debugStubParser) { stubDebug(String.format("parsing stub file %s%n", filename)); } IndexUnit parsedindex; try { parsedindex = JavaParser.parse(inputStream); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: exception from JavaParser.parse for file " + filename, e); parsedindex = null; // dead code, but needed for def. assignment checks } this.index = parsedindex; // getSupportedAnnotations also sets imports. This should be refactored to be nicer. supportedAnnotations = getSupportedAnnotations(); if (supportedAnnotations.isEmpty()) { stubWarnIfNotFound( String.format( "No supported annotations found! This likely means stub file %s doesn't import them correctly.", filename)); } faexprcache = new HashMap<FieldAccessExpr, VariableElement>(); nexprcache = new HashMap<NameExpr, VariableElement>(); this.fromStubFile = AnnotationUtils.fromClass(elements, FromStubFile.class); } /** All annotations defined in the package. Keys are simple names. */ private Map<String, AnnotationMirror> annosInPackage(PackageElement packageElement) { return createImportedAnnotationsMap( ElementFilter.typesIn(packageElement.getEnclosedElements())); } /** All annotations declarations nested inside of a class. */ private Map<String, AnnotationMirror> annosInType(TypeElement typeElement) { return createImportedAnnotationsMap( ElementFilter.typesIn(typeElement.getEnclosedElements())); } private Map<String, AnnotationMirror> createImportedAnnotationsMap( List<TypeElement> typeElements) { Map<String, AnnotationMirror> r = new HashMap<String, AnnotationMirror>(); for (TypeElement typeElm : typeElements) { if (typeElm.getKind() == ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) { AnnotationMirror anno = AnnotationUtils.fromName(elements, typeElm.getQualifiedName()); putNew(r, typeElm.getSimpleName().toString(), anno); } } return r; } /** * Get all members of a Type that are useful in a stub file. Currently these are values of * enums, or compile time constants. * * @return a list fully qualified member names */ private static List<String> getImportableMembers(TypeElement typeElement) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); List<VariableElement> memberElements = ElementFilter.fieldsIn(typeElement.getEnclosedElements()); for (VariableElement varElement : memberElements) { if (varElement.getConstantValue() != null || varElement.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT) { result.add( String.format( "%s.%s", typeElement.getQualifiedName().toString(), varElement.getSimpleName().toString())); } } return result; } /** @see #supportedAnnotations */ private Map<String, AnnotationMirror> getSupportedAnnotations() { assert !index.getCompilationUnits().isEmpty(); CompilationUnit cu = index.getCompilationUnits().get(0); Map<String, AnnotationMirror> result = new HashMap<String, AnnotationMirror>(); if (cu.getImports() == null) { return result; } for (ImportDeclaration importDecl : cu.getImports()) { String imported = importDecl.getName().toString(); try { if (importDecl.isAsterisk()) { // Static determines if we are importing members // of a type (class or interface) or of a package if (importDecl.isStatic()) { // Members of a type (according to JLS) TypeElement element = findType(imported, "Imported type not found"); if (element != null) { // Find nested annotations // Find compile time constant fields, or values of an enum putAllNew(result, annosInType(element)); imports.addAll(getImportableMembers(element)); } } else { // Members of a package (according to JLS) PackageElement element = findPackage(imported); if (element != null) { putAllNew(result, annosInPackage(element)); } } } else { // Process a single import final TypeElement importType = elements.getTypeElement(imported); if (importType == null && !importDecl.isStatic()) { // Class or nested class (according to JSL), but we can't resolve stubWarnIfNotFound("Imported type not found: " + imported); } else if (importType == null) { // Nested Field Pair<String, String> typeParts = StubUtil.partitionQualifiedName(imported); String type = typeParts.first; String fieldName = typeParts.second; TypeElement enclType = findType( type, String.format( "Enclosing type of static field %s not found", fieldName)); if (enclType != null) { if (findFieldElement(enclType, fieldName) != null) { imports.add(imported); } } } else if (importType.getKind() == ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) { // Single annotation or nested annotation AnnotationMirror anno = AnnotationUtils.fromName(elements, imported); if (anno != null) { Element annoElt = anno.getAnnotationType().asElement(); putNew(result, annoElt.getSimpleName().toString(), anno); } else { stubWarnIfNotFound("Could not load import: " + imported); } } else { // Class or nested class imports.add(imported); } } } catch (AssertionError error) { stubWarnIfNotFound("" + error); } } return result; } /** The main entry point. Side-effects the arguments. */ public void parse( Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { parse(this.index, atypes, declAnnos); } private void parse( IndexUnit index, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { for (CompilationUnit cu : index.getCompilationUnits()) { parse(cu, atypes, declAnnos); } } private CompilationUnit theCompilationUnit; private void parse( CompilationUnit cu, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { theCompilationUnit = cu; final String packageName; final List<AnnotationExpr> packageAnnos; if (cu.getPackage() == null) { packageName = null; packageAnnos = null; } else { packageName = cu.getPackage().getName().toString(); packageAnnos = cu.getPackage().getAnnotations(); parsePackage(cu.getPackage(), atypes, declAnnos); } if (cu.getTypes() != null) { for (TypeDeclaration typeDecl : cu.getTypes()) { parse(typeDecl, packageName, packageAnnos, atypes, declAnnos); } } } private void parsePackage( PackageDeclaration packDecl, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { assert (packDecl != null); String packageName = packDecl.getName().toString(); Element elem = elements.getPackageElement(packageName); // If the element lookup fails, it's because we have an annotation for a // package that isn't on the classpath, which is fine. if (elem != null) { annotateDecl(declAnnos, elem, packDecl.getAnnotations()); } // TODO: Handle atypes??? } // typeDecl's name may be a binary name such as "A$B". // That is a hack because the StubParser does not handle nested classes. private void parse( TypeDeclaration typeDecl, String packageName, List<AnnotationExpr> packageAnnos, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { // Fully-qualified name of the type being parsed String typeName = (packageName == null ? "" : packageName + ".") + typeDecl.getName().replace('$', '.'); TypeElement typeElt = elements.getTypeElement(typeName); // couldn't find type. not in class path if (typeElt == null) { boolean warn = true; if (typeDecl.getAnnotations() != null) { for (AnnotationExpr anno : typeDecl.getAnnotations()) { if (anno.getName().getName().contentEquals("NoStubParserWarning")) { warn = false; } } } if (packageAnnos != null) { for (AnnotationExpr anno : packageAnnos) { if (anno.getName().getName().contentEquals("NoStubParserWarning")) { warn = false; } } } warn = warn || debugStubParser; if (warn) { stubWarnIfNotFound("Type not found: " + typeName); } return; } if (typeElt.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM) { stubWarnIfNotFound("Skipping enum type: " + typeName); } else if (typeElt.getKind() == ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) { stubWarnIfNotFound("Skipping annotation type: " + typeName); } else if (typeDecl instanceof ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) { typeParameters.addAll( parseType((ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) typeDecl, typeElt, atypes, declAnnos)); } // else it's an EmptyTypeDeclaration. TODO: An EmptyTypeDeclaration can have annotations, right? Map<Element, BodyDeclaration> elementsToDecl = getMembers(typeElt, typeDecl); for (Map.Entry<Element, BodyDeclaration> entry : elementsToDecl.entrySet()) { final Element elt = entry.getKey(); final BodyDeclaration decl = entry.getValue(); if (elt.getKind().isField()) { parseField((FieldDeclaration) decl, (VariableElement) elt, atypes, declAnnos); } else if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) { parseConstructor( (ConstructorDeclaration) decl, (ExecutableElement) elt, atypes, declAnnos); } else if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) { parseMethod((MethodDeclaration) decl, (ExecutableElement) elt, atypes, declAnnos); } else { /* do nothing */ stubWarnIfNotFound("StubParser ignoring: " + elt); } } typeParameters.clear(); } /** @return list of AnnotatedTypeVariable of the type's type parameter declarations */ private List<AnnotatedTypeVariable> parseType( ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration decl, TypeElement elt, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { annotateDecl(declAnnos, elt, decl.getAnnotations()); AnnotatedDeclaredType type = atypeFactory.fromElement(elt); annotate(type, decl.getAnnotations()); final List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> typeArguments = type.getTypeArguments(); final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = decl.getTypeParameters(); // It can be the case that args=[] and params=null. // if ((typeParameters == null) != (typeArguments == null)) { // throw new Error(String.format("parseType (%s, %s): inconsistent nullness for args and params%n args = %s%n params = %s%n", decl, elt, typeArguments, typeParameters)); // } if ((typeParameters == null) && (typeArguments.size() != 0)) { // TODO: Class EventListenerProxy in Java 6 does not have type parameters, but in Java 7 does. // To handle both with one specification, we currently ignore the problem. // Investigate what a cleaner solution is, e.g. having a separate Java 7 specification that overrides // the Java 6 specification. // System.out.printf("Dying. theCompilationUnit=%s%n", theCompilationUnit); if (debugStubParser) { stubDebug( String.format( "parseType: mismatched sizes for params and args%n decl=%s%n typeParameters=%s%n elt=%s (%s)%n type=%s (%s)%n typeArguments (size %d)=%s%n theCompilationUnit=%s%nEnd of message for parseType: mismatched sizes for params and args%n", decl, typeParameters, elt, elt.getClass(), type, type.getClass(), typeArguments.size(), typeArguments, theCompilationUnit)); } /* throw new Error(String.format("parseType: mismatched sizes for params and args%n decl=%s%n typeParameters=%s%n elt=%s (%s)%n type=%s (%s)%n typeArguments (size %d)=%s%n", decl, typeParameters, elt, elt.getClass(), type, type.getClass(), typeArguments.size(), typeArguments)); */ } if ((typeParameters != null) && (typeParameters.size() != typeArguments.size())) { // TODO: decide how severe this problem really is; see comment above. // System.out.printf("Dying. theCompilationUnit=%s%n", theCompilationUnit); if (debugStubParser) { stubDebug( String.format( "parseType: mismatched sizes for params and args%n decl=%s%n typeParameters (size %d)=%s%n elt=%s (%s)%n type=%s (%s)%n typeArguments (size %d)=%s%n theCompilationUnit=%s%nEnd of message for parseType: mismatched sizes for params and args%n", decl, typeParameters.size(), typeParameters, elt, elt.getClass(), type, type.getClass(), typeArguments.size(), typeArguments, theCompilationUnit)); } /* throw new Error(String.format("parseType: mismatched sizes for params and args%n decl=%s%n typeParameters (size %d)=%s%n elt=%s (%s)%n type=%s (%s)%n typeArguments (size %d)=%s%n", decl, typeParameters.size(), typeParameters, elt, elt.getClass(), type, type.getClass(), typeArguments.size(), typeArguments)); */ } annotateTypeParameters(atypes, typeArguments, typeParameters); annotateSupertypes(decl, type); putNew(atypes, elt, type); List<AnnotatedTypeVariable> typeVariables = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotatedTypeMirror typeV : type.getTypeArguments()) { if (typeV.getKind() != TypeKind.TYPEVAR) { stubAlwaysWarn( "Expected an AnnotatedTypeVariable but found type kind" + typeV.getKind() + ": " + typeV); } else { typeVariables.add((AnnotatedTypeVariable) typeV); } } return typeVariables; } private void annotateSupertypes( ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration typeDecl, AnnotatedDeclaredType type) { if (typeDecl.getExtends() != null) { for (ClassOrInterfaceType superType : typeDecl.getExtends()) { AnnotatedDeclaredType foundType = findType(superType, type.directSuperTypes()); assert foundType != null : "StubParser: could not find superclass " + superType + " from type " + type + "\nStub file does not match bytecode"; if (foundType != null) { annotate(foundType, superType); } } } if (typeDecl.getImplements() != null) { for (ClassOrInterfaceType superType : typeDecl.getImplements()) { AnnotatedDeclaredType foundType = findType(superType, type.directSuperTypes()); // TODO: Java 7 added a few AutoCloseable superinterfaces to classes. // We specify those as superinterfaces in the jdk.astub file. Let's ignore // this addition to be compatible with Java 6. assert foundType != null || (superType.toString().equals("AutoCloseable") || superType.toString().equals("") || superType.toString().equals("Closeable")) : "StubParser: could not find superinterface " + superType + " from type " + type + "\nStub file does not match bytecode"; if (foundType != null) { annotate(foundType, superType); } } } } private void parseMethod( MethodDeclaration decl, ExecutableElement elt, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { annotateDecl(declAnnos, elt, decl.getAnnotations()); // StubParser parses all annotations in type annotation position as type annotations annotateDecl(declAnnos, elt, decl.getType().getAnnotations()); addDeclAnnotations(declAnnos, elt); AnnotatedExecutableType methodType = atypeFactory.fromElement(elt); annotateTypeParameters(atypes, methodType.getTypeVariables(), decl.getTypeParameters()); typeParameters.addAll(methodType.getTypeVariables()); annotate(methodType.getReturnType(), decl.getType()); List<Parameter> params = decl.getParameters(); List<? extends VariableElement> paramElts = elt.getParameters(); List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> paramTypes = methodType.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < methodType.getParameterTypes().size(); ++i) { VariableElement paramElt = paramElts.get(i); AnnotatedTypeMirror paramType = paramTypes.get(i); Parameter param = params.get(i); annotateDecl(declAnnos, paramElt, param.getAnnotations()); annotateDecl(declAnnos, paramElt, param.getType().getAnnotations()); if (param.isVarArgs()) { // workaround assert paramType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY; annotate(((AnnotatedArrayType) paramType).getComponentType(), param.getType()); } else { annotate(paramType, param.getType()); } } if (methodType.getReceiverType() == null && decl.getReceiverAnnotations() != null && !decl.getReceiverAnnotations().isEmpty()) { stubAlwaysWarn( String.format( "parseMethod: static methods cannot have receiver annotations%n" + "Method: %s%n" + "Receiver annotations: %s", methodType, decl.getReceiverAnnotations())); } else { annotate(methodType.getReceiverType(), decl.getReceiverAnnotations()); } putNew(atypes, elt, methodType); typeParameters.removeAll(methodType.getTypeVariables()); } /** * Handle existing annotations on the type. Stub files should override the existing annotations * on a type. Using {@code replaceAnnotation} is usually good enough to achieve this; however, * for annotations on type variables, the stub file sometimes needs to be able to remove an * existing annotation, leaving no annotation on the type variable. This method achieves this by * calling {@code clearAnnotations}. * * @param atype the type to modify * @param typeDef the type from the stub file, for warnings */ private void handleExistingAnnotations(AnnotatedTypeMirror atype, Type typeDef) { Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = atype.getAnnotations(); if (annos != null && !annos.isEmpty() && !"flow.astub".equals(filename)) { // TODO: instead of comparison against flow.astub, this should // check whether the stub file is @AnnotatedFor the current type system. // flow.astub isn't annotated for any particular type system, so let's // not warn for now, as @AnnotatedFor isn't integrated in stub files yet. stubWarnIfOverwritesBytecode( String.format( "in file %s at line %s ignored existing annotations on type: %s%n", filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), typeDef.getBeginLine(), atype.toString(true))); // TODO: filename is the simple "jdk.astub" and "flow.astub" for those pre-defined files, // without complete path, but the full path in other situations. // All invocations should provide the short path or the full path. // For testing it is easier if only the file name is used. // Clear existing annotations, which only makes a difference for // type variables, but doesn't hurt in other cases. atype.clearAnnotations(); } } /** Adds a declAnnotation to every method in the stub file. */ private void addDeclAnnotations(Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos, Element elt) { if (fromStubFile != null) { Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = declAnnos.get(ElementUtils.getVerboseName(elt)); if (annos == null) { annos = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet(); putOrAddToMap(declAnnos, ElementUtils.getVerboseName(elt), annos); } annos.add(fromStubFile); } } /** * List of all array component types. Example input: int[][] Example output: int, int[], int[][] */ private List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> arrayAllComponents(AnnotatedArrayType atype) { LinkedList<AnnotatedTypeMirror> arrays = new LinkedList<AnnotatedTypeMirror>(); AnnotatedTypeMirror type = atype; while (type.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { arrays.addFirst(type); type = ((AnnotatedArrayType) type).getComponentType(); } arrays.add(type); return arrays; } private void annotateAsArray(AnnotatedArrayType atype, ReferenceType typeDef) { List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> arrayTypes = arrayAllComponents(atype); assert typeDef.getArrayCount() == arrayTypes.size() - 1 || // We want to allow simply using "Object" as return type of a // method, regardless of what the real type is. typeDef.getArrayCount() == 0 : "Mismatched array lengths; typeDef: " + typeDef.getArrayCount() + " vs. arrayTypes: " + (arrayTypes.size() - 1) + "\n typedef: " + typeDef + "\n arraytypes: " + arrayTypes; /* Separate TODO: the check for zero above ensures that "Object" can be * used as return type, even when the real method uses something else. * However, why was this needed for the RequiredPermissions declaration annotation? * It looks like the StubParser ignored the target for annotations. */ for (int i = 0; i < typeDef.getArrayCount(); ++i) { List<AnnotationExpr> annotations = typeDef.getAnnotationsAtLevel(i); handleExistingAnnotations(arrayTypes.get(i), typeDef); if (annotations != null) { annotate(arrayTypes.get(i), annotations); } } // handle generic type on base handleExistingAnnotations(arrayTypes.get(arrayTypes.size() - 1), typeDef); annotate(arrayTypes.get(arrayTypes.size() - 1), typeDef.getAnnotations()); } private ClassOrInterfaceType unwrapDeclaredType(Type type) { if (type instanceof ClassOrInterfaceType) { return (ClassOrInterfaceType) type; } else if (type instanceof ReferenceType && ((ReferenceType) type).getArrayCount() == 0) { return unwrapDeclaredType(((ReferenceType) type).getType()); } else { return null; } } private void annotate(AnnotatedTypeMirror atype, Type typeDef) { if (atype.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { annotateAsArray((AnnotatedArrayType) atype, (ReferenceType) typeDef); return; } handleExistingAnnotations(atype, typeDef); ClassOrInterfaceType declType = unwrapDeclaredType(typeDef); if (atype.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED && declType != null) { AnnotatedDeclaredType adeclType = (AnnotatedDeclaredType) atype; if (declType.getTypeArgs() != null && !declType.getTypeArgs().isEmpty() && !adeclType.getTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { assert declType.getTypeArgs().size() == adeclType.getTypeArguments().size() : String.format( "Mismatch in type argument size between %s (%d) and %s (%d)", declType, declType.getTypeArgs().size(), adeclType, adeclType.getTypeArguments().size()); for (int i = 0; i < declType.getTypeArgs().size(); ++i) { annotate(adeclType.getTypeArguments().get(i), declType.getTypeArgs().get(i)); } } } else if (atype.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) { AnnotatedWildcardType wildcardType = (AnnotatedWildcardType) atype; WildcardType wildcardDef = (WildcardType) typeDef; if (wildcardDef.getExtends() != null) { annotate(wildcardType.getExtendsBound(), wildcardDef.getExtends()); annotate(wildcardType.getSuperBound(), typeDef.getAnnotations()); } else if (wildcardDef.getSuper() != null) { annotate(wildcardType.getSuperBound(), wildcardDef.getSuper()); annotate(wildcardType.getExtendsBound(), typeDef.getAnnotations()); } else { annotate(atype, typeDef.getAnnotations()); } } else if (atype.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) { //Add annotations from the declaration of the TypeVariable AnnotatedTypeVariable typeVarUse = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) atype; for (AnnotatedTypeVariable typePar : typeParameters) { if (typePar.getUnderlyingType() == atype.getUnderlyingType()) { AnnotatedTypeMerger.merge(typePar.getUpperBound(), typeVarUse.getUpperBound()); AnnotatedTypeMerger.merge(typePar.getLowerBound(), typeVarUse.getLowerBound()); } } } if (typeDef.getAnnotations() != null && atype.getKind() != TypeKind.WILDCARD) { annotate(atype, typeDef.getAnnotations()); } } private void parseConstructor( ConstructorDeclaration decl, ExecutableElement elt, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { annotateDecl(declAnnos, elt, decl.getAnnotations()); AnnotatedExecutableType methodType = atypeFactory.fromElement(elt); addDeclAnnotations(declAnnos, elt); annotate(methodType.getReturnType(), decl.getAnnotations()); for (int i = 0; i < methodType.getParameterTypes().size(); ++i) { AnnotatedTypeMirror paramType = methodType.getParameterTypes().get(i); Parameter param = decl.getParameters().get(i); annotate(paramType, param.getType()); } if (methodType.getReceiverType() == null && decl.getReceiverAnnotations() != null && !decl.getReceiverAnnotations().isEmpty()) { stubAlwaysWarn( String.format( "parseConstructor: constructor of a top-level class cannot have receiver annotations%n" + "Constructor: %s%n" + "Receiver annotations: %s", methodType, decl.getReceiverAnnotations())); } else { annotate(methodType.getReceiverType(), decl.getReceiverAnnotations()); } putNew(atypes, elt, methodType); } private void parseField( FieldDeclaration decl, VariableElement elt, Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos) { addDeclAnnotations(declAnnos, elt); annotateDecl(declAnnos, elt, decl.getAnnotations()); // StubParser parses all annotations in type annotation position as type annotations annotateDecl(declAnnos, elt, decl.getType().getAnnotations()); AnnotatedTypeMirror fieldType = atypeFactory.fromElement(elt); annotate(fieldType, decl.getType()); putNew(atypes, elt, fieldType); } private void annotate(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, List<AnnotationExpr> annotations) { if (annotations == null) { return; } for (AnnotationExpr annotation : annotations) { AnnotationMirror annoMirror = getAnnotation(annotation, supportedAnnotations); if (annoMirror != null) { type.replaceAnnotation(annoMirror); } } } private void annotateDecl( Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> declAnnos, Element elt, List<AnnotationExpr> annotations) { if (annotations == null) { return; } Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet(); for (AnnotationExpr annotation : annotations) { AnnotationMirror annoMirror = getAnnotation(annotation, supportedAnnotations); if (annoMirror != null) { annos.add(annoMirror); } } String key = ElementUtils.getVerboseName(elt); putOrAddToMap(declAnnos, key, annos); } private void annotateTypeParameters( Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> atypes, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror> typeArguments, List<TypeParameter> typeParameters) { if (typeParameters == null) { return; } if (typeParameters.size() != typeArguments.size()) { stubAlwaysWarn( String.format( "annotateTypeParameters: mismatched sizes%n typeParameters (size %d)=%s%n typeArguments (size %d)=%s%n For more details, run with -AstubDebug%n", typeParameters.size(), typeParameters, typeArguments.size(), typeArguments)); } for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.size(); ++i) { TypeParameter param = typeParameters.get(i); AnnotatedTypeVariable paramType = (AnnotatedTypeVariable) typeArguments.get(i); if (param.getTypeBound() == null || param.getTypeBound().isEmpty()) { // No bound so annotations are both lower and upper bounds annotate(paramType, param.getAnnotations()); } else if (param.getTypeBound() != null && param.getTypeBound().size() > 0) { annotate(paramType.getLowerBound(), param.getAnnotations()); annotate(paramType.getUpperBound(), param.getTypeBound().get(0)); if (param.getTypeBound().size() > 1) { // TODO: add support for intersection types stubWarnIfNotFound("Annotations on intersection types are not yet supported"); } } putNew(atypes, paramType.getUnderlyingType().asElement(), paramType); } } private static final Set<String> nestedClassWarnings = new HashSet<String>(); private Map<Element, BodyDeclaration> getMembers( TypeElement typeElt, TypeDeclaration typeDecl) { assert (typeElt.getSimpleName().contentEquals(typeDecl.getName()) || typeDecl.getName().endsWith("$" + typeElt.getSimpleName().toString())) : String.format("%s %s", typeElt.getSimpleName(), typeDecl.getName()); Map<Element, BodyDeclaration> result = new HashMap<>(); for (BodyDeclaration member : typeDecl.getMembers()) { if (member instanceof MethodDeclaration) { Element elt = findElement(typeElt, (MethodDeclaration) member); if (elt != null) { putNew(result, elt, member); } } else if (member instanceof ConstructorDeclaration) { Element elt = findElement(typeElt, (ConstructorDeclaration) member); if (elt != null) { putNew(result, elt, member); } } else if (member instanceof FieldDeclaration) { FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = (FieldDeclaration) member; for (VariableDeclarator var : fieldDecl.getVariables()) { Element varelt = findElement(typeElt, var); if (varelt != null) { putNew(result, varelt, fieldDecl); } } } else if (member instanceof ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) { // TODO: handle nested classes ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration ciDecl = (ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) member; String nestedClass = typeDecl.getName() + "." + ciDecl.getName(); if (nestedClassWarnings.add(nestedClass)) { // avoid duplicate warnings stubAlwaysWarn( String.format( "Warning: ignoring nested class in %s at line %d:%n class %s { class %s { ... } }%n", filename, ciDecl.getBeginLine(), typeDecl.getName(), ciDecl.getName()) + "\n" + String.format( " Instead, write the nested class as a top-level class:%n class %s { ... }%n class %s$%s { ... }%n", typeDecl.getName(), typeDecl.getName(), ciDecl.getName())); } } else { stubWarnIfNotFound( String.format( "Ignoring element of type %s in getMembers", member.getClass())); } } // // remove null keys, which can result from findElement returning null // result.remove(null); return result; } private AnnotatedDeclaredType findType( ClassOrInterfaceType type, List<AnnotatedDeclaredType> types) { String typeString = type.getName(); for (AnnotatedDeclaredType superType : types) { if (superType .getUnderlyingType() .asElement() .getSimpleName() .contentEquals(typeString)) { return superType; } } stubWarnIfNotFound("Type " + typeString + " not found"); if (debugStubParser) { for (AnnotatedDeclaredType superType : types) { stubDebug(String.format(" %s%n", superType)); } } return null; } private ExecutableElement findElement(TypeElement typeElt, MethodDeclaration methodDecl) { final String wantedMethodName = methodDecl.getName(); final int wantedMethodParams = (methodDecl.getParameters() == null) ? 0 : methodDecl.getParameters().size(); final String wantedMethodString = StubUtil.toString(methodDecl); for (ExecutableElement method : ElementUtils.getAllMethodsIn(elements, typeElt)) { // do heuristics first if (wantedMethodParams == method.getParameters().size() && wantedMethodName.contentEquals(method.getSimpleName()) && StubUtil.toString(method).equals(wantedMethodString)) { return method; } } stubWarnIfNotFound("Method " + wantedMethodString + " not found in type " + typeElt); if (debugStubParser) { for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(typeElt.getEnclosedElements())) { stubDebug(String.format(" %s%n", method)); } } return null; } private ExecutableElement findElement(TypeElement typeElt, ConstructorDeclaration methodDecl) { final int wantedMethodParams = (methodDecl.getParameters() == null) ? 0 : methodDecl.getParameters().size(); final String wantedMethodString = StubUtil.toString(methodDecl); for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.constructorsIn(typeElt.getEnclosedElements())) { // do heuristics first if (wantedMethodParams == method.getParameters().size() && StubUtil.toString(method).equals(wantedMethodString)) { return method; } } stubWarnIfNotFound("Constructor " + wantedMethodString + " not found in type " + typeElt); if (debugStubParser) { for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.constructorsIn(typeElt.getEnclosedElements())) { stubDebug(String.format(" %s%n", method)); } } return null; } private VariableElement findElement(TypeElement typeElt, VariableDeclarator variable) { final String fieldName = variable.getId().getName(); return findFieldElement(typeElt, fieldName); } private VariableElement findFieldElement(TypeElement typeElt, String fieldName) { for (VariableElement field : ElementUtils.getAllFieldsIn(elements, typeElt)) { // field.getSimpleName() is a CharSequence, not a String if (fieldName.equals(field.getSimpleName().toString())) { return field; } } stubWarnIfNotFound("Field " + fieldName + " not found in type " + typeElt); if (debugStubParser) { for (VariableElement field : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(typeElt.getEnclosedElements())) { stubDebug(String.format(" %s%n", field)); } } return null; } private TypeElement findType(String typeName, String... msg) { TypeElement classElement = elements.getTypeElement(typeName); if (classElement == null) { if (msg.length == 0) { stubWarnIfNotFound("Type not found: " + typeName); } else { stubWarnIfNotFound(msg[0] + ": " + typeName); } } return classElement; } private PackageElement findPackage(String packageName) { PackageElement packageElement = elements.getPackageElement(packageName); if (packageElement == null) { stubWarnIfNotFound("Imported package not found: " + packageName); } return packageElement; } /** The line separator */ private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator").intern(); /** Just like Map.put, but errs if the key is already in the map. */ private static <K, V> void putNew(Map<K, V> m, K key, V value) { if (key == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("StubParser: key is null!"); return; } if (m.containsKey(key) && !m.get(key).equals(value)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: key is already in map: " + LINE_SEPARATOR + " " + key + " => " + m.get(key) + LINE_SEPARATOR + "while adding: " + LINE_SEPARATOR + " " + key + " => " + value); } m.put(key, value); } /** * If the key is already in the map, then add the annos to the list. Otherwise put the key and * the annos in the map */ private static void putOrAddToMap( Map<String, Set<AnnotationMirror>> map, String key, Set<AnnotationMirror> annos) { if (map.containsKey(key)) { map.get(key).addAll(annos); } else { map.put(key, annos); } } /** * Just like Map.put, but does not throw an error if the key with the same value is already in * the map. */ private static void putNew( Map<Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror> m, Element key, AnnotatedTypeMirror value) { if (key == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("StubParser: key is null!"); return; } if (m.containsKey(key)) { AnnotatedTypeMirror value2 = m.get(key); AnnotatedTypeMerger.merge(value, value2); m.put(key, value2); } else { m.put(key, value); } } /** Just like Map.putAll, but errs if any key is already in the map. */ private static <K, V> void putAllNew(Map<K, V> m, Map<K, V> m2) { for (Map.Entry<K, V> e2 : m2.entrySet()) { putNew(m, e2.getKey(), e2.getValue()); } } private static Set<String> warnings = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Issues the given warning about missing elements, only if it has not been previously issued. */ private void stubWarnIfNotFound(String warning) { if (warnings.add(warning) && (warnIfNotFound || debugStubParser)) { processingEnv .getMessager() .printMessage(, "StubParser: " + warning); } } /** * Issues the given warning about overwriting bytecode, only if it has not been previously * issued. */ private void stubWarnIfOverwritesBytecode(String warning) { if (warnings.add(warning) && (warnIfStubOverwritesBytecode || debugStubParser)) { processingEnv .getMessager() .printMessage(, "StubParser: " + warning); } } /** * Issues a warning even if {@code -AstubWarnIfNotFound} or {@code -AstubDebugs} options are not * passed. */ private void stubAlwaysWarn(String warning) { if (warnings.add(warning)) { processingEnv .getMessager() .printMessage(, "StubParser: " + warning); } } private void stubDebug(String warning) { if (warnings.add(warning) && debugStubParser) { processingEnv .getMessager() .printMessage(, "StubParser: " + warning); } } private AnnotationMirror getAnnotation( AnnotationExpr annotation, Map<String, AnnotationMirror> supportedAnnotations) { AnnotationMirror annoMirror; if (annotation instanceof MarkerAnnotationExpr) { String annoName = ((MarkerAnnotationExpr) annotation).getName().getName(); annoMirror = supportedAnnotations.get(annoName); } else if (annotation instanceof NormalAnnotationExpr) { NormalAnnotationExpr nrmanno = (NormalAnnotationExpr) annotation; String annoName = nrmanno.getName().getName(); annoMirror = supportedAnnotations.get(annoName); if (annoMirror == null) { // Not a supported qualifier -> ignore return null; } AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, annoMirror); List<MemberValuePair> pairs = nrmanno.getPairs(); if (pairs != null) { for (MemberValuePair mvp : pairs) { String meth = mvp.getName(); Expression exp = mvp.getValue(); handleExpr(builder, meth, exp); } } return; } else if (annotation instanceof SingleMemberAnnotationExpr) { SingleMemberAnnotationExpr sglanno = (SingleMemberAnnotationExpr) annotation; String annoName = sglanno.getName().getName(); annoMirror = supportedAnnotations.get(annoName); if (annoMirror == null) { // Not a supported qualifier -> ignore return null; } AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, annoMirror); Expression valexpr = sglanno.getMemberValue(); handleExpr(builder, "value", valexpr); return; } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("StubParser: unknown annotation type: " + annotation); annoMirror = null; // dead code } return annoMirror; } /* * Handles expressions in annotations. * Supports String, int, and boolean literals, but not other literals * as documented in the stub file limitation section of the manual. */ private void handleExpr(AnnotationBuilder builder, String name, Expression expr) { if (expr instanceof FieldAccessExpr || expr instanceof NameExpr) { VariableElement elem; if (expr instanceof FieldAccessExpr) { elem = findVariableElement((FieldAccessExpr) expr); } else { elem = findVariableElement((NameExpr) expr); } if (elem == null) { // A warning was already issued by findVariableElement; return; } ExecutableElement var = builder.findElement(name); TypeMirror expected = var.getReturnType(); if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { if (elem.getConstantValue() != null) { builder.setValue(name, (String) elem.getConstantValue()); } else { builder.setValue(name, elem); } } else if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { if (elem.getConstantValue() != null) { String[] arr = {(String) elem.getConstantValue()}; builder.setValue(name, arr); } else { VariableElement[] arr = {elem}; builder.setValue(name, arr); } } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: unhandled annotation attribute type: " + expr + " and expected: " + expected); } } else if (expr instanceof IntegerLiteralExpr) { IntegerLiteralExpr ilexpr = (IntegerLiteralExpr) expr; ExecutableElement var = builder.findElement(name); TypeMirror expected = var.getReturnType(); if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED || TypesUtils.isIntegral(expected)) { builder.setValue(name, Integer.valueOf(ilexpr.getValue())); } else if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { Integer[] arr = {Integer.valueOf(ilexpr.getValue())}; builder.setValue(name, arr); } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: unhandled annotation attribute type: " + ilexpr + " and expected: " + expected); } } else if (expr instanceof StringLiteralExpr) { StringLiteralExpr slexpr = (StringLiteralExpr) expr; ExecutableElement var = builder.findElement(name); TypeMirror expected = var.getReturnType(); if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { builder.setValue(name, slexpr.getValue()); } else if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { String[] arr = {slexpr.getValue()}; builder.setValue(name, arr); } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: unhandled annotation attribute type: " + slexpr + " and expected: " + expected); } } else if (expr instanceof ArrayInitializerExpr) { ExecutableElement var = builder.findElement(name); TypeMirror expected = var.getReturnType(); if (expected.getKind() != TypeKind.ARRAY) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: unhandled annotation attribute type: " + expr + " and expected: " + expected); } ArrayInitializerExpr aiexpr = (ArrayInitializerExpr) expr; List<Expression> aiexprvals = aiexpr.getValues(); Object[] elemarr = new Object[aiexprvals.size()]; Expression anaiexpr; for (int i = 0; i < aiexprvals.size(); ++i) { anaiexpr = aiexprvals.get(i); if (anaiexpr instanceof FieldAccessExpr || anaiexpr instanceof NameExpr) { if (anaiexpr instanceof FieldAccessExpr) { elemarr[i] = findVariableElement((FieldAccessExpr) anaiexpr); } else { elemarr[i] = findVariableElement((NameExpr) anaiexpr); } if (elemarr[i] == null) { // A warning was already issued by findVariableElement; return; } String constval = (String) ((VariableElement) elemarr[i]).getConstantValue(); if (constval != null) { elemarr[i] = constval; } } else if (anaiexpr instanceof IntegerLiteralExpr) { elemarr[i] = Integer.valueOf(((IntegerLiteralExpr) anaiexpr).getValue()); } else if (anaiexpr instanceof StringLiteralExpr) { elemarr[i] = ((StringLiteralExpr) anaiexpr).getValue(); } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: unhandled annotation attribute type: " + anaiexpr); } } builder.setValue(name, elemarr); } else if (expr instanceof BooleanLiteralExpr) { BooleanLiteralExpr blexpr = (BooleanLiteralExpr) expr; ExecutableElement var = builder.findElement(name); TypeMirror expected = var.getReturnType(); if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.BOOLEAN) { builder.setValue(name, blexpr.getValue()); } else if (expected.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { Boolean[] arr = {blexpr.getValue()}; builder.setValue(name, arr); } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: unhandled annotation attribute type: " + blexpr + " and expected: " + expected); } } else { ErrorReporter.errorAbort( "StubParser: unhandled annotation attribute type: " + expr + " class: " + expr.getClass()); } } private /*@Nullable*/ VariableElement findVariableElement(NameExpr nexpr) { if (nexprcache.containsKey(nexpr)) { return nexprcache.get(nexpr); } VariableElement res = null; boolean importFound = false; for (String imp : imports) { Pair<String, String> partitionedName = StubUtil.partitionQualifiedName(imp); String typeName = partitionedName.first; String fieldName = partitionedName.second; if (fieldName.equals(nexpr.getName())) { TypeElement enclType = findType( typeName, String.format( "Enclosing type of static import %s not found", fieldName)); if (enclType == null) { return null; } else { importFound = true; res = findFieldElement(enclType, fieldName); break; } } } // Imported but invalid types or fields will have warnings from above, // only warn on fields missing an import if (res == null && !importFound) { stubWarnIfNotFound("Static field " + nexpr.getName() + " is not imported"); } nexprcache.put(nexpr, res); return res; } private /*@Nullable*/ VariableElement findVariableElement(FieldAccessExpr faexpr) { if (faexprcache.containsKey(faexpr)) { return faexprcache.get(faexpr); } TypeElement rcvElt = elements.getTypeElement(faexpr.getScope().toString()); if (rcvElt == null) { // Search imports for full annotation name. for (String imp : imports) { String[] import_delimited = imp.split("\\."); if (import_delimited[import_delimited.length - 1].equals( faexpr.getScope().toString())) { StringBuilder full_annotation = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < import_delimited.length - 1; i++) { full_annotation.append(import_delimited[i]); full_annotation.append('.'); } full_annotation.append(faexpr.getScope().toString()); rcvElt = elements.getTypeElement(full_annotation); break; } } if (rcvElt == null) { stubWarnIfNotFound("Type " + faexpr.getScope().toString() + " not found"); return null; } } VariableElement res = findFieldElement(rcvElt, faexpr.getField()); faexprcache.put(faexpr, res); return res; } }