package com.ycsoft.commons.action; import static com.ycsoft.commons.constants.Environment.CONTEXT_PATH; import static com.ycsoft.commons.constants.Environment.SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY; import static com.ycsoft.commons.constants.Environment.USER_IN_SESSION_LANG; import static com.ycsoft.commons.constants.Environment.USER_IN_SESSION_NAME; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SItemvalue; import com.ycsoft.commons.abstracts.BaseAction; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.Environment; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.LoggerHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.WebHelper; import; /** * * 定义系统一些常用的处理函数, 以下所定义的处理函数,对所有子系统都可用的 * * @author hh * @date Feb 8, 2010 7:10:35 PM */ public class StockAction extends BaseAction { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2534855421124865468L; private String sub_system_id; private String url; private String changeDept; // combo 需要的参数名称 private String[] comboParamNames; /** * 将地址转向所传递的URL。 * @return * @throws Exception */ @Override public String execute() throws Exception { return "to"; } /** * 切换子系统 * @throws Exception */ public String rego() throws Exception { String jsonOptr = null; //获取ssoid String ssoSid = WebHelper.getCookieValue(request, SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY); if (StringHelper.isEmpty(ssoSid)) ssoSid = request.getParameter(SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY); if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(ssoSid)) { jsonOptr = SsoUnit.checkSso(ssoSid, getSession().getId(), request .getContextPath()); } if (StringHelper.isEmpty(jsonOptr)) { LoggerHelper.debug(getClass(), "在切换系统中检查到没有登录或session已经失效!" + request.getRemoteHost()); return "login"; } if(changeDept == null){ //操作员信息放入本地Session,如果是切换营业厅不需要设置信息 getSession().setAttribute(USER_IN_SESSION_NAME, jsonOptr); getSession().setAttribute(SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY, ssoSid); // 设置语言至当前session中 Object lang ="lang"); getSession().setAttribute(USER_IN_SESSION_LANG, lang); getSession().setAttribute(CONTEXT_PATH, request.getContextPath()); } // if(Environment.ROOT_PATH_BOSS_CORE.equals(request.getContextPath())){ // url = "/views/index/index.jsp?" + SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY + "=" + ssoSid; // }else{ url = "/pages/index/index.jsp?" + SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY + "=" + ssoSid; // } return "to"; } public String gologin() throws Exception { String ssoSid = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute( Environment.SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY); getSession().setAttribute(USER_IN_SESSION_NAME, null); SsoUnit.loginOut(ssoSid); url = SessionListener.getSsoLoginUrl(request); return "to"; } /** * 增加在线用户的操作记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String addSession() throws Exception { String ssoSid = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute( Environment.SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_KEY); String resName= request.getParameter("resName"); SsoUnit.addResoucreInfo(ssoSid , resName); getRoot().setSimpleObj(resName); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 查询系统参数 * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String querySysParam() throws Exception { if (comboParamNames == null) { return JSON_RECORDS; } Object langObj = request.getSession().getAttribute(Environment.USER_IN_SESSION_LANG); if(langObj != null && !langObj.toString().equals(MemoryDict.getLang())){ MemoryDict.setLang(langObj.toString()); } List<List<SItemvalue>> lst = new ArrayList<List<SItemvalue>>(); for (String element : comboParamNames) { lst.add(MemoryDict.getDicts(element)); } getRoot().setRecords(lst); return JSON_RECORDS; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public String[] getComboParamNames() { return comboParamNames; } public void setComboParamNames(String[] comboParamNames) { this.comboParamNames = comboParamNames; } /** * @return the sub_system_id */ public String getSub_system_id() { return sub_system_id; } /** * @param sub_system_id * the sub_system_id to set */ public void setSub_system_id(String sub_system_id) { this.sub_system_id = sub_system_id; } /** * @return the changeDept */ public String getChangeDept() { return changeDept; } /** * @param changeDept the changeDept to set */ public void setChangeDept(String changeDept) { this.changeDept = changeDept; } }