package; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TAcctFeeType; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TBandCheckType; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TBusiCode; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TBusiDocTemplatefile; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TBusiFee; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TDeviceBuyMode; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TNetType; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TOpenTemp; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TPublicAcctitem; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TTerminalAmount; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TUpdateCfg; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JOdscntRecord; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SCounty; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SDept; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SOptr; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SSubSystem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import; import; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import com.ycsoft.sysmanager.dto.system.SDeptDto; /** * * @author YC-SOFT * */ @Component public class BusiConfigComponent extends BaseBusiComponent { private TBusiDocDao tBusiDocDao; private TBusiDocTemplatefileDao tBusiDocTemplatefileDao; private TBusiCodeDao tBusiCodeDao; private TPublicAcctitemDao tPublicAcctitemDao; private TDeviceBuyModeDao tDeviceBuyModeDao; private TBandCheckTypeDao tBandCheckTypeDao; private TNetTypeDao tNetTypeDao; private TAcctFeeTypeDao tAcctFeeTypeDao; private SDeptDao sDeptDao; private SSubSystemDao sSubSystemDao; private TOpenTempDao tOpenTempDao; private TTerminalAmountDao tTerminalAmountDao; private TBusiFeeDao tBusiFeeDao; private JOdscntRecordDao jOdscntRecordDao; /** * 指定业务代码和模板返回可用的单据 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<BusiDocDto> queryDoc() throws Exception { return tBusiDocDao.queryByBusiCodeTemplate(queryTemplateId(SystemConstants.TEMPLATE_TYPE_DOC)); } /** * 根据业务编号和模版编号获取该业务可以修改的客户属性 * @param busiCode 业务编号 * @param templateId 模版编号 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<TUpdateCfg> queryCanUpdateField(String busiCode) throws Exception{ TemplateUpdatePorpDto updateConfig = (TemplateUpdatePorpDto) TemplateConfig .loadConfig(Template.UPDPROP, getOptr().getCounty_id()); return updateConfig.get(busiCode); } /** * 根据单据类型编号 获得单据实体 * @param docType * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public TBusiDocTemplatefile queryBusiDoc(String docType) throws Exception { return tBusiDocTemplatefileDao.queryByDocType(docType,getOptr().getCounty_id()); } /** * 根据单据类型编号 获得单据实体 * @param docType * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public TBusiCode queryBusiCode(String busiCode) throws JDBCException { return tBusiCodeDao.findByKey(busiCode); } /** * 查找系统配置的公用账目信息 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<TPublicAcctitem> qureyAcctitem() throws Exception{ return tPublicAcctitemDao.findAll(); } public TPublicAcctitem qureayPublicAcctitem() throws Exception{ List<TPublicAcctitem> acctitemList= qureyAcctitem(); for (TPublicAcctitem item:acctitemList){ if (item.getAcctitem_type().equals(SystemConstants.ACCTITEM_PUBLIC)){ return item; } } return null; } /** * 查询所有子系统定义 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<SSubSystem> queryAllSubSystem(SOptr optr) throws Exception { return sSubSystemDao.queryAllSubSystem(optr); } /** * 根据子系统id 返回对应的url,找不到返回空字符 * @param sysId * @return */ public SSubSystem querySubSystem(String sysId) throws JDBCException { return sSubSystemDao.findByKey(sysId); } /** * 根据编号查找设备销售方式信息 * @return */ public TDeviceBuyMode queryBuyMode(String buyMode) throws Exception{ return tDeviceBuyModeDao.findByKey(buyMode); } /** * 查询宽带绑定类型配置 * @return */ public List<TBandCheckType> queryBandCheckType() throws JDBCException { return tBandCheckTypeDao.findAll(); } /** * 查询宽带网络类型配置 * @return */ public List<TNetType> queryNetType() throws JDBCException { return tNetTypeDao.findAll(); } public TAcctFeeType queryAcctFeeType(String feeType) throws JDBCException{ return tAcctFeeTypeDao.findByKey(feeType); } /** * * @return */ public List<SDept> queryDepts() throws Exception { return sDeptDao.queryByCountyId(getOptr().getCounty_id()); } /** * 查询部门树 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<SDeptDto> queryDeptTree() throws Exception{ List<SCounty> countys = querySwitchCounty(); String countyIds = ""; for(SCounty county : countys){ String countyId = county.getCounty_id(); if(SystemConstants.COUNTY_ALL.equals(countyId)){ countyIds = SystemConstants.COUNTY_ALL; break; }else{ countyIds = StringHelper.append(countyIds,countyId,","); } } List<SDeptDto> depts = sDeptDao.queryAllYYT(countyIds.split(",")); return depts; } /** * 查询部门树 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<SDeptDto> queryOtherDeptTree() throws Exception{ List<SDeptDto> depts = sDeptDao.queryYYT(getOptr().getDept_id()); return depts; } /** * 查找临时授权配置 * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public TOpenTemp queryOpenTempCfg(String userType) throws Exception { return tOpenTempDao.queryByCountyId(userType, getOptr().getCounty_id()); } /** * 查询终端限制数量 * @return */ public List<TTerminalAmount> queryTerminalAmount() throws Exception { return tTerminalAmountDao.queryByTemplateId(queryTemplateId(SystemConstants.TEMPLATE_TYPE_TERMINAL_AMOUNT)); } /** * 查询配置类型模板数据 * @return * @throws Exception */ public TemplateConfigDto queryTemplateConfig() throws Exception{ TemplateConfigDto dto = (TemplateConfigDto) TemplateConfig.loadConfig( Template.CONFIG, getOptr().getCounty_id()); return dto; } /** * 查找折旧费id */ public String queryZjFeeId()throws Exception { return this.tBusiFeeDao.queryZjFeeId(); } /** * 查找租赁费 */ public TBusiFee queryZlFeeById()throws Exception { return this.tBusiFeeDao.findByKey(SystemConstants.LEASE_FEE_ID); } public List<JOdscntRecord> queryRecordByDeptId() throws Exception { return jOdscntRecordDao.queryRecordByDeptId(getOptr().getDept_id()); } /** * @param deptDao the sDeptDao to set */ public void setSDeptDao(SDeptDao deptDao) { sDeptDao = deptDao; } public void setTAcctFeeTypeDao(TAcctFeeTypeDao acctFeeTypeDao) { tAcctFeeTypeDao = acctFeeTypeDao; } public void setTBusiDocDao(TBusiDocDao tBusiDocDao) { this.tBusiDocDao = tBusiDocDao; } public void setTPublicAcctitemDao(TPublicAcctitemDao publicAcctitemDao) { tPublicAcctitemDao = publicAcctitemDao; } public void setTDeviceBuyModeDao(TDeviceBuyModeDao deviceBuyModeDao) { tDeviceBuyModeDao = deviceBuyModeDao; } /** * @param bandCheckTypeDao the tBandCheckTypeDao to set */ public void setTBandCheckTypeDao(TBandCheckTypeDao bandCheckTypeDao) { tBandCheckTypeDao = bandCheckTypeDao; } /** * @param netTypeDao the tNetTypeDao to set */ public void setTNetTypeDao(TNetTypeDao netTypeDao) { tNetTypeDao = netTypeDao; } public void setTBusiCodeDao(TBusiCodeDao busiCodeDao) { tBusiCodeDao = busiCodeDao; } /** * @param subSystemDao the sSubSystemDao to set */ public void setSSubSystemDao(SSubSystemDao subSystemDao) { sSubSystemDao = subSystemDao; } public void setTOpenTempDao(TOpenTempDao openTempDao) { tOpenTempDao = openTempDao; } /** * @param terminalAmountDao the tTerminalAmountDao to set */ public void setTTerminalAmountDao(TTerminalAmountDao terminalAmountDao) { tTerminalAmountDao = terminalAmountDao; } public void setTBusiFeeDao(TBusiFeeDao busiFeeDao) { tBusiFeeDao = busiFeeDao; } /** * @param busiDocTemplatefileDao the tBusiDocTemplatefileDao to set */ public void setTBusiDocTemplatefileDao( TBusiDocTemplatefileDao busiDocTemplatefileDao) { tBusiDocTemplatefileDao = busiDocTemplatefileDao; } public void setJOdscntRecordDao(JOdscntRecordDao odscntRecordDao) { jOdscntRecordDao = odscntRecordDao; } }