package; /** * 2012/08/06 */ import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.DictKey; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; /** * PPromFeeDivisionDao -> P_PROM_FEE_DIVISION table's operator */ @Component public class PPromFeeDivisionDao extends BaseEntityDao<PPromFeeDivision> { /** * default empty constructor */ public PPromFeeDivisionDao() {} public List<PPromFeeDivision> queryPromFeeDivision(String promFeeId) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select b.*, case when b.prod_id='BAND' then '宽带自动匹配' else pp.prod_name end prod_name,pt.tariff_name,pd.percent_value ", " from (select a2.*, a1.* from (select item_value type", " from s_itemvalue si where si.item_key = ?) a1,", " (select distinct pa.prom_fee_id,pa.user_no,pa.prod_id,pa.tariff_id,pa.real_pay ", " from p_prom_fee_prod pa where pa.prom_fee_id=?) a2) b ,", " p_prom_fee_division pd,p_prod pp,p_prod_tariff pt", " where b.prod_id=pp.prod_id(+) and b.tariff_id=pt.tariff_id(+) and pd.prom_fee_id(+)=b.prom_fee_id", " and b.user_no=pd.user_no(+) and b.prod_id=pd.prod_id(+) and b.type = pd.type(+)"); return createQuery(sql,DictKey.SEPARATE_TYPE.toString(),promFeeId).list(); } /** * 套餐产品发生变化时,根据promFeeId,删除分成不存在的产品和实际缴费金额为0 的分成 * @param promFeeId * @throws JDBCException */ public void changeDivisionRecrods(String promFeeId) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("delete from p_prom_fee_division p where (not exists (select 1 from p_prom_fee_prod pf ", " where pf.prom_fee_id=p.prom_fee_id and p.user_no=pf.user_no and p.prod_id=pf.prod_id) ", " or exists (select 1 from p_prom_fee_prod pf where pf.prom_fee_id=p.prom_fee_id ", " and p.user_no=pf.user_no and p.prod_id=pf.prod_id and pf.real_pay=0)) and p.prom_fee_id=?"); this.executeUpdate(sql, promFeeId); } /** * 根据id删除原有数据 * @param promFeeId * @throws JDBCException */ public void deleteByPromFeeId(String promFeeId) throws JDBCException { String sql = "delete from p_prom_fee_division p where p.prom_fee_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, promFeeId); } }