/** * CAcctBankDao.java 2010/07/12 */ package com.ycsoft.business.dao.core.acct; import java.util.Date; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctBank; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.DateHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; /** * CAcctBankDao -> C_ACCT_BANK table's operator */ @Component public class CAcctBankDao extends BaseEntityDao<CAcctBank> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7677632930660669012L; /** * default empty constructor */ public CAcctBankDao() {} public void removeByAcctId(String acctId) throws Exception{ String sql = "delete c_acct_bank where acct_id=? and bank_pay_type<>'9'"; executeUpdate(sql, acctId); } public void removeByAcctIdPayType(String acctId, String bankPayType) throws Exception { String sql = "delete c_acct_bank where acct_id=? and bank_pay_type=?"; executeUpdate(sql, acctId, bankPayType); } public CAcctBank querySignBankByAcctId(String acctId,String bankPayType) throws JDBCException{ String sql="select * from c_acct_bank cab where cab.acct_id=? and cab.bank_pay_type=? order by cab.sign_time desc"; return createQuery(sql,acctId,bankPayType).first(); } public void updateByAcctId(String acctId,String bankPayType,String optionType,Date time) throws JDBCException{ String rtime = DateHelper.format(time, DateHelper.FORMAT_YMD_STR); if ("1".equals(optionType)) { String sql = "update c_acct_bank set unsign_time=null,sign_time=to_date(?,'yyyymmdd') , status='ACTIVE' where acct_id=? and bank_pay_type=?"; executeUpdate(sql, rtime, acctId, bankPayType); } else if ("2".equals(optionType)) { String sql = "update c_acct_bank set unsign_time=to_date(?,'yyyymmdd'),status='INVALID' where acct_id=? and bank_pay_type=?"; executeUpdate(sql, rtime, acctId, bankPayType); } } /** * 根据客户编号查找签约信息 * @param custId * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public CAcctBank findByCustId(String custId) throws JDBCException { String sql = "select a.* from c_acct_bank a,c_acct b where " + " a.acct_id=b.acct_id and b.cust_id=? and b.acct_type=? "; return createQuery(CAcctBank.class, sql, custId,SystemConstants.ACCT_TYPE_PUBLIC).first(); } /** * 更新签约状态 * @param custId * @param status * @throws JDBCException */ public void updateBank(String custId, String status) throws JDBCException{ String sql = "UPDATE c_acct_bank t SET t.status=? WHERE t.cust_id = ? "; executeUpdate(sql, status, custId); } }