package com.ycsoft.web.action.core; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import; import; import; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.user.CUser; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.user.CUserPropChange; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.DateHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.FileHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import com.ycsoft.web.commons.abstracts.BaseBusiAction; /** * 用户控制器 * * @author liujiaqi * */ @Controller public class UserAction extends BaseBusiAction { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3927133051583505986L; private CUser user; private String deviceId; private String deviceType; private String deviceModel; private String deviceBuyMode; private FeeInfoDto deviceFee; // private CUserDtv userDtv; // private CUserAtv userAtv; // private CUserBroadband userBroadband; // private int payFee; // private int curMonthFee; private String userChangeInfo; private String effectiveDate; private int specFee; private String dynamicRscList; private String feeDate; private Date preOpenTime;//预开通时间 private String isBankPay;//银行扣费 private String stopType; private String prodId; private String tariffId; private String prodSns; private String banlanceDealType; private String transAcctId; private String transAcctItemId; private int refundFeeValue; private String prodSn; private String pkgSn; private String newTariffId; private String effDate; private String expDate; private String invalidDate; private String promotionId; private String feeListJson; private String acctListJson; private int times; private String custId; private String userId; private String promotionSn; private UserServiceSN userServiceSN; private IUserProdService userProdService; private String refreshType; private String pordLists; private String userLists; private String netType; private String modemMac; private String loginName; private String userStatus; private File file; private String[] userIds; private String promFeeSn; private String openUserList; private String workBillAsignType; private String isHand; //批量开户,是否手动开户 T, 自动配置开户 F //柬埔寨 //是否回收设备T,F private String reclaim; private Integer cancelFee;//退款总金额 private Integer refundFee;//退款现金总额 private String deviceCode; private String reasonType; private File files; private String spkgSn; private String spId; /** * 用户开户 * @throws Exception * * */ @UpdateFlag public String createUser() throws Exception { if (user.getUser_type().equals(SystemConstants.USER_TYPE_DTT) || user.getUser_type().equals(SystemConstants.USER_TYPE_OTT)){ deviceType = SystemConstants.DEVICE_TYPE_STB; } else if (user.getUser_type().equals(SystemConstants.USER_TYPE_BAND)){ deviceType = SystemConstants.DEVICE_TYPE_MODEM; } userServiceSN.createUser(user, deviceId, deviceType, deviceModel, deviceBuyMode, deviceFee); getRoot().setSimpleObj(user.getUser_id()); return JSON; } public String createUserBatch() throws Exception{ Type type = new TypeToken<List<UserInfo>>(){}.getType(); List<UserInfo> rs = new Gson().fromJson(openUserList,type); userServiceSN.createUserBatch(rs, stopType, isHand); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String saveDeviceReclaim() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveDeviceReclaim(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String generateUserName() throws Exception { String userType = request.getParameter("userType"); getRoot().setSimpleObj(userServiceSN.generateUserName(custId, userType)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } public String saveAddIpUser() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveAddIpUser(user); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String queryUserIpFee() throws Exception{ getRoot().setSimpleObj(userServiceSN.queryUserIpFee()); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } public String queryIpFeeLoad() throws Exception{ getRoot().setOthers(userServiceSN.queryIpFeeLoad(userId)); return JSON_OTHER; } public String savePayIpFee() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.savePayIpFee(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 设备更换 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String changeDevice() throws Exception { userServiceSN.saveChangeDevice(userId, deviceCode, reasonType, deviceBuyMode, deviceFee); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String queryDeviceChangeReason() throws Exception { getRoot().setRecords(userServiceSN.queryDeviceChangeReason()); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 用户销户 * @throws Exception */ public String logoffUser() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveRemoveUser(userId,cancelFee,refundFee); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 模拟转数 * @throws Exception */ public String atvToDtv() throws Exception{ // if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userDtv.getPassword()) // && userDtv.getServ_type().equals( // SystemConstants.DTV_SERV_TYPE_DOUBLE)) { // userDtv.setPassword(SystemConstants.DEFAULT_PAY_PASSWORD); // } // userService.saveAtvToDtv(userDtv,curMonthFee,payFee); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 开通双向 * @throws Exception */ public String openDuplex() throws Exception{ String password = request.getParameter("password"); String netType = request.getParameter("net_type"); String modemMac = request.getParameter("modem_mac"); if (StringHelper.isEmpty(password)) { password = SystemConstants.DEFAULT_PAY_PASSWORD; } String vodUserType = request.getParameter("str11"); //是否保留远机顶盒的保修期还是延期三年 String remainReplacoverDate = request.getParameter("remainReplacoverDate"); userServiceSN.saveOpenInteractive(netType, modemMac,password,vodUserType,remainReplacoverDate); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 转户 * @throws Exception */ public String transferUsers() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.transferUsers(custId); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 修改用户资料 * @throws Exception */ public String editUser() throws Exception{ Type type = new TypeToken<List<ChangeValueDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); List<ChangeValueDto> changeValueList = gson.fromJson(userChangeInfo, type); List<CUserPropChange> propChangeList = new ArrayList<CUserPropChange>(); //如果有信息发生了修改 if (changeValueList != null && changeValueList.size()>0){ for (ChangeValueDto dto:changeValueList){ CUserPropChange propChange = new CUserPropChange(); propChange.setColumn_name(dto.getColumnName()); propChange.setOld_value(dto.getOldValue()); propChange.setNew_value(dto.getNewValue()); propChangeList.add(propChange); } } userServiceSN.editUser(propChangeList); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 第二终端转副机 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String ezdTofzd() throws Exception{ Type type = new TypeToken<List<ChangeValueDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); List<ChangeValueDto> changeValueList = gson.fromJson(userChangeInfo, type); List<CUserPropChange> propChangeList = new ArrayList<CUserPropChange>(); //如果有信息发生了修改 if (changeValueList != null && changeValueList.size()>0){ for (ChangeValueDto dto:changeValueList){ CUserPropChange propChange = new CUserPropChange(); propChange.setColumn_name(dto.getColumnName()); propChange.setOld_value(dto.getOldValue()); propChange.setNew_value(dto.getNewValue()); propChangeList.add(propChange); } } userServiceSN.saveEzdtoFzd(propChangeList, prodSn, newTariffId); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String editStb() throws Exception { String stbId = request.getParameter("stb_id"); String cardId = request.getParameter("card_id"); userServiceSN.editStb(stbId,cardId); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String saveOfflineCmd() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveOffLine(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String saveClearBind() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveClearBind(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String saveEditPwd() throws Exception { String pwd = request.getParameter("login_password"); String loginName = request.getParameter("login_name"); userServiceSN.saveEditPwd(loginName, pwd); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 批量修改用户名 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String batchModifyUserName() throws Exception { String custId = request.getParameter("custId"); String[] colName = new String[]{"user_name","stb_id"}; List<CUser> userList = FileHelper.fileToBean(files, colName, CUser.class); // userList.remove(0); String result = "操作成功!"; try { userServiceSN.saveBatchUpdateUserName(userList,custId); } catch (Exception e) { result = e.getMessage(); } return retrunNone(result); } /** * 取消双向 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveCancelOpenInteractive() throws Exception { userServiceSN.saveCancelOpenInteractive(); return JSON; } /** * 修改接入方式 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveEditNetType() throws Exception { userServiceSN.saveEditNetType(netType, modemMac); return JSON; } /** * 拆机 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String untuckUsers() throws Exception { userServiceSN.untuckUsers(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 验证用户是否可以报停 * @throws Exception */ public String checkStop() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.checkStopUser(userIds); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 报停 * @throws Exception */ public String stopUser() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveStop(effectiveDate,specFee); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 取消预报停 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String cancelStopUser() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.cancelStopUser(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } //续报停 public String editUserStop() throws Exception { userServiceSN.editUserStop(); return JSON; } //重算到期日任务 public String userInvalid() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveUserInvalid(); return JSON; } public String queryStopByUsers() throws Exception { getRoot().setSimpleObj(userServiceSN.queryStopByUsers(userLists)); return JSON; } /** * 报开 * @throws Exception */ public String openUser() throws Exception{ String stbId = request.getParameter("stb_id"); String cardId = request.getParameter("card_id"); String modemMac = request.getParameter("modem_mac"); userServiceSN.saveOpen(stbId,cardId,modemMac,specFee); return JSON_SUCCESS; } //模拟剪线 public String saveAtvCustLine() throws Exception { userServiceSN.saveAtvCustLine(); return JSON; } //模拟恢复 public String saveAtvActive() throws Exception { userServiceSN.saveAtvActive(); return JSON; } /** * 订购产品 * @throws Exception */ public String orderProd() throws Exception{ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(pordLists)){ userProdService.saveOrderList(pordLists); }else{ List<UserProdRscDto> dyResList = null; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(dynamicRscList)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<UserProdRscDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); dyResList = gson.fromJson(dynamicRscList, type); } userProdService.saveOrder(prodId, tariffId, feeDate, dyResList, expDate,preOpenTime,isBankPay); } return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String changeBandProd() throws Exception { String oldProdSn = request.getParameter("oldProdSn"); String present_fee = request.getParameter("present_fee"); int presentFee = 0; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(present_fee)) presentFee = Integer.parseInt(present_fee); userProdService.changeBandProd(prodId, tariffId, feeDate, expDate, oldProdSn, presentFee); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String changeProdDynRes() throws Exception { List<UserProdRscDto> dyResList = null; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(dynamicRscList)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<UserProdRscDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); dyResList = gson.fromJson(dynamicRscList, type); } userProdService.changeProdDynRes(prodSn, dyResList); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String batchOrderProd() throws Exception { List<UserProdRscDto> dyResList = null; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(dynamicRscList)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<UserProdRscDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); dyResList = gson.fromJson(dynamicRscList, type); } String msg = ""; List<String> userIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); try{ if(file != null){ userIdList = FileHelper.fileToArray(file); } if(userIdList.size() > 1000) throw new Exception("请一次性录入小于1000条数据"); else if(userIdList.size() == 0){ throw new Exception("文件数据为空"); } userProdService.saveBatchOrder(userIdList, prodId, tariffId, feeDate, dyResList, expDate); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); msg = e.getMessage(); } return retrunNone(msg); } /** * 订购客户套餐 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String orderPkg() throws Exception{ userProdService.saveOrderCustPkg(prodId, tariffId, feeDate,stopType, prodSns.split(",")); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 修改套餐 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editPkg() throws Exception{ userProdService.saveEditCustPkg(pkgSn,stopType, prodSns.split(",")); return JSON; } /** * 退订产品 * @throws Exception * 20130401,by wang 产品退订,记录套餐信息 */ public String cancelProd() throws Exception{ if (getBusiParam().getSelectedUsers() != null && getBusiParam().getSelectedUsers().size()>0) userProdService.saveTerminate(prodSns.split(","), banlanceDealType, transAcctId, transAcctItemId,promFeeSn); else userProdService.saveTerminatePkg(prodSns, banlanceDealType, transAcctId, transAcctItemId); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String batchCancelProd() throws Exception { String msg = ""; List<String> userIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); try{ if(file != null){ userIdList = FileHelper.fileToArray(file); } if(userIdList.size() > 1000) throw new Exception("请一次性录入小于1000条数据"); else if(userIdList.size() == 0){ throw new Exception("文件数据为空"); } userProdService.saveBatchCancel(userIdList, prodId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); msg = e.getMessage(); } return retrunNone(msg); } /** * 资费变更 * @throws Exception */ public String changeTariff() throws Exception{ userProdService.changeTariff(prodSn, newTariffId, effDate,expDate,false); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 变更到期日 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editInvalidDate() throws Exception{ userProdService.editInvalidDate(prodSn, invalidDate); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 批量修改资费 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String bacthChangeTariff() throws Exception{ List<CProdBacthDto> pordList = new ArrayList<CProdBacthDto>(); Type type = new TypeToken<List<CProdBacthDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); pordList = gson.fromJson(pordLists, type); userProdService.bacthChangeTariff(pordList, newTariffId,false); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 失效日期变更 * @throws Exception */ public String changeExpDate() throws Exception{ userProdService.changeExpDate(prodSn,expDate); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String removeByProdSn() throws Exception { userProdService.removeByProdSn(prodSn, tariffId); return JSON_SUCCESS; } //产品暂停 public String pauseProd() throws Exception { userProdService.pauseProd(prodSn,userId); return JSON; } //产品恢复 public String resumeProd() throws Exception { userProdService.resumeProd(prodSn,userId); return JSON; } /** * 指令重发 * @throws Exception */ public String ResendCmd() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveResendCa(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 开户指令重发 * @throws Exception */ public String ResendVodCmd() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveResendUserCmd(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 指令刷新 * @throws Exception */ public String RefreshCmd() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveRefreshCa(refreshType); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 设备更换 * @return */ public String exchangeDevice(){ return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 查询可选择的促销 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String querySelectableProm() throws Exception{ getRoot().setRecords(userServiceSN.querySelectableProm()); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 根据促销ID查询促销详细信息 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryPromInfo() throws Exception{ getRoot().setSimpleObj(userServiceSN.queryPromInfoById(custId,userId,promotionId)); return JSON; } /** * 保存促销 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String savePromotion() throws Exception{ List<DisctFeeDto> feeList = null; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeListJson)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<DisctFeeDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); feeList = gson.fromJson(feeListJson, type); } List<PPromotionAcct> acctList = null; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(acctListJson)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<PPromotionAcct>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); acctList = gson.fromJson(acctListJson, type); } userServiceSN.savePromotion(times,promotionId, feeList,acctList); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String saveChangePromotion() throws Exception { List<PPromotionAcct> acctList = null; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(acctListJson)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<PPromotionAcct>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); acctList = gson.fromJson(acctListJson, type); } userServiceSN.saveChangePromotion(times, promotionSn, promotionId, acctList); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String saveCancelPromotion() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveCancelPromotion(promotionSn); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 保存租赁费用 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveLeaseFee() throws Exception{ String amount = request.getParameter("amount"); String feeId = request.getParameter("fee_id"); userServiceSN.saveLeaseFee(feeId,amount); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 用户临时授权 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveOpenTemp() throws Exception { userServiceSN.saveOpenTemp(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 批量用户临时授权 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveOpenTempBatch() throws Exception { userServiceSN.saveOpenTempBatch(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 用户排斥资源 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveRejectRes() throws Exception { String resIds = request.getParameter("resIds"); userServiceSN.saveRejectRes(userId, custId, resIds); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 查询用户有效资源 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryValidRes() throws Exception{ getRoot().setRecords(userServiceSN.queryValidRes(userId)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 部门下的是所有操作员 * @param deptId * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public String getByDeptId() throws Exception { String deptId = request.getParameter("deptId"); getRoot().setRecords(userServiceSN.getByDeptId(deptId)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 查询租赁费用信息 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryZlFeeById() throws Exception{ getRoot().setSimpleObj(userServiceSN.queryZlFeeById()); return JSON; } public String checkLoginName() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.checkLoginName(loginName); return JSON; } public String createLoginName() throws Exception{ getRoot().setSimpleObj(userServiceSN.createLoginName(loginName,optr.getCounty_id())); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } public String toSingleCard() throws Exception{ String newCardId = request.getParameter("newCardCode"); String str4 = request.getParameter("str4"); String str5 = request.getParameter("str5"); boolean reclaim = SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE.equals(request.getParameter("reclaimDevice"))?true:false; String deviceStatus = request.getParameter("deviceStatus"); userServiceSN.saveToSingleCard(newCardId,str4,str5,reclaim,deviceStatus); return JSON; } //充值卡充值 @Deprecated public String rechargeCard() throws Exception { String icCard = request.getParameter("icCard"); String rechargeCard = request.getParameter("rechargeCard"); // getRoot().setSimpleObj(userService.saveRechargeCard(icCard, rechargeCard)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 调用存储过程,批量销用户 * @return * @throws Exception */ private String cancelUserInfo; public void setCancelUserInfo(String cancelUserInfo) { this.cancelUserInfo = cancelUserInfo; } public String batchLogoffUser() throws Exception{ /*String remark = request.getParameter("remark"); String isReclaimDevice = request.getParameter("isReclaimDevice"); String deviceStatus = request.getParameter("deviceStatus"); String msg = ""; List<String> userIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); if(file != null){ userIdList = FileHelper.fileToArray(file); } try{ userServiceSN.batchLogoffUser(userIdList,isReclaimDevice,deviceStatus,remark); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); msg = e.getMessage(); } return retrunNone(msg);*/ Type type = new TypeToken<List<CancelUserDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); List<CancelUserDto> cancelUserList = gson.fromJson(cancelUserInfo, type); userServiceSN.batchLogoffUser(cancelUserList); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String saveProdSyn() throws Exception{ String[] prodSns = request.getParameterValues("prodSns"); String[] userIds = request.getParameterValues("userIds"); userProdService.saveProdSyn(prodSns, userIds); return JSON; } public String renewUser() throws Exception { userServiceSN.renewUser(userId); return JSON; } /** * 取消授权 * @throws Exception */ public String cancelCaAuth() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveCancelCaAuth(); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 修改免费终端 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editFreeUser() throws Exception{ String userId = request.getParameter("user_id"); String prodSn = request.getParameter("prod_sn"); String tariffId = request.getParameter("tariff_id"); String type = request.getParameter("type"); Date tariffStartDate = null; //如果该终端还没订购基本产品,prodSh if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(request.getParameter("tariffStartDate"))){ tariffStartDate = DateHelper.parseDate(request.getParameter("tariffStartDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd"); } userServiceSN.editFreeUser(userId, prodSn, tariffId,type, tariffStartDate); return JSON; } /** * 变更银行扣费 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String changeCprodBank() throws Exception{ userProdService.changeCprodBank(prodSn); return JSON; } public String validAccount() throws Exception { userServiceSN.validAccount(loginName); return JSON; } public String querySpkgUserInfo() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("spkgUser", userServiceSN.querySpkgUser(custId,spkgSn)); map.put("busiFee", userServiceSN.querySpkgOpenFee(spkgSn)); getRoot().setSimpleObj(map); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } public String saveSaleDevice() throws Exception{ userServiceSN.saveSaleDevice(userId,deviceModel,deviceBuyMode,deviceFee); return JSON; } /** * @param userService * the userService to set */ public void setUserService(UserServiceSN userService) { this.userServiceSN = userService; } /** * @return */ public IUserProdService getUserProdService() { return userProdService; } /** * @param userProdService */ public void setUserProdService(IUserProdService userProdService) { this.userProdService = userProdService; } /** * @return the user */ public CUser getUser() { return user; } /** * @param user the user to set */ public void setUser(CUser user) { this.user = user; } public FeeInfoDto getDeviceFee() { return deviceFee; } public void setDeviceFee(FeeInfoDto deviceFee) { this.deviceFee = deviceFee; } /** * @param effectiveDate */ public void setEffectiveDate(String effectiveDate) { this.effectiveDate = effectiveDate; } /** * @param userChangeInfo */ public void setUserChangeInfo(String userChangeInfo) { this.userChangeInfo = userChangeInfo; } public String getUserChangeInfo() { return userChangeInfo; } public String getDynamicRscList() { return dynamicRscList; } public void setDynamicRscList(String dynamicRscList) { this.dynamicRscList = dynamicRscList; } public String getFeeDate() { return feeDate; } public void setFeeDate(String feeDate) { this.feeDate = feeDate; } public String getProdId() { return prodId; } public void setProdId(String prodId) { this.prodId = prodId; } public String getTariffId() { return tariffId; } public void setTariffId(String tariffId) { this.tariffId = tariffId; } public void setProdSns(String prodSns) { this.prodSns = prodSns; } public void setBanlanceDealType(String banlanceDealType) { this.banlanceDealType = banlanceDealType; } public void setTransAcctId(String transAcctId) { this.transAcctId = transAcctId; } public void setTransAcctItemId(String transAcctItemId) { this.transAcctItemId = transAcctItemId; } public void setProdSn(String prodSn) { this.prodSn = prodSn; } public void setNewTariffId(String newTariffId) { this.newTariffId = newTariffId; } public void setEffDate(String effDate) { this.effDate = effDate; } public void setPromotionId(String promotionId) { this.promotionId = promotionId; } public String getFeeListJson() { return feeListJson; } public void setFeeListJson(String feeListJson) { this.feeListJson = feeListJson; } public String getCustId() { return custId; } public void setCustId(String custId) { this.custId = custId; } public String getUserId() { return userId; } public void setUserId(String userId) { this.userId = userId; } public void setSpecFee(int specFee) { this.specFee = specFee; } public String getAcctListJson() { return acctListJson; } public void setAcctListJson(String acctListJson) { this.acctListJson = acctListJson; } public void setPkgSn(String pkgSn) { this.pkgSn = pkgSn; } public int getRefundFeeValue() { return refundFeeValue; } public void setRefundFeeValue(int refundFeeValue) { this.refundFeeValue = refundFeeValue; } public void setExpDate(String expDate) { this.expDate = expDate; } // public void setPayFee(int payFee) { // this.payFee = payFee; // } // // public void setCurMonthFee(int curMonthFee) { // this.curMonthFee = curMonthFee; // } public void setTimes(int times) { this.times = times; } public void setStopType(String stopType) { this.stopType = stopType; } public void setRefreshType(String refreshType) { this.refreshType = refreshType; } public void setPordLists(String pordLists) { this.pordLists = pordLists; } public void setUserLists(String userLists) { this.userLists = userLists; } public void setPromotionSn(String promotionSn) { this.promotionSn = promotionSn; } public void setNetType(String netType) { this.netType = netType; } public void setModemMac(String modemMac) { this.modemMac = modemMac; } public void setLoginName(String loginName) { this.loginName = loginName; } public void setUserStatus(String userStatus) { this.userStatus = userStatus; } public void setUserIds(String[] userIds) { this.userIds = userIds; } public File getFile() { return file; } public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } public void setInvalidDate(String invalidDate) { this.invalidDate = invalidDate; } public Date getPreOpenTime() { return preOpenTime; } public void setPreOpenTime(Date preOpenTime) { this.preOpenTime = preOpenTime; } public void setPromFeeSn(String promFeeSn) { this.promFeeSn = promFeeSn; } public void setIsBankPay(String isBankPay) { this.isBankPay = isBankPay; } public String getDeviceId() { return deviceId; } public void setDeviceId(String deviceId) { this.deviceId = deviceId; } public String getDeviceType() { return deviceType; } public void setDeviceType(String deviceType) { this.deviceType = deviceType; } public String getDeviceModel() { return deviceModel; } public void setDeviceModel(String deviceModel) { this.deviceModel = deviceModel; } public void setUserServiceSN(UserServiceSN userServiceSN) { this.userServiceSN = userServiceSN; } public void setDeviceBuyMode(String deviceBuyMode) { this.deviceBuyMode = deviceBuyMode; } public void setReclaim(String reclaim) { this.reclaim = reclaim; } public void setCancelFee(Integer cancelFee) { this.cancelFee = cancelFee; } public void setOpenUserList(String openUserList) { this.openUserList = openUserList; } public void setWorkBillAsignType(String workBillAsignType) { this.workBillAsignType = workBillAsignType; } public void setRefundFee(Integer refundFee) { this.refundFee = refundFee; } public void setDeviceCode(String deviceCode) { this.deviceCode = deviceCode; } public void setReasonType(String reasonType) { this.reasonType = reasonType; } public void setFiles(File files) { this.files = files; } public void setSpkgSn(String spkgSn) { this.spkgSn = spkgSn; } public void setSpId(String spId) { this.spId = spId; } public void setIsHand(String isHand) { this.isHand = isHand; } }