/** * */ package com.ycsoft.business.dto.core.acct; import java.util.Date; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctAcctitem; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.DictKey; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.store.MemoryDict; /** * @author YC-SOFT * */ public class AcctitemDto extends CAcctAcctitem { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5610878486671963580L; private String prod_id; private String prod_name; private String prod_status; private String prod_sn; private String acctitem_type; private String tariff_id; private String tariff_name; private Integer tariff_rent; private Date invalid_date; private String next_tariff_id; private String next_tariff_name ; private Integer next_tariff_rent ; private String prod_status_text; private String allow_pay; private String allow_adjust; private String allow_tran; //暂时只针对公用账目 private Integer ownFeeNumber; //基本包欠费天数 private String is_base; private String acct_type; private String billing_type; private Integer billing_cycle; private String is_invalid_tariff; private String serv_id; private String pay_type; private String fee_type; public String getPay_type() { return pay_type; } public void setPay_type(String pay_type) { this.pay_type = pay_type; } public String getFee_type() { return fee_type; } public void setFee_type(String fee_type) { this.fee_type = fee_type; } public String getServ_id() { return serv_id; } public void setServ_id(String serv_id) { this.serv_id = serv_id; } /** * @return the is_base */ public String getIs_base() { return is_base; } /** * @param is_base the is_base to set */ public void setIs_base(String is_base) { this.is_base = is_base; } /** * @return the acct_type */ public String getAcct_type() { return acct_type; } /** * @param acct_type the acct_type to set */ public void setAcct_type(String acct_type) { this.acct_type = acct_type; } /** * @return the next_tariff_id */ public String getNext_tariff_id() { return next_tariff_id; } /** * @param next_tariff_id the next_tariff_id to set */ public void setNext_tariff_id(String next_tariff_id) { this.next_tariff_id = next_tariff_id; } /** * @return the next_tariff_name */ public String getNext_tariff_name() { return next_tariff_name; } /** * @param next_tariff_name the next_tariff_name to set */ public void setNext_tariff_name(String next_tariff_name) { this.next_tariff_name = next_tariff_name; } public String getAcctitem_type() { return acctitem_type; } public void setAcctitem_type(String acctitem_type) { this.acctitem_type = acctitem_type; } public String getProd_id() { return prod_id; } public void setProd_id(String prod_id) { this.prod_id = prod_id; } public String getTariff_id() { return tariff_id; } public void setTariff_id(String tariff_id) { this.tariff_id = tariff_id; } public String getProd_sn() { return prod_sn; } public void setProd_sn(String prod_sn) { this.prod_sn = prod_sn; } public String getTariff_name() { return tariff_name; } public void setTariff_name(String tariff_name) { this.tariff_name = tariff_name; } public String getProd_name() { return prod_name; } public void setProd_name(String prod_name) { this.prod_name = prod_name; } /** * @return the prod_status */ public String getProd_status() { return prod_status; } /** * @param prod_status the prod_status to set */ public void setProd_status(String prod_status) { this.prod_status = prod_status; prod_status_text = MemoryDict.getDictName(DictKey.STATUS, prod_status); } public String getProd_status_text() { return prod_status_text; } /** * @return the tariff_rent */ public Integer getTariff_rent() { return tariff_rent; } /** * @param tariff_rent the tariff_rent to set */ public void setTariff_rent(Integer tariff_rent) { this.tariff_rent = tariff_rent; } /** * @return the next_tariff_rent */ public Integer getNext_tariff_rent() { return next_tariff_rent; } /** * @param next_tariff_rent the next_tariff_rent to set */ public void setNext_tariff_rent(Integer next_tariff_rent) { this.next_tariff_rent = next_tariff_rent; } /** * @return the allow_pay */ public String getAllow_pay() { return allow_pay; } /** * @param allow_pay the allow_pay to set */ public void setAllow_pay(String allow_pay) { this.allow_pay = allow_pay; } public Date getInvalid_date() { return invalid_date; } public void setInvalid_date(Date invalid_date) { this.invalid_date = invalid_date; } public String getAllow_adjust() { if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(allow_adjust)) return allow_adjust; else return SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_FALSE; } public void setAllow_adjust(String allow_adjust) { this.allow_adjust = allow_adjust; } public String getBilling_type() { return billing_type; } public void setBilling_type(String billingType) { billing_type = billingType; } public String getAllow_tran() { return allow_tran; } public void setAllow_tran(String allow_tran) { this.allow_tran = allow_tran; } public String getIs_invalid_tariff() { return is_invalid_tariff; } public void setIs_invalid_tariff(String is_invalid_tariff) { this.is_invalid_tariff = is_invalid_tariff; } public Integer getOwnFeeNumber() { return ownFeeNumber; } public void setOwnFeeNumber(Integer ownFeeNumber) { this.ownFeeNumber = ownFeeNumber; } public Integer getBilling_cycle() { return billing_cycle; } public void setBilling_cycle(Integer billing_cycle) { this.billing_cycle = billing_cycle; } }