package; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.commons.exception.ReportException; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.Pager; import; @Component public class RepTaskDao extends BaseEntityDao<RepTask> { public RepTaskDao(){} public void updateKeylist(Integer taskId, String keylist) throws ReportException { try { String sql = "update rep_task set keylist=? where task_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, keylist, taskId); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e); } } /** * 查询几天前的已执行的一次性任务 * @throws ReportException */ public List<RepTask> queryTaskTypeIsOne(Integer day) throws ReportException{ String sql="select * from rep_task where task_type='one' and exec_end_time is not null and (sysdate-trunc(exec_end_time))>? "; try { return this.createQuery(sql, day).list(); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e); } } /** * 查询所有任务 * @param query * @param start * @param limit * @return * @throws ReportException */ public Pager<RepTask> queryAllTask(String query, Integer start, Integer limit) throws ReportException{ try { String sql=StringHelper.append( "select t.*,", " (select op.optr_name from s_optr op where op.optr_id=t.optr_id) optr_name,", " (select si.item_name from busi.s_itemvalue si where si.item_key='REPORT_TASK_STATUS' and si.item_value=t.status) status_text,", " (select si.item_name from busi.s_itemvalue si where si.item_key='REPORT_TASK_TYPE' and si.item_value=t.task_type) task_type_text,", " case when (t.exec_end_time is null or t.exec_end_time<trunc(sysdate)) ", " and t.task_type<>'one' and t.status <>'exec' then 'T' else 'F' end is_waitexec ", " from rep_task t where 1=1"); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(query)){ sql += " and (task_name like '%"+query+"%' or rep_name like '%"+query+"%') "; } sql += " order by task_id desc"; return this.createQuery(sql).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e); } } /** * 保存执行结果 * @param task * @throws ReportException */ public void updateResult(RepTask task) throws ReportException{ try { RepTask update=new RepTask(); update.setTask_id(task.getTask_id()); update.setExec_query_id(task.getExec_query_id()); update.setExec_result(task.getExec_result()); update.setExec_start_time(task.getExec_start_time()); update.setExec_end_time(task.getExec_end_time()); update.setStatus(task.getStatus()); this.update(update); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e); } } /** * 查询需要执行的任务 * @throws JDBCException */ public RepTask queryExecTask() throws JDBCException{ String sql=StringHelper.append("select * from busi.rep_task t ", " where (t.exec_end_time is null or t.exec_end_time<trunc(sysdate)) ", " and (t.task_type='day' ", " or (t.task_type='week' and t.task_execday=to_char(sysdate,'D') ) ", " or (t.task_type='month' and t.task_execday=to_char(sysdate,'DD') ) ", " or (t.task_type='one' and t.task_execday=to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd')) ", " ) order by task_id"); return this.createQuery(sql).first(); } }