/** * BTaskScheduleContent.java 2011/05/27 */ package com.ycsoft.beans.core.bill; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Date; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.DictKey; import com.ycsoft.commons.store.MemoryDict; import com.ycsoft.daos.config.POJO; /** * BTaskScheduleContent -> B_TASK_SCHEDULE_CONTENT mapping */ @POJO( tn="B_TASK_SCHEDULE_CONTENT", sn="", pk="") public class BTaskScheduleContent implements Serializable { // BTaskScheduleContent all properties /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -735972354035070799L; private String task_code ; private String serv_type ; private String isbase ; private String isbase_text ; private Integer bcnt ; private String notbase ; private String notbase_text; private Integer xcnt ; private Date base_eff_date ; private Date base_exp_date ; private Date notbase_eff_date ; private Date notbase_exp_date ; private Integer is_real_time ; private String is_real_time_text ; private String status ; private String status_text; private String county_id ; private String area_id ; private String serv_type_text; private String county_name; private String area_name; public String getCounty_name() { return county_name; } public String getArea_name() { return area_name; } /** * default empty constructor */ public BTaskScheduleContent() {} // task_code getter and setter public String getTask_code(){ return this.task_code ; } public void setTask_code(String task_code){ this.task_code = task_code ; } // serv_type getter and setter public String getServ_type(){ return this.serv_type ; } public void setServ_type(String serv_type){ this.serv_type = serv_type ; serv_type_text = MemoryDict.getDictName(DictKey.SERV_ID, serv_type); } // isbase getter and setter public String getIsbase(){ return this.isbase ; } public void setIsbase(String isbase){ this.isbase = isbase ; isbase_text = "y".equalsIgnoreCase(isbase)?"停":"不停"; } // bcnt getter and setter public Integer getBcnt(){ return this.bcnt ; } public void setBcnt(Integer bcnt){ this.bcnt = bcnt ; } // notbase getter and setter public String getNotbase(){ return this.notbase ; } public void setNotbase(String notbase){ this.notbase = notbase ; notbase_text = "y".equalsIgnoreCase(notbase)?"停":"不停"; } // xcnt getter and setter public Integer getXcnt(){ return this.xcnt ; } public void setXcnt(Integer xcnt){ this.xcnt = xcnt ; } public Date getBase_eff_date(){ return this.base_eff_date ; } public void setBase_eff_date(Date base_eff_date){ this.base_eff_date = base_eff_date ; } public Date getBase_exp_date(){ return this.base_exp_date ; } public void setBase_exp_date(Date base_exp_date){ this.base_exp_date = base_exp_date ; } public Date getNotbase_eff_date(){ return this.notbase_eff_date ; } public void setNotbase_eff_date(Date notbase_eff_date){ this.notbase_eff_date = notbase_eff_date ; } public Date getNotbase_exp_date(){ return this.notbase_exp_date ; } public void setNotbase_exp_date(Date notbase_exp_date){ this.notbase_exp_date = notbase_exp_date ; } // is_real_time getter and setter public Integer getIs_real_time(){ return this.is_real_time ; } public void setIs_real_time(Integer is_real_time){ this.is_real_time = is_real_time ; is_real_time_text = is_real_time == 1 ? "实时":"定时"; } // status getter and setter public String getStatus(){ return this.status ; } public void setStatus(String status){ this.status = status ; status_text = "1".equalsIgnoreCase(status)?"有效":"失效"; } // county_id getter and setter public String getCounty_id(){ return this.county_id ; } public void setCounty_id(String county_id){ this.county_id = county_id ; county_name = MemoryDict.getDictName(DictKey.COUNTY, county_id); } // area_id getter and setter public String getArea_id(){ return this.area_id ; } public void setArea_id(String area_id){ this.area_id = area_id ; area_name = MemoryDict.getDictName(DictKey.AREA, area_id); } public String getServ_type_text() { return serv_type_text; } public String getIsbase_text() { return isbase_text; } public String getNotbase_text() { return notbase_text; } public String getIs_real_time_text() { return is_real_time_text; } public String getStatus_text() { return status_text; } }