/** * */ package com.ycsoft.web.action.core; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import com.ycsoft.business.service.impl.AcctService; import com.ycsoft.business.service.impl.CustService; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.DateHelper; import com.ycsoft.web.commons.abstracts.BaseBusiAction; @Controller public class BankAction extends BaseBusiAction { private String acctPayType;//支付方式 private String custId; //客户编号 private String optionType; private AcctService acctService; private CustService custService; /** * 暂停卡扣 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String bankStop()throws Exception{ custService.saveBankStop(); return JSON; } /** * 恢复卡扣 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String bankResume()throws Exception{ custService.saveBankResume(); return JSON; } /** * 取消签约 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String cancelSign() throws Exception{ acctService.saveRemoveSignBank(acctPayType,DateHelper.now()); return JSON; } public String getAcctPayType() { return acctPayType; } public void setAcctPayType(String acctPayType) { this.acctPayType = acctPayType; } public String getCustId() { return custId; } public void setCustId(String custId) { this.custId = custId; } public void setAcctService(AcctService acctService) { this.acctService = acctService; } public String getOptionType() { return optionType; } public void setOptionType(String optionType) { this.optionType = optionType; } /** * @param custService the custService to set */ public void setCustService(CustService custService) { this.custService = custService; } }