package com.ycsoft.web.action.core; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import; import; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.cust.CCust; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.cust.CCustAddr; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.cust.CCustLinkman; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.cust.CCustPropChange; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.BusiCodeConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.exception.ServicesException; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.DateHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.FileHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.sysmanager.dto.resource.RDeviceModelTotalDto; import com.ycsoft.web.commons.abstracts.BaseBusiAction; /** * 客户核心控制器 * * @author hh * @data Mar 17, 2010 11:24:55 AM */ @Controller public class CustAction extends BaseBusiAction{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1981343279974076065L; private ICustService custService; private CCust cust; private CCustLinkman linkman; private String buyMode; private String deviceId; private String device_code; private String feeId; private int fee; private String custId; private String custName; private String custType; private String pkgId; private String feeStdId; private String custChangeInfo; private String banlanceDealType; private String cardId; private String modemMac; private String unitId; private String mnCustId; private String addrId; private String address; private int buyFlag; private String custIds; private String addrListStr; private String new_addr_id; private String new_address; private String old_addr_text; private File file; private String custNo; private String custStatus; private String virtualCard; private String virtualModem; private String custCode; private FeeInfoDto deviceFee; /** * 开户 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String createCust()throws Exception{ custService.createCust(cust, linkman,custCode); getRoot().setSimpleObj(cust); return JSON; } /** * 批量开户 * @param addrId 小区编号 * @param custNum 开户数 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String batchNewCust() throws Exception{ // custService.createCustBatch(addrId, address,custName,custNum); Integer custNum = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("custNum")); String cAddrId = request.getParameter("addrId"); String address = request.getParameter("address"); String custName = request.getParameter("custName"); String msg = ""; List<CCustAddr> addrList = new ArrayList<CCustAddr>(); if(file != null){ addrList = FileHelper.fileToBean(file, new String[]{"t1","t2","t3","t4","t5","note"}, CCustAddr.class); } try{ if(file != null){ // addrList.remove(0); if(addrList.size() != custNum) throw new Exception("文件中地址数量必须等于开户数量!"); if(addrList.size() > 2000) throw new Exception("请一次性录入小于2000条数据"); } custService.createCustBatch(cAddrId, address,custName,custNum,addrList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); msg = e.getMessage(); } return retrunNone(msg); // return JSON; } /** * 客户销户 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String logoffCust() throws Exception{ custService.saveRemoveCust(banlanceDealType); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 恢复销户客户 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String restoeCust() throws Exception{ CustFullInfoDto custInfo = custService.restoeCust(custId); Map<String, Object> others = new HashMap<String, Object>(); others.put("success", true); others.put("custInfo", custInfo); getRoot().setOthers(others); return JSON_OTHER; } /** * 调用存储过程,批量销客户 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String batchLogoffCust() throws Exception{ String remark = request.getParameter("remark"); String isReclaimDevice = request.getParameter("isReclaimDevice"); String deviceStatus = request.getParameter("deviceStatus"); String msg = ""; List<String> custIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); if(file != null){ custIdList = FileHelper.fileToArray(file); } try{ if(custIdList.size() > 2000) throw new Exception("请一次性录入小于2000条数据"); custService.batchLogoffCust(custIdList,isReclaimDevice,deviceStatus,remark); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); msg = e.getMessage(); } return retrunNone(msg); } /** * 修改客户资料 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editCust() throws Exception{ Type type = new TypeToken<List<ChangeValueDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); List<ChangeValueDto> changeValueList = gson.fromJson(custChangeInfo, type); List<CCustPropChange> propChangeList = new ArrayList<CCustPropChange>(); //如果有信息发生了修改 if (changeValueList != null && changeValueList.size()>0){ for (ChangeValueDto dto:changeValueList){ CCustPropChange propChange = new CCustPropChange(); propChange.setColumn_name(dto.getColumnName().substring(dto.getColumnName().indexOf(".")+1)); propChange.setOld_value(dto.getOldValue()); propChange.setNew_value(dto.getNewValue()); propChangeList.add(propChange); } } custService.editCust(propChangeList); return JSON; } /** * 修改优惠类型 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editCustClass() throws Exception{ String userId = request.getParameter("user_id"); String prodSn = request.getParameter("prod_sn"); String tariffId = request.getParameter("tariff_id"); String expDateStr = request.getParameter("expDate"); String tariffStartDate = request.getParameter("tariffStartDate"); String custClass = request.getParameter("custClass"); String custClassDate = DateHelper.dateToStr(DateHelper.parseDate(request.getParameter("custClassDate"),"yyyy-MM-dd")); custService.editCustClass(userId, prodSn, tariffId, tariffStartDate, expDateStr, custClass, custClassDate); return JSON; } /** * 修改优惠类型 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editCustLevel() throws Exception{ custService.editCustLevel(request.getParameter("cust_level")); return JSON; } public String changeNonresCust() throws Exception { custService.changeNonresCust(cust, linkman); return JSON; } /** * 客户迁移. * @return * @throws Exception */ public String transferCust() throws Exception{ custService.transferCust(cust); return JSON; } /** * 客户拆迁 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String relocateCust() throws Exception{ custService.relocateCust(custId); return JSON; } /** * 居民客户加入单位 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String jionUnit()throws Exception{ custService.saveCustJoinUnit(unitId); return JSON; } /** * 批量加入单位 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String batchJoinUnit() throws Exception{ custService.saveCustJoinUnit(custIds.split(",")); return JSON; } /** * 居民客户退出单位 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String quitUnit() throws Exception{ custService.saveCustQuitUnit(unitId.split(",")); return JSON; } /** * 客户购买设备终端 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String buyDevice() throws Exception{ String feeInfo = request.getParameter("feeInfo"); List<FeeInfoDto> feeInfoList = new ArrayList<FeeInfoDto>(); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeInfo)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<FeeInfoDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); feeInfoList = gson.fromJson(feeInfo, type); } custService.saveBuyDevice(deviceId,cardId,modemMac, buyMode, feeInfoList,virtualCard,virtualModem); return JSON; } public String buyReplacover() throws Exception{ custService.saveBuyReplacover(deviceId,device_code); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 修改设备产权 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String changeOwnership() throws Exception{ custService.saveChangeOwnership(deviceId); return JSON; } /** * 客户购买设备配件 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String buyMaterial() throws Exception { String deviceType = request.getParameter("deviceType"); String deviceModel = request.getParameter("deviceModel"); String feeInfo = request.getParameter("feeInfo"); int buyNum = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("buyNum")); List<FeeInfoDto> feeInfoList = new ArrayList<FeeInfoDto>(); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeInfo)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<FeeInfoDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); feeInfoList = gson.fromJson(feeInfo, type); } custService.saveBuyMaterial(deviceType, deviceModel, buyMode, feeInfoList,buyNum); return JSON; } /** * 批量购买器材 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String bacthBuyMaterial() throws Exception { String feeInfo = request.getParameter("feeInfo"); List<RDeviceModelTotalDto> feeInfoList = new ArrayList<RDeviceModelTotalDto>(); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeInfo)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<RDeviceModelTotalDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); feeInfoList = gson.fromJson(feeInfo, type); } custService.saveBacthBuyMaterial(feeInfoList); return JSON; } /** * 设备挂失 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveRegLossDevcie() throws Exception { custService.saveRegLossDevcie(deviceId); return JSON; } /** * 取消挂失 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveCancelLossDevcie() throws Exception { custService.saveCancelLossDevcie(deviceId); return JSON; } /** * 销售设备 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveSaleDevice() throws Exception{ String feeInfo = request.getParameter("feeInfo"); List<FeeInfoDto> feeInfoList = new ArrayList<FeeInfoDto>(); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeInfo)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<FeeInfoDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); feeInfoList = gson.fromJson(feeInfo, type); } String changeOwnship = request.getParameter("changeOwnship"); custService.saveSaleDevice(deviceId, feeInfoList,buyMode,changeOwnship); return JSON; } public String saveChangeDeviceType() throws Exception{ custService.saveChangeDeviceType(deviceId, buyMode); return JSON; } /** * 机顶盒和卡号互换.可以是 客户 之间 也可以客户自己的. * @param reclaimDevice 是否回收设备 * @param deviceStatus 回收设备状态 * @param buyFlag 3:机卡都需购买;2:卡需购买;1:机需购买 * @param deviceBuyMode 购买方式 * @param feeId * @param feeStdId * @return * @throws Exception */ public String switchDevice() throws Exception{ String oldStbId = request.getParameter("oldStbCode"); String oldCardId = request.getParameter("oldCardCode"); String newStbId = request.getParameter("newStbCode"); String newCardId = request.getParameter("newCardCode"); String oldModemId = request.getParameter("oldModemCode"); String newModemId = request.getParameter("newModemCode"); custService.saveSwitchDevice(oldStbId, oldCardId, oldModemId, newStbId, newCardId, newModemId); return JSON; } /** * 更换机顶盒和卡号 * @param reclaimDevice 是否回收设备 * @param deviceStatus 回收设备状态 * @param buyFlag 3:机卡都需购买;2:卡需购买;1:机需购买 * @param deviceBuyMode 购买方式 * @param feeId * @param feeStdId * @return * @throws Exception */ public String changeStbCard() throws Exception{ String oldStbId = request.getParameter("oldStbCode"); String oldCardId = request.getParameter("oldCardCode"); String newStbId = request.getParameter("newStbCode"); String newCardId = request.getParameter("newCardCode"); String oldModemId = request.getParameter("oldModemCode"); String newModemId = request.getParameter("newModemCode"); String changeReason = request.getParameter("change_reason"); String stbZjFee = request.getParameter("stbZjFee"); if(StringHelper.isEmpty(stbZjFee)) stbZjFee = "0"; String cardZjFee = request.getParameter("cardZjFee"); if(StringHelper.isEmpty(cardZjFee)) cardZjFee = "0"; String modemZjFee = request.getParameter("modemZjFee"); if(StringHelper.isEmpty(modemZjFee)) modemZjFee = "0"; boolean singleCard = false; String deviceStatus = request.getParameter("deviceStatus"); String feeInfo = request.getParameter("feeInfo"); List<FeeInfoDto> feeInfoList = new ArrayList<FeeInfoDto>(); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeInfo)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<FeeInfoDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); feeInfoList = gson.fromJson(feeInfo, type); } custService.saveChangeStbCard(oldStbId, oldCardId, oldModemId, newStbId, newCardId, newModemId, feeInfoList, Integer.parseInt(stbZjFee), Integer.parseInt(cardZjFee),Integer.parseInt(modemZjFee), deviceStatus, buyFlag, singleCard,changeReason); return JSON; } /** * 更换猫 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String changeModem() throws Exception{ String oldModemId = request.getParameter("oldModemCode"); String newModemId = request.getParameter("newModemCode"); boolean reclaim = SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE.equals(request.getParameter("reclaimDevice"))?true:false; String deviceStatus = request.getParameter("deviceStatus"); String modemZjFee = request.getParameter("modemZjFee"); if(StringHelper.isEmpty(modemZjFee)) modemZjFee = "0"; String feeInfo = request.getParameter("feeInfo"); List<FeeInfoDto> feeInfoList = new ArrayList<FeeInfoDto>(); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeInfo)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<FeeInfoDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); feeInfoList = gson.fromJson(feeInfo, type); } custService.saveChangeModem(oldModemId, newModemId, buyMode, feeInfoList, Integer.parseInt(modemZjFee),reclaim,deviceStatus ); return JSON; } /** * 根据device_code查询设备是否可用 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryUseableDevice() throws Exception{ String deviceCode = request.getParameter("deviceCode"); String custId = request.getParameter("custId"); String deviceType = request.getParameter("deviceType"); String userType = request.getParameter("userType"); getRoot().setSimpleObj(custService.queryUseableDevice(custId,deviceType,deviceCode,userType)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 根据机顶盒号查询卡号 或 根据卡号查询机顶盒号 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryUserAnotherDevice() throws Exception{ String deviceType = request.getParameter("deviceType"); String deviceCode = request.getParameter("deviceCode"); DeviceDto dto= custService.queryUserAnotherDevice(deviceType,deviceCode); getRoot().setSimpleObj(dto); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 客户回收设备 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String reclaimDevice() throws Exception{ String deviceId = request.getParameter("deviceId"); String deviceStatus = request.getParameter("deviceStatus"); String deviceFeeValue = request.getParameter("deviceFeeValue"); String reclaimReason = request.getParameter("reclaimReason"); if (StringHelper.isEmpty(deviceFeeValue)) deviceFeeValue="0"; custService.saveReclaimDevice(deviceId,deviceStatus,reclaimReason,Integer.parseInt(deviceFeeValue)); return JSON; } /** * 查找可以加入套餐的客户名下的产品 * @param custService */ public String queryProdForPkg() throws Exception{ String pkgTarrifId = request.getParameter("pkgTarrifId"); getRoot().setRecords(custService.queryCustProdForPkg(custId, custType, pkgId,pkgTarrifId)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 查询套餐已选中的产品 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryProdsOfPkg() throws Exception { getRoot().setRecords(custService.queryProdsOfPkg(custId, pkgId)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 明细修改地址 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String updateAddressList() throws Exception{ List<CCust> custAddrList = new ArrayList<CCust>(); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(addrListStr)){ Type type = new TypeToken<List<CCust>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); custAddrList = gson.fromJson(addrListStr, type); if(custAddrList == null){ throw new ServicesException("客户不存在"); } custService.updateAddressList(custAddrList,null,BusiCodeConstants.ADDRESS_UPDATE_SOME); }else{ custService.updateAddressList(cust, new_addr_id, new_address, old_addr_text,BusiCodeConstants.ADDRESS_UPDATE_SOME); } return JSON; } /** * 批量更换小区 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String updateCustAddress() throws Exception{ String oldAddrId = request.getParameter("oldAddrId"); String newAddrId = request.getParameter("newAddrId"); getRoot().setSimpleObj(custService.updateCustAddress(oldAddrId,newAddrId,optr)); return JSON; } /** * 批量修改客户状态 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String updateCustStatus() throws Exception { String msg = ""; List<String> custNos = null; try { if(file != null){ custNos = FileHelper.fileToArray(file); } if(custNos != null){ if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(custNo) && !custNos.contains(custNo)){ //单个需修改的客户编号不为空,加入导入的客户编号集合 custNos.add(custNo); } }else{ //导入文件和单个录入客户编号,二者至少输入其一 custNos = new ArrayList<String>(); custNos.add(custNo); } custService.updateCustStatus(custNos, custStatus); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); msg = e.getMessage(); } return retrunNone(msg); } public String renewCust() throws Exception { getRoot().setSimpleObj(custService.renewCust()); return JSON; } public String queryNonresCustApp() throws Exception{ getRoot().setPage(custService.queryNonresCustApp(start, limit)); return JSON_PAGE; } public String saveBugTask() throws Exception{ String bugDetail = request.getParameter("bugDetail"); String bugPhone = request.getParameter("bugPhone"); custService.saveBugTask(bugDetail, bugPhone); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public void setCustService(ICustService custService) { this.custService = custService; } public CCust getCust() { return cust; } public void setCust(CCust cust) { this.cust = cust; } public void setLinkman(CCustLinkman linkman) { this.linkman = linkman; } public CCustLinkman getLinkman() { return linkman; } public void setBuyMode(String buyMode) { this.buyMode = buyMode; } public void setDeviceId(String deviceId) { this.deviceId = deviceId; } public void setFeeId(String feeId) { this.feeId = feeId; } public void setFee(int fee) { this.fee = fee; } public String getBanlanceDealType() { return banlanceDealType; } public void setBanlanceDealType(String banlanceDealType) { this.banlanceDealType = banlanceDealType; } public String getCustId() { return custId; } public void setCustId(String custId) { this.custId = custId; } public String getCustType() { return custType; } public void setCustType(String custType) { this.custType = custType; } public String getPkgId() { return pkgId; } public void setPkgId(String pkgId) { this.pkgId = pkgId; } public void setCustChangeInfo(String custChangeInfo) { this.custChangeInfo = custChangeInfo; } public String getCardId() { return cardId; } public void setCardId(String cardId) { this.cardId = cardId; } public void setFeeStdId(String feeStdId) { this.feeStdId = feeStdId; } public String getUnitId() { return unitId; } public void setUnitId(String unitId) { this.unitId = unitId; } public String getAddrId() { return addrId; } public void setAddrId(String addrId) { this.addrId = addrId; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } public void setBuyFlag(int buyFlag) { this.buyFlag = buyFlag; } public void setCustIds(String custIds) { this.custIds = custIds; } /** * @return the custName */ public String getCustName() { return custName; } /** * @param custName the custName to set */ public void setCustName(String custName) { this.custName = custName; } public void setAddrListStr(String addrListStr) { this.addrListStr = addrListStr; } public void setMnCustId(String mnCustId) { this.mnCustId = mnCustId; } public File getFile() { return file; } public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } public void setCustNo(String custNo) { this.custNo = custNo; } public void setCustStatus(String custStatus) { this.custStatus = custStatus; } public void setModemMac(String modemMac) { this.modemMac = modemMac; } public void setVirtualCard(String virtualCard) { this.virtualCard = virtualCard; } public void setVirtualModem(String virtualModem) { this.virtualModem = virtualModem; } public void setNew_addr_id(String new_addr_id) { this.new_addr_id = new_addr_id; } public void setOld_addr_text(String old_addr_text) { this.old_addr_text = old_addr_text; } public void setNew_address(String new_address) { this.new_address = new_address; } public String getDevice_code() { return device_code; } public void setDevice_code(String device_code) { this.device_code = device_code; } public void setCustCode(String custCode) { this.custCode = custCode; } public FeeInfoDto getDeviceFee() { return deviceFee; } public void setDeviceFee(FeeInfoDto deviceFee) { this.deviceFee = deviceFee; } }