package; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SOptr; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SResource; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SequenceConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.StatusConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.Pager; import com.ycsoft.sysmanager.dto.system.SResourceDto; /** * 资源菜单数据库操作类 * */ @Component public class SResourceDao extends BaseEntityDao<SResource> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 356272872772817830L; /** * 获取权限资源菜单 * * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<SResource> findResource(String optrId, String systemId) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from (select distinct s.* from s_resource s,s_optr_role o,s_role_resource rr" + " where s.res_status = ? and o.role_id=rr.role_id and rr.res_id=s.res_id and res_type=? " + " and sub_system_id=? and o.optr_id=? and s.res_id not in (select res_id from s_optr_resource where more_or_less ='0' and optr_id=? ) " + " union select distinct s.* from s_resource s,s_optr_resource sor where s.res_id=sor.res_id and sor.optr_id = ? and sub_system_id = ? and sor.more_or_less ='1') order by sort_num "; return createQuery(SResource.class, sql,StatusConstants.ACTIVE,SystemConstants.ROLE_TYPE_MENU, systemId, optrId,optrId,optrId,systemId).list(); } /** * 查询菜单资源信息 */ public Pager<SResource> query(Integer start , Integer limit ,String keyword,String pid)throws Exception{ String cond=""; if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(keyword)){ cond= " and t1.res_name like '%"+keyword+"%'" ; } if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(pid)){ //start with 是指从哪个节点开始递归查询 cond =" and t1.res_id in (select res_id from s_resource start with res_id ='"+pid+"' connect by prior res_id = res_pid)"; } String sql =" select t1.*,t2.res_name res_pid_text,t3.sub_system_name sub_system_text from s_resource t1," + "s_resource t2,s_sub_system t3 " +" where t2.res_status =? AND t1.res_pid=t2.res_id and t1.sub_system_id=t3.sub_system_id(+) "; sql=sql+cond+" order by t1.sort_num desc "; return createQuery(SResource.class , sql,StatusConstants.ACTIVE).setLimit(limit) .setStart(start).page(); } /** * 判断资源ID是否存在 * @return */ public boolean getResid(String res_id) throws Exception { String sql =" select count(*) from s_resource where res_id=?"; Object count= findUnique(sql, res_id); if(count==null){ return true; } return false; } /** * 获取资源ID */ public String getResourceID() throws Exception{ return findSequence(SequenceConstants.SEQ_S_RESOURCE).toString(); } /** * 查询资源菜单 */ public List<SResourceDto> ResourcesTree(String login_name,String role_id)throws Exception{ String sql =""; //获取角色对应资源id //String sql="select res_id from s_role_resource where role_id in ( '"+role_id+"')"; //获取操作员对应角色id //sql=" select distinct * from s_role where role_id in ( select role_id from s_optr_role where optr_id ='"+optr_id+"')"; if(SystemConstants.SUPER_ADMIN.equals(login_name)){ //超级管理员 sql =" SELECT * FROM ( select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in (SELECT distinct res_id from s_resource) connect by prior res_pid = res_id " +" ) start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order by level" ; }else{ sql=" SELECT * FROM ( " +" select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in (SELECT distinct res_id from s_resource " +" where res_id in (select res_id from s_optr_resource where optr_id in ( select optr_id from s_optr where login_name='"+login_name+"'))) " +" connect by prior res_pid = res_id " +" union " +" select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in (SELECT distinct res_id from s_resource " +" where res_id in (select res_id from s_role_resource where role_id in " +" ( select role_id from s_optr_role where optr_id in ( select optr_id from s_optr where login_name='"+login_name+"')))) " +" connect by prior res_pid = res_id " +" )start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order by level" ; } return createQuery(SResourceDto.class, sql).list(); } // public boolean isNotSuperAdmin(HttpSession session){ String userLoginName = session.getAttribute("userLoginName").toString(); return !SystemConstants.SUPER_ADMIN.equals(userLoginName); } public List<SResourceDto> queryResources(String subSystemId, String resType) throws JDBCException { String sql=""; String restype = ""; if ("NODE".equals(resType)){ restype = " and res_type = 'NODE' "; } if(StringUtils.isEmpty(subSystemId)){ //暂时没有根据角色来查找 sql =" SELECT * FROM ( select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url,sort_num from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in (SELECT distinct res_id from s_resource where 1=1 "+restype+" ) connect by prior res_pid = res_id " +" ) start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order siblings by sort_num" ; }else{ //暂时没有根据角色来查找 sql =" SELECT * FROM ( select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url,sort_num from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in (SELECT distinct res_id from s_resource where t.sub_system_id in ("+subSystemId+") "+restype+" ) connect by prior res_pid = res_id " +" ) start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order siblings by sort_num" ; } return createQuery(SResourceDto.class, sql).list(); } /** * 查询报表系统的res_type为NODE的信息 * @param optrId * @param subSystemId * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<SResourceDto> queryResourcesByResType(String optrId,String subSystemId,String resType)throws Exception{ String sql =" SELECT * FROM ( select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url,sort_num from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in (SELECT distinct res_id from s_resource where t.sub_system_id=? and res_type=?) connect by prior res_pid = res_id " +" ) start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order siblings by sort_num" ; return createQuery(SResourceDto.class, sql,subSystemId,resType).list(); } /** * 查询资源菜单根据操作员权限 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<SResourceDto> queryResourcesByOptr(String optrId,String subSystemId)throws Exception{ String sql=""; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(subSystemId)){ return null; }else{ //暂时没有根据角色来查找 sql =" SELECT * FROM ( select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url,sort_num from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in ("+ "select distinct s.res_id from s_resource s,s_optr_role o,s_role_resource rr" + " where s.res_status = ? and o.role_id=rr.role_id and rr.res_id=s.res_id and res_type='"+SystemConstants.ROLE_TYPE_MENU+"'" + " and sub_system_id=? and o.optr_id=? " +") connect by prior res_pid = res_id) " + "start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order siblings by sort_num" ; return createQuery(SResourceDto.class, sql,sql,StatusConstants.ACTIVE, subSystemId, optrId).list(); } } /** * 查询资源菜单根据操作员权限 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<SResourceDto> queryResourcesByOptr(SOptr optr,String subSystemId)throws Exception{ String sql=""; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(subSystemId)){ return null; }else{ if(!optr.getLogin_name().equals("admin")){ sql =" SELECT * FROM ( select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url,sort_num from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in (select distinct s.res_id from s_resource s,s_optr_role o,s_role_resource rr" + " where s.res_status = ? and o.role_id=rr.role_id and rr.res_id=s.res_id and res_type=? " + " and sub_system_id=? and o.optr_id=? and s.res_id not in (select res_id from s_optr_resource where more_or_less ='0' and optr_id=? ) " + " union select distinct s.res_id from s_resource s,s_optr_resource sor where s.res_id=sor.res_id and sor.optr_id = ? and sub_system_id = ? and sor.more_or_less ='1') connect by prior res_pid = res_id) " + "start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order siblings by sort_num" ; return createQuery(SResourceDto.class, sql,StatusConstants.ACTIVE,SystemConstants.ROLE_TYPE_MENU, subSystemId, optr.getOptr_id(),optr.getOptr_id(),optr.getOptr_id(),subSystemId).list(); }else{ sql =" SELECT * FROM ( select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url,sort_num from s_resource t " +" start with res_id in ("+ "select distinct s.res_id from s_resource s" + " where s.res_status = ? and s.res_type='"+SystemConstants.ROLE_TYPE_MENU+"' and s.sub_system_id=? " +") connect by prior res_pid = res_id) " + "start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order siblings by sort_num" ; return createQuery(SResourceDto.class, sql,StatusConstants.ACTIVE, subSystemId).list(); } } } public List<SResourceDto> queryResources() throws JDBCException { String sql=StringHelper.append("SELECT * FROM (", " select distinct res_id,res_pid,res_name,url,sort_num from s_resource t", " start with res_id in (SELECT distinct res_id from s_resource where ", " res_type in ('MENU','BUTTON','NODE') ", " ) connect by prior res_pid = res_id ", " ) start with res_pid = -1 connect by prior res_id = res_pid order siblings by sort_num" ); return createQuery(SResourceDto.class, sql).list(); } public List<SResource> queryByResIds(String[] resids)throws JDBCException{ String sql = "select * from s_resource where" +getSqlGenerator().setWhereInArray("res_id", resids); return createQuery(sql).list(); } }