/** * PSpkgOpenuserDao.java 2015/09/05 */ package com.ycsoft.business.dao.prod; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.prod.PSpkgOpenuser; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.StatusConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; /** * PSpkgOpenuserDao -> P_SPKG_OPENUSER table's operator */ @Component public class PSpkgOpenuserDao extends BaseEntityDao<PSpkgOpenuser> { /** * default empty constructor */ public PSpkgOpenuserDao() {} public void updateOpenUserDoneCode(String spkgSn, Integer doneCode) throws Exception { String sql = "update P_SPKG_OPENUSER set use_done_code=?, status=?, status_date=sysdate where status=? and sp_id=(select sp_id from p_spkg where spkg_sn=?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, doneCode, StatusConstants.USE, StatusConstants.IDLE, spkgSn); sql = "update P_SPKG_OPENBUSIFEE set use_done_code=?, status=?, status_date=sysdate where status=? and sp_id=(select sp_id from p_spkg where spkg_sn=?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, doneCode, StatusConstants.USE, StatusConstants.IDLE, spkgSn); } public List<PSpkgOpenuser> querySpkgUser(String spkgSn) throws Exception { String sql = "select so.*, bm.buy_mode_name, f.fee_name" + " from p_spkg s, p_spkg_openuser so, t_device_buy_mode bm, t_busi_fee f" + " where s.sp_id=so.sp_id and so.buy_type=bm.buy_mode and so.fee_id=f.fee_id(+)" + " and s.spkg_sn = ? and f.fee_type(+)=? and so.status=? and s.status=?"; return this.createQuery(sql, spkgSn, SystemConstants.FEE_TYPE_DEVICE, StatusConstants.IDLE, StatusConstants.CONFIRM).list(); } public List<PSpkgOpenuser> querySpkgUserBySpkgId(String spId) throws Exception { String sql = "select so.*, bm.buy_mode_name, f.fee_name" + " from p_spkg_openuser so, t_device_buy_mode bm, t_busi_fee f" + " where so.buy_type=bm.buy_mode and so.fee_id=f.fee_id(+)" + " and so.sp_id = ?" + " order by so.status, so.user_type"; return this.createQuery(sql, spId).list(); } }