package com.yaochen.boss.dao; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TBusiCmdSupplier; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TServer; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TServerRes; import com.ycsoft.beans.config.TStbFilled; import com.ycsoft.beans.device.RCardModel; import; import; import; import com.ycsoft.beans.system.SArea; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import; @Component public class CfgDao extends BaseEntityDao<PProd> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2965076443020972478L; /** * default empty constructor */ public CfgDao() {} /** * 查找产品配置信息 */ public List<ProdDto> queryProd() throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from p_prod"; return this.createQuery(ProdDto.class,sql).list(); } public List<String> queryProdRes(String prodId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select res_id from p_prod_static_res where prod_id=?"; return findUniques(sql, prodId); } public List<PProdCountyRes> queryProdResCounty(String prodId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from p_prod_county_res where prod_id=? order by county_id "; return this.createQuery(PProdCountyRes.class, sql, prodId).list(); } public List<String> queryProdResCounty(String prodId,String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select res_id from p_prod_county_res where prod_id=? and county_id=? "; return this.findUniques( sql, prodId,countyId); } public int queryProdDynamicResCount(String prodId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select count(1) from p_prod_dyn_res where prod_id=?"; return Integer.parseInt(findUnique(sql, prodId).toString()); } /** * 查找卡型号配置信息 */ public List<RCardModel> queryCardModel()throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from r_card_model"; return this.createQuery(RCardModel.class,sql).list(); } /** * 读取服务器配置 */ public List<TServer> queryServer() throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from t_server"; return this.createQuery(TServer.class,sql).list(); } /** * 读取宽带服务器配置 */ public TServer queryBandServer(String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql ="select a.* "+ " from t_server a, t_server_supplier b, t_server_county c "+ " where a.supplier_id = b.supplier_id "+ " and a.server_id = c.server_id "+ " and b.server_type = 'BAND' "+ " and c.county_id = ?"; List<TServer> serverList = this.createQuery(TServer.class,sql,countyId).list(); if (serverList != null && serverList.size()>0) return serverList.get(0); else return null; } public List<String> queryServerCounty(String serverId)throws Exception{ String sql ="select county_id from t_server_county where server_id=? order by county_id"; return this.findUniques(sql,serverId); } public List<TServerRes> queryServerRes()throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from t_server_res order by boss_res_id"; return this.createQuery(TServerRes.class,sql).list(); } /** * 读取BOSS指令和服务器指令配置 */ public List<TBusiCmdSupplier> queryCmdSupplier() throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from t_busi_cmd_supplier order by cmd_id,supplier_id,idx"; return this.createQuery(TBusiCmdSupplier.class,sql).list(); } /** * 查找县市预授权配置信息 */ public List<TStbFilled> queryStbFilledCfg(String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql = "SELECT tsf.* FROM T_STB_FILLED TSF, t_template tt, t_template_county ttc "+ " where tt.template_id = ttc.template_id "+ " and tsf.template_id = tt.template_id "+ " and tt.template_type = 'STB_FILLED' "+ " and ttc.county_id = ? "; return this.createQuery(TStbFilled.class,sql, countyId).list(); } /** * 获取地区信息 */ public List<SArea> queryArea() throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from s_area"; return this.createQuery(SArea.class,sql).list(); } /** * 查找可以参加的促销 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<PPromotionDto> queryPromotion() throws Exception{ String sql ="select p.promotion_id, promotion_name, theme_id, protocol_id, rule_id, auto_exec, eff_date, exp_date, total_acct_fee, priority, repetition_times,pc.county_id" + " from p_promotion p,p_promotion_county pc" + " where eff_date<sysdate and (exp_date is null or exp_date>sysdate)" + " and pc.promotion_id = p.promotion_id " + " order by theme_id,PRIORITY "; return this.createQuery(PPromotionDto.class, sql).list(); } /** * 查找促销赠送的产品信息 * @param promotionId * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<PPromotionAcct> queryPromotionAcct(String promotionId) throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from p_promotion_acct " + " where promotion_id = ?"; return this.createQuery(PPromotionAcct.class, sql, promotionId).list(); } /** * 查找在产品表和资费表中不存在的资费 */ public int queryIllegalProd() throws Exception{ String sql = "select count(1) from p_promotion_acct a,p_promotion b " + " where a.promotion_id = b.promotion_id " + " and b.auto_exec='"+SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE + "' and (tariff_id is null" + " or tariff_id not in (select tariff_id from p_prod_tariff))"; return Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql)); } public String queryBandService(String prodId, String serverId) throws Exception{ String sql =StringHelper.append("select b.external_res_id ", " from p_prod_static_res a, t_server_res b ", " where a.res_id = b.boss_res_id ", " and a.prod_id = ? " , " and b.server_id =? ", " union select b.external_res_id ", " from p_prod_county_res a, t_server_res b ", " where a.res_id = b.boss_res_id and a.prod_id = ? and b.server_id =?"); return this.findUnique(sql, prodId,serverId, prodId,serverId); } }