package; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JCaCommand; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.user.CUser; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.Pager; /** * JCaCommandDao -> J_CA_COMMAND table's operator */ @Component public class JCaCommandDao extends BaseEntityDao<JCaCommand> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2518144229844541779L; /** * default empty constructor */ public JCaCommandDao() {} @Override public int[] save(JCaCommand ...t) throws JDBCException{ for(JCaCommand a:t){ this.save2(a); } return null; } private void save2(JCaCommand t) throws JDBCException{ String detailParam=t.getDetail_params(); t.setDetail_params(null); try{; if(detailParam!=null){ String sql="update j_ca_command set detail_params=? where transnum=? "; this.executeUpdate(sql,detailParam, t.getTransnum()); } }catch(JDBCException e){ throw e; }finally{ t.setDetail_params(detailParam); } } /** * 查询客户指令 * @param custId * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public Pager<JCaCommand> queryByCustId(String type ,String custId,Integer start,Integer limit) throws JDBCException{ String sql = " select *" + " from (" + " select transnum, job_id, cas_id, cas_type, user_id, cust_id, done_code, cmd_type, stb_id, card_id, prg_name, boss_res_id, control_id, auth_begin_date, auth_end_date, result_flag, error_info, area_id, is_sent, record_date, send_date, detail_params, priority, ret_date" + " from j_ca_command where cust_id=?" + " union all" + " select transnum, job_id, cas_id, cas_type, user_id, cust_id, done_code, cmd_type, stb_id, card_id, prg_name, boss_res_id, control_id, auth_begin_date, auth_end_date, result_flag, error_info, area_id, is_sent, record_date, send_date, detail_params, priority, ret_date" + " from j_ca_command_his where cust_id=?" + " ) order by transnum desc"; return createQuery(sql, custId, custId).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } public Pager<JCaCommand> queryCaByCardId(String[] cardIds,Integer start,Integer limit) throws JDBCException{ String sql = "select * from( SELECT t.transnum,t.job_id,t.done_code,t.stb_id,t.card_id,case when t.cmd_type = 'AddProduct' then trunc(t.auth_end_date) else null end auth_end_date," + " t.prg_name,t.result_flag,t.control_id,t.error_info,t.record_date,t.send_date, t.cmd_type ,c.optr_id "+ " FROM j_ca_command t, c_done_code c " + " WHERE c.done_code(+) = t.done_code " + " AND t.card_id in ("") " + " union all " + " SELECT t.transnum,t.job_id,t.done_code,t.stb_id,t.card_id,case when t.cmd_type = 'AddProduct' then trunc(t.auth_end_date) else null end auth_end_date," + " t.prg_name,t.result_flag,t.control_id,t.error_info,t.record_date,t.send_date, t.cmd_type ,c.optr_id "+ " FROM j_ca_command_his t,c_done_code c " + " WHERE c.done_code(+) = t.done_code " + " and t.card_id in ("") " + " ) ORDER BY transnum DESC "; return createQuery(sql).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } /** * 注释 shf 2012-08-24 * @param cardId * @param start * @param limit * @return * @throws JDBCException */ // public Pager<JCaCommandDto> queryByCardId(String cardId, Integer start, // Integer limit) throws JDBCException { // return createQuery( // JCaCommandDto.class, // "SELECT t.*,'终端' terminal_type_text FROM j_ca_command t where t.card_id=?", // cardId).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); // } public Pager<JCaCommandDto> queryByCardId(String cardId, Integer start, Integer limit) throws JDBCException { return createQuery( JCaCommandDto.class, "SELECT t.*,'终端' terminal_type_text FROM j_ca_command t where t.card_id=? union all "+ "SELECT t.*,'终端' terminal_type_text FROM j_ca_command_day t where t.card_id=? union all "+ "SELECT t.*,'终端' terminal_type_text FROM j_ca_command_out t where t.card_id=?", cardId,cardId,cardId).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } public void saveCancelCaAuth(CUser user,Integer doneCode) throws Exception{ String sql="insert into j_ca_command (TRANSNUM, JOB_ID, CAS_ID, CAS_TYPE, USER_ID, CUST_ID, "+ " DONE_CODE, CMD_TYPE, STB_ID, CARD_ID,PRG_NAME, BOSS_RES_ID,CONTROL_ID,"+ " AUTH_BEGIN_DATE, AUTH_END_DATE, RESULT_FLAG, ERROR_INFO, AREA_ID, IS_SENT, RECORD_DATE ,PRIORITY)"+ " select seq_ca_transnum.nextval , ?,ts.server_id,ts.supplier_id,'"+user.getUser_id()+"',"+ " '"+user.getCust_id()+"','"+doneCode+"','CancelProduct','"+user.getStb_id()+"','"+user.getCard_id()+"',tsr.res_name,tsr.boss_res_id,tsr.external_res_id,"+ " to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24miss'),to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24miss'),'','','"+user.getArea_id()+"','N',sysdate,'10'"+ " from t_server_county tsc , t_server_res tsr , t_server ts , t_server_supplier tss"+ " where tsc.server_id = tsr.server_id and ts.server_id = tsr.server_id and tsc.county_id='"+user.getCounty_id()+"' "+ " and ts.supplier_id = tss.supplier_id and tss.server_type='CA' "; this.executeUpdate(sql, doneCode); } public List<JCaCommand> queryCurrDateCommand(String jobId, String cardId) throws JDBCException { String sqlStr = "t.TRANSNUM,t.JOB_ID,t.CAS_ID,t.CAS_TYPE,t.USER_ID,t.CUST_ID,t.DONE_CODE,t.CMD_TYPE,t.STB_ID,t.CARD_ID,t.PRG_NAME,t.BOSS_RES_ID " + ",t.CONTROL_ID,t.AUTH_BEGIN_DATE,t.AUTH_END_DATE,decode(t.is_sent,'Y','已发_','S','调度待发','')||t.result_flag RESULT_FLAG,t.ERROR_INFO,t.AREA_ID,IS_SENT,t.RECORD_DATE,SEND_DATE,RET_DATE " + ",t.DETAIL_PARAMS,t.PRIORITY ,s.supplier_cmd_name cmd_type_text "; String sql = "select "+sqlStr+",s.supplier_cmd_name cmd_type_text from j_ca_command t,(select max(supplier_cmd_name) supplier_cmd_name,supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id from t_busi_cmd_supplier group by supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id) s" + " where t.cas_type=s.supplier_id and s.supplier_cmd_id=t.cmd_type" + " and t.job_id=? and t.card_id=? " + " union" + " select "+sqlStr+",s.supplier_cmd_name cmd_type_text from j_ca_command_day t,(select max(supplier_cmd_name) supplier_cmd_name,supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id from t_busi_cmd_supplier group by supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id) s" + " where t.cas_type=s.supplier_id and s.supplier_cmd_id=t.cmd_type" + " and t.job_id=? and t.card_id=? " + " union" + " select "+sqlStr+",s.supplier_cmd_name cmd_type_text from j_ca_command_his t,(select max(supplier_cmd_name) supplier_cmd_name,supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id from t_busi_cmd_supplier group by supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id) s" + " where t.cas_type=s.supplier_id and s.supplier_cmd_id=t.cmd_type" + " and t.job_id=? and t.card_id=? " + " union" + " select "+sqlStr+",s.supplier_cmd_name cmd_type_text from j_ca_command_out t,(select max(supplier_cmd_name) supplier_cmd_name,supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id from t_busi_cmd_supplier group by supplier_id,supplier_cmd_id) s" + " where t.cas_type=s.supplier_id and s.supplier_cmd_id=t.cmd_type" + " and t.job_id=? and t.card_id=? "; return this.createQuery(sql, jobId, cardId, jobId, cardId,jobId, cardId, jobId, cardId).list(); } /** * 查询当天未发送的OSD. * @param start * @param limit * @return * @throws Exception */ public Pager<JCaCommand> queryQueuedOsd(Integer start, Integer limit) throws Exception{ String sql = "select t.* from j_ca_command t where t.cmd_type = 'SendOsd' order by t.RECORD_DATE "; return createQuery(sql).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } /** * 查询当天已发送的OSD. * @param start * @param limit * @return * @throws Exception */ public Pager<JCaCommand> querySended(Integer start, Integer limit) throws Exception{ String sql = "select t.* from j_ca_command_day t where t.cmd_type = 'SendOsd' order by t.RECORD_DATE"; return createQuery(sql).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } public void invalidOsd(JCaCommand cmd) throws Exception{ // String sql = "update j_ca_command set is_sent = 'I' where transnum = ? "; String sql = "delete from j_ca_command where transnum = ? "; executeUpdate(sql, cmd.getTransnum()); } /** * 更新计划待发送的OSD的发送标记 * @throws JDBCException */ public int updatePlanOsdSign() throws JDBCException{ String sql="update j_ca_command_osdsend set result_flag='M' where send_date<sysdate "; return this.executeUpdate(sql); } /** * 移动计划待发送的被标记OSD到正式表 * @throws JDBCException */ public void transPlanOsdToExecBySign() throws JDBCException{ String sql="insert into j_ca_command(transnum, job_id, cas_id, cas_type, user_id, cust_id, done_code, cmd_type, stb_id, card_id, prg_name, boss_res_id, control_id, auth_begin_date, auth_end_date, area_id, is_sent, record_date, detail_params, priority) " +" select transnum, job_id, cas_id, cas_type, user_id, cust_id, done_code, cmd_type, stb_id, card_id, prg_name, boss_res_id, control_id, auth_begin_date, auth_end_date, area_id, 'N', record_date, detail_params, priority " +" from j_ca_command_osdsend where result_flag='M'"; this.executeUpdate(sql); } /** * 删除被标记的计划待发送的OSD记录 * @throws JDBCException */ public void deletePlanOsdBySign() throws JDBCException{ String sql="delete from j_ca_command_osdsend where result_flag='M' "; this.executeUpdate(sql); } }