package; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.StatusConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.Pager; @Component public class CProdOrderFeeDao extends BaseEntityDao<CProdOrderFee> { //TODO 要去掉这个方法相关的所有代码 @Override public int[] update(CProdOrderFee ...entitys) throws JDBCException{ return super.update(entitys); } /** * 更新订单金额记录的余额 * @param order_fee_sn * @param output_fee * @throws JDBCException */ public void updateOrderFee(String order_fee_sn,Integer output_fee) throws JDBCException{ String sql="update c_prod_order_fee set fee=fee-? where order_fee_sn=? "; this.executeUpdate(sql, output_fee,order_fee_sn); } public List<CProdOrderFee> queryByOrderSn(String order_sn) throws JDBCException{ String sql="select * from c_prod_order_fee where order_sn=?"; return this.createQuery(sql, order_sn).list(); } /** * 根据转出信息查询订单金额明细 * @param order_sn * @param output_type * @param output_sn * @return */ public List<CProdOrderFee> queryByOutPutInfo(String order_sn,String output_type,String output_sn)throws JDBCException{ String sql="select * from c_prod_order_fee where order_sn=? and output_type=? and output_sn=? "; return this.createQuery(sql, order_sn,output_type,output_sn).list(); } /** * 清除转出信息 * @param order_sn * @param output_type * @param output_sn * @throws JDBCException public void clearOutPutInfo(String order_sn,String output_type) throws JDBCException{ String sql="update c_prod_order_fee set output_type=null ,output_sn=null,output_fee=0" + " where order_sn=? and output_type=? "; this.executeUpdate(sql, order_sn,output_type); }*/ public void deleteOrderFeeByOrderSn(String order_sn)throws JDBCException{ String sql="delete from c_prod_order_fee where order_sn=? "; this.executeUpdate(sql, order_sn); } public void updateFeeType(String order_sn,Integer done_code,String fee_type) throws JDBCException{ String sql="update c_prod_order_fee set fee_type=? where done_code=? and order_sn=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, fee_type,done_code,order_sn); } public Pager<CProdOrderFee> queryOrderFeeDetail(String orderSn, Integer start, Integer limit) throws Exception { String sql = "select t.done_code,t.order_fee_sn,t.input_type,t.fee_type,t.fee input_fee,t.create_time, t.remark input_prod_name " + " from (select * from c_prod_order_fee where order_sn=?) t" + " order by t.create_time desc"; return this.createQuery(sql, orderSn).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } public List<CProdOrderFee> queryPayedOrderFeeByUser(String custId,String[] userIds) throws Exception{ String sql ="select b.* from c_prod_order a,c_prod_order_Fee b where a.order_sn in ( "+ " select order_sn "+ " from c_prod_order "+ " where cust_id = ? "+ " and user_id in ("") "+ " and package_sn is null "+ " union "+ " select package_sn order_sn "+ " from c_prod_order "+ " where cust_id = ? "+ " and user_id in ("") "+ " and package_sn is not null) and a.is_pay='T' and a.order_sn = b.order_sn"; return this.createQuery(sql, custId,custId).list(); } /** * 查询工单回退相关的所有费用 * @param custId * @param userIds * @param taskDoneCode * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CProdOrderFee> queryTaskPayedOrderFeeByUser(String custId,String[] userIds,Integer taskDoneCode) throws Exception{ String sql ="select b.* from c_prod_order a,c_prod_order_Fee b "+ " where a.is_pay='T' and a.order_sn = b.order_sn and a.order_sn in ( "+ " select order_sn "+ " from c_prod_order "+ " where cust_id = ? "+ " and user_id in ("") "+ " and package_sn is null "+ " union "+ " select pak.order_sn "+ " from c_prod_order a,c_prod_order pak "+ " where a.cust_id = ? "+ " and a.user_id in ("") "+ " and a.package_sn=pak.order_sn and pak.done_code>? )"; return this.createQuery(sql, custId,custId,taskDoneCode).list(); } }