package com.yaochen.boss.dao; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctAcctitemActive; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctAcctitemChange; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctAcctitemInactive; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctAcctitemInactiveHis; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctPreFee; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.bill.BTaskScheduleList; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.common.CDoneCode; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.common.CDoneCodeDetail; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.cust.CCust; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JBusiCmd; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JCustAcctmodeCal; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JCustInvalidCal; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JCustWriteoffAcct; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JProdNextTariff; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JProdPreopen; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.job.JUserStop; import; import; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.user.CUser; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.BusiCodeConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.StatusConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.DataHandler; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; @Component public class JobDao extends BaseEntityDao<JBusiCmd> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3125100011171802396L; /** * 查找需要执行的资费变更任务 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<JProdNextTariff> queryTariffJob() throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from j_prod_next_tariff " + " where to_char(eff_date,'yyyymmdd')<=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')"; return this.createQuery(JProdNextTariff.class,sql).list(); } /** * 查找需要执行的报停任务 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<JUserStop> queryUserStopJob() throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from j_user_stop " + " where to_char(STOP_DATE,'yyyymmdd')<=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')"; return this.createQuery(JUserStop.class,sql).list(); } /** * 查询自动退订配置 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<BTaskScheduleList> qureyProdStopNum() throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from b_task_schedule_list where task_code =? and status = '1' "; return this.createQuery(BTaskScheduleList.class,sql,SystemConstants.TASK_CODE_TD).list(); } /** * 根据地区查找需要执行的自动退订的产品 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CProdDto> queryProdStopJob(String prodCancelDays) throws Exception{ String sql =" select * from (select cp.user_id,cp.prod_sn,cp.prod_id,cp.area_id,cp.county_id," + " caa.owe_fee, caa.real_bill,caa.active_balance+caa.order_balance all_balance" + " from c_prod cp, c_acct_acctitem caa ,p_prod pp " + " where caa.acctitem_id=cp.prod_id and caa.county_id=cp.county_id " + " and cp.acct_id = caa.acct_id and pp.prod_id = cp.prod_id and cp.package_sn is null " + " and cp.status=? and cp.status_date<=trunc(sysdate)-?"+ " and cp.stop_by_invalid_date=?" + " and pp.is_base = ? " + " and caa.active_balance+caa.order_balance -caa.owe_fee-caa.real_bill>=0" + " and not exists (select 1 from c_acct_acctitem_inactive caai " + " where caai.acct_id=caa.acct_id and caai.acctitem_id=caa.acctitem_id and caai.balance <> 0 ) " + " ) where rownum<=1000" ; return this.createQuery(CProdDto.class,sql,StatusConstants.OWESTOP,prodCancelDays,"F","F").list(); } /** * 查找 * 基本包:当前到期日在在上次发送时间13个月之后,且到期日在当前日期2个月之后; * 月包/季包/半年包 :当前到期日在在上次发送时间5个月之后,且到期日在当前日期2个月之后; * 年包:到期日不为当天,且授权到期时间不等于到期日的,需要重新发授权。 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CProdDto> queryAutoBusiCmd() throws Exception{ String sql ="select cu.card_id,cu.stb_id,cu.modem_mac,cp.* from C_PROD cp,p_prod pp,c_user cu " + " where cp.prod_type = 'BASE' and cp.last_send_time is not null and ceil(trunc(months_between(cp.invalid_date,sysdate)))>=2 " + " and ceil(trunc(months_between(sysdate,cp.last_send_time)))>=13 and cp.prod_id=pp.prod_id and pp.is_base= ? and cu.user_id=cp.user_id " + " and cp.status in ( select status_id from t_prod_status_openstop where open_or_stop='1' ) and pp.serv_id = 'DTV'" + " union all select cu.card_id,cu.stb_id,cu.modem_mac, cp.* from C_PROD cp,p_prod_tariff pt,c_user cu,p_prod pp " + " where cp.prod_type = 'BASE' and cp.last_send_time is not null and ceil(trunc(months_between(cp.invalid_date,sysdate)))>=2 " + " and ceil(trunc(months_between(sysdate,cp.last_send_time)))>=5 and cp.tariff_id=pt.tariff_id and pt.billing_cycle<12 " + " and cu.user_id=cp.user_id and pp.prod_id = cp.prod_id and pp.is_base = ? " + " and cp.status in ( select status_id from t_prod_status_openstop where open_or_stop='1' ) and pp.serv_id = 'DTV'" + " union all select cu.card_id,cu.stb_id,cu.modem_mac, cp.* from C_PROD cp,p_prod_tariff pt,c_user cu,p_prod pp " + " where cp.prod_type = 'BASE' and cp.ca_end_time is not null and cp.tariff_id=pt.tariff_id and pt.billing_cycle>=12 " + " and to_char(cp.invalid_date,'yyyymmdd')<>to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') and to_char(cp.invalid_date,'yyyymmdd')<>to_char(cp.ca_end_time,'yyyymmdd') " + " and cu.user_id=cp.user_id and pp.prod_id = cp.prod_id and pp.is_base = ? "+ " and cp.status in ( select status_id from t_prod_status_openstop where open_or_stop='1' ) and pp.serv_id = 'DTV'"; return this.createQuery(CProdDto.class,sql,"T","F","F").list(); } /** * 亚信宽带巡查 * abs(ca_end_time-invalid_date)>30,发修改用户失效日期指令 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CProdDto> queryBandAutoBusiCmd() throws Exception { String sql = "select t.* From c_Prod t,p_prod p" + " where t.prod_id=p.prod_id" + " and p.serv_id='BAND' and p.prod_type='BASE' and t.status in " + "(select ps.status_id from t_prod_status_openstop ps where ps.open_or_stop='1')" + " and abs(trunc(t.ca_end_time)-(trunc(t.invalid_date)+30)) > 2" + " and t.county_id in (" + " select sc.county_id from t_server t,t_server_county sc" + " where t.server_id=sc.server_id and t.supplier_id='YX')"; return this.createQuery(CProdDto.class, sql).list(); } /** * 查找到期的客户套餐下,还有钱的子产品 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CProdDto> queryPkgProds() throws Exception{ String sql = StringHelper.append("select cp.* from c_prod cp,c_prod pkg,p_prod_tariff pkg_tar", " where cp.package_sn=pkg.prod_sn and cp.cust_id=pkg.cust_id and cp.county_id=pkg.county_id", " and pkg.prod_type='CPKG' and pkg_tar.tariff_id=pkg.tariff_id ", " and (( pkg.status in ('OUNSTOP','OWESTOP') and pkg_tar.billing_cycle=1 and>0 ) or", " ( (pkg_tar.billing_cycle>1 or and pkg.invalid_date<=trunc(sysdate) and pkg.status in ('ACTIVE','OWESTOP')) )"); return this.createQuery(CProdDto.class,sql).list(); } public int queryAcctUnfreezeJobCount() throws Exception{ String sql = "select count(1) from c_acct_acctitem_inactive " + " where to_char(NEXT_ACTIVE_TIME,'yyyymmdd')<=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')" + " and to_char(create_time,'yyyymmdd')<>to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') and balance>0"; return this.count(sql); } /** * 查找需要执行的资金解冻任务(非首次返回) * @return * @throws Exception */ public void queryAcctUnfreezeJob(DataHandler<CAcctAcctitemInactive> dataHandler) throws Exception{ /**String sql ="select * from (select t.*,rownum num from (select c.* from c_acct_acctitem_inactive c " + " where to_char(NEXT_ACTIVE_TIME,'yyyymmdd')<=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')" + " and to_char(create_time,'yyyymmdd')<>to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')" + " and balance>0 order by rowid)t where rownum <= ? ) where num > ?";**/ String sql = "SELECT C.* " +" FROM C_ACCT_ACCTITEM_INACTIVE C " +"WHERE TO_CHAR(NEXT_ACTIVE_TIME, 'yyyymmdd') <= " +" TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd') " +" AND TO_CHAR(CREATE_TIME, 'yyyymmdd') <> " +" TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd') " +" AND BALANCE > 0"; this.queryForResult(CAcctAcctitemInactive.class, dataHandler, sql); } /** * 查找未处理过的冲正记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CDoneCode> queryReversalJob() throws Exception{ /*String sql ="select c.* from c_done_code c " + " where c.busi_code=? and c.status=? and c.flag is null rownum < 500"; return this.createQuery(CDoneCode.class, sql, BusiCodeConstants.ACCT_PAY, StatusConstants.INVALID).list();*/ String sql = "select * from c_done_code t where t.done_code='42167671' and t.flag is null"; return this.createQuery(CDoneCode.class, sql).list(); } public List<CAcctAcctitemInactiveHis> queryInactiveHisByDoneCode(Integer doneCode) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from c_acct_acctitem_inactive_his t where t.done_code=?"; return this.createQuery(CAcctAcctitemInactiveHis.class, sql, doneCode).list(); } public CAcctAcctitemChange queryAcctitemChangeByDoneCode(Integer doneCode, String acctId, String acctitemId, String feeType, String changeType) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from c_acct_acctitem_change t" + " where t.inactive_done_code=? and t.acct_id=? and acctitem_id=? and t.fee_type=? and t.change_type=?"; return this.createQuery(CAcctAcctitemChange.class, sql, doneCode, acctId, acctitemId, feeType, changeType).first(); } public CAcctAcctitemActive queryActiveAcctitem(String acctId, String acctItemId, String feeType, String countyId) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from c_acct_acctitem_active t where t.acct_id=? and t.acctitem_id=?" + " and t.fee_type=? and t.county_id=?"; return this.createQuery(CAcctAcctitemActive.class, sql, acctId, acctItemId, feeType, countyId).first(); } public void updateActiveAcctitemBalance(int balance,String acctId, String acctItemId, String feeType, String countyId) throws Exception { String sql = "update c_acct_acctitem_active set balance=balance+? where acct_id=? and acctitem_id=?" + " and fee_type=? and county_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, balance, acctId, acctItemId, feeType, countyId); } /** * doneDate为止赠送金额之和 * @param acctId * @param acctItemId * @param doneDate * @return * @throws Exception */ public int queryPresentBalance(String acctId, String acctItemId, String doneDate) throws Exception { String sql = "select sum(t.change_fee) from c_acct_acctitem_change t" + " where t.acct_id=? and t.acctitem_id=? and t.fee_type=? and t.done_date<=to_date(?,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')"; return Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql, acctId, acctItemId, SystemConstants.ACCT_FEETYPE_PRESENT, doneDate)); } /** * 查找需要执行的资金解冻任务(首次返回) * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CAcctAcctitemInactive> queryAcctFirstUnfreezeJob() throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from c_acct_acctitem_inactive " + " where balance>0 and to_char(create_time,'yyyymmdd')=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')" + " and to_char(next_active_time,'yyyymmdd')<=to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')"; return this.createQuery(CAcctAcctitemInactive.class,sql).list(); } /** * 查找需要处理的流水 */ public List<CDoneCode> queryDoneCode() throws Exception { String sql = "select nvl(param_value,0) from s_param where param_name='MAX_DONE_CODE'"; int maxDoneCode = Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql)); sql = " select a.done_code,a.busi_code,'ACTIVE' status,a.county_id from c_done_code a,t_busi_code b " + " where done_code>? " + " and a.status=? " + " and a.busi_code=b.busi_code and b.busi_type='1' " + " union all " + " select done_code,busi_code,'INVALID' status,'' county_id from c_done_code_cancel where flag=? "+ " order by done_code " ; sql = " select * from ("+sql+") where rownum<1000"; return this.createQuery(CDoneCode.class,sql,maxDoneCode,StatusConstants.ACTIVE,SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_FALSE).list(); } public List<JProdNextTariff> queryNextTariffByJobId() throws Exception { String sql = "select t.* from j_prod_next_tariff t,c_prod cp" + " where t.prod_sn=cp.prod_sn and cp.package_sn is null" + " and cp.status <> ?"; return this.createQuery(JProdNextTariff.class, sql, StatusConstants.TMPPAUSE).list(); } /** * 查找需要删除账目或者账户的任务 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<JCustWriteoffAcct> queryWriteOffAcct() throws Exception{ String sql ="select * from j_cust_writeoff_acct"; return this.createQuery(JCustWriteoffAcct.class,sql).list(); } /** * 删除账目任务 * @param jobId * @throws Exception */ public void removeAcctJob(int jobId) throws Exception{ String sql ="delete j_cust_writeoff_acct where job_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, jobId); } /** * 根据doneCode 查找业务流水明细 * @param doneCode * @param countyId * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CDoneCodeDetail> queryDoneCodeDetail (long doneCode) throws Exception { String sql ="select cd.done_code,cd.cust_id,cd.area_id,cd.county_id,cd.user_id" + " from c_done_code c,c_done_code_detail cd "+ " where c.done_code=cd.done_code "+ " and c.busi_code <> ? "+ " and c.done_code = ? "+ " union all "+ " select cd.done_code,cd.cust_id,cd.area_id,cd.county_id, fu.user_id"+ " from c_done_code_detail cd, "+ " c_done_code c, "+ " c_user u, "+ " c_user_dtv ud, "+ " c_user fu, "+ " c_user_dtv fud "+ " where cd.user_id = u.user_id "+ " and cd.done_code = c.done_code"+ " and c.busi_code = ? "+ " and cd.done_code = ? "+ " and u.user_id = ud.user_id "+ " and ud.terminal_type = 'ZZD' "+ " and cd.cust_id = fu.cust_id "+ " and fu.user_id = fud.user_id "+ " and fud.terminal_type in ('EZD', 'FZD')"; return this.createQuery(CDoneCodeDetail.class, sql, BusiCodeConstants.SYNC_ZZD_PROD, doneCode, BusiCodeConstants.SYNC_ZZD_PROD, doneCode).list(); } /** * 当天订购的所有流水明细记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CDoneCodeDetail> queryDoneCodeDetailByOrder () throws Exception { String sql ="select t.done_code,t.cust_id,t.area_id,t.county_id,t.user_id" + " from c_prod t where trunc(t.order_date) = trunc(sysdate) "; return this.createQuery(CDoneCodeDetail.class, sql).list(); } /** * 查找1小时前状态为正常没有处理过的缴费feesn * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryMaxFeeSn() throws Exception { String sql = "select nvl(max(fee_sn),0) from c_fee " + " where status=? " + " and CREATE_TIME>sysdate -1/24"; return findUnique(sql, StatusConstants.PAY); } /** * 查找促销未执行的用户 * @param maxFeeSn * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CUser> queryPromotionUsers() throws Exception{ String sql ="select distinct user_id,cust_id,county_id from c_fee " + " where fee_type=? and status=? and auto_promotion=? and user_id is not null and CREATE_TIME>sysdate -1" + " union SELECT user_id,cust_id,county_id FROM c_user where auto_promotion='F' " ; return this.createQuery(CUser.class,sql, SystemConstants.FEE_TYPE_ACCT,StatusConstants.PAY,SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_FALSE).list(); } public void updateFeeAutoPromotion(String userId,String custId,String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql ="update c_fee set auto_promotion='T' WHERE user_id=? and cust_id=? and county_id=?"; executeUpdate(sql,userId,custId,countyId); sql ="update c_user set auto_promotion='T' WHERE user_id=? and cust_id=? and county_id=?"; executeUpdate(sql,userId,custId,countyId); } /** * 更新处理过的最大流水号 */ public void updateMaxDoneCode(long doneCode) throws Exception { String sql = "update s_param set param_value = ? where param_name= ?"; executeUpdate(sql, doneCode,"MAX_DONE_CODE"); } public void updateCancelDoneCode(long doneCode) throws Exception{ String sql = "update c_done_code_cancel set flag = ? where done_code= ?"; executeUpdate(sql, SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE,doneCode); } /** * 更新处理过的最大FEESN */ public void updateMaxFeeSn(String feeSn) throws Exception { String sql = "update s_param set param_value = ? where param_name= ?"; executeUpdate(sql, feeSn,"MAX_FEE_SN"); } public void updateMaxJobId(Integer jobId) throws Exception { String sql = "update s_param set param_value = ? where param_name= ?"; executeUpdate(sql, jobId,"MAX_JOB_ID"); } public int qureyJobCount(int jobId)throws Exception { String sql ="select count(1) from j_cust_writeoff where job_id=?"; return Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql, jobId)); } public int qureyJobCount(String custId)throws Exception { String sql ="select count(1) from j_cust_writeoff where cust_id=?"; return Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql, custId)); } public void deleteTariffJob(int jobId) throws Exception { String sql ="delete j_prod_next_tariff where job_id=?"; executeUpdate(sql, jobId); } public void deleteUserStopJob(int jobId) throws Exception { String sql="insert into j_user_stop_his select * from j_user_stop where job_id=?"; executeUpdate(sql, jobId); sql ="delete j_user_stop where job_id=?"; executeUpdate(sql, jobId); } public void deleteInvalidCal() throws Exception{ String sql = "delete from J_PROD_INVALID_CAL where trunc(create_time)<trunc(sysdate)"; this.executeUpdate(sql); } public void saveInvalidCal(String prodSn,String areaId,String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql = "insert into J_PROD_INVALID_CAL(prod_sn,area_id,county_id)" + " values (?,?,?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, prodSn, areaId, countyId); } public void createCustWriteOffJob(String custId,String writeOff,String areaId,String countyId)throws Exception{ String sql = "insert into J_CUST_WRITEOFF(job_id,done_code,cust_id,area_id,county_id,writeoff)" + " values (-3,-3,?,?,?,?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, custId, areaId, countyId, writeOff); } public void createCustAcctModeJob(Integer doneCode, String custId,String areaId,String countyId)throws Exception{ String sql = "insert into j_cust_acctmode_cal(job_id,done_code,cust_id,area_id,county_id)" + " values (-1,?,?,?,?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, doneCode, custId, areaId, countyId); } /** * 查找需要取消的VOD预扣费记录 * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public List<CAcctPreFee> queryNeedCancelPreFee() throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select * from c_acct_pre_fee c", " where c.status = 'T' and c.is_valid = 'F' and c.process_flag = 2 and c.original_sn is not null"); return createQuery(CAcctPreFee.class,sql).list(); } /** * 查找资费失效且公用账目使用类型不为NONE的产品 * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CProd> queryProdWithInvalidTariff() throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select C.Prod_Sn,c.public_acctitem_type,c.county_id,c.area_id from c_prod c,p_prod_tariff p where c.tariff_id=p.tariff_id", " and p.status=? and > 0 and C.PUBLIC_ACCTITEM_TYPE <> ? and rownum < 1000"); return createQuery(CProd.class,sql, StatusConstants.INVALID,SystemConstants.PUBLIC_ACCTITEM_TYPE_NONE).list(); } /** * 查找武汉直属,副终端基本包资费为24元每月(资费ID为4357),且满3年的产品 * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public List<CProd> queryFzdProdTariff() throws JDBCException{ String sql = "select c.* from c_prod c,c_user_dtv d where c.user_id=d.user_id and d.terminal_type='FZD' AND c.next_tariff_id is null and" + " c.status='ACTIVE' AND c.prod_id='2728' and c.tariff_id='4357' and" + " c.order_date < (sysdate - 365*3) and (c.county_id='0102' or c.county_id='0101')"; return createQuery(CProd.class, sql).list(); } public List<String> queryUserGDDevices(String userId) throws JDBCException { String sql = "select distinct r.device_id from c_user t,c_cust_device t2,r_device r where (t.stb_id=t2.device_code or t.card_id=t2.device_code" + " or t.modem_mac = t2.device_code) and t2.device_id=r.device_id and t.user_id=? and r.ownership=?"; return findUniques(sql, userId,SystemConstants.OWNERSHIP_GD); } /** * 查找资费计算任务 * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public List<JCustInvalidCal> queryInvalidCal(int count,int jobId) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select * from ( select * from j_cust_invalid_cal j ", " where not exists (select 1 from j_cust_writeoff t where t.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " and not exists (select 1 from j_cust_credit_exec t1 where t1.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " order by j.job_id ) t where t.job_id > ? and rownum <= ?"); return createQuery(JCustInvalidCal.class, sql,jobId,count).list(); } /** * 查找到期日计算任务按起止地区 * (area_id > start and area_id <= end) * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public List<JCustInvalidCal> queryInvalidCalByAreaid(int count,String start,String end) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select * from ( select * from j_cust_invalid_cal j ", " where not exists (select 1 from j_cust_writeoff t where t.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " and not exists (select 1 from j_cust_credit_exec t1 where t1.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " and area_id> ? and area_id<= ?", " order by j.job_id ) t where rownum <= ?"); return createQuery(JCustInvalidCal.class, sql,start,end,count).list(); } /** * 查找账务模式判断任务按起止地区 * (area_id > start and area_id <= end) * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public List<JCustAcctmodeCal> queryAcctmodeCalByAreaid(int count,String start,String end) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select * from ( select * from j_cust_acctmode_cal j ", " where not exists (select 1 from j_cust_writeoff t where t.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " and not exists (select 1 from j_cust_credit_exec t1 where t1.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " and not exists (select 1 from j_cust_invalid_cal t1 where t1.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " and area_id> ? and area_id<= ? order by j.job_id ) t where rownum <= ?"); return createQuery(JCustAcctmodeCal.class, sql,start,end,count).list(); } public CProdDto queryProdBySn(String prodSn,String countyId) throws JDBCException{ return this.createQuery(CProdDto.class, "select cu.card_id,cu.stb_id,cu.modem_mac,cp.* from c_prod cp,c_user cu where cp.user_id=cu.user_id and cp.county_id=cu.county_id and cp.prod_sn=? and cp.county_id=?" , prodSn,countyId).first(); } /** * 查找预开通计算任务 * @param jobstep * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public List<JProdPreopen> queryProdPreopen(Integer jobstep) throws JDBCException{ String sql=StringHelper.append("select * from j_prod_preopen t ", " where t.pre_open_time>=trunc(sysdate) and t.pre_open_time<trunc(sysdate)+1 ", " and nvl(t.jobstep,0) <? "); return createQuery(JProdPreopen.class,sql,jobstep).list(); } /** * 更新预开通的执行步骤 * @param jobId * @param jobstep * @throws JDBCException */ public void updateProdPreopenStep(String jobId,Integer jobstep) throws JDBCException{ String sql="update j_prod_preopen set jobstep=? where job_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, jobstep,jobId); } /** * 保存预开通历史 * @param job * @throws JDBCException */ public void removeProdPreopenToHis(JProdPreopen job) throws JDBCException{ String sql=StringHelper.append(" insert into j_prod_preopen_his ", " (job_id,done_code,prod_sn,pre_open_time,area_id,county_id,jobstep,is_success,remark) ", " values(?,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?) "); this.executeUpdate(sql, job.getJob_id(),job.getDone_code(),job.getProd_sn(),job.getPre_open_time(),job.getArea_id(),job.getCounty_id() ,job.getJobstep(),job.getIs_success(),job.getRemark()); } /** * 删除预开通 * @param job * @throws JDBCException */ public void deleteProdPreopen(JProdPreopen job) throws JDBCException{ this.executeUpdate("delete j_prod_preopen where job_id=? ", job.getJob_id()); } /** * 查找资费计算任务 * @return * @throws JDBCException */ public List<JCustInvalidCal> queryInvalidCalForPatch(int count,int jobId) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select * from ( select * from j_cust_invalid_cal j ", " where not exists (select 1 from j_cust_writeoff t where t.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " and not exists (select 1 from j_cust_credit_exec t1 where t1.cust_id=j.cust_id)", " order by j.job_id ) t where t.job_id < ? and rownum <= ?"); return createQuery(JCustInvalidCal.class, sql,jobId,count).list(); } public void removeInvalidCalJob(Integer jobId) throws JDBCException { String sql ="delete j_cust_invalid_cal where job_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, jobId); } public void removeAcctmodeCalJob(Integer jobId) throws JDBCException { String sql ="delete j_cust_acctmode_cal where job_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, jobId); } public void updateInvoiceByDoneCode(Integer doneCode) throws JDBCException { String sql = "update c_fee c set c.invoice_book_id= "+ " (select r.invoice_book_id from r_invoice r where r.invoice_id=c.invoice_id and r.invoice_code=c.invoice_code)"+ " where c.create_time > sysdate -1 and c.invoice_book_id is null"; this.executeUpdate(sql); } public void dealProdStatusError() throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("insert into j_busi_cmd ", " select seq_job_id.nextval,-1,'PST_PROD',c.cust_id,c.user_id,c.stb_id,c.card_id,c.modem_mac,p.prod_sn, ", " sysdate,c.area_id,c.county_id,p.prod_id,'',10 from c_user c,c_prod p ", " where c.user_id=p.user_id and c.status='REQSTOP' and c.county_id=p.county_id and p.status <> 'REQSTOP'"); executeUpdate(sql); sql = StringHelper.append("update (select /*+bypass_ujvc*/ p.prod_sn,p.status from c_user c,c_prod p ", " where c.user_id=p.user_id and c.status='REQSTOP' and p.status <> 'REQSTOP' and c.county_id=p.county_id ) ", " set status='REQSTOP'"); executeUpdate(sql); } public List<CUser> queryProdIncludeUser(String countyId) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("select distinct b.cust_id,b.user_id,b.county_id from(select distinct t2.prod_id big_prod_id,t3.prod_id small_prod_id,t3.county_id ", " from c_prod_include t1, c_prod t2,c_prod t3 where t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id and t1.cust_id=t3.cust_id ", " and t1.user_id = t2.user_id and t1.user_id=t3.user_id ", " and t1.prod_sn=t2.prod_sn and t1.include_prod_sn=t3.prod_sn) a,c_prod b,c_prod c ", " where b.cust_id=c.cust_id and b.user_id=c.user_id and b.county_id=c.county_id and a.county_id=b.county_id", " and b.prod_id=a.big_prod_id and c.prod_id=a.small_prod_id and b.prod_id<>c.prod_id ", " and b.package_sn is null and c.package_sn is null and b.order_date < sysdate -0.003 and c.order_date < sysdate -0.003", " and not exists (select 1 from c_prod_include p where c.user_id=p.user_id and c.prod_sn=p.include_prod_sn) ", " and b.status='ACTIVE' and c.status='ACTIVE' and b.county_id=? and rownum < 500"); return createQuery(CUser.class, sql, countyId).list(); } public List<CCust> queryCustWithInvalidCustClass()throws JDBCException{ String sql = "SELECT t.* FROM c_cust t WHERE to_date(t.cust_class_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') <= SYSDATE"; return createQuery(CCust.class, sql).list(); } }