package; /** * 2012/07/11 */ import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcctAcctitemInactive; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.promotion.CPromFee; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.Pager; /** * CPromFeeDao -> C_PROM_FEE table's operator */ @Component public class CPromFeeDao extends BaseEntityDao<CPromFee> { /** * default empty constructor */ public CPromFeeDao() {} public List<CAcctAcctitemInactive> queryInactiveByDoneCode( Integer doneCode) throws JDBCException { String sql = "select ca.* from c_prom_fee cp,c_acct_acctitem_inactive ca where cp.prom_fee_sn=ca.promotion_sn and cp.done_code=?"; return this.createQuery(CAcctAcctitemInactive.class,sql,doneCode).list(); } public CPromFee queryPromFeeByDoneCode(Integer doneCode,String countId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from c_prom_fee c where c.done_code=? and county_id=?"; return this.createQuery(sql, doneCode,countId).first(); } public void removeWithHis(Integer doneCode, Integer feeDoneCode) throws JDBCException { //记录历史 String sql = " insert into c_prom_fee_his (select DONE_CODE create_done_code,PROM_FEE_SN,prom_fee_id, " + " CUST_ID,STATUS,AREA_ID,COUNTY_ID,CREATE_TIME,? DONE_CODE from c_prom_fee c where c.done_code=?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, doneCode,feeDoneCode); //记录历史 sql = "insert into c_prom_fee_prod_his (select * from c_prom_fee_prod c where c.prom_fee_sn in (select prom_fee_sn from c_prom_fee where done_code=?))"; this.executeUpdate(sql, feeDoneCode); //删除记录 sql = "delete from c_prom_fee_prod c where c.prom_fee_sn in (select prom_fee_sn from c_prom_fee where done_code=?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, feeDoneCode); //删除记录 sql = "delete from c_prom_fee c where c.done_code=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, feeDoneCode); } public List<CPromFee> queryPromFee(String[] promFeeIds,String custId,String countyID) throws JDBCException { String sql = "select * from c_prom_fee where cust_id = ? and county_id = ? and prom_fee_id in(" + getSqlGenerator().in(promFeeIds) + ") "; return createQuery(sql,custId,countyID).list(); } public Pager<CPromFee> queryPromFeeByCust(String custId,String countyId, Integer start, Integer limit) throws Exception { String sql = "select cp.*,pp.prom_fee_name||'_'||pp.prom_fee/100||'元_'||to_char(cp.create_time,'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') prom_fee_name from c_prom_fee cp,p_prom_fee pp where cp.prom_fee_id=pp.prom_fee_id " + " and cp.cust_id = ? and cp.county_id=? order by cp.create_time desc "; return this.createQuery(CPromFee.class, sql, custId,countyId).setStart(start).setLimit(limit).page(); } public List<CPromFee> queryCustPromFee(String custId,String countyId)throws Exception{ String sql = " select cp.*,pp.prom_fee_name,pp.prom_fee ,t.optr_id,t.busi_code from c_prom_fee cp,p_prom_fee pp,c_done_code t " + " where cp.cust_id = ? and cp.county_id = ? and cp.prom_fee_id=pp.prom_fee_id and t.done_code =cp.done_code " + " and t.county_id = ? order by cp.create_time desc "; return this.createQuery(CPromFee.class , sql,custId, countyId,countyId).list(); } }