package; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ycsoft.commons.exception.ReportException; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; import; import; @Component public class RepMyCubeDao extends BaseEntityDao<RepMyCube> { /** * 更新警戒配置 * @param template_id * @param warn_json * @throws ReportException */ public void updateWarnJson(String template_id,String warn_json) throws ReportException{ String sql="update rep_my_cube set warn_json=? where template_id=?"; try { this.executeUpdate(sql, warn_json,template_id); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e,e.getSQL()); } } /** * 根据模板id获取个人cube模板 * @param template_id * @return * @throws ReportException */ public RepMyCube queryMyCubeByTemplateId(String template_id) throws ReportException{ String sql="select * from rep_my_cube where template_id=?"; try { return this.createQuery(sql, template_id).first(); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e,e.getSQL()); } } /** * 设置模板首选 * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @param name * @throws ReportException */ public void updateMyCubeDufaultShow(String rep_id,String optr_id,String name) throws ReportException{ String sql = "update rep_my_cube set default_show=(case when name=? then 'true' else 'false' end) where rep_id=? and optr_id =? "; try { this.executeUpdate(sql,name, rep_id,optr_id); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e,e.getSQL()); } } /** * 更新模板备注 * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @param name * @param remark * @throws ReportException */ public void updateMyCubeRemark(String rep_id,String optr_id,String name,String remark) throws ReportException{ String sql = "update rep_my_cube set remark=? where rep_id=? and optr_id =? and name=?"; try { if(this.executeUpdate(sql,remark, rep_id,optr_id,name)<0) throw new ReportException("系统模板不能修改备注或模板已删"); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e,e.getSQL()); } } /** * 根据名称删名称 * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @param name * @throws ReportException */ public void deleteMyCubeByName(String rep_id,String optr_id,String name) throws ReportException{ String sql = "delete from rep_my_cube where rep_id=? and optr_id =? and name=?"; try { if(this.executeUpdate(sql, rep_id,optr_id,name)<0) throw new ReportException("系统模板不能删或模板已删"); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e,e.getSQL()); } } /** * 判断名称是否存在 * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @param name * @return * @throws ReportException */ public boolean checkMyCubeName(String rep_id,String optr_id,String name) throws ReportException{ String sql = "select * from rep_my_cube where rep_id=? and optr_id =? and name=?"; try { if(this.createQuery(sql, rep_id,optr_id,name).list().size()>0) return true; else return false; } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e,e.getSQL()); } } /** * 查询我的模板 * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @return * @throws ReportException */ public List<RepMyCube> queryMyCube(String rep_id, String optr_id) throws ReportException { String sql = "select * from rep_my_cube where rep_id=? and optr_id =? order by default_show desc"; try { return this.createQuery(sql, rep_id, optr_id).list(); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e, sql); } } /** * 查询我的有效模板 * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @return * @throws ReportException */ public List<RepMyCube> queryMyValidCube(String rep_id, String optr_id) throws ReportException { String sql = "select * from rep_my_cube where rep_id=? and optr_id =? and status=? order by default_show desc"; try { return this.createQuery(sql, rep_id, optr_id,ReportConstants.VALID_T).list(); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e, sql); } } /** * 查询我的默认首选模板 * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @return * @throws ReportException */ public RepMyCube queryDefaultShowCube(String rep_id, String optr_id) throws ReportException{ String sql = "select * from rep_my_cube where rep_id=? and optr_id =? and status=? and default_show='true'"; try { return this.createQuery(sql, rep_id, optr_id,ReportConstants.VALID_T).first(); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e, sql); } } /** * * @param rep_id * @param optr_id * @param name * @param status * @throws ReportException */ public void updateStatus(String rep_id,String optr_id,String name,boolean status) throws ReportException{ String sql="update rep_my_cube set status=? where rep_id=? and optr_id=? and name=?"; try { this.executeUpdate(sql,(status?ReportConstants.VALID_T:ReportConstants.VALID_F), rep_id,optr_id,name); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e, sql); } } /** * 根据rep_id查询模板配置 * @param rep_id * @return * @throws ReportException */ public List<RepMyCube> queryMyCubeByRepid(String rep_id) throws ReportException{ String sql="select * from rep_my_cube where rep_id=?"; try { return this.createQuery(sql, rep_id).list(); } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e, sql); } } /** * 保存我的模板 * @param mycube * @throws ReportException */ public void saveRepMyCube(RepMyCube mycube) throws ReportException{ // String sql=" insert into rep_my_cube(rep_id,optr_id,name,remark,default_show,STATUS,template_id,cube_json) " // +" values('"+mycube.getRep_id()+"','"+mycube.getOptr_id()+"','"+mycube.getName()+"','"+mycube.getRemark() // +"','"+mycube.getDefault_show() // +"','"+mycube.getStatus() // +"','"+mycube.getTemplate_id()+ // "','"+mycube.getCube_json()+"')"; // try { // this.executeUpdate(sql); // } catch (JDBCException e) { // throw new ReportException(e,sql); // } try {; } catch (JDBCException e) { throw new ReportException(e,e.getSQL()); } } }