package com.ycsoft.web.action.core; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import; import; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.fee.CFee; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.fee.CFeeUnitpre; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.print.CDoc; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.Environment; import com.ycsoft.commons.exception.ActionException; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.FileHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.JsonHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.LoggerHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.web.commons.abstracts.BaseBusiAction; /** * 处理支付的功能 */ @Controller public class PayAction extends BaseBusiAction{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1936997336680925576L; private IPayService payService; private IDocService docService; private CFeePayDto pay ; private String[] feeSn ; private String[] doneCode ; private String doneCodes ; private String custId; private CDoc doc; private String docSn; private CFeeUnitpre feeUnitpre; private String fee_sn; private String feeBusiListStr; private int donecode; private String fee_type; private boolean onlyShowInfo=false; private int newInvoiceFee; private String remark; private String invoice_code; private String invoice_id; private String invoice_book_id; private String invoice_mode; private String doc_type; private Integer realPay; private CInvoiceDto oldInvoice; private CInvoiceDto newInvoice; private String printType; private File files; private String printitemId; private String printitemName; private String payFeesData;//所有缴费数据 //合同款修改账目日期 private String contractId; private String leftAmount; private String status; private String cust_id; private String paySn; private String[] invoiceIds; public void setCust_id(String cust_id) { this.cust_id = cust_id; } /** * 查询未支付业务总额 * Map<String,Integer>: {"FEE":"未支付总额","CNT":"未支付业务数"} * 当未支付业务数>0时,未支付总额可能=0。 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryUnPaySum() throws Exception{ getRoot().setOthers(payService.queryUnPaySum(cust_id)); return JSON_OTHER; } /** * 查询待支付的费用清单和当前汇率 * 显示 费用编号 fee_sn,业务名称busi_name,费用名称fee_text,数量(当count不为空,显示count否则显示begin_date(yyyymmdd)+“-”+prod_invalid_date), * 操作员 optr_name,操作时间create_time,金额 real_pay,订单号 prod_sn,X按钮(当prod_sn不为空时显示) * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryUnPayDetail() throws Exception{ //费用信息 getRoot().setRecords(payService.queryUnPayDetail(cust_id)); Map<String, Integer> feeMap = payService.queryUnPaySum(cust_id); feeMap.put("EXC", payService.queryExchage()); //汇率 getRoot().setSimpleObj(feeMap); return JSON; } public String queryBaseFeeData() throws Exception { //汇率 getRoot().setSimpleObj(payService.queryExchage()); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 保存支付 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String savePayNew() throws Exception{ payService.savePay(pay,feeSn); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 查询支付记录的取消信息(发票信息) * @param paySn * @throws Exception */ public String queryPayToCancel() throws Exception{ getRoot().setSimpleObj(payService.queryPayToCancel(paySn)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 回退支付记录(含处理缴费记录、发票、订单支付状态和订单费用明细) */ public String canclePay()throws Exception{ payService.saveCanclePay(paySn, invoiceIds); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 取消一个费用 * 当onlyShowInfo=true只返回提示,但不执行取消 * fee_type = c_fee.fee_type * @return * @throws Exception */ public String cancelUnPayFee() throws Exception{ getRoot().setSimpleObj(payService.saveCancelUnPayFee(fee_sn,fee_type,onlyShowInfo)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 保存确认单打印 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveConfigPrint() throws Exception{ docService.saveConfigPrint(doneCode); return JSON; } /** * 查询预收费信息 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryUnitpreBusiFee() throws Exception { getRoot().setRecords(payService.queryUnitpreBusiFee()); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 预付款 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveFeeUnitpre() throws Exception { payService.saveFeeUnitpre(feeUnitpre, optr); return JSON; } /** * 查询同一地区类的所有预付款 * @param countyId * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryFeeUnitpre() throws Exception { getRoot().setRecords(payService.queryFeeUnitpre(optr.getCounty_id())); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 校验发票是否可用 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String checkInvoice()throws Exception{ getRoot().setRecords(payService.checkInvoice(invoice_id,doc_type,invoice_mode)); return JSON_RECORDS; } public String queryInvoice()throws Exception{ getRoot().setRecords(payService.queryFeeByInvoice(invoice_code,invoice_id,custId)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 修改发票状态. * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editInvoiceStatus()throws Exception{ docService.editInvoiceStatus(invoice_id,invoice_code,status); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 修改发票 */ public String saveChangeInvoice() throws Exception { String feesData = request.getParameter("feedata"); if (feesData == null){ docService.saveChangeInvoice(oldInvoice,newInvoice,docSn); }else{ Type type = new TypeToken<List<FeeDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); List<FeeDto> fees = gson.fromJson(feesData, type); docService.saveChangeInvoice(fees); } return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 修改发票 */ public String manuallyEditMInvoice() throws Exception { docService.saveManuallyEditMInvoice(oldInvoice,newInvoice,fee_sn); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 冲正 */ public String saveCancelFee() throws Exception { payService.saveCancelFee(fee_sn); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 修改费用 */ public String editFee() throws Exception { List<FeeBusiFormDto> busiFeeList = null; if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(feeBusiListStr)){ Type t = new TypeToken<List<FeeBusiFormDto>>(){}.getType(); busiFeeList = JsonHelper.gson.fromJson( feeBusiListStr , t); } payService.editFee(donecode, busiFeeList); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String changeFeelistInvoice() throws Exception { String feelistId = request.getParameter("feelist_id"); String feelistCode = request.getParameter("feelist_code"); String feelistBookId = request.getParameter("feelist_book_id"); payService.changeFeelistInvoice(custId, feelistId, feelistCode, feelistBookId, invoice_id, invoice_code, remark); return JSON_SUCCESS; } public String invalidFeeListInvoice() throws Exception { payService.invalidFeeListInvoice(donecode); return JSON; } /** * 单据页面中添加发票作废按钮. * 只有集团用户发票开错,牵扯到大批的用户时. * @return * @throws Exception */ public String invalidInvoice() throws Exception { payService.invalidInvoice(invoice_id,invoice_code,invoice_book_id); return JSON; } /** * 修改备注 */ public String editRemark() throws Exception { payService.editRemark(donecode, remark); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 查询需要支付的费用项 */ public String queryUnPay()throws Exception{ if(null == custId){ throw new ActionException("客户编号不能为空"); } getRoot().setRecords( payService.queryUnPayFees(custId) ); return JSON_RECORDS ; } /** * 保存支付信息 * @throws Exception */ public String savePay()throws Exception{ if(null == request.getParameter("notMerge")){ payService.savePayAndMerge(pay, feeSn); }else{ payService.savePay(pay, feeSn); } return JSON; } /** * 根据前台传递的feeSn * @throws Excpetion */ public String queryFeeInfo()throws Exception{ String feeSn = request.getParameter("feeSn"); if(null == feeSn){ throw new ActionException("费用项编号或类型不能为空!"); } getRoot().setSimpleObj(payService.queryFeeInfo(feeSn)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 指定客户编号。查询客户下未合并的费用项 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryUnMergeFees()throws Exception{ if(null != custId) { getRoot().setRecords(payService.queryUnMergeFees(custId)); } return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 保存合并的费用 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveMergeFee()throws Exception{ String mergeStr = request.getParameter("merges"); Type t = new TypeToken<List<MergeFeeFormDto>>(){}.getType(); List<MergeFeeFormDto> lst = JsonHelper.gson.fromJson( mergeStr , t); docService.savePrintItem(lst); return JSON; } /** * 查询打印记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryPrintRecord() throws Exception { if ("feesn".equals(printType)) //非营业费 getRoot().setRecords(docService.queryUnPrintUnitPre(fee_sn)); else if ("through".equals(printType)) { getRoot().setRecords(docService.queryUnPrintInvoice(custId)); }else if ("unit".equals(printType)) { getRoot().setRecords(docService.queryUnitUnPrintInvoice(custId)); }else if("feesnAll".equals(printType)){//充值卡费 getRoot().setRecords(docService.queryFeeSnAll(fee_sn.split(","))); }else if ("bank".equals(printType)){//银行打印 getRoot().setRecords(docService.queryYHZZPrintInvoice(custId)); } else { //重打 List<CInvoiceDto> list = new ArrayList<CInvoiceDto>(); list.add(docService.queryReprintInvoice(invoice_id, invoice_code)); getRoot().setRecords(list); } return JSON_RECORDS; } //保存手工设置发票打印内容 public String saveDocItemManual() throws Exception { String docType = request.getParameter("docType"); String doneCode = request.getParameter("doneCode"); String custId = request.getParameter("custId"); String[] docItems = request.getParameterValues("docItems"); String doc_sn = docService.saveDocItemManual(docType,doneCode,custId,docItems); getRoot().setSimpleObj(doc_sn); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 查询确认单记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryConfigPrintRecord()throws Exception{ String[] ds = null; if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(doneCodes)) ds = doneCodes.split(","); getRoot().setRecords( docService.queryPrintConfig(custId,ds)); return JSON_RECORDS; } public String queryPrintItem()throws Exception{ String custType = request.getParameter("custType"); String invoiceId = request.getParameter("invoiceId"); String invoiceCode = request.getParameter("invoiceCode"); getRoot().setRecords( docService.queryPrintItemByDoc(docSn,custType,invoiceId, invoiceCode)); return JSON_RECORDS; } public String queryUnPrintItem() throws Exception{ String doneCode = request.getParameter("done_code"); getRoot().setRecords( docService.queryPrintItemByDoneCode(doneCode)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 获取打印数据,包括打印内容及模板数据(发票) * @return * @throws Exception */ public String initPrint()throws Exception{ if(null == custId || null == doc){ throw new ActionException("客户编号或单据记录不能为空!"); } String invoiceId = request.getParameter("invoiceId"); String invoiceCode = request.getParameter("invoiceCode"); getRoot().setOthers(docService.queryPrintContent(custId, doc, getPrintSuffix(), invoiceId, invoiceCode)); return JSON_OTHER; } /** * 获取打印数据,包括打印内容及模板数据(发票) * @return * @throws Exception */ public String initConfigPrint()throws Exception{ if(null == custId || null == doneCode){ throw new ActionException("客户编号或单据记录不能为空!"); } getRoot().setOthers(docService.queryConfigPrintContent(custId,doneCode)); return JSON_OTHER; } /** * 获取打印数据,包括打印内容及模板数据(单据) * @return * @throws Exception */ public String printDoc()throws Exception{ if(null == custId || null == doneCode){ throw new ActionException("客户编号或单据记录不能为空!"); } getRoot().setOthers(docService.queryPrintContent(custId,doc, getPrintSuffix(), null, null)); return JSON_OTHER; } private String getPrintSuffix(){ String suffix = request.getParameter("suffix"); return StringUtils.isEmpty(suffix) ? "" : suffix + "-"; } /** * 冲正 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String reversePay()throws Exception{ String sn = request.getParameter("sn"); String type = request.getParameter("type"); if(null == sn ||null==type ){ throw new ActionException("费用编号不能为空!"); } payService.saveCancelFee(sn); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 根据发票id查询发票详细信息 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryInvoiceByInvoiceId() throws Exception { getRoot().setSimpleObj(docService.queryInvoiceByInvoiceId(invoice_id,invoice_code)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } public String queryInvoiceById() throws Exception { getRoot().setRecords(docService.queryInvoiceById(invoice_id)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 保存发票信息 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveInvoiceInfo()throws Exception{ String param = request.getParameter("invoiceInfo"); Type t = new TypeToken<List<InvoiceFromDto>>(){}.getType(); List<InvoiceFromDto> invoices = JsonHelper.gson.fromJson( param , t); getRoot().setSimpleObj(docService.saveInvoice(invoice_id,invoice_code,invoices)); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 退押金 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveDepositUnPay()throws Exception{ String feeSn = request.getParameter("feeSn"); if (null == feeSn) { throw new ActionException("费用编号不能为空!"); } payService.saveDepositUnPay(feeSn); return JSON_SUCCESS; } /** * 刷新前台费用信息。 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String feeView()throws Exception{ if(null == custId ){ throw new ActionException("客户编号不能为空!"); } Map<String,Object> map = payService.queryFeeView(custId); getRoot().setSimpleObj( map ); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 修改出票方式 */ public String editInvoiceMode() throws Exception{ String feeSn = request.getParameter("feeSn"); payService.editInvoiceMode(feeSn,invoice_mode,oldInvoice,newInvoice,realPay); return JSON; } /** * 定额发票调账 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editInvoiceFee() throws Exception{ payService.editInvoiceFee(fee_sn,newInvoiceFee,remark); return JSON; } /** * 修改账务日期 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String editAcctDate() throws Exception{ String feeSn = request.getParameter("feeSn"); String newAcctDate = request.getParameter("acctDate"); String oldAcctDate = request.getParameter("oldAcctDate"); payService.editAcctDate(feeSn,newAcctDate,oldAcctDate,contractId,leftAmount); return JSON; } /** * 批量修改账务日期 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String batchEditAcctDate() throws Exception{ String acctDate = request.getParameter("acctDate"); String feeListStr = request.getParameter("feeList"); Type t = new TypeToken<List<CFee>>(){}.getType(); List<CFee> feeList = JsonHelper.gson.fromJson( feeListStr , t); payService.batchEditAcctDate(feeList,acctDate); return JSON; } /** * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String loadFeeExcel() throws Exception{ String[] colName = new String[]{"cust_no","user_id","prod_sn","cust_name","cust_addr","user_type", "prod_name","fee","present_fee","invoice_id","invoice_code"}; List<PayDto> feeList = FileHelper.fileToBean(files, colName, PayDto.class); try{ payService.queryValidFeeList(feeList); }catch(Exception e){ String msg = e.getMessage(); return retrunNone(msg); } return returnList(feeList); } /** * 加载移动账单 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String loadMobileBillExcel() throws Exception{ String[] colName = new String[]{"cust_no","cust_name","user_id","acctitem_id", "prod_name","fee","done_code","create_time","invoice_id","invoice_code"}; List<PayDto> billList = FileHelper.fileToBean(files, colName, PayDto.class); try{ payService.queryValidFeeList(billList); }catch(Exception e){ String msg = e.getMessage(); return retrunNone(msg); } return returnList(billList); } /** * 移动结账 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String checkMobileBill() throws Exception{ String payFeesData = request.getParameter("payFeesData"); Type type = new TypeToken<List<PayDto>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); List<PayDto> payList = gson.fromJson(payFeesData, type); getRoot().setSimpleObj(payService.saveCheckMobileBill(payList)); return JSON; } /** * 查询打印项 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryPrintitem() throws Exception{ getRoot().setRecords(docService.queryPrintItemById(printitemId)); return JSON_RECORDS; } /** * 修改打印项 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String eidtPrintitem() throws Exception{ docService.editPrintitem(printitemId,printitemName); return JSON; } public String editBusiOptr() throws Exception { String busi_optr_id = request.getParameter("busi_optr_id"); String old_busi_optr_id = request.getParameter("old_busi_optr_id"); getRoot().setSimpleObj(payService.editBusiOptr(fee_sn, busi_optr_id,old_busi_optr_id)); request.getSession().setAttribute(Environment.CURRENT_BUSI_OPTR_ID, busi_optr_id); return JSON_SIMPLEOBJ; } /** * 打印标记 * @return * @throws Exception */ public String savePrintStatus() throws Exception { payService.savePrintStatus(fee_sn); return JSON; } /** * 取消打印标记 * @return status * @throws Exception */ public String saveCancelPrintStatus() throws Exception { payService.saveCancelPrintStatus(fee_sn); return JSON; } public String getCustId() { return custId; } public void setCustId(String custId) { this.custId = custId; } public CFeePayDto getPay() { return pay; } public void setPay(CFeePayDto pay) { = pay; } public String[] getFeeSn() { return feeSn; } public void setFeeSn(String[] feeSn) { this.feeSn = feeSn; } public CDoc getDoc() { return doc; } public void setDoc(CDoc doc) { this.doc = doc; } public void setPayService(IPayService payService) { this.payService = payService; } public void setDocService(IDocService docService) { this.docService = docService; } public void setFee_sn(String fee_sn) { this.fee_sn = fee_sn; } public void setFee_type(String fee_type){ this.fee_type=fee_type; } /** * @return the invoice_code */ public String getInvoice_code() { return invoice_code; } /** * @param invoice_code the invoice_code to set */ public void setInvoice_code(String invoice_code) { this.invoice_code = invoice_code; } /** * @return the invoice_id */ public String getInvoice_id() { return invoice_id; } /** * @param invoice_id the invoice_id to set */ public void setInvoice_id(String invoice_id) { this.invoice_id = invoice_id; } /** * @param invoice_mode the invoice_mode to set */ public void setInvoice_mode(String invoice_mode) { this.invoice_mode = invoice_mode; } /** * @return the feeUnitpre */ public CFeeUnitpre getFeeUnitpre() { return feeUnitpre; } /** * @param feeUnitpre the feeUnitpre to set */ public void setFeeUnitpre(CFeeUnitpre feeUnitpre) { this.feeUnitpre = feeUnitpre; } /** * @return the doneCode */ public String[] getDoneCode() { return doneCode; } /** * @param doneCode the doneCode to set */ public void setDoneCode(String[] doneCode) { this.doneCode = doneCode; } public void setFeeBusiListStr(String feeBusiListStr) { this.feeBusiListStr = feeBusiListStr; } public void setDonecode(int donecode) { this.donecode = donecode; } /** * @return the printType */ public String getPrintType() { return printType; } /** * @param printType the printType to set */ public void setPrintType(String printType) { this.printType = printType; } public CInvoiceDto getOldInvoice() { return oldInvoice; } public void setOldInvoice(CInvoiceDto oldInvoice) { this.oldInvoice = oldInvoice; } public CInvoiceDto getNewInvoice() { return newInvoice; } public void setNewInvoice(CInvoiceDto newInvoice) { this.newInvoice = newInvoice; } /** * @return the doneCodes */ public String getDoneCodes() { return doneCodes; } /** * @param doneCodes the doneCodes to set */ public void setDoneCodes(String doneCodes) { this.doneCodes = doneCodes; } /** * @return the docSn */ public String getDocSn() { return docSn; } /** * @param docSn the docSn to set */ public void setDocSn(String docSn) { this.docSn = docSn; } /** * @param invoice_book_id the invoice_book_id to set */ public void setInvoice_book_id(String invoice_book_id) { this.invoice_book_id = invoice_book_id; } /** * @param realPay the realPay to set */ public void setRealPay(Integer realPay) { this.realPay = realPay; } public File getFiles() { return files; } public void setFiles(File files) { this.files = files; } public void setPrintitemId(String printitemId) { this.printitemId = printitemId; } public void setPrintitemName(String printitemName) { this.printitemName = printitemName; } public void setDoc_type(String doc_type) { this.doc_type = doc_type; } public void setNewInvoiceFee(int newInvoiceFee) { this.newInvoiceFee = newInvoiceFee; } public void setRemark(String remark) { this.remark = remark; } public String getContractId() { return contractId; } public void setContractId(String contractId) { this.contractId = contractId; } public String getLeftAmount() { return leftAmount; } public void setLeftAmount(String leftAmount) { this.leftAmount = leftAmount; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public void setOnlyShowInfo(boolean onlyShowInfo) { this.onlyShowInfo = onlyShowInfo; } public void setPayFeesData(String payFeesData) { this.payFeesData = payFeesData; } public void setPaySn(String paySn) { this.paySn = paySn; } public String[] getInvoiceIds() { return invoiceIds; } public void setInvoiceIds(String[] invoiceIds) { this.invoiceIds = invoiceIds; } }