package com.yaochen.boss.dao; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BatchPreparedStatementSetter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.yaochen.boss.commons.BankConstants; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.acct.CAcct; import; import; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.bill.BBill; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.cust.CCust; import; import; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.promotion.CPromotion; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.user.BandSimpleInfo; import com.ycsoft.beans.core.user.CUser; import; import; import; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.StatusConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.constants.SystemConstants; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.DateHelper; import com.ycsoft.commons.helper.StringHelper; import com.ycsoft.daos.abstracts.BaseEntityDao; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.DataHandler; import com.ycsoft.daos.core.JDBCException; /** * @author liujiaqi * */ @Component public class BusiDao extends BaseEntityDao<BBill> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 922972498260962526L; /** * 当天到期包月产品 * @return * @throws Exception */ public void queryInvalidProd(Date invalidDate,DataHandler<CProdDto> dataHandler) throws Exception { String sql = "select cp.*,a.owe_fee,a.real_bill,a.active_balance all_balance,a.inactive_balance," +" ppt.billing_cycle,ppt.billing_type,p.is_base, tariff_rent" +" from c_prod cp,c_acct_acctitem a,p_prod p,p_prod_tariff ppt" +" where cp.acct_id=a.acct_id and cp.prod_id=a.acctitem_id" +" and cp.prod_id=p.prod_id and cp.tariff_id=ppt.tariff_id" +" and cp.stop_by_invalid_date=? and>0 and ppt.billing_cycle=1 and ppt.billing_type='BY'" +" and (cp.invalid_date=to_date(?,'yyyymmdd') or cp.invalid_date=to_date(?,'yyyymmdd'))" +" and cp.package_sn is null and cp.status=?"; this.queryForResult(CProdDto.class, dataHandler, sql, SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE, DateHelper.dateToStrYMD(invalidDate), DateHelper.dateToStrYMD(DateHelper.addDate(invalidDate, 1)), StatusConstants.ACTIVE); } public List<CProdDto> queryInvalidProd(Date invalidDate) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from (" +" select cp.*,a.owe_fee,a.real_bill,a.active_balance all_balance,a.inactive_balance," +" ppt.billing_cycle,ppt.billing_type,p.is_base, tariff_rent" +" from c_prod cp,c_acct_acctitem a,p_prod p,p_prod_tariff ppt" +" where cp.acct_id=a.acct_id and cp.prod_id=a.acctitem_id" +" and cp.prod_id=p.prod_id and cp.tariff_id=ppt.tariff_id" +" and cp.stop_by_invalid_date=? and>0 and ppt.billing_cycle=1 and ppt.billing_type='BY'" +" and (cp.invalid_date=to_date(?,'yyyymmdd') or cp.invalid_date=to_date(?,'yyyymmdd'))" +" and cp.package_sn is null and cp.status=?" +" and not exists (select 1 from J_PROD_INVALID_CAL j where j.prod_sn=cp.prod_sn)" +" ) where rownum<=4000"; return this.createQuery(CProdDto.class, sql, SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE, DateHelper.dateToStrYMD(invalidDate), DateHelper.dateToStrYMD(DateHelper.addDate(invalidDate, 1)), StatusConstants.ACTIVE).list(); } public List<CProd> queryStopProd() throws Exception { String sql = "select cp.* from c_prod cp,p_prod_tariff ppt" +" where cp.tariff_id=ppt.tariff_id" +" and cp.stop_by_invalid_date=?" +" and ppt.billing_cycle=1 and ppt.billing_type='BY' and>0" +" and cp.status <> ?"; return this.createQuery(CProd.class, sql, SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE, StatusConstants.ACTIVE).list(); } public void updateStopProd(CProd prod) throws Exception { String sql = "update c_prod set stop_by_invalid_date=? where prod_sn=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_FALSE, prod.getProd_sn()); sql = "insert into c_prod_prop_change(prod_sn,column_name,old_value,new_value,done_code,county_id,area_id) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, prod.getProd_sn(),"stop_by_invalid_date", SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE, SystemConstants.BOOLEAN_FALSE, "-222",prod.getCounty_id(),prod.getArea_id() ); } public void saveNoDelProd(CProdDto prod) throws Exception { String sql = "insert into bak.C_PROD_NODEL(prod_sn,invalid_date,active_balance,owe_fee,real_bill,inactive_balance) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, prod.getProd_sn(), prod.getInvalid_date(), prod.getAll_balance(), prod.getOwe_fee(), prod.getReal_bill(), prod.getInactive_balance()); } //查找用户名下的产品 public List<CProd> queryUserProd(String userId,String countyId) throws JDBCException{ String sql ="SELECT c.* "+ " FROM c_prod c, p_prod p "+ " where c.package_id = p.prod_id(+) "+ " and (c.package_sn is null or p.prod_type = ?) "+ " and c.prod_type<>? "+ " and c.user_id=? "+ " and c.county_id=?"; return this.createQuery(CProd.class,sql, SystemConstants.PROD_TYPE_CUSTPKG, SystemConstants.PROD_TYPE_CUSTPKG,userId,countyId).list(); } //查找用户名下开通状态的产品 public List<CProd> queryUserOpenProd(String userId,String countyId) throws JDBCException{ String sql ="SELECT c.* "+ " FROM c_prod c, p_prod p "+ " where c.package_id = p.prod_id(+) and c.status in " + " (select status_id from t_prod_status_openstop tpso where tpso.open_or_stop='1' ) "+ " and (c.package_sn is null or p.prod_type = ?) "+ " and c.prod_type<>? "+ " and c.user_id=? "+ " and c.county_id=?"; return this.createQuery(CProd.class,sql, SystemConstants.PROD_TYPE_CUSTPKG, SystemConstants.PROD_TYPE_CUSTPKG,userId,countyId).list(); } //根据套餐编号查找套餐对应的产品 public List<CProd> queryChildProd(String packageSn,String countyId) throws JDBCException{ String sql ="String * from c_prod where package_sn=? and county_id=? "; return this.createQuery(CProd.class,sql,packageSn,countyId).list(); } //设置产品之间的关系 public void saveProdInclude(String userId,List<CProdInclude> includeList) throws Exception{ String sql="delete c_prod_include where user_id=?"; executeUpdate(sql, userId); for (CProdInclude include :includeList){ sql = "insert into c_prod_include (cust_id,user_id,prod_sn,include_prod_sn) " + " values (?,?,?,?)"; executeUpdate(sql,include.getCust_id(),include.getUser_id(),include.getProd_sn(),include.getInclude_prod_sn()); } } //查找客户基本信息 public CCust queryCust(String custId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from c_cust where cust_id=? "; return this.createQuery(CCust.class,sql, custId).first(); } //查找用户基本信息 public CUser queryUser(String userId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from c_user where user_id=? "; List<CUser> userList = this.createQuery(CUser.class,sql, userId).list(); if (userList != null && userList.size()>0) return userList.get(0); else return null; } //查找用户基本信息 public CAcct queryAcct(String acctId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from c_acct where acct_id=? "; List<CAcct> acctList = this.createQuery(CAcct.class,sql, acctId).list(); if (acctList != null && acctList.size()>0) return acctList.get(0); else return null; } //查找宽带用户信息 public BandSimpleInfo queryUserBand(String userId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from c_user_broadband where user_id=? "; List<BandSimpleInfo> userList = this.createQuery(BandSimpleInfo.class,sql, userId).list(); if (userList != null && userList.size()>0) return userList.get(0); else{ sql = "select * from c_user_broadband_his where user_id=? "; return createQuery(BandSimpleInfo.class,sql, userId).first(); } } /** * 查找用户当天已经参加过的促销主题 * @param userId * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<String> queryUserPromotionTheme(String userId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select distinct theme_id from p_promotion pp,c_promotion cp " + " where pp.promotion_id= cp.promotion_id " + " and cp.create_time>=to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd'),'yyyymmdd') " + " and cp.user_id=? " + " and cp.status=?"; return findUniques(sql, userId,StatusConstants.ACTIVE); } /** * 查找客户当天已经参加过的促销主题 * @param custId * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<CPromotion> queryCustPromotion(String custId) throws Exception{ String sql = "select * from c_promotion cp " + " where cp.create_time>=to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd'),'yyyymmdd') " + " and cp.cust_id=? " + " and cp.status=? "; return this.createQuery(CPromotion.class,sql, custId,StatusConstants.ACTIVE).list(); } /** * 查找用户订购过的宽带产品历史数量 * @param userId * @return * @throws Exception */ public int queryUserBandProdHis (String userId) throws Exception { String sql ="select count(1) from c_prod_his a,p_prod b where a.prod_id=b.prod_id and " + " a.user_id=? and b.serv_id=? "; return Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql, userId,SystemConstants.PROD_SERV_ID_BAND)); } /** * 删除产品的当月账单 */ public void delNotConfirmBill (String prodSn,String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql="delete b_bill where status='0' and prod_sn=? and county_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql,prodSn,countyId); } /** * 更新本月账单的最后出账金额 */ public void updateNotConfirmBill (String prodSn,int realOweFee,String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql="update b_bill set final_bill_fee= ?,owe_fee=? where status='0' and prod_sn=? and county_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql,realOweFee,realOweFee,prodSn,countyId); } /** * 更新历史账单的final_bill_fee=final_bill_fee-owe_fee where owe_fee>0 */ public void updateConfirmedBill (String prodSn,String countyId) throws Exception{ String sql="update b_bill set final_bill_fee= final_bill_fee - owe_fee,owe_fee=0 where owe_fee>0 and prod_sn=? and county_id=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql,prodSn,countyId); } public int sumOweBill(String prodSn,String county_id) throws Exception { String sql = "select nvl(sum(owe_fee),0) from b_bill where prod_sn=? and county_id=? and status='1' and owe_fee>0"; return Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql,prodSn,county_id)); } public void cancelOweBill(String prodSn, int fee) throws Exception { BBill bill= this.createQuery(BBill.class, "select * from b_bill where prod_sn=? and status='1'", prodSn).first(); if(bill != null){ String sql = " insert into b_bill (bill_sn, cust_id, acct_id, acctitem_id, user_id, serv_id, prod_sn, prod_id, tariff_id, billing_cycle_id," +" come_from, status, fee_flag, bill_type, bill_done_code, bill_date, final_bill_fee, owe_fee, area_id, county_id,prod_type)" +" values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,sysdate,?,?,?,?,?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, this.findSequence("SEQ_BILL_SN").toString(), bill.getCust_id(), bill.getAcct_id(), bill.getProd_id(), bill.getUser_id(), bill.getServ_id(), bill.getProd_sn(), bill.getProd_id(), bill.getTariff_id(), DateHelper.format(new Date(), DateHelper.FORMAT_YM), "3","1","ZC","1","-111", fee, fee, bill.getArea_id(), bill.getCounty_id(), bill.getProd_type()); } } public void cancelRealBill(String prodSn) throws Exception { String sql = "update b_bill set status='4',bill_type='1',bill_date=sysdate,owe_fee=0,bill_done_code='-111' where prod_sn=? and status='0'"; this.executeUpdate(sql, prodSn); } public void cancelRealBill(String prodSn, int fee) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from b_bill where prod_sn=? and status='0'"; BBill bill = this.createQuery(BBill.class, sql, prodSn).first(); //销掉本月费用 sql = "update b_bill set status='1',bill_type='1',bill_date=sysdate,bill_done_code='-111' where prod_sn=? and status='0'"; this.executeUpdate(sql, prodSn); fee = (bill != null) ? (fee - bill.getOwe_fee().intValue()) : fee; //账单有可能不存在 sql = "select cp.*,p.serv_id,p.prod_type" + " from c_prod cp,p_prod p" + " where cp.prod_id=p.prod_id and cp.prod_sn=?"; CProd prod = this.createQuery(CProd.class,sql, prodSn).first(); //调掉剩余余额 sql = " insert into b_bill "+ " (bill_sn,cust_id,acct_id,acctitem_id,user_id,serv_id,prod_sn,prod_id,tariff_id,billing_cycle_id,come_from,status," + " fee_flag,bill_type,bill_done_code,bill_date,final_bill_fee,owe_fee,area_id, county_id,prod_type) "+ " values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,sysdate,?,?,?,?,?)"; this.executeUpdate(sql, this.findSequence().toString(),prod.getCust_id(),prod.getAcct_id(), prod.getProd_id(),prod.getUser_id(),prod.getServ_id(),prod.getProd_sn(),prod.getProd_id(), prod.getTariff_id(),DateHelper.nowYearMonth(),"3","1","ZC","1","-111", fee,fee,prod.getArea_id(),prod.getCounty_id(),prod.getProd_type()); } public void delRentFee(String prodSn) throws Exception { String sql = "delete from b_rentfee where prod_sn=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, prodSn); } public void saveProdProp(String prodSn, String newStopByInvalidDate, String newStatus) throws Exception { CProd prod = this.createQuery(CProd.class, "select * from c_prod where prod_sn=?", prodSn).first(); String sql = "insert into c_prod_prop_change(prod_sn,column_name,old_value,new_value,done_code,county_id,area_id)" +" select ?,'stop_by_invalid_date' column_name,?,?,-100,?,? from dual" +" union all" +" select ?,'status' column_name,?,?,-100,?,? from dual" +" union all" +" select ?,'status_date' column_name,?,?,-100,?,? from dual"; this.executeUpdate(sql, prodSn, prod.getStop_by_invalid_date(), newStopByInvalidDate, prod.getCounty_id(), prod.getArea_id(), prodSn, prod.getStatus(), newStatus, prod.getCounty_id(), prod.getArea_id(), prodSn, DateHelper.dateToStr(prod.getStatus_date()), DateHelper.formatNow(), prod.getCounty_id(), prod.getArea_id()); sql = "update c_prod set stop_by_invalid_date=?,status=? where prod_sn=?"; this.executeUpdate(sql, newStopByInvalidDate, newStatus, prodSn); } /** * 查找该账号是否为宜昌老系统用户,是返回 true * @param userId * @return * @throws JDBCException * @throws NumberFormatException */ public boolean queryYcOldBand(String userId) throws NumberFormatException, JDBCException { String sql = "select count(1) from L_YC_OLD_BAND a,c_user_broadband b" + " where a.login_name=b.login_name and b.user_id=?"; int count = Integer.parseInt(this.findUnique(sql, userId)); return count == 0 ? false : true; } public PProdTariff queryProdTariff(String prodSn,String countId) throws JDBCException { String sql = "select p.* from p_prod_tariff p ,c_prod c where p.tariff_id=c.tariff_id and c.prod_sn=? and c.county_id=?"; PProdTariff tariff = this.createQuery(PProdTariff.class, sql, prodSn,countId).first(); if(tariff == null){ sql = "select p.* from p_prod_tariff p ,c_prod_his c where p.tariff_id=c.tariff_id and c.prod_sn=? and c.county_id=?"; tariff = this.createQuery(PProdTariff.class, sql, prodSn,countId).first(); } return tariff; } public void saveProdIncludeRecord(Integer doneCode, String custId, String userId, String countyId, String isSuccess, String errorInfo) throws JDBCException { String sql = StringHelper.append("insert into prod_include_record ", " (done_code, cust_id, user_id, is_success, error_info, county_id) ", " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); this.executeUpdate(sql, doneCode,custId,userId,isSuccess,errorInfo,countyId); } public boolean isExistsUnBillByProdSn(String prodSn) throws Exception { //查询欠费大于0 的未出帐 和 已出账的账单信息 String sql = "select count(1) from b_bill t where t.prod_sn=? and t.owe_fee>0 and t.status in ('1','0')"; int count = this.count(sql, prodSn); if(count == 0){ sql = "select invalid_date from c_prod where prod_sn=?"; String dateStr = this.findUnique(sql, prodSn); if(StringHelper.isNotEmpty(dateStr)){ Date nextBillDate = DateHelper.strToDate(dateStr); return DateHelper.compareDate(DateHelper.dateToStr(nextBillDate), DateHelper.dateToStr( <= 0; } return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * 查询银行扣款记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public void queryBankGotoDisk(String fileNo, DataHandler<CBankGotodisk> handler)throws Exception{ final String sql = "SELECT * FROM c_bank_gotodisk t WHERE t.file_no=? order by bank_fee_name,cust_no,start_date"; this.queryForResult(CBankGotodisk.class, handler, sql, fileNo); } /** * 保存扣费记录,从三户资料中获取信息 * @throws Exception */ public void saveBankGotodisk(String fileNo)throws Exception{ //数字电视基本包 String SQL = "insert into c_bank_gotodisk " +" (trans_sn, file_no, cust_id, cust_no, cust_name, bank_code, bank_account, acct_id, acctitem_id," +" busi_type, bill_sn, start_date, end_date, bank_trans_sn, " +" bank_fee_name, fee, create_time, county_id, area_id,user_id,prod_sn)" +" select " +" seq_bank_trans_sn.nextval,?,a.cust_id,b.cust_no,b.cust_name,c.bank_code,c.bank_account,a.acct_id,a.acctitem_id," +" '"+ BankConstants.BUSI_TYPE_KK +"',a.bill_sn,to_date(a.billing_cycle_id||'01','yyyymmdd'),add_months(to_date(a.billing_cycle_id||'01','yyyymmdd'),1),null," +" e.prod_name,a.owe_fee,sysdate,a.county_id,a.area_id, a.user_id,a.prod_sn" +" from b_bill a,c_cust b,c_acct_bank c,p_prod e,c_prod p" +" where a.status='1' and a.owe_fee>0 and a.billing_cycle_id<to_char(sysdate,'yyyymm')" +" and p.status<>'REQSTOP' and a.cust_id=b.cust_id and a.cust_id=c.cust_id and c.status=? " +" and p.user_id=a.user_id and p.prod_id=a.prod_id " +" and a.prod_id=e.prod_id and e.serv_id='DTV' and e.is_base='T' and p.prod_id='1'"; executeUpdate(SQL, fileNo, StatusConstants.ACTIVE); //有银行扣费标记的增值产品 SQL = "insert into c_bank_gotodisk " +" (trans_sn, file_no, cust_id, cust_no, cust_name, bank_code, bank_account, acct_id, acctitem_id," +" busi_type, bill_sn, start_date, end_date, bank_trans_sn, " +" bank_fee_name, fee, create_time, county_id, area_id,user_id,prod_sn)" +" select " +" seq_bank_trans_sn.nextval,?,a.cust_id,b.cust_no,b.cust_name,c.bank_code,c.bank_account,a.acct_id,a.acctitem_id," +" '"+ BankConstants.BUSI_TYPE_KK +"',a.bill_sn,to_date(a.billing_cycle_id||'01','yyyymmdd'),add_months(to_date(a.billing_cycle_id||'01','yyyymmdd'),1),null," +" e.prod_name,a.owe_fee,sysdate,a.county_id,a.area_id, a.user_id,a.prod_sn" +" from b_bill a,c_cust b,c_acct_bank c,p_prod e,c_prod p" +" where a.status='1' and a.owe_fee>0 and a.billing_cycle_id<to_char(sysdate,'yyyymm')" +" and p.status<>'REQSTOP' and a.cust_id=b.cust_id and a.cust_id=c.cust_id and c.status=? " +" and p.user_id=a.user_id and p.prod_id=a.prod_id and p.is_bank_pay='T' and e.is_bank_pay='T'" +" and a.prod_id=e.prod_id and e.is_base='F'"; executeUpdate(SQL, fileNo, StatusConstants.ACTIVE); //vod扣费产品 SQL="insert into c_bank_gotodisk " +" (trans_sn, file_no, cust_id, cust_no, cust_name, bank_code, bank_account, acct_id, acctitem_id," +" busi_type, bill_sn, start_date, end_date, bank_trans_sn, " +" bank_fee_name, fee, create_time, county_id, area_id,user_id,prod_sn)" +" SELECT seq_bank_trans_sn.nextval,?,a.cust_id, b.cust_no, b.cust_name, c.bank_code, c.bank_account, a.acct_id, a.acctitem_id, '"+ BankConstants.BUSI_TYPE_KK +"',a.bill_sn, " + " to_date(a.billing_cycle_id || '01', 'yyyymmdd'), add_months(to_date(a.billing_cycle_id || '01', 'yyyymmdd'), 1), null, null, a.owe_fee, sysdate, a.county_id, a.area_id, a.user_id, a.prod_sn" + " FROM b_bill a, c_cust b, c_acct_bank c where a.come_from='7' and a.status='1' and a.owe_fee>0 " + " and a.billing_cycle_id < to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymm')and a.cust_id = b.cust_id and " + " a.cust_id = c.cust_id and c.status = 'ACTIVE'"; // executeUpdate(SQL,fileNo) ; } /** * 保存退款记录,从三户资料中获取信息 * @throws Exception */ public void saveBankRefundtodisk(String fileNo) throws Exception { String SQL = "insert into c_bank_refundtodisk " + " (trans_sn, file_no, cust_id, cust_no, cust_name, bank_code, bank_account, acct_id, acctitem_id," + " busi_type, bill_sn, start_date, end_date, bank_trans_sn, " + " bank_fee_name, fee, create_time, county_id, area_id)" + " select seq_bank_trans_sn.nextval,?,c1.cust_id,c1.cust_no,c1.cust_name,t.bank_code,t.bank_account,null,null," + " '" + BankConstants.BUSI_TYPE_TK + "',null,null,null,t.bank_trans_sn," + " t.bank_fee_name,t.real_fee,sysdate,c1.county_id,c1.area_id" + " from c_bank_return_payerror t,c_cust c1" + " where t.cust_no=c1.cust_no and t.refund_status is null and c1.status=?" + " and not exists(select 1 from c_bank_refundtodisk d where d.bank_trans_sn=t.bank_trans_sn)"; executeUpdate(SQL, fileNo, StatusConstants.ACTIVE); SQL = "insert into c_bank_refundtodisk " + " (trans_sn, file_no, cust_id, cust_no, cust_name, bank_code, bank_account, acct_id, acctitem_id," + " busi_type, bill_sn, start_date, end_date, bank_trans_sn, " + " bank_fee_name, fee, create_time, county_id, area_id)" + " select seq_bank_trans_sn.nextval,?,c1.cust_id,c1.cust_no,c1.cust_name,t.bank_code,t.bank_account,null,null," + " '" + BankConstants.BUSI_TYPE_TK + "',null,null,null,t.bank_trans_sn," + " t.bank_fee_name,t.real_fee,sysdate,c1.county_id,c1.area_id" + " from c_bank_return_payerror t,c_cust_his c1" + " where t.cust_no=c1.cust_no and t.refund_status is null " + " and not exists(select 1 from c_bank_refundtodisk d where d.bank_trans_sn=t.bank_trans_sn)"; executeUpdate(SQL, fileNo); } /** * 查询银行退款记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public void queryBankRefundtoDisk(String fileNo, DataHandler<CBankGotodisk> handler)throws Exception{ final String sql = "SELECT * FROM c_bank_refundtodisk t WHERE t.file_no=?"; this.queryForResult(CBankGotodisk.class, handler, sql, fileNo); } /** * 保存银行回盘记录 * @return * @throws Exception */ public void saveBankReturn(final List<CBankReturn> list)throws Exception{ final String SQL = "INSERT INTO C_BANK_RETURN " +" (BANK_TRANS_SN,TRANS_SN,BUSI_TYPE,COMPANY_CODE,CUST_NO,BANK_CODE," +" BANK_ACCOUNT,QC,XJFG,NEED_FEE,REAL_FEE,IS_SUCCESS,FAILURE_REASON," +" PAY_STATUS,PAY_FAILURE_REASON,TRANS_TIME,CREATE_TIME)" +" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, SYSDATE)"; this.getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(SQL, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int row) throws SQLException { CBankReturn b = list.get(row); ps.setString(1, b.getBank_trans_sn()); ps.setString(2, b.getTrans_sn()); ps.setString(3, b.getBusi_type()); ps.setString(4, b.getCompany_code()); ps.setString(5, b.getCust_no()); ps.setString(6, b.getBank_code()); ps.setString(7, b.getBank_account()); ps.setString(8, b.getQc()); ps.setString(9, b.getXjfg()); ps.setInt(10, b.getNeed_fee()); ps.setInt(11, b.getReal_fee()); ps.setString(12, b.getIs_success()); ps.setString(13, b.getFailure_reason()); ps.setString(14, b.getPay_status()); ps.setString(15, b.getPay_failure_reason()); ps.setDate(16, new java.sql.Date(b.getTrans_time().getTime())); } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return list.size(); } }); } }