package soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar; import soot.*; import java.util.*; import soot.toolkits.graph.*; import soot.toolkits.scalar.*; import soot.jimple.*; // EqualUsesAnalysis written by Richard L. Halpert, 2006-12-04 // Determines if a set of uses of locals all use the same value // whenever they occur together. Can accept a set of boundary // statements which define a region which, if exited, counts // // The locals being used need not be the same /** * @deprecated This class is buggy. Please use soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer.LocalMustAliasAnalysis instead. */ public class EqualUsesAnalysis extends ForwardFlowAnalysis { // Provided by client Map<Stmt, Local> stmtToLocal; Set<Stmt> useStmts; Collection<Local> useLocals; List boundaryStmts; // Calculated by flow analysis List<Stmt> redefStmts; Map<Stmt, List> firstUseToAliasSet; EqualLocalsAnalysis el; public EqualUsesAnalysis(UnitGraph g) { super(g); useStmts = null; useLocals = null; boundaryStmts = null; redefStmts = null; firstUseToAliasSet = null; // analysis is done on-demand, not now this.el= new EqualLocalsAnalysis(g); // also on-demand } public boolean areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal) { Map<Stmt, Local> stmtToLocal = new HashMap<Stmt, Local>(); stmtToLocal.put(firstStmt, firstLocal); stmtToLocal.put(secondStmt, secondLocal); return areEqualUses(stmtToLocal, new ArrayList()); } public boolean areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal, List boundaryStmts) { Map<Stmt, Local> stmtToLocal = new HashMap<Stmt, Local>(); stmtToLocal.put(firstStmt, firstLocal); stmtToLocal.put(secondStmt, secondLocal); return areEqualUses(stmtToLocal, boundaryStmts); } public boolean areEqualUses(Map<Stmt, Local> stmtToLocal) { return areEqualUses(stmtToLocal, new ArrayList()); } public boolean areEqualUses(Map<Stmt, Local> stmtToLocal, List boundaryStmts) {// You may optionally specify start and end statements... for if you're interested only in a certain part of the method this.stmtToLocal = stmtToLocal; this.useStmts = stmtToLocal.keySet(); this.useLocals = stmtToLocal.values(); this.boundaryStmts = boundaryStmts; this.redefStmts = new ArrayList<Stmt>(); this.firstUseToAliasSet = new HashMap<Stmt, List>(); // G.v().out.println("Checking for Locals " + useLocals + " in these statements: " + useStmts); doAnalysis(); // If any redefinition reaches any use statement, return false Iterator<Stmt> useIt = useStmts.iterator(); while(useIt.hasNext()) { Unit u =; FlowSet fs = (FlowSet) getFlowBefore(u); Iterator<Stmt> redefIt = redefStmts.iterator(); while(redefIt.hasNext()) { if(fs.contains( { // G.v().out.print("LIF = false "); return false; } } List aliases = null; Iterator fsIt = fs.iterator(); while(fsIt.hasNext()) { Object o =; if( o instanceof List ) aliases = (List) o; } if( aliases != null && !aliases.contains(new EquivalentValue(stmtToLocal.get(u))) ) { // G.v().out.print("LIF = false "); return false; } } // G.v().out.print("LIF = true "); return true; } public Map<Stmt, List> getFirstUseToAliasSet() { return firstUseToAliasSet; } protected void merge(Object in1, Object in2, Object out) { FlowSet inSet1 = (FlowSet) in1; FlowSet inSet2 = (FlowSet) in2; FlowSet outSet = (FlowSet) out; inSet1.union(inSet2, outSet); List aliases1 = null; List aliases2 = null; Iterator outIt = outSet.iterator(); while(outIt.hasNext()) { Object o =; if( o instanceof List ) { if(aliases1 == null) aliases1 = (List) o; else aliases2 = (List) o; } } if(aliases1 != null && aliases2 != null) { outSet.remove(aliases2); Iterator aliasIt = aliases1.iterator(); while(aliasIt.hasNext()) { Object o =; if(!aliases2.contains(o)) aliasIt.remove(); } } } protected void flowThrough(Object inValue, Object unit, Object outValue) { FlowSet in = (FlowSet) inValue; FlowSet out = (FlowSet) outValue; Stmt stmt = (Stmt) unit; in.copy(out); // get list of definitions at this unit List newDefs = new ArrayList(); Iterator newDefBoxesIt = stmt.getDefBoxes().iterator(); while(newDefBoxesIt.hasNext()) { newDefs.add( ((ValueBox) ); } // check if any locals of interest were redefined here Iterator<Local> useLocalsIt = useLocals.iterator(); while(useLocalsIt.hasNext()) { Local useLocal =; if( newDefs.contains(useLocal) ) // if a relevant local was (re)def'd here { Iterator outIt = out.iterator(); while(outIt.hasNext()) { Object o =; if( o instanceof Stmt ) { Stmt s = (Stmt) o; if(stmtToLocal.get(s) == useLocal) // if a use of this local exists in the flow set redefStmts.add(stmt); // mark this as an active redef stmt } } } } // if this is a redefinition statement, flow it forwards if( redefStmts.contains(stmt) ) { out.add(stmt); } // if this is a boundary statement, clear everything but aliases from the flow set if( boundaryStmts.contains(stmt) ) { // find the alias entry in the flow set /* List aliases = null; Iterator outIt = out.iterator(); while(outIt.hasNext()) { Object o =; if( o instanceof List ) aliases = (List) o; } */ // clear the flow set, and add aliases back in out.clear(); // if(aliases != null) // out.add(aliases); } // if this is a use statement (of interest), flow it forward // if it's the first use statement, get an alias list if( useStmts.contains(stmt) ) { if(out.size() == 0) { // Add a list of aliases to the used value Local l = stmtToLocal.get(stmt); List aliasList = el.getCopiesOfAt(l, stmt); if(aliasList.size() == 0) aliasList.add(l); // covers the case of this or a parameter, where getCopiesOfAt doesn't seem to work right now List newAliasList = new ArrayList(); newAliasList.addAll(aliasList); firstUseToAliasSet.put(stmt, newAliasList); // G.v().out.println("Aliases of " + l + " at " + stmt + " are " + aliasList); out.add(aliasList); } out.add(stmt); } // update the alias list if this is a definition statement if( stmt instanceof DefinitionStmt ) { List<EquivalentValue> aliases = null; Iterator outIt = out.iterator(); while(outIt.hasNext()) { Object o =; if( o instanceof List ) aliases = (List<EquivalentValue>) o; } if( aliases != null ) { if( aliases.contains( new EquivalentValue(((DefinitionStmt)stmt).getRightOp()) ) ) { Iterator newDefsIt = newDefs.iterator(); while(newDefsIt.hasNext()) aliases.add( new EquivalentValue( (Value) ) ); } else { Iterator newDefsIt = newDefs.iterator(); while(newDefsIt.hasNext()) aliases.remove( new EquivalentValue( (Value) ) ); } } } } protected void copy(Object source, Object dest) { FlowSet sourceSet = (FlowSet) source; FlowSet destSet = (FlowSet) dest; sourceSet.copy(destSet); } protected Object entryInitialFlow() { return new ArraySparseSet(); } protected Object newInitialFlow() { return new ArraySparseSet(); } }