package soot.JastAddJ; import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import;import java.util.*;import beaver.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import*;import*;import;import java.util.Collection;import soot.*;import soot.util.*;import soot.jimple.*;import soot.coffi.ClassFile;import soot.coffi.method_info;import soot.coffi.CONSTANT_Utf8_info;import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;import soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource; public class Program extends ASTNode<ASTNode> implements Cloneable { public void flushCache() { super.flushCache(); typeObject_computed = false; typeObject_value = null; typeCloneable_computed = false; typeCloneable_value = null; typeSerializable_computed = false; typeSerializable_value = null; typeBoolean_computed = false; typeBoolean_value = null; typeByte_computed = false; typeByte_value = null; typeShort_computed = false; typeShort_value = null; typeChar_computed = false; typeChar_value = null; typeInt_computed = false; typeInt_value = null; typeLong_computed = false; typeLong_value = null; typeFloat_computed = false; typeFloat_value = null; typeDouble_computed = false; typeDouble_value = null; typeString_computed = false; typeString_value = null; typeVoid_computed = false; typeVoid_value = null; typeNull_computed = false; typeNull_value = null; unknownType_computed = false; unknownType_value = null; hasPackage_String_values = null; lookupType_String_String_values = null; unknownConstructor_computed = false; unknownConstructor_value = null; wildcards_computed = false; wildcards_value = null; } public void flushCollectionCache() { super.flushCollectionCache(); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Program clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Program node = (Program)super.clone(); node.typeObject_computed = false; node.typeObject_value = null; node.typeCloneable_computed = false; node.typeCloneable_value = null; node.typeSerializable_computed = false; node.typeSerializable_value = null; node.typeBoolean_computed = false; node.typeBoolean_value = null; node.typeByte_computed = false; node.typeByte_value = null; node.typeShort_computed = false; node.typeShort_value = null; node.typeChar_computed = false; node.typeChar_value = null; node.typeInt_computed = false; node.typeInt_value = null; node.typeLong_computed = false; node.typeLong_value = null; node.typeFloat_computed = false; node.typeFloat_value = null; node.typeDouble_computed = false; node.typeDouble_value = null; node.typeString_computed = false; node.typeString_value = null; node.typeVoid_computed = false; node.typeVoid_value = null; node.typeNull_computed = false; node.typeNull_value = null; node.unknownType_computed = false; node.unknownType_value = null; node.hasPackage_String_values = null; node.lookupType_String_String_values = null; node.unknownConstructor_computed = false; node.unknownConstructor_value = null; node.wildcards_computed = false; node.wildcards_value = null;$Circle(false);$Final(false); return node; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Program copy() { try { Program node = (Program)clone(); if(children != null) node.children = (ASTNode[])children.clone(); return node; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } System.err.println("Error: Could not clone node of type " + getClass().getName() + "!"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Program fullCopy() { Program res = (Program)copy(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { ASTNode node = getChildNoTransform(i); if(node != null) node = node.fullCopy(); res.setChild(node, i); } return res; } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 22 protected BytecodeReader bytecodeReader; // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 23 public void initBytecodeReader(BytecodeReader r) { bytecodeReader = r; } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 24 protected JavaParser javaParser; // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 25 public void initJavaParser(JavaParser p) { javaParser = p; } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 35 // add a filename to the list of source files to process public void addSourceFile(String name) { sourceFiles.addSourceFile(name); } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 41 // iterate over all source files and demand-loaded compilation units public Iterator compilationUnitIterator() { initPaths(); return new Iterator() { int index = 0; public boolean hasNext() { return index < getNumCompilationUnit() || !sourceFiles.isEmpty(); } public Object next() { if(getNumCompilationUnit() == index) { String typename = (String)sourceFiles.keySet().iterator().next(); CompilationUnit u = getCompilationUnit(typename); if(u != null) { addCompilationUnit(u); getCompilationUnit(getNumCompilationUnit()-1); } else throw new Error("File " + typename + " not found"); } return getCompilationUnit(index++); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 70 // get the input stream for a compilation unit specified using // a canonical name. This is used by the bytecode reader to load // nested types public InputStream getInputStream(String name) { initPaths(); try { for(Iterator iter = classPath.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { PathPart part = (PathPart); if(part.selectCompilationUnit(name)) return; } } catch(IOException e) { } throw new Error("Could not find nested type " + name); } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 137 // is there a package named name on the path public boolean isPackage(String name) { if(sourceFiles.hasPackage(name)) return true; for(Iterator iter = classPath.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { PathPart part = (PathPart); if(part.hasPackage(name)) return true; } for(Iterator iter = sourcePath.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { PathPart part = (PathPart); if(part.hasPackage(name)) return true; } return false; } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 167 private boolean pathsInitialized = false; // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 168 private java.util.ArrayList classPath; // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 169 private java.util.ArrayList sourcePath; // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 170 private FileNamesPart sourceFiles = new FileNamesPart(this); // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 172 public void pushClassPath(String name) { PathPart part = PathPart.createSourcePath(name, this); if(part != null) { sourcePath.add(part); System.out.println("Pushing source path " + name); } else throw new Error("Could not push source path " + name); part = PathPart.createClassPath(name, this); if(part != null) { classPath.add(part); System.out.println("Pushing class path " + name); } } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 186 public void popClassPath() { if(sourcePath.size() > 0) sourcePath.remove(sourcePath.size()-1); if(classPath.size() > 0) classPath.remove(classPath.size()-1); } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 193 public void initPaths() { if(!pathsInitialized) { pathsInitialized = true; //System.err.println("Initializing class paths"); ArrayList classPaths = new ArrayList(); ArrayList sourcePaths = new ArrayList(); String[] bootclasspaths; if(options().hasValueForOption("-bootclasspath")) bootclasspaths = options().getValueForOption("-bootclasspath").split(File.pathSeparator); else bootclasspaths = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path").split(File.pathSeparator); for(int i = 0; i < bootclasspaths.length; i++) { classPaths.add(bootclasspaths[i]); //System.err.println("Adding classpath " + bootclasspaths[i]); } String[] extdirs; if(options().hasValueForOption("-extdirs")) extdirs = options().getValueForOption("-extdirs").split(File.pathSeparator); else extdirs = System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs").split(File.pathSeparator); for(int i = 0; i < extdirs.length; i++) { classPaths.add(extdirs[i]); //System.err.println("Adding classpath " + extdirs[i]); } String[] userClasses = null; if(options().hasValueForOption("-classpath")) userClasses = options().getValueForOption("-classpath").split(File.pathSeparator); else { String s = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); if(s != null && s.length() > 0) { s = s + File.pathSeparator + "."; // TODO; This should not be necessary userClasses = s.split(File.pathSeparator); } else userClasses = ".".split(File.pathSeparator); } if(!options().hasValueForOption("-sourcepath")) { for(int i = 0; i < userClasses.length; i++) { classPaths.add(userClasses[i]); sourcePaths.add(userClasses[i]); //System.err.println("Adding classpath/sourcepath " + userClasses[i]); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < userClasses.length; i++) { classPaths.add(userClasses[i]); //System.err.println("Adding classpath " + userClasses[i]); } userClasses = options().getValueForOption("-sourcepath").split(File.pathSeparator); for(int i = 0; i < userClasses.length; i++) { sourcePaths.add(userClasses[i]); //System.err.println("Adding sourcepath " + userClasses[i]); } } classPath = new ArrayList(); sourcePath = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator iter = classPaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String s = (String); PathPart part = PathPart.createClassPath(s, this); if(part != null) { classPath.add(part); //System.out.println("Adding classpath " + s); } else if(options().verbose()) System.out.println("Warning: Could not use " + s + " as class path"); } for(Iterator iter = sourcePaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String s = (String); PathPart part = PathPart.createSourcePath(s, this); if(part != null) { sourcePath.add(part); //System.out.println("Adding sourcepath " + s); } else if(options().verbose()) System.out.println("Warning: Could not use " + s + " as source path"); } } } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 546 // remove user defined classes from this program but keep library classes public void simpleReset() { lookupType_String_String_values = new HashMap(); hasPackage_String_values = new HashMap(); List list = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumCompilationUnit(); i++) { CompilationUnit unit = getCompilationUnit(i); if(!unit.fromSource()) { list.add(unit); } } setCompilationUnitList(list); } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 208 public void errorCheck(Collection collection) { for(Iterator iter = compilationUnitIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit); if(cu.fromSource()) { cu.collectErrors(); collection.addAll(cu.errors); } } } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 217 public void errorCheck(Collection collection, Collection warn) { for(Iterator iter = compilationUnitIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit); if(cu.fromSource()) { cu.collectErrors(); collection.addAll(cu.errors); warn.addAll(cu.warnings); } } } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 238 public boolean errorCheck() { Collection collection = new LinkedList(); errorCheck(collection); if(collection.isEmpty()) return false; System.out.println("Errors:"); for(Iterator iter = collection.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String s = (String); System.out.println(s); } return true; } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 103 public int classFileReadTime; // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 23 public void toString(StringBuffer s) { for(Iterator iter = compilationUnitIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit); if(cu.fromSource()) { cu.toString(s); } } } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 819 public String dumpTree() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); for(Iterator iter = compilationUnitIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit); if(cu.fromSource()) { s.append(cu.dumpTree()); } } return s.toString(); } // Declared in PrimitiveTypes.jrag at line 13 private boolean initPrimTypes = false; // Declared in PrimitiveTypes.jrag at line 15 public void addPrimitiveTypes() { if(!initPrimTypes) { initPrimTypes = true; CompilationUnit u = new CompilationUnit(); u.setPackageDecl(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME); addCompilationUnit(u); TypeDecl classDecl = generateUnknownType(); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); TypeDecl unknown = classDecl; classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new BooleanType(), "boolean", unknown); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new DoubleType(), "double", unknown); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new FloatType(), "float", classDecl); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new LongType(), "long", classDecl); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new IntType(), "int", classDecl); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); TypeDecl intDecl = classDecl; classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new ShortType(), "short", classDecl); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new ByteType(), "byte", classDecl); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = generatePrimitiveType(new CharType(), "char", intDecl); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = new NullType(); classDecl.setModifiers(new Modifiers(new List().add(new Modifier("public")))); classDecl.setID("null"); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); classDecl = new VoidType(); classDecl.setModifiers(new Modifiers(new List().add(new Modifier("public")))); classDecl.setID("void"); u.addTypeDecl(classDecl); } } // Declared in PrimitiveTypes.jrag at line 65 public TypeDecl generatePrimitiveType(PrimitiveType type, String name, TypeDecl superType) { type.setModifiers(new Modifiers(new List().add(new Modifier("public")))); type.setID(name); if(superType != null) type.setSuperClassAccess(superType.createQualifiedAccess()); return type; } // Declared in PrimitiveTypes.jrag at line 73 private TypeDecl generateUnknownType() { ClassDecl classDecl = new UnknownType(); classDecl.setModifiers(new Modifiers(new List().add(new Modifier("public")))); classDecl.setID("Unknown"); MethodDecl methodDecl = new MethodDecl( new Modifiers(new List().add( new Modifier("public") )), new PrimitiveTypeAccess("Unknown"), "unknown", new List(), new List(), new Opt() ); classDecl.addBodyDecl(methodDecl); FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = new FieldDeclaration( new Modifiers(new List().add( new Modifier("public") )), new PrimitiveTypeAccess("Unknown"), "unknown", new Opt() ); classDecl.addBodyDecl(fieldDecl); ConstructorDecl constrDecl = new ConstructorDecl( new Modifiers(new List().add(new Modifier("public"))), "Unknown", new List(), new List(), new Opt(), new Block() ); classDecl.addBodyDecl(constrDecl); return classDecl; } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 19 public void jimplify1() { for(Iterator iter = compilationUnitIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CompilationUnit u = (CompilationUnit); if(u.fromSource()) u.jimplify1phase1(); } for(Iterator iter = compilationUnitIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CompilationUnit u = (CompilationUnit); if(u.fromSource()) u.jimplify1phase2(); } } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 359 // hostType().getSootClassDecl().getField(name(), type().getSootType()).makeRef(); public void jimplify2() { for(Iterator iter = compilationUnitIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CompilationUnit u = (CompilationUnit); if(u.fromSource()) u.jimplify2(); } } // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 3 public static final int SRC_PREC_JAVA = 1; // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 4 public static final int SRC_PREC_CLASS = 2; // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 5 public static final int SRC_PREC_ONLY_CLASS = 3; // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 7 private int srcPrec = 0; // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 8 public void setSrcPrec(int i) { srcPrec = i; } // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 14 private HashMap loadedCompilationUnit = new HashMap(); // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 15 public boolean hasLoadedCompilationUnit(String fileName) { return loadedCompilationUnit.containsKey(fileName); } // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 18 public CompilationUnit getCachedOrLoadCompilationUnit(String fileName) { if(loadedCompilationUnit.containsKey(fileName)) return (CompilationUnit)loadedCompilationUnit.get(fileName); addSourceFile(fileName); return (CompilationUnit)loadedCompilationUnit.get(fileName); } // Declared in IncrementalJimple.jrag at line 12 public void releaseCompilationUnitForFile(String fileName) { //clear caches lookupType_String_String_values = new HashMap(); hasPackage_String_values = new HashMap(); loadedCompilationUnit.remove(fileName); List<CompilationUnit> newList = new List<CompilationUnit>(); for (soot.JastAddJ.CompilationUnit cu : getCompilationUnits()) { boolean dontAdd = false; if(cu.fromSource()) { String pathName = cu.pathName(); if (pathName.equals(fileName)) { dontAdd = true; } } if(!dontAdd) { newList.add(cu); } } setCompilationUnitList(newList); } // Declared in java.ast at line 3 // Declared in java.ast line 1 public Program() { super(); setChild(new List(), 0); is$Final(true); } // Declared in java.ast at line 12 // Declared in java.ast line 1 public Program(List<CompilationUnit> p0) { setChild(p0, 0); is$Final(true); } // Declared in java.ast at line 17 protected int numChildren() { return 1; } // Declared in java.ast at line 20 public boolean mayHaveRewrite() { return false; } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 1 public void setCompilationUnitList(List<CompilationUnit> list) { setChild(list, 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public int getNumCompilationUnit() { return getCompilationUnitList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(int i) { return (CompilationUnit)getCompilationUnitList().getChild(i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void refined__Program_addCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) { List<CompilationUnit> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getCompilationUnitListNoTransform() : getCompilationUnitList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 19 public void addCompilationUnitNoTransform(CompilationUnit node) { List<CompilationUnit> list = getCompilationUnitListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 24 public void setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node, int i) { List<CompilationUnit> list = getCompilationUnitList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 28 public List<CompilationUnit> getCompilationUnits() { return getCompilationUnitList(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 31 public List<CompilationUnit> getCompilationUnitsNoTransform() { return getCompilationUnitListNoTransform(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 35 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<CompilationUnit> refined__Program_getCompilationUnitList() { List<CompilationUnit> list = (List<CompilationUnit>)getChild(0); list.getNumChild(); return list; } // Declared in java.ast at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<CompilationUnit> getCompilationUnitListNoTransform() { return (List<CompilationUnit>)getChildNoTransform(0); } // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 36 public CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(String name) { initPaths(); try { if(sourceFiles.selectCompilationUnit(name)) return sourceFiles.getCompilationUnit(); PathPart sourcePart = null; PathPart classPart = null; for(Iterator iter = sourcePath.iterator(); iter.hasNext() && sourcePart == null; ) { PathPart part = (PathPart); if(part.selectCompilationUnit(name)) sourcePart = part; } for(Iterator iter = classPath.iterator(); iter.hasNext() && classPart == null; ) { PathPart part = (PathPart); if(part.selectCompilationUnit(name)) classPart = part; } if(sourcePart != null && srcPrec == SRC_PREC_JAVA) { CompilationUnit unit = sourcePart.getCompilationUnit(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if(index == -1) return unit; String pkgName = name.substring(0, index); if(pkgName.equals(unit.getPackageDecl())) return unit; } if(classPart != null && srcPrec == SRC_PREC_CLASS) { CompilationUnit unit = classPart.getCompilationUnit(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if(index == -1) return unit; String pkgName = name.substring(0, index); if(pkgName.equals(unit.getPackageDecl())) return unit; } if(srcPrec == SRC_PREC_ONLY_CLASS) { if(classPart != null) { CompilationUnit unit = classPart.getCompilationUnit(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if(index == -1) return unit; String pkgName = name.substring(0, index); if(pkgName.equals(unit.getPackageDecl())) return unit; } } else if(sourcePart != null && (classPart == null || classPart.age <= sourcePart.age)) { CompilationUnit unit = sourcePart.getCompilationUnit(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if(index == -1) return unit; String pkgName = name.substring(0, index); if(pkgName.equals(unit.getPackageDecl())) return unit; } else if(classPart != null) { CompilationUnit unit = classPart.getCompilationUnit(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if(index == -1) return unit; String pkgName = name.substring(0, index); if(pkgName.equals(unit.getPackageDecl())) return unit; } return null; } catch(IOException e) { } return null; } // Declared in ClassLoading.jrag at line 25 void addCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit unit) { try { if(unit.pathName() != null) { String fileName = new File(unit.pathName()).getCanonicalPath(); loadedCompilationUnit.put(fileName, unit); } } catch (IOException e) { } refined__Program_addCompilationUnit(unit); } // Declared in ClassPath.jrag at line 84 public List getCompilationUnitList() { initPaths(); return refined__Program_getCompilationUnitList(); } protected boolean typeObject_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeObject_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 15 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeObject() { if(typeObject_computed) { return typeObject_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeObject_value = typeObject_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeObject_computed = true; return typeObject_value; } private TypeDecl typeObject_compute() { return lookupType("java.lang", "Object"); } protected boolean typeCloneable_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeCloneable_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 16 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeCloneable() { if(typeCloneable_computed) { return typeCloneable_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeCloneable_value = typeCloneable_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeCloneable_computed = true; return typeCloneable_value; } private TypeDecl typeCloneable_compute() { return lookupType("java.lang", "Cloneable"); } protected boolean typeSerializable_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeSerializable_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 17 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeSerializable() { if(typeSerializable_computed) { return typeSerializable_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeSerializable_value = typeSerializable_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeSerializable_computed = true; return typeSerializable_value; } private TypeDecl typeSerializable_compute() { return lookupType("", "Serializable"); } protected boolean typeBoolean_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeBoolean_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 22 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeBoolean() { if(typeBoolean_computed) { return typeBoolean_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeBoolean_value = typeBoolean_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeBoolean_computed = true; return typeBoolean_value; } private TypeDecl typeBoolean_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME, "boolean"); } protected boolean typeByte_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeByte_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 23 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeByte() { if(typeByte_computed) { return typeByte_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeByte_value = typeByte_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeByte_computed = true; return typeByte_value; } private TypeDecl typeByte_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME , "byte"); } protected boolean typeShort_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeShort_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 24 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeShort() { if(typeShort_computed) { return typeShort_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeShort_value = typeShort_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeShort_computed = true; return typeShort_value; } private TypeDecl typeShort_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME , "short"); } protected boolean typeChar_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeChar_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 25 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeChar() { if(typeChar_computed) { return typeChar_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeChar_value = typeChar_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeChar_computed = true; return typeChar_value; } private TypeDecl typeChar_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME , "char"); } protected boolean typeInt_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeInt_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 26 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeInt() { if(typeInt_computed) { return typeInt_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeInt_value = typeInt_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeInt_computed = true; return typeInt_value; } private TypeDecl typeInt_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME , "int"); } protected boolean typeLong_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeLong_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 27 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeLong() { if(typeLong_computed) { return typeLong_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeLong_value = typeLong_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeLong_computed = true; return typeLong_value; } private TypeDecl typeLong_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME , "long"); } protected boolean typeFloat_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeFloat_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 28 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeFloat() { if(typeFloat_computed) { return typeFloat_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeFloat_value = typeFloat_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeFloat_computed = true; return typeFloat_value; } private TypeDecl typeFloat_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME , "float"); } protected boolean typeDouble_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeDouble_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 29 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeDouble() { if(typeDouble_computed) { return typeDouble_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeDouble_value = typeDouble_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeDouble_computed = true; return typeDouble_value; } private TypeDecl typeDouble_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME , "double"); } protected boolean typeString_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeString_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 30 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeString() { if(typeString_computed) { return typeString_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeString_value = typeString_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeString_computed = true; return typeString_value; } private TypeDecl typeString_compute() { return lookupType("java.lang", "String"); } protected boolean typeVoid_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeVoid_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeVoid() { if(typeVoid_computed) { return typeVoid_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeVoid_value = typeVoid_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeVoid_computed = true; return typeVoid_value; } private TypeDecl typeVoid_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME, "void"); } protected boolean typeNull_computed = false; protected TypeDecl typeNull_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 43 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeNull() { if(typeNull_computed) { return typeNull_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); typeNull_value = typeNull_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) typeNull_computed = true; return typeNull_value; } private TypeDecl typeNull_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME, "null"); } protected boolean unknownType_computed = false; protected TypeDecl unknownType_value; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 46 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl unknownType() { if(unknownType_computed) { return unknownType_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); unknownType_value = unknownType_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) unknownType_computed = true; return unknownType_value; } private TypeDecl unknownType_compute() { return lookupType(PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME, "Unknown"); } protected java.util.Map hasPackage_String_values; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 77 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean hasPackage(String packageName) { Object _parameters = packageName; if(hasPackage_String_values == null) hasPackage_String_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(hasPackage_String_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)hasPackage_String_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean hasPackage_String_value = hasPackage_compute(packageName); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) hasPackage_String_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(hasPackage_String_value)); return hasPackage_String_value; } private boolean hasPackage_compute(String packageName) { return isPackage(packageName); } protected java.util.Map lookupType_String_String_values; // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 105 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl lookupType(String packageName, String typeName) { java.util.List _parameters = new java.util.ArrayList(2); _parameters.add(packageName); _parameters.add(typeName); if(lookupType_String_String_values == null) lookupType_String_String_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(lookupType_String_String_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return (TypeDecl)lookupType_String_String_values.get(_parameters); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); TypeDecl lookupType_String_String_value = lookupType_compute(packageName, typeName); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) lookupType_String_String_values.put(_parameters, lookupType_String_String_value); return lookupType_String_String_value; } private TypeDecl lookupType_compute(String packageName, String typeName) { addPrimitiveTypes(); String fullName = packageName.equals("") ? typeName : packageName + "." + typeName; for(int i = 0; i < getNumCompilationUnit(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < getCompilationUnit(i).getNumTypeDecl(); j++) { TypeDecl type = getCompilationUnit(i).getTypeDecl(j); if(type.fullName().equals(fullName)) { return type; } } } CompilationUnit u = getCompilationUnit(fullName); if(u != null) { addCompilationUnit(u); getCompilationUnit(getNumCompilationUnit()-1); for(int j = 0; j < u.getNumTypeDecl(); j++) { if(u.getTypeDecl(j).name().equals(typeName)) { return u.getTypeDecl(j); } } //throw new Error("No type named " + typeName + " in file " + fullName + ", " + u.pathName() + ", " + u.relativeName()); } return null; } protected boolean unknownConstructor_computed = false; protected ConstructorDecl unknownConstructor_value; // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 245 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ConstructorDecl unknownConstructor() { if(unknownConstructor_computed) { return unknownConstructor_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); unknownConstructor_value = unknownConstructor_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) unknownConstructor_computed = true; return unknownConstructor_value; } private ConstructorDecl unknownConstructor_compute() { return (ConstructorDecl)unknownType().constructors().iterator().next(); } protected boolean wildcards_computed = false; protected WildcardsCompilationUnit wildcards_value; // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1113 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public WildcardsCompilationUnit wildcards() { if(wildcards_computed) { return wildcards_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); wildcards_value = wildcards_compute(); wildcards_value.setParent(this);$Final = true; if(true) wildcards_computed = true; return wildcards_value; } private WildcardsCompilationUnit wildcards_compute() { return new WildcardsCompilationUnit( "wildcards", new List(), new List() ); } // Declared in AnonymousClasses.jrag at line 16 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_superType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_superType(this, caller); } // Declared in AnonymousClasses.jrag at line 26 public ConstructorDecl Define_ConstructorDecl_constructorDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_ConstructorDecl_constructorDecl(this, caller); } // Declared in Arrays.jrag at line 19 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_componentType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return unknownType(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_componentType(this, caller); } // Declared in BranchTarget.jrag at line 173 public LabeledStmt Define_LabeledStmt_lookupLabel(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_LabeledStmt_lookupLabel(this, caller, name); } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 16 public boolean Define_boolean_isDest(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isDest(this, caller); } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 26 public boolean Define_boolean_isSource(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isSource(this, caller); } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 50 public boolean Define_boolean_isIncOrDec(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isIncOrDec(this, caller); } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 326 public boolean Define_boolean_isDAbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isDAbefore(this, caller, v); } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 711 public boolean Define_boolean_isDUbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isDUbefore(this, caller, v); } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 13 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return lookupType("java.lang", "Exception"); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeException(this, caller); } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 15 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeRuntimeException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return lookupType("java.lang", "RuntimeException"); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeRuntimeException(this, caller); } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 17 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeError(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return lookupType("java.lang", "Error"); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeError(this, caller); } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 19 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeNullPointerException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return lookupType("java.lang", "NullPointerException"); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeNullPointerException(this, caller); } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 21 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeThrowable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return lookupType("java.lang", "Throwable"); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeThrowable(this, caller); } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 114 public boolean Define_boolean_handlesException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl exceptionType) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); { throw new Error("Operation handlesException not supported"); } } return getParent().Define_boolean_handlesException(this, caller, exceptionType); } // Declared in LookupConstructor.jrag at line 15 public Collection Define_Collection_lookupConstructor(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return getParent().Define_Collection_lookupConstructor(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupConstructor.jrag at line 24 public Collection Define_Collection_lookupSuperConstructor(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return getParent().Define_Collection_lookupSuperConstructor(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 21 public Expr Define_Expr_nestedScope(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } return getParent().Define_Expr_nestedScope(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 33 public Collection Define_Collection_lookupMethod(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return getParent().Define_Collection_lookupMethod(this, caller, name); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 18 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeObject(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeObject(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeObject(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 19 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeCloneable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeCloneable(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeCloneable(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 20 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeSerializable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeSerializable(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeSerializable(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 31 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeBoolean(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeBoolean(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeBoolean(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 32 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeByte(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeByte(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeByte(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 33 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeShort(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeShort(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeShort(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 34 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeChar(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeChar(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeChar(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 35 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeInt(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeInt(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeInt(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 36 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeLong(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeLong(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeLong(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 37 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeFloat(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeFloat(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeFloat(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 38 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeDouble(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeDouble(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeDouble(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 39 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeString(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeString(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeString(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 42 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeVoid(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeVoid(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeVoid(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 44 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeNull(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeNull(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeNull(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 47 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_unknownType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return unknownType(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_unknownType(this, caller); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 81 public boolean Define_boolean_hasPackage(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String packageName) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return hasPackage(packageName); } return getParent().Define_boolean_hasPackage(this, caller, packageName); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 101 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_lookupType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String packageName, String typeName) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return lookupType(packageName, typeName); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_lookupType(this, caller, packageName, typeName); } // Declared in LookupType.jrag at line 178 public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_lookupType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return SimpleSet.emptySet; } return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupType(this, caller, name); } // Declared in LookupVariable.jrag at line 24 public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return SimpleSet.emptySet; } return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(this, caller, name); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 288 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBePublic(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePublic(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 289 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeProtected(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeProtected(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 290 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBePrivate(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePrivate(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 291 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeStatic(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStatic(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 292 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeFinal(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeFinal(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 293 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeAbstract(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeAbstract(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 294 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeVolatile(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeVolatile(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 295 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeTransient(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeTransient(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 296 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeStrictfp(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStrictfp(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 297 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeSynchronized(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeSynchronized(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 298 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeNative(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeNative(this, caller); } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 244 public ASTNode Define_ASTNode_enclosingBlock(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_ASTNode_enclosingBlock(this, caller); } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 295 public VariableScope Define_VariableScope_outerScope(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("outerScope() not defined"); } } return getParent().Define_VariableScope_outerScope(this, caller); } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 363 public boolean Define_boolean_insideLoop(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_insideLoop(this, caller); } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 370 public boolean Define_boolean_insideSwitch(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_insideSwitch(this, caller); } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 420 public Case Define_Case_bind(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Case c) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_Case_bind(this, caller, c); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 353 public String Define_String_typeDeclIndent(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return ""; } return getParent().Define_String_typeDeclIndent(this, caller); } // Declared in SyntacticClassification.jrag at line 64 public NameType Define_NameType_nameType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return NameType.NO_NAME; } return getParent().Define_NameType_nameType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 219 public boolean Define_boolean_isAnonymous(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isAnonymous(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 233 public Variable Define_Variable_unknownField(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return unknownType().findSingleVariable("unknown"); } return getParent().Define_Variable_unknownField(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 237 public MethodDecl Define_MethodDecl_unknownMethod(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); { for(Iterator iter = unknownType().memberMethods("unknown").iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); return m; } throw new Error("Could not find method unknown in type Unknown"); } } return getParent().Define_MethodDecl_unknownMethod(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 244 public ConstructorDecl Define_ConstructorDecl_unknownConstructor(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return unknownConstructor(); } return getParent().Define_ConstructorDecl_unknownConstructor(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 256 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_declType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int i = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_declType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 514 public BodyDecl Define_BodyDecl_enclosingBodyDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_BodyDecl_enclosingBodyDecl(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 532 public boolean Define_boolean_isMemberType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isMemberType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 579 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_hostType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_hostType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeCheck.jrag at line 360 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_switchType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return unknownType(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_switchType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeCheck.jrag at line 406 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_returnType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeVoid(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_returnType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeCheck.jrag at line 506 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_enclosingInstance(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_enclosingInstance(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeHierarchyCheck.jrag at line 14 public String Define_String_methodHost(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); { throw new Error("Needs extra equation for methodHost()"); } } return getParent().Define_String_methodHost(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeHierarchyCheck.jrag at line 128 public boolean Define_boolean_inExplicitConstructorInvocation(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_inExplicitConstructorInvocation(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeHierarchyCheck.jrag at line 137 public boolean Define_boolean_inStaticContext(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_inStaticContext(this, caller); } // Declared in UnreachableStatements.jrag at line 158 public boolean Define_boolean_reportUnreachable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getCompilationUnitListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_reportUnreachable(this, caller); } // Declared in VariableDeclaration.jrag at line 87 public boolean Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in VariableDeclaration.jrag at line 88 public boolean Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in VariableDeclaration.jrag at line 89 public boolean Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 94 public boolean Define_boolean_mayUseAnnotationTarget(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayUseAnnotationTarget(this, caller, name); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 180 public ElementValue Define_ElementValue_lookupElementTypeValue(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_ElementValue_lookupElementTypeValue(this, caller, name); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 269 public boolean Define_boolean_withinSuppressWarnings(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String s) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_withinSuppressWarnings(this, caller, s); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 371 public boolean Define_boolean_withinDeprecatedAnnotation(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_withinDeprecatedAnnotation(this, caller); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 430 public Annotation Define_Annotation_lookupAnnotation(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl typeDecl) { if(true) { int i = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_Annotation_lookupAnnotation(this, caller, typeDecl); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 461 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_enclosingAnnotationDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return unknownType(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_enclosingAnnotationDecl(this, caller); } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 33 public GenericMethodDecl Define_GenericMethodDecl_genericMethodDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_GenericMethodDecl_genericMethodDecl(this, caller); } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 36 public GenericConstructorDecl Define_GenericConstructorDecl_genericConstructorDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_GenericConstructorDecl_genericConstructorDecl(this, caller); } // Declared in GenericMethodsInference.jrag at line 39 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_assignConvertedType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return typeNull(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_assignConvertedType(this, caller); } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1140 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeWildcard(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return wildcards().typeWildcard(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeWildcard(this, caller); } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1151 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardExtends(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl typeDecl) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return wildcards().lookupWildcardExtends(typeDecl); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardExtends(this, caller, typeDecl); } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1164 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardSuper(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl typeDecl) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return wildcards().lookupWildcardSuper(typeDecl); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardSuper(this, caller, typeDecl); } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1185 public LUBType Define_LUBType_lookupLUBType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Collection bounds) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return wildcards().lookupLUBType(bounds); } return getParent().Define_LUBType_lookupLUBType(this, caller, bounds); } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1223 public GLBType Define_GLBType_lookupGLBType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, ArrayList bounds) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return wildcards().lookupGLBType(bounds); } return getParent().Define_GLBType_lookupGLBType(this, caller, bounds); } // Declared in GenericsParTypeDecl.jrag at line 46 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_genericDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_genericDecl(this, caller); } // Declared in VariableArityParameters.jrag at line 24 public boolean Define_boolean_variableArityValid(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_variableArityValid(this, caller); } // Declared in InnerClasses.jrag at line 62 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_expectedType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getCompilationUnitListNoTransform()) { int i = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return null; } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_expectedType(this, caller); } // Declared in BooleanExpressions.jrag at line 49 public soot.jimple.Stmt Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_false_label(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getCompilationUnitListNoTransform()) { int i = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); { throw new Error("condition_false_label not implemented"); } } return getParent().Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_false_label(this, caller); } // Declared in BooleanExpressions.jrag at line 53 public soot.jimple.Stmt Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_true_label(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getCompilationUnitListNoTransform()) { int i = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); { throw new Error("condition_true_label not implemented"); } } return getParent().Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_true_label(this, caller); } // Declared in LocalNum.jrag at line 15 public int Define_int_localNum(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getCompilationUnitListNoTransform()) { int index = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return 0; } return getParent().Define_int_localNum(this, caller); } // Declared in Statements.jrag at line 348 public boolean Define_boolean_enclosedByExceptionHandler(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_enclosedByExceptionHandler(this, caller); } // Declared in Statements.jrag at line 449 public ArrayList Define_ArrayList_exceptionRanges(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return null; } return getParent().Define_ArrayList_exceptionRanges(this, caller); } public ASTNode rewriteTo() { return super.rewriteTo(); } }